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Leak detection and localization in water pipeline networks is of paramount importance to industry, especially in regions where water is scarce. In this paper, we present a novel multi-modal and multi-scale approach for leak detection and localization in water pipeline networks, in which pressure measurements at various points on the network are used to localize the pipe segment in which the leak is occurring, and then the vibration sensors are used to localize the leak within this segment. In some situations where the complete pipeline model is not available, pressure data alone may not be effective in localizing the leak. However, in such a situation, by supplementing pressure data with vibration data, the leak can be localized, as these additional data are easier to acquire at arbitrary points, since vibration sensors are non-invasive. In order to validate the effectiveness of the approach that needs both pressure and vibration data, we simulate the pipeline model using EPANET that includes models for flow and pressure at various points on the pipeline, then integrate the vibration model with it in MATLAB, since EPNAET does not include models for vibration measurements. A case study of a pipeline network is considered, and the proposed scheme is used to detect and localize the leak. Extensive simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme in providing accurate leak detection and localization.  相似文献   

Water leakage in water distribution systems (WDSs) can bring various negative economic, environmental, and safety effects. Therefore, predicting water leakage is one of the most crucial tasks in water resource management; however, it is also one of the most challenging ones. Previous leakage-related studies have only focused on detecting existing leaks. This paper presents a novel model using expert structural expectation–maximisation, for predicting water leakage in WDSs. The model can take into account the uncertainty of leakage-related factors and balance the contribution of monitoring data and prior information in a Bayesian learning process to maximise leakage prediction accuracy. Moreover, the proposed method can indicate the most crucial factors affecting water leakage. The results of this study could benefit water utilities by aiding them in establishing an effective leakage control plan to minimise the risk of water leakage. A case study is presented to demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

淡水资源短缺严重制约了海岛的开发利用,跨海管道输水是解决岛屿缺水的重要途径之一。采用自适应加压系统可以提高跨海输水管路的负荷适应能力和节能效果。介绍了自适应加压系统的基本结构和原理,通过与常规加压泵站系统进行对比,分析了自适应加压系统的节能特点,对不同日用水过程的水泵加压和能耗过程进行对比,分别绘制出了两种加压系统下水泵功率的日消耗过程线,分析了自适应加压系统在不同用水过程情况下的节能效率。结果表明,当用水过程波动较大时,采用自适应加压系统可以更好地提高输水系统的节能效果。  相似文献   

建筑物内给水管的翻新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈之基 《给水排水》2003,29(3):81-83
近一二十年建成的大量建筑物中的给水管 ,使用的几乎都是镀锌钢管 ,已经到了需要更新的时期。除了传统的更换方法之外 ,可以采用翻新方法 ,即利用高速气流来清洗、涂衬管线。同更换方法相比 ,翻新方法费用低、工期短  相似文献   

水轮机导叶漏水量的测量具有一定的复杂性和不稳定性。本文基于钢管道上平段为主要测量段的容积法导叶漏水量的测量与计算,是在钢管道布置及结构分析的基础上建立计算模型,利用高精度压力变送器采集数据,实现自动计算。该计算方法在实际测量中的应用表明:测量精度以及测量结果的稳定性均符合要求,减少了人工计算误差,可以为同类型电站水轮机导叶漏水量的测量及计算提供参考。通过导叶漏水量的精确测量,对水电厂水轮机的检修质量评价以及经济运行分析具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

室内热水系统供水方式及管材的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
普通住宅楼热水系统无论采用上行下给式,还是下行上给式都各有其弊端,据此提出改进型下行上给式并采用铝塑复合管,能使系统更合理且节能.  相似文献   

自来水是人们饮水与日常生活用水的主要来源,加强自来水供水管道施工质量控制,优化自来水供水管道施工技术具有重要意义。以梅江区村村通自来水工程为例,对自来水供水管道施工技术进行分析,首先简要阐述自来水供水管道施工存在的问题,其次从多个角度探究自来水供水管道施工工艺的优化。研究旨在填补当下理论研究的空白,从技术角度探讨自来水供水管道施工工艺的优化,为自来水供水管道施工的有效开展提供可靠支撑,实现中国自来水行业及管道施工行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

唐元昌 《给水排水》2002,28(8):56-58
水上乐园一般包括幼儿池、儿童戏水池、喷水池、音乐喷泉、按摩池、气泡床、海浪池、游泳池、景观瀑布、环流河、水滑梯等水体。水上乐园的设计重点主要是给排水管道系统 ,管道系统设计合理不仅可节约建造成本还可节约运行费用 ,水上乐园管道系统分并联式、串联式和混合式。着重介绍混合式管道系统设计及需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

