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A semidistributed approach is given for load balancing in large parallel and distributed systems which is different from the conventional centralized and fully distributed approaches. The proposed strategy uses a two-level hierarchical control by partitioning the interconnection structure of a distributed or multiprocessor system into independent symmetric regions (spheres) centered at some control points. The central points, called schedulers, optimally schedule tasks within their spheres and maintain state information with low overhead. The authors consider interconnection structures belonging to a number of families of distance transitive graphs for evaluation, and, using their algebraic characteristics, show that identification of spheres and their scheduling points is in general an NP-complete problem. An efficient solution for this problem is presented by making exclusive use of a combinatorial structure known as the Hadamard matrix. The performance of the proposed strategy has been evaluated and compared with an efficient fully distributed strategy through an extensive simulation study. The proposed strategy yielded much better results  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a game theoretic approach to solve the static load balancing problem for single-class and multi-class (multi-user) jobs in a distributed system where the computers are connected by a communication network. The objective of our approach is to provide fairness to all the jobs (in a single-class system) and the users of the jobs (in a multi-user system). To provide fairness to all the jobs in the system, we use a cooperative game to model the load balancing problem. Our solution is based on the Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS) which provides a Pareto optimal solution for the distributed system and is also a fair solution. An algorithm for computing the NBS is derived for the proposed cooperative load balancing game. To provide fairness to all the users in the system, the load balancing problem is formulated as a non-cooperative game among the users who try to minimize the expected response time of their own jobs. We use the concept of Nash equilibrium as the solution of our non-cooperative game and derive a distributed algorithm for computing it. Our schemes are compared with other existing schemes using simulations with various system loads and configurations. We show that our schemes perform near the system optimal schemes and are superior to the other schemes in terms of fairness.  相似文献   

It is desirable in a distributed system to have the system load balanced evenly among the nodes so that the mean job response time is minimized.In this paper,we present a dynamic load balancing mechanism(DLB).It adopts a cntralized approach and is network topology independent.The DLB mechanism employs a set of threscholds which are automatically adjusted as the system load changes.It also provides a simple mechanism for the system to switch between periodic and instantaneous load balancing policies with ease.The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by intensive simulations for various parameters.Te simulation results show that the mean job response time in a system implementing DLB algorithm is significantly lower than the same system without load balancings.Furthermore,compared with a previously proposed algorithm,DLB algorithm demonstrates improved performance,especially when the system is heavily loaded and the load is unevenly distributed.  相似文献   

Dynamic load balancing on Web-server systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Popular Web sites cannot rely on a single powerful server nor on independent mirrored-servers to support the ever-increasing request load. Distributed Web server architectures that transparently schedule client requests offer a way to meet dynamic scalability and availability requirements. The authors review the state of the art in load balancing techniques on distributed Web-server systems, and analyze the efficiencies and limitations of the various approaches  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a game theoretic framework for obtaining a user-optimal load balancing scheme in heterogeneous distributed systems. We formulate the static load balancing problem in heterogeneous distributed systems as a noncooperative game among users. For the proposed noncooperative load balancing game, we present the structure of the Nash equilibrium. Based on this structure we derive a new distributed load balancing algorithm. Finally, the performance of our noncooperative load balancing scheme is compared with that of other existing schemes. The main advantages of our load balancing scheme are the distributed structure, low complexity and optimality of allocation for each user.  相似文献   

A serious difficulty in concurrent programming of a distributed system is how to deal with scheduling and load balancing of such a system which may consist of heterogeneous computers. In this paper, we formulate the static load‐balancing problem in single class job distributed systems as a cooperative game among computers. The computers comprising the distributed system are modeled as M/M/1 queueing systems. It is shown that the Nash bargaining solution (NBS) provides an optimal solution (operation point) for the distributed system and it is also a fair solution. We propose a cooperative load‐balancing game and present the structure of NBS. For this game an algorithm for computing NBS is derived. We show that the fairness index is always equal to 1 using NBS, which means that the solution is fair to all jobs. Finally, the performance of our cooperative load‐balancing scheme is compared with that of other existing schemes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) is a type of multiscale algorithm that achieves high resolution in localized regions of dynamic, multidimensional numerical simulations. One of the key issues related to AMR is dynamic load balancing (DLB), which allows large-scale adaptive applications to run efficiently on parallel systems. In this paper, we present an efficient DLB scheme for structured AMR (SAMR) applications. This scheme interleaves a grid-splitting technique with direct grid movements (e.g., direct movement from an overloaded processor to an underloaded processor), for which the objective is to efficiently redistribute workload among all the processors so as to reduce the parallel execution time. The potential benefits of our DLB scheme are examined by incorporating our techniques into a SAMR cosmology application, the ENZO code. Experiments show that by using our scheme, the parallel execution time can be reduced by up to 57% and the quality of load balancing can be improved by a factor of six, as compared to the original DLB scheme used in ENZO.  相似文献   

