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The impact of a water demand management plan on a water system and its users is investigated within a comprehensive cooperative water allocation framework. In particular, a demand management plan is incorporated into a two-step multi-period fair water allocation model. A modified cooperative game is designed for the sharing of additional net benefits under the scenario having water demand management. The results indicate that cooperation among water users can yield more net benefits, and a water demand management plan is able to lead to a further increase of the aggregated net benefits by means of water transfers from less productive users to more productive ones. By utilizing the modified cooperative game, fair sharing of additional net benefits ensures that every water user can expect to receive more net benefits and thereby water users are motivated by incentives to implement a water demand management plan which in turn improves water use efficiency. The results demonstrate that the demand management plan can be of great assistance in some arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a decision support framework that assists managers in the urban water industry to analyse a mix of water service options, at the whole-of-city scale. The decision support framework moves decision-making in urban water systems from traditional command and control approaches that tend to focus on an outcome at a point in time to a more sustainable, inclusive and dynamic decision-making process driven by social learning and engagement. While available models and evaluation techniques provide valuable input to decision-making, the complex nature of urban water systems requires more than just social and economic criteria to be considered as part of decision support frameworks. The authors believe that current decision support frameworks need to be presented in a way that incorporates adaptive management and integrated urban water management strengths at the strategic and operational level. The inclusion of social learning and engagement is necessary to achieving this end.  相似文献   

The water quality of rivers in Japan has received greater attention in recent years due to a number of factors, including human-induced land subsidence and an increase in water demand. Surface waters are adversely affected by high frequency, low level risks (such as the continuous release of hazardous substances) and less frequent, high impact risks (such as the release of chemicals due to natural disasters or industrial accidents). This paper puts forth an integrated Water Basin Management (WBM) decision framework to study the latter: these relatively infrequent, but often catastrophic hazards, are less well-studied than the more familiar high frequency, low level risks. The six main components of this WBM decision framework involve (a) determining possible threats to surface waters; (b) identifying surface waters most at risk to contamination; (c) identifying weaknesses (gaps) in current monitoring systems; (d) using accident analysis to determine proactive WBM; (e) analyzing the temporal-spatial impact of policies on water basins, (f) designing new policies and approaches for integrated WBM. Japan's recently published Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is used to develop a WBM decision framework for managing surface water contamination in Nagoya, Japan. Participatory surface water management is emphasized in order to achieve a holistic and sustainable WBM decision making process.  相似文献   

Successful implementation of integrated water resources planning and management (IWRM) requires delineation of regions that are relatively homogeneous with respect to multiple criteria, including hydrographic, physical-environmental, socioeconomic, and political-administrative aspects. The water resources planning and management (WARPLAM) DSS is presented as tool for regionalization in support of IWRM through: (1) GIS processing of spatial data related to multiple criteria for defining the homogeneity of clustered base units (e.g., catchments) with respect to multiple criteria; (2) application of fuzzy set theory to development of composite measures of homogeneity over all criteria for alternative clustering of adjacent base units; and (3) development of a modified dynamic programming clustering algorithm that guarantees consistent optimal solutions based on user preferences on the relative importance of the suite of criteria considered for regionalization. The viability of WARPLAM DSS as a tool for regional delineation in support of IWRM is demonstrated through a case study application to the Tocantins-Araguaia River Basin, the second largest in Brazil.  相似文献   

以区域水土资源联合优化配置的多学科综合与新技术的应用成果相结合,探讨了区域水土资源联合优化配置的内涵及其体系的主要构成要素。将涉及水土资源联合优化配置的所有要素与社会、经济、环境系统耦合成一个复杂的水–土–社会经济–生态系统的模拟系统,研究在社会、经济和自然等因素的共同作用下区域水资源与土地资源配置的相互作用趋势。基于多级递阶结构的分解协调方法,讨论了水土资源联合配置的递阶结构及求解思路,提出了基于"压力–状态–响应"概念框架的区域水土资源联合优化配置的系统动力学仿真模型体系的设计方法,建立了区域水土资源联合优化配置系统的理论框架体系。  相似文献   

在气候变化、经济持续高速发展的背景下,水资源形势日趋严峻。通过河湖水系连通工程改变自然水系连通情况,建立起大范围、跨流域的水资源统筹调配格局,进行水资源时间和空间上的重新分配,实现多源互补、丰枯调剂,成为解决我国水资源配置问题的新途径。相比传统水资源配置,基于河湖水系连通的水资源配置更多考虑跨流域(区域)水资源合理利用,涉及更广泛的区域范围和利益群体。基于河湖水系连通的水资源配置的基本特征和原则,本次研究提出新型水资源配置模式——权益保障与均衡发展模式,在考虑不同区域、行业、部门利益的前提下,突出权益保障与均衡发展。同时,探讨了对河湖水系连通后水资源配置中的主要技术与方法,包括跨流域水循环过程模拟技术、调水区与受水区丰枯遭遇分析方法、受水区可供水量计算方法等问题。  相似文献   

