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试论塔里木河流域综合治理中的水权管理   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在阐述塔里木河流域水资源概况及近期综合治理目标的基础上,研究了流域水权的科学划分,确定了塔里木河流域水权分配原则,分析了塔里木河流域水权分配方案和“四源一干”天然生态水权分配方案,对塔里木河的水资源定额管理体系的建立,以及水权管理系统和水资源统一管理管理前提下的水权管理进行了阐述。所涉及的水权问题为水资源的使用权。  相似文献   

珠江西部水利建设构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、自然地理及社会经济情况 珠江是我国南方最大河流,流经滇、黔、桂、粤、湘、赣等省(自治区),其上游的云南、贵州及广西列入我国的西部地区。区内土地面积57.07万km~2,约占珠江流域片总面积的71.7%。珠江流域西部地区跨越云贵高原、广西丘陵、盆地及北部湾沿海平原区。该地区山地、丘陵多,平原、盆地少,地形地貌复杂。山地丘陵面积占94%,平原盆地面积占6%。山脉走向多变、坡陡,岩溶发育、“石漠化”现象严重,山洪、泥石流、滑坡等山地灾害频繁发生。  相似文献   

陈效国 《中国水利》2002,(10):93-96
通过对黄河水资源管理的现状分析,提出黄河水资源统一管理的基本思路,即坚持政府宏观调控,民主协商、水市场调节三有机结合的基本配置模式,以及政府在市场管理和利益调节过程中的宏观调控作用,搞好水资源综合规划,合理优化配置水资源。  相似文献   

首先,分析了水价在黄河流域水资源管理和建设水市场中的作用,提出了制定黄河流域水务要充分考虑的原则,并针对黄河流域农业用水量大,水资源稀缺和水量丰枯不均的特点,建议其采用季节性水价和累进制水价相结合的水价结构;其次,提出了黄河流域水价分两个级别水价管理区进行管理的思想,一级水价管理区以水系,经济社会发展和水资源紧缺程度等因素划分,确定其水价管理目标,采用统一的水价管理政策;二级水价管理区以行政区划为基础,对同类用水户实行统一水价政策,将外调水,当地地表水和地下水等多种水源综合起来统一制定用水价格。  相似文献   

在分析海河流域水资源管理现状的基础上,建立评价指标体系,将流域水资源管理水平分为很差、较差、一般、较好、很好五级,利用层次分析法和专家评分法相结合的方法,对流域水资源管理水平展开评价,以期对提高未来流域水资源管理水平提供必要的支持。评价结果表明,海河流域水资源管理水平属于较好等级。  相似文献   

分析了玛纳斯河流域水资源管理体制及调度运行现状,根据流域与行政区域的水资源条件、供用水历史及现状、未来发展的供水能力和用水需求、建设节水型社会的要求等,提出了具体的流域水资源调度管理方案,为玛纳斯河流域水资源的治理研究和开发利用提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

西北内陆河流域水资源管理在着眼于立法保护的基础上,不仅要考虑用水制度建设和水权制度创新,也要考虑价格作为经济杠杆在内陆河流域水资源管理中所起的调节作用。通过对黑河流域做经济学分析,利用供需理论,探讨水价上调对内陆河流域水资源管理中水污染问题和用水市场类型转变的影响。同时指出,未来应加强水价上调背景下对排污权平台的建设以解决水污染,向需水型市场转变以适应经济发展需要,并对流域内工农业用水实行差别定价管理研究,以实现经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

 取水许可审批是取水许可制度实施过程中的一个重要环节,基于信息系统实现取水许可审批业务是取水许可审批工作发展的必然趋势。在分析取水许可审批流程的基础上,研究了基于Web与GIS的取水许可审批系统的体系结构,并结合长江流域的取水许可管理的实际情况,对长江流域取水许可审批系统进行了设计与开发。  相似文献   

