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This article proposes a methodology to accurately monitor seawater intrusion (SWI) using time-varied GALDIT vulnerability maps. The properly produced samples are then used as input–output patterns for the approximate SWI simulation. As a novelty, the specific area of high susceptibility to SWI is proposed as the dynamic saltwater wedge position to suitably select the monitoring locations (MLs) from a narrowed area. It is observed that varied initial conditions over time periods have more influence than variable pumping rates on salinity at MLs far from the production wells. Support Vector Regression (SVR), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) models have been substituted for the numerical model of SWI. Input training patterns of the surrogate models are initial salinity concentrations at selected MLs plus transient pumping values via Latin hypercube sampling. The final salinity at MLs constitutes the output patterns. The paper applies this new methodology to a small study area subject to the SWI problem. The generalization ability of surrogate models for predicting new initial conditions-pumping datasets was evaluated using performance criteria considering the ML locations. All surrogates offered good results for predicting SWI at specified MLs. The SVR model had poor performance compared to ANN and GPR models in MLs near the pumping wells, due to their salinity fluctuations over time.



Saltwater intrusion (SWI) has a negative environmental impact on groundwater quality in coastal areas. Therefore, effective management strategies are required to preserve fresh groundwater resources. Historically, vertical barriers have been exclusively considered in both numerical studies and practical applications. The novelty of this study consists in investigating the SWI mitigation effectiveness of inclined physical subsurface barriers (PSBs), and specifically cutoff walls (CWs) and subsurface dams (SDs). An initial benchmark analysis of the Henry problem was performed. Following verification, the proposed model was applied to a real case study - the Biscayne aquifer (Southeastern Florida, USA). The model simulations run for different scenarios considering the vertical placement of the PSB, an inclined placement of the PSB according to different slopes (1/4, 1/2 and 1/1, at sea- and landside) and the combination of the best scenario. The results showed that CWs are more effective in limiting SWI in comparison with SDs. The most positive impact in both cases was achieved for a slope of 1/4, indicating that a moderate vertical inclination of the PSB better preserve coastal groundwater resources. The model presented in this work can be a valuable tool for policy makers in predicting the coastal aquifer response. However, a comprehensive cost–benefit analysis is required to further account for the feasibility and the economic costs related to the construction of inclined PSBs.


Predicting the extent of saltwater intrusion (SWI) into coastal aquifers in response to changing pumping patterns is a prerequisite of any groundwater management framework. This study investigates the feasibility of using support vector machine regression (SVMr), an innovative artificial intelligence-based machine learning algorithm for predicting salinity concentrations at selected monitoring wells in an illustrative aquifer under variable groundwater pumping conditions. For evaluation purpose, the prediction results of SVMr are compared with well-established genetic programming (GP) based surrogate models. SVMr and GP models are trained and validated using identical sets of input (pumping) and output (salinity concentration) datasets. The trained and validated models are then used to predict salinity concentrations at specified monitoring wells in response to new pumping datasets. Prediction capabilities of the two learning machines are evaluated using different proficiency measures to ensure their practicality and generalisation ability. The performance evaluation results suggest that the prediction capability of SVMr is superior to GP models. Also, a sensitivity analysis methodology is proposed for assessing the impact of pumping rates on salt concentrations at monitoring locations. This sensitivity analysis provides a subset of most influential pumping rates, which is used to construct new SVMr surrogate models with improved predictive capabilities. The improved prediction capability and the generalisation ability of the SVMr models together with the ability to improve the accuracy of prediction by refining the input set for training makes the use of proposed SVMr models more attractive. Prediction models with more accurate prediction capability makes it potentially very useful for designing large scale coastal aquifer management strategies.  相似文献   


Saltwater intrusion into coastal aquifers has become a prominent environmental concern worldwide. As such, there is a need to prepare and implement proper remediation techniques with careful planning of freshwater withdrawal systems for controlling saltwater intrusion in coastal marine and estuarine environments. This paper investigates the performance of groundwater circulation well (GCW) in controlling saltwater intrusion problems in unconfined coastal aquifers. The GCWs have been established as a promising in-situ remedial technique of contaminated groundwater. The GCW system creates vertical circulation flow by extracting groundwater from an aquifer through a screen in a single well and injecting back into the aquifer through another screen. The circulation flow induced by GCW force water in a circular pattern between abstraction and recharge screens and can be as a hydraulic barrier for controlling saltwater intrusion problem in coastal aquifers. In this study, an effort has been made to investigate the behavior of saltwater intrusion dynamics under a GCW. An experiment has been conducted in a laboratory-scale flow tank model under constant water head boundary conditions, and the variable-density flow and transport model FEMWATER is used to simulate the flow and transport processes for the experimental setup. The evaluation of the results indicates that there is no further movement of saltwater intrusion wedge towards the inland side upon implementation of GCW, and the GCW acts as a hydraulic barrier in controlling saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. The present study reveals the GCWs system can effectively mitigate the saltwater intrusion problem in coastal regions and could be considered as one of the most efficient management strategies for controlling the problem.