We discuss a simple run-time load balancing strategy which applies to numerical applications working on planar domains with localized data dependency. We develop an iterative and adaptive partitioner, able to work in a distributed way among the processors of a parallel system. Our algorithm subdivides data space into general quadrilaterals, where each processor works on the data of one area. The topology of these domains is that of a rectangular grid and does not change during execution. In this way a very simple and efficient communication structure is given. The administration overhead due to irregular geometry is small. Also, the overhead caused by periodically read-justing load balance is rather small because of the adaptivity and parallelity of the partitioning algorithm. We ran an scientific application to compare our method with a method working by recursive bisection, and obtained satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Algorithmic mechanism design for load balancing in distributed systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Computational grids are promising next-generation computing platforms for large-scale problems in science and engineering. Grids are large-scale computing systems composed of geographically distributed resources (computers, storage etc.) owned by self interested agents or organizations. These agents may manipulate the resource allocation algorithm in their own benefit, and their selfish behavior may lead to severe performance degradation and poor efficiency. In this paper, we investigate the problem of designing protocols for resource allocation involving selfish agents. Solving this kind of problems is the object of mechanism design theory. Using this theory, we design a truthful mechanism for solving the static load balancing problem in heterogeneous distributed systems. We prove that using the optimal allocation algorithm the output function admits a truthful payment scheme satisfying voluntary participation. We derive a protocol that implements our mechanism and present experiments to show its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Actual HPC systems are composed by multicore processors and powerful graphics processing units. Adapting existing code and libraries to these new systems is a fundamental problem due to the important increment on programming difficulties. The heterogeneity, both at architectural and programming levels at the same time, raises the programmability wall. The performance of the code is affected by the large interdependence between the code and the parallel architecture. We have developed a dynamic load balancing library that allows parallel code to be adapted to a wide variety of heterogeneous systems. The overhead introduced by our system is minimal and the cost to the programmer negligible. This system has been successfully applied to solve load imbalance problems appearing in homogeneous and heterogeneous multiGPU platforms. We consider the Dynamic Programming technique as case of study to validate our proposals using different heterogeneous scenarios in multiGPU systems.  相似文献   

One of the most significant causes for performance degradation of scientific and engineering applications on high performance computing systems is the uneven distribution of the computational work to the resources of the system. This effect, which is known as load imbalance, is even more noticeable in the case of irregular applications and heterogeneous distributed systems. This motivated the parallel and distributed computing research community to focus on methods that provide good load balancing for scientific and engineering applications running on (heterogeneous) distributed systems. Efficient load balancing and scheduling methods are employed for scientific applications from various fields, such as mechanics, materials, physics, chemistry, biology, applied mathematics, etc. Such applications typically employ a large number of computational methods in order to simulate complex phenomena, on very large scales of time and magnitude. These simulations consist of routines that perform repetitive computations (in the form of DO/FOR loops) over very large data sets, which, if not properly implemented and executed, may suffer from poor performance. The number of repetitive computations in the simulation codes is not always constant. Moreover, the computational nature of these simulations may be in fact irregular, leading to the case when one computation takes (unpredictably) more time than others. For successful and timely results, large scale simulations require the use of large scale computing systems, which often are widely distributed and highly heterogeneous. Moreover, large scale computing systems are usually shared among multiple users, which causes the quality and quantity of the available resources to be highly unpredictable. There are numerous load balancing methods in the literature for different parallel architectures. The most recent of these methods typically follow the master-worker paradigm, where a single coordinator (master) is responsible for making all the scheduling decisions based on information provided by the workers. Depending on the application requirements, the scheduling policy and the computational environment, the benefits of this paradigm may be limited as follows: (1) its efficiency may not scale as the number of processors increases, and (2) it is quite probable that the scheduling decisions are made based on outdated information, especially on systems where the workload changes rapidly. In an effort to address these limitations, we propose a distributed (master-less) load balancing scheme, in which the scheduling decisions are made by the workers in a distributed fashion. We implemented this method along with other two master-worker schemes (a previously existing one and a recently modified one) for three different scientific computational kernels. In order to validate the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed scheme, we conducted a series of comparative performance tests with the two master-worker schemes for each computational kernel. The target system is an SMP cluster, on which we simulated three different patterns of system load fluctuation. The experiments strongly support the belief that the distributed approach offers greater performance and better scalability on such systems, showing an overall improvement ranging from 13% to 24% over the master-worker approaches.  相似文献   