This paper describes a decision support methodology for the selection of a wastewater treatment system based on integrated urban water management principles for a remote settlement with failing septic systems. Thirty-two service and treatment technologies options were considered, these included: (i) conventional gravity sewerage, (ii) common effluent drainage, (iii) community sewage treatment plant based on various technology options (lagoon treatment, Living Machine®, sequencing batch reactor, membrane biological reactor, rotating biological contactor, recirculating textile filter, extended aeration) with and without urine separation, greywater diversion or treatment and reuse at household scale. The options were assessed using a framework that considered technical, economic, environmental and social factors relevant to the local community and associated stakeholders (water utility, government agencies) and tools such as engineering design, life cycle assessment and multi-criteria analysis for evaluation of overall sustainability. Adoption of a systems approach allowed the identification of benefits and trade-offs among stakeholders creating opportunities for adoption of more innovative treatment options and maximisation of the sustainability of the service. The treatment option that maximised the social, environmental and economic benefits for the settlement consisted of individual households adopting greywater treatment, storage and reuse, urine separation and a community wastewater treatment plant with recirculating textile filter technology. This solution provided the required sanitation, increased the sources of water supply to residents, satisfied environmental regulator requirements, minimised nitrogen discharge to waterways and provided an option for beneficial reuse of urine for neighbouring farmers at a cost and management needs acceptable to the water utility.  相似文献   

灌区灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析灌溉用水管理主要内容和决策流程以及确定的系统开发原则基础上,提出了具有系统结构合理、软件设计先进、实用性强、扩充性能好、适应实时决策要求的灌溉用水管理决策支持系统总体设计方案以数据库和知识库作为信息基础,以模型库作为管理决策的重要支撑手段,针对以上三库相互之间在概念和结构上存在交叉,在运行中存在数据流交换的特点,建立总控系统。通过多组件之间的接口集成整个决策支持系统,实现信息查询、灌水预报、水量分配等功能。该系统界面友好、直观,操作灵活、方便。  相似文献   

Optimizing water allocations for the agricultural sector, the main water consumer, at the beginning of a period of drought is essential. However, long-term inflow forecasting, with its high uncertainty, is a necessary component of the allocation process. This paper presents a methodology that combines this uncertainty with economic factors to determine water allocation. The following models were developed and linked: optimization of agricultural water allocation under water scarcity, long-term flow forecast and quantification of forecast uncertainties. The approach coordinates economic values of water with system operational requirements. The Zayandeh Rud dam and irrigation system was selected to explore the methodology of this research.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In water resource management, assessing water resource allocation scenarios (WRASs) is an important multi-attribute decision making (MADM) problem. It involves...  相似文献   

This paper presents an innovative decision support system (DSS) for prognostic and diagnostic analyses of water distribution system (WDS) failures. The framework of the DSS is based on four novel models developed and published by the authors of this paper. The four models include reliability assessment model, leakage potential model, leakage detection model, and water quality failure potential model. Information obtained from these models together with external information such as customer complaints, lab test results (if any), and historical information are integrated using Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory to evaluate prognostic and diagnostic capabilities of the DSS. The prognostic capabilities of the DSS provide hydraulic and water quality states of a WDS whereas the diagnostic capabilities of the DSS help to identify the failure location with minimal time after the occurrence and will help to reduce false positive and false negative predictions. The framework has ‘unique’ capacity to bring the modeling information (hydraulic and Quality), consumer complaints, historical failure data, and laboratory test information under a single platform to perform a prognostic and diagnostic investigation of WDS failures (hydraulic and Quality). The proof of concept of the DSS has been demonstrated using data used in published four articles. The outcomes of this research widely addressed the uncertainties associated with WDS which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of diagnosis and prognosis analyses of WDS. It is expected that the developed integrated framework will help municipalities to make informed decisions to increase the safety, reliability and the security of public health.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - The management of water resources in medium and large cities has been changing in recent years, mainly as a result of climate change and the sharp increase of...  相似文献   

面对海河流域水资源调配的严峻形势,为全面调度和优化配置海河流域水资源,以多目标水资源规划配置模型为基础,建立海河流域水资源调配决策支持系统,辅助流域水资源规划和水资源调配决策。分别从系统体系结构、数据流程、核心模型及系统开发方面,介绍海河流域水资源调配决策支持系统。本系统作为海河流域水资源配置的统一平台,服务于流域实现最严格水资源管理制度、加强"三条红线"管理,并为实现水资源优化配置和科学管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