Momejian  N.  Abou Najm  M.  Alameddine  I.  El-Fadel  M. 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(3):1039-1052

Seawater intrusion has become a growing threat in coastal urban cities due to overexploitation of groundwater. This study examines the accuracy of the commonly used geospatial quality assessment models (GQA) and groundwater vulnerability assessment models (GVA) in determining the extent of seawater intrusion in urban coastal aquifers. For that purpose, interpolation methods (kriging, IDW and co-kriging) and vulnerability assessment models (DRASTIC, EPIK) were compared using groundwater salinity criteria (TDS, Cl?) collected at three pilot areas along the eastern Mediterranean (Beirut, Tripoli, Jal el Dib). The results showed that while the GIS-based interpolation methods and the vulnerability assessment models captured elements of the groundwater quality deterioration, both had a limited ability to accurately delineate saltwater intrusion. This emphasizes that while interpolation methods and conventional vulnerability models may give general information about groundwater quality, they fail to capture the status of the aquifer at a finer spatial resolution.


This paper presents a model for the optimal allocation of water resources in saltwater intrusion areas. The model is comprised of four modules: a joint operation of river and reservoirs module (JORRM), a saltwater intrusion analysis module (SIAM), an economic analysis and in-stream ecology demand module (EAIEDM) and a water allocation module (WAM). Considering the social, economic and environmental aspects, the model has three objectives: the maximization of economic interest (OF 1), maximization of social satisfaction (OF 2) and the minimization of the amounts of polluted water (OF 3). A genetic algorithm is also employed to optimize the module. The model has then been applied to a case study of optimization of water resources for the Pearl River Delta in China. The results indicate that there is water shortage in Pearl River Delta and engineering projects are needed to satisfy water demand during the dry season when saltwater intrusion happens. The model provides a useful tool for the operation of reservoirs and freshwater allocation in saltwater intrusion area.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that groundwater-vulnerability maps are a useful tool for making decisions on designating pollution-vulnerable areas, in addition to being a requirement of European Directive 91/676/EEC. This study addressed the vulnerability of the Mancha Oriental System (MOS) to groundwater contamination with an integrated Generic and Agricultural DRASTIC model approach. In the MOS, groundwater is the sole water resource for a total population of about 275,000 inhabitants and for 1,000 km2 of irrigated crops. DRASTIC vulnerability maps have been drawn up for two different years (1975 and 2002) in which the potentiometric surface has dropped dramatically (80 m in some areas) due to the considerable expansion of irrigated croplands. The quality of available resources has also deteriorated due to the agricultural practices and the discharge of wastewater effluents. Vulnerability maps are used to test the data on nitrate, sulphate, and chloride contents in groundwater in the Central and El Salobral-Los Llanos hydrogeologic domains of the MOS for 2002. Regardless of the method applied, the dramatic alteration in land use leads to a change in the DRASTIC index and vulnerability to groundwater contamination decreases for the study period. Vulnerability in the MOS increases in areas where the irrigation return flow is notable. The lack of a statistical correspondence between the DRASTIC index and the spatial distribution of nitrate, chloride, and sulphate contents and the distribution of the pollution load suggest that this method does not accurately assess the risk of the MOS to groundwater pollution.  相似文献   

土石坝坝坡失稳模糊风险分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对土石坝坝坡失稳风险的不确定性进行分析,建立了考虑设计参数模糊性和失效准则模糊性的坝坡失稳模糊风险模型,并运用蒙特卡罗方法求解其风险概率,将模糊参数进行模糊化处理后,可直接采用现有传统风险计算方法计算失事概率。结果表明,坝坡失稳风险分析中考虑了风险的模糊性使计算结果更加合理,风险评价更加符合工程实际。  相似文献   

索风营水电站是应用X形宽尾墩+台阶坝面+消力池联合泄洪消能方式(水力学研究模型试验研究发现的一种新型消能方式)的第1个工程,因此该电站的水库调度方案显得尤其重要。该水库于2007年7月30日首次开闸泄洪;2008年遭遇了凝冻灾害,为保证水库安全运行启动了水库紧急调度方案。本文根据2007年泄洪后的数据与试验资料以及紧急措施对索风营水电站水库调度方案进行探讨。  相似文献   

Zhong  Ming  Wang  Jiao  Gao  Liang  Lin  Kairong  Hong  Yang 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(7):2537-2553