Adaptive routing algorithms improve network performance by distributing traffic over the whole network. However, they require congestion information to facilitate load balancing. To provide local and global congestion information, we propose a learning method based on dual reinforcement learning approach. This information can be dynamically updated according to the changing traffic condition in the network by propagating data and learning packets. We utilize a congestion detection method which updates the learning rate according to the congestion level. This method calculates the average number of free buffer slots in each switch at specific time intervals and compares it with maximum and minimum values. Based on the comparison result, the learning rate sets to a value between 0 and 1. If a switch gets congested, the learning rate is set to a high value, meaning that the global information is more important than local. In contrast, local is more emphasized than global information in non-congested switches. Results show that the proposed approach achieves a significant performance improvement over the traditional Q-routing, DRQ-routing, DBAR and Dynamic XY algorithms.  相似文献   

Contemporary operating systems for single-ISA (instruction set architecture) multi-core systems attempt to distribute tasks equally among all the CPUs. This approach works relatively well when there is no difference in CPU capability. However, there are cases in which CPU capability differs from one another. For instance, static capability asymmetry results from the advent of new asymmetric hardware, and dynamic capability asymmetry comes from the operating system (OS) outside noise caused from networking or I/O handling. These asymmetries can make it hard for the OS scheduler to evenly distribute the tasks, resulting in less efficient load balancing. In this paper, we propose a user-level load balancer for parallel applications, called the ’capability balancer’, which recognizes the difference of CPU capability and makes subtasks share the entire CPU capability fairly. The balancer can coexist with the existing kernel-level load balancer without detrimenting the behavior of the kernel balancer. The capability balancer can fairly distribute CPU capability to tasks with very little overhead. For real workloads like the NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB), we have accomplished speedups of up to 9.8% and 8.5% in dynamic and static asymmetries, respectively. We have also experienced speedups of 13.3% for dynamic asymmetry and 24.1% for static asymmetry in a competitive environment. The impacts of our task selection policies, FIFO (first in, first out) and cache, were compared. The use of the cache policy led to a speedup of 5.3% in overall execution time and a decrease of 4.7% in the overall cache miss count, compared with the FIFO policy, which is used by default.  相似文献   

In recent years, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) industries have taken a great interest in utilizing the benefits of RFID for supply chain management, inventory control and various other applications. This paper proposed an adaptive load balancing technique for RFID middleware systems to meet the demands of scalability and heterogeneity. First, we explored five basic load balancing policies, namely, information policy, job selection policy, transfer policy, initiation policy and location policy. Eighteen load balancing schemes were then proposed for RFID middleware systems that were combinations of various types of the five basic load balancing policies. Our empirical study suggested that these load balancing strategies performed differently under different workload statuses. Finally, an adaptive load balancing strategy was proposed. The load balancing schemes and the proposed adaptive load balancing strategy have been implemented in the RFID Middleware Load Management System (RM‐LMS). Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The introduction of multicore microprocessors has enabled smaller organizations to invest in high performance shared memory parallel systems. These systems ship with standard operating systems using preset thresholds for task imbalance assessment to activate load balancing. Unfortunately, this will unnecessarily trigger task migrations when the number of tasks is a few multiples of the number of processing cores. We illustrate this unnecessary task migration behavior through simulation and introduce a dynamic threshold for task imbalance assessment that is dependent on the number of tasks and the number of processing cores. This is as a replacement for the static threshold that is used by standard operating systems. With the dynamic threshold method, we are able to illustrate a performance gain of up to 17% on a synthetic benchmark and up to 25% gain using the Integer Sort Benchmark from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Advanced Supercomputing Parallel Benchmark Suite.  相似文献   