Hydroclimatic drought conditions can affect the hydrological services offered by mountain river basins causing severe impacts on the population, becoming a challenge for water resource managers in Andean river basins. This study proposes an integrated methodological framework for assessing the risk of failure in water supply, incorporating probabilistic drought forecasts, which assists in making decisions regarding the satisfaction of consumptive, non-consumptive and environmental requirements under water scarcity conditions. Monte Carlo simulation was used to assess the risk of failure in multiple stochastic scenarios, which incorporate probabilistic forecasts of drought events based on a Markov chains (MC) model using a recently developed drought index (DI). This methodology was tested in the Machángara river basin located in the south of Ecuador. Results were grouped in integrated satisfaction indexes of the system (DSIG). They demonstrated that the incorporation of probabilistic drought forecasts could better target the projections of simulation scenarios, with a view of obtaining realistic situations instead of optimistic projections that would lead to riskier decisions. Moreover, they contribute to more effective results in order to propose multiple alternatives for prevention and/or mitigation under drought conditions.  相似文献   

谢齐 《中国水利》2003,(18):34-34
1998年以后,英国决定为全英格兰和威尔士的所有流域制订流域洪水管理规划(CFMP).为此,英国环保署(EA)和环境食品乡村部(DEFRA)等多个国家政府机构制定了用于CFMP的指南手册,并开发了一个用于支持制定CFMP的以GIS为平台的模拟与决策支持框架(MDSF--Modelling and Decision Support Framework).……  相似文献   

塔里木河流域水量调度决策支持系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
塔里木河流域地处西部干旱区,气候极端干旱,降雨稀少,蒸发强烈,水资源相对贫乏,生态环境脆弱.尤其是源流区用水增加致使干流来水量逐年减少,干流下游河道断流,尾闾台特玛湖干涸,具有战略意义的绿色走廊濒临消失,必须加强流域水量统一调度.现介绍了塔里木河流域水量统一调度决策支持系统,该系统具有来水预报、需水预测、调度方案编制和调度总结等功能.该系统从流域社会经济─水资源系统和河道来水─引水两个方面优化调度流域水资源,建立的水量调控模型框架和水量调度模型,能够适用于大型流域多水源、多用户复杂条件下的水量调度,具有可操作性和普适性强的特点.  相似文献   

针对黄河水资源短缺、干旱频发、旱灾损失大等重大问题,以应对干旱的黄河流域水资源调配为切入点,开展大型灌区旱情实时监测、应对干旱的径流洪水预报、大型梯级水库群优化调度以及干旱风险管理等关键技术研究,提出干旱评估与演变特征识别、灌区干旱实时监测、洪水/径流预报、多年调节水库旱限水位最优控制、水库多分期汛限水位优化、梯级水库群协同优化调度、干旱应对与风险管理等关键技术,形成大型灌区旱情实时监测、径流/洪水预报以及黄河梯级水库群调度等技术平台,集成黄河流域旱灾监测与预警、抗旱水源调度等综合技术体系框架,实现黄河流域干旱的有序应对,显著提升应对干旱的黄河水资源调配技术水平。  相似文献   

黄河流域水资源保护决策支持体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河流域水资源保护决策支持体系是“数字黄河”工程在水资源保护领域的具体体现,主要由信息采集、信息传输、数据存储、业务应用以及专家决策支持和信息服务等部分组成。在对其构成及主要内容进行分析的基础上,在体系建设中运用结构化的应用系统解决技术框架;采用多层结构、组件技术及MIS与GIS相结合的开发模式、B/S与C/S相融和的实现模式;建立模型库,以支持决策支持体系建设。该体系的建设运用对黄河水资源的科学管理、优化配置和有效保护提供全方位的现代化手段和快捷的智能决策支撑。  相似文献   

This paper presents the conceptualisation, design and implementation of an online course on the topic of Decision Support Systems in River Basin Management. The need for development of such a course has been recognised, as activities in the field of water resources planning and management increasingly depend on decision support methods such as simulation, optimisation and Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). The online learning approach is particularly needed for continuous professional development and life-long learning of professionals active in this field, and especially for those coming from developing countries. The course was developed and implemented following the competence-based learning approach, supported by the EU FP 7 educational research project named TenCompetence, which also provided the learning platform for deploying and delivering the course. The paper presents the course design, implementation and evaluation by the course participants, with special focus on the course content and the developed learning resources. Participants’ evaluations show high appreciation for the course, but they also highlight areas for future improvements.  相似文献   

黄河水资源规划决策支持系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河水资源规划决策支持系统是一个包括人机交互界面,数据库管理系统和模型库管理系统的决策辅助工具,其中模型库中包括预测模型,优化模型,模拟模型和评价模型,分别起着需水量预测,方案筛选,模拟计算及方案评价的作用。该系统具有人机交互、信息支持模型辅助决策以及水资源利用方案的生成,计算和评价等功能,并突出实用性,灵活性和可操作性。  相似文献   

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