The assessment of flash flood risks is the basis on which flash flood prevention measures and early-warning systems can be proposed and reasonably implemented. However, inadequate monitoring of flash flood data which mainly occurs in remote areas restricts quantitative risk assessment. This study aimed to address the problems of limited data availability. A new model that integrating the Cloud-based Information Diffusion (CID) model and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach is developed to assess flash flood risks. The proposed method improves the information diffusion function by introducing cloud model, while converting single-valued observations with incomplete information into fuzzy set-valued samples. The new approach can perform comprehensive risk assessment tasks with various indexes that are composed of incomplete information. Another advantage of this approach is that it can illustrate fuzzy uncertainty, fuzziness, and randomness of risk indexes by coupling with the cloud model, the risk magnitude is quantified with membership degree. A mountainous watershed in Southern China named Yangshan County was selected as the study area. Compared with information diffusion (ID) and entropy-based information diffusion (EID), the assessment results of the three models are, in general, consistent with one another, and agree with the reported values. According to the principle of maximum membership degree, Yangshan County is determined as a high-risk region when confronting with flash flood hazards. This model provides a feasible and effective method on fuzzy risk assessment of flash flooding, and is expected to be applied in other multi-criteria decision with limited available information or small sample problems.


绕阳河穿堤建设物在改建和续建过程中,发现有的涵洞出现裂缝,本文在分析其原因后,研究了三个处理方案,对其它涵洞的裂缝处理有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

1 工程概述 鲁皖成品油管道线路经过山东邹平县崖风口处桩号为B072GG-44~B072GG-46,在济青高速控制区内与其平行敷设,设计长度914 m,最大高差58 m,该段范围地质为丘陵石方段,覆盖土层厚度0~10 cm,岩层石质为辉斑玄武岩,中等风化程度,裂隙发育.  相似文献   

通过对东莞市城市供水系统现状的调查,对城市供水系统中存在的问题进行了分析,并针对这些问题提出了供水水源、供水网络、供水管理方面的优化方案,供水资源优化配置时参考.  相似文献   

分析了变压器空投时差动保护中3种不同电流相位补偿方式识别涌流的效果,表明3种电流相位补偿方式识别涌流效果相当,可相互补充。引入模糊识别原理,提出了综合利用3种电流相位补偿方式的思想,适当选取二次谐波隶属度函数,分别求取不同电流相位补偿方式下A,B,C三相的二次谐波隶属度,进而得到各相的综合隶属度。在此基础上,提出基于综合隶属度的三取二原则方式来识别涌流,提高了变压器差动保护励磁涌流闭锁的可靠性。动模实验数据和现场实例的仿真分析验证了新方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

为了对大坝的安全进行有效的识别和评价,文中对大坝运行中的安全风险进行了分析和归纳,建立了模糊层次综合特性评价模型。运用层次分析法确立了各因素的权重,得到了评价矩阵并对其做了模糊化处理,通过运算得到综合评价结果,为大坝安全风险的控制以及评测提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

老灌河流域是南水北调中线工程上游重要水源涵养区,其水质状况的稳定对于调水安全极为重要。对流域进行风险评价可以为流域环境管理政策提供理论支持。以层次分析法和模糊逻辑法为基础,构建了老灌河流域环境风险评价指标体系,据此对老灌河流域环境风险状况进行评价。结果表明,老灌河流域综合风险等级处于中等水平,污染物排放压力值较大;上游栾川县和下游淅川县西峡县大部分处于中等、较高的风险等级。  相似文献   

提出了一种考虑分布电容的故障测距新算法。该算法基于微分方程描述的线路数学模型,利用单端信息对高压输电线路进行故障测距,保留了解微分方程算法的简单可靠、现实可行、不必考虑衰减直流分量和谐波及电网频率波动影响的特点,同时考虑过渡电阻和分布电容的影响,克服了传统解微分方程法中在经高阻接地故障时测距误差过大和忽略分布电容引起的故障定位不准确的缺点。为了检验算法的精度,进行了大量的动模实验。结果表明,算法原理正确并具有较高的测距精度。  相似文献   

分布式发电(DG)的接入对配电网的规划和运行产生了深远影响,由于DG的存在,配电网检修负荷转移方案有了更多的选择。文中通过对DG运行方式和负荷转移优化问题的研究,给出了制定含DG的配电网检修负荷转移方案的3条原则,并建立了相应的数学模型。该模型以降低供电企业综合检修成本为目标,包括降低供电企业额外购买的DG电量费用、售电损失和开关操作费用,并在传统负荷转移模型约束条件的基础上增加了其他约束,保证利用可再生能源发电的DG以最大发电能力上网发电和保证利用化石能源发电的DG至少按照正常发电计划发电,以反映DG对负荷转移方案的影响。仿真结果证明了所提出的模型的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

高等级公路水土保持方案编制探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶建锋  葛培龙 《水电站设计》2003,19(3):76-77,79
在我国高等级公路建设发展的同时,也引发了一系列的水土流失问题。本文就公路水土保持方案编制的准备工作、编制过程中的技术要点分析和编制过程中存在的问题及建议等几个方面做一探讨,力求高等级公路水土保持方案的实施更具有可操作性。  相似文献   

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