The distributed environments constitute a major option for the future development of high-performance computing. In order to be able to efficiently execute parallel applications on such systems, one should ensure a fair utilization of the available resources. Here, we address a number of aspects regarding the generalization of the diffusion algorithms for the case when the processors have different relative speeds and the communication parameters have different values. Although some work has been done in this direction, we propose complementary results and we investigate other variants than those commonly used. In a first step, we discuss general aspects of the generalized diffusion. Bounds are formulated for the convergence factor and an explicit expression is given for the migration flow generated by such algorithms. It is shown that this flow has an important property, that is a scaled projection of all other balancing flows. In the second part, a variant of generalized diffusion is investigated. Complexity results are formulated and it is shown that this algorithm theoretically converges faster than the hydrodynamic algorithm. Comparative tests between different variants of generalized diffusion algorithms are performed.  相似文献   

Efficient, proximity-aware load balancing for DHT-based P2P systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Many solutions have been proposed to tackle the load balancing issue in DHT-based P2P systems. However, all these solutions either ignore the heterogeneity nature of the system, or reassign loads among nodes without considering proximity relationships, or both. In this paper, we present an efficient, proximity-aware load balancing scheme by using the concept of virtual servers. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to use proximity information in load balancing. In particular, our main contributions are: 1) relying on a self-organized, fully distributed k-ary tree structure constructed on top of a DHT, load balance is achieved by aligning those two skews in load distribution and node capacity inherent in P2P systems - that is, have higher capacity nodes carry more loads; 2) proximity information is used to guide virtual server reassignments such that virtual servers are reassigned and transferred between physically close heavily loaded nodes and lightly loaded nodes, thereby minimizing the load movement cost and allowing load balancing to perform efficiently; and 3) our simulations show that our proximity-aware load balancing scheme reduces the load movement cost by 11-65 percent for all the combinations of two representative network topologies, two node capacity profiles, and two load distributions of virtual servers. Moreover, we achieve virtual server reassignments in O(log N) time.  相似文献   

One of the main challenges in peer-to-peer-based volunteer computing systems is an efficient resource discovery algorithm. Load balancing is a part of resource discovery algorithm and aims to minimize the overall response time of the system. This paper introduces an analytical model based on distributed parallel queues to optimize the average response time of the system in a distributed manner. The proposed resource discovery algorithm consists of two phases. In the first phase, it selects peers in a load-balanced manner based on QoS constraints of request. In the second phase, a proximity-aware feature is applied to select the peer with minimum communication overhead among selected peers in the first phase. Two dispatching strategies are proposed for the load balancing based on stochastic analysis of routing in the distributed parallel queues. These policies adopt probabilistic and deterministic sequences to redirect requests to the capable peers in the system. Simulation results show that the proposed resource discovery algorithm improves the response time of user’s requests by a factor of 1.8 under a moderate load.  相似文献   

In the present work, the parallelization of the solution of a system of linear equations, in the framework of finite element computational analyses, is dealt with. As the substructuring method is used, the basic idea refers to a way of decomposing the considered spatial domain, discretized by the finite elements, into a finite set of non-overlapping subdomains, each assigned to an individual processor and computationally analysed in parallel. Considering the fact that Personal Computers and Work Stations are still the most frequently used computers, a parallel computational platform can be built by connecting the available computers into a computer network. The incorporated computers being usually of different computational power and memory size, the efficiency of parallel computations on such a heterogeneous distributed system depends mainly on proper load balance. To cope the balance problem, an algorithm for the efficient load balance for structured and free 2D quadrilateral finite element meshes based on the rearrangement of elements among respective sub-domains, has been developed.  相似文献   

Shared nothing multiprocessor architecture is known to be more scalable to support very large databases. Compared to other join strategies, a hash-based join algorithm is particularly efficient and easily parallelized for this computation model. However, this hardware structure is very sensitive to the skew in tuple distribution. Unless the parallel hash join algorithm includes some dynamic load balancing mechanism, the skew effect can severely deteriorate the system performance. In this paper, we investigate this issue. In particular, three parallel hash join algorithms are presented. We implement a simulator to study the effectiveness of these schemes. The simulation model is validated by comparing the simulation results to those produced by the actual implementation of the algorithms running on a multiprocessor system. Our performance study indicates that a naive approach is not able to provide tangible savings. However, the carefully designed strategies can offer substantial improvement over conventional techniques for a wide range of skew conditions  相似文献   

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