给水管道上不可忽视的气塞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范舍金 《给水排水》2001,27(4):74-77
结合工程实例 ,提出了生活给水管道上产生气塞的可能性 ,分析了其形成的一般条件及其规避措施。  相似文献   

论述了高层建筑管线综合设计的原则、注意问题。并结合现场管线协调实例 ,探讨了高层建筑管线工程综合若干问题  相似文献   

介绍了如何利用全站仪等现代化测量工具在蓟运河穿越(汉沽下坞段)工程中展开施工测量工作,其中着重介绍了现场平面控制及高程控制建立、施用、测量成果的收集、整理及核实。  相似文献   

电力系统中,实际的波形总存在不同程度的非正弦畸变。文中利用Harr小波对时变谐波进行检测。不是用Harr小波将信号分解到不同的频带上,而是利用该小波基对时变谐波的幅值和相角进行逼近。给出了电力系统时变谐波检测算法的推导及流程。通过仿真分析与对比,验证了此算法的可行性和精度。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Hydraulic model-based leak (burst) localisation in water distribution networks is a challenging problem due to a limited number of hydraulic measurements, a wide range...  相似文献   

以“引大(大浪淀)入港(黄骅港)管道输水工程”为例,从输水线路及输水方案的比选、管材选用、水锤防护3方面阐述了在管道输水工程设计中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

我国给水新管材的发展将是多层次的 ,PVC、PE管等成熟产品在待发展地区有较多机会 ,而复合管、薄壁耐蚀金属管在大中城市有更大发展机会 ;以PE材料为过水界面 ,以金属为结构材料的复合管 ,将是发展的热点  相似文献   

海底管线施工与陆地管线施工相比,存在施工环境差、危险系数高、运输供给不方便等不利因素。这些不利的客观条件,大大增加了施工难度,影响了施工进度,为整个工程的质量控制带来不确定性。本文结合实例,从质量、进度、安全三方面对海底输水管线施工进行总结,以期给类似工程以借鉴。  相似文献   

对于直径低于160mm的PVC-U给水管道,施工过程中通常采用黏接的方法将三通、弯头、法兰以及异径管等部件连接起来,在这个过程中,各种因素会对管道黏接的密闭性产生影响,如果其中一环出现问题,则管道就会出现漏水问题。本文针对PVC-U管道黏接施工漏水问题从材料、施工、管理、环境等方面进行探讨,分析漏水原因,提出解决策略。  相似文献   

Water Distribution System suffers from leakages causing social and economic costs. There is need of platform to manage water distribution system more efficiently by detecting, localizing and controlling the leakages even before or as soon as they occur, ensuring quality water services to the consumers. Since last two decades, high efforts have been made by researchers for the development of efficient leakage management techniques for reduction of water losses in distribution system. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis on leakage management techniques covering three aspects: leakage assessment, leakage detection and leakage control, with an objective to identify present challenges and future scope in their respected field. Role of smart water technologies for efficient leakages management in pipeline network is also examined and discussed. Conclusion is drawn regarding current leakage management techniques and proposals for future work and existing challenges are also outlined.  相似文献   

Monthly Rainfall Prediction Using Wavelet Neural Network Analysis   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Rainfall is one of the most significant parameters in a hydrological model. Several models have been developed to analyze and predict the rainfall forecast. In recent years, wavelet techniques have been widely applied to various water resources research because of their time-frequency representation. In this paper an attempt has been made to find an alternative method for rainfall prediction by combining the wavelet technique with Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The wavelet and ANN models have been applied to monthly rainfall data of Darjeeling rain gauge station. The calibration and validation performance of the models is evaluated with appropriate statistical methods. The results of monthly rainfall series modeling indicate that the performances of wavelet neural network models are more effective than the ANN models.  相似文献   

管道安装是保证安装饮水供水质量的重要保障,也是地区饮水供水工程施工的关键。供水管道的安装与施工对于供水工程具有十分重要的作用,在输送水资源方面起到重要作用,可以改善区域用水现状,并结合区域发展规划来合理用水,提高水资源的利用率。管道安装直接关系到水资源的有效利用,供水部门应全力展开对管道安装工程施工的研究。要结合山西省饮水安全目标,合理安排供水管道安装与施工,对管道安装质量进行控制和监督,明确与管道安装有关的质量控制点。  相似文献   

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