塔里木河流域未来的水资源管理   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
邓铭江 《中国水利》2004,(17):20-23
塔里木河干流全长1321km.近100年来,特别是20世纪50年代以来,在河流生态变化过程中,生产力布局缺乏环境效益意识,水资源配置不合理以及效率低下造成的水土资源双重浪费,行政管理缺乏政令畅通的权威性等问题是建立有效的流域水资源管理体制必须认真思考的问题.塔里木河流域未来的水资源管理应建立水权塔河、生态塔河、资源塔河的治水理念.  相似文献   

对塔里木河流域水资源管理模式的探讨   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
新疆塔里木河流域是我国最大的内陆河流域,由于受到各种客观因素的影响,水资源开发利用落后,水利设施少且不配套,整个流域水资源缺乏统一规划、统一管理,水的利用率很低,必须加大塔里木河流域的水利工作力度,提高流域管理水平。为此,应强化流域机构的法律地位,从以下几方面实施流域管理:(1)建立权威、统一、高效的流域管理体制;(2)水权的统一管理;(3)水资源的统一调度和分配管理;(4)水资源费征收的统一管理;(5)水域的统一管理;(6)水利工程建设及运行的统一管理。  相似文献   

淮河流域水质管理模型   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
淮河流域水质管理模型作为分析研究淮河流域水污染规律的工具 ,以淮河入洪泽湖河口以上流域为研究区域。在深入分析研究区域内水文气象、自然地理、河道和水流特性以及水污染特点的基础上 ,利用Mike 11,MIKEBASIN和ArcView软件研制和开发水质管理模型 ,为有效实施水污染防治和水资源管理提供依据。简要介绍模型的结构 ,主要参数的确定 ,模型的结果和模型的应用情况  相似文献   


Despite signing a bilateral water treaty in 1973, water utilization in the Hirmand River Basin (HRB) has been a source of dispute between Iran and Afghanistan for many decades. While Iran accuses Afghanistan of depriving it of the Hirmand water due to dam construction in the upper basin, Afghanistan assures that it enforces the treaty. An evident reduction of the Hirmand River flow to Iran in recent years is fully attributed by Afghanistan to a reduction in precipitation in the basin. Although Iran disagrees and remains unconvinced by this line of reasoning. A fundamental lack of trust in collected and shared hydrological data has hindered dialog between the two neighbors. To address this issue, this study investigates the use of remote sensing information, as an independent source of data, for fact-finding in a highly disputed transboundary river basin. For this purpose, historical data (34 years) from two satellite precipitation products, PERSIANN-CDR and CHIRPS, were used to understand if precipitation characteristics and, subsequently, rainfall-runoff regimes have changed in the HRB. Results reveal that the frequency and amount of heavy precipitation have been increasing over the mountainous areas. The total amount of precipitation has been increasing significantly. The intensity of heavy precipitation, however, has been decreasing over the basin. In the upper basin, the duration of the wet period has increased, although the share of wet months in annual precipitation has been decreasing. In the lower basin, trends in seasonal and annual precipitation and most of the indices are insignificant, indicating water availability issues cannot be attributed to the changes in precipitation in the downstream area itself. These results can be used as an integral part of mutual fact-finding and trust-building exercise that supports water diplomacy to promote environmental cooperation between Iran and Afghanistan.


Water management has been the focus of research, not only because of water scarcity, but also as a result of its sharing across national boundaries. Approximately 40% of the global population lives in tranboundary water basins, shared by more than one country, emphasizing the need for concerted management of transboundary water bodies and harmonization of policies. Under this view, water should be managed in an internationalized way, integrating methodologies and techniques used in natural as well as social sciences. Public participation and information are vital procedural safeguards of transboundary water recourses management and sustainable regional development. The paper presents a combined methodology based on traditional engineering oriented tools on the one hand and interactive public participation procedures on the other, applied in the Greek–Bulgarian transboundary Mesta/Nestos river basin.  相似文献   

流域管理中水质监控技术发展探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 水环境质量直接关系到流域可持续发展和水资源的综合利用,水环境质量实时监控则是水环境管理的耳目和依据。总结目前我国水质监控体系的基本状况,综合分析监控体系中存在的问题,指出了监控体系与水环境管理要求不相符的主要制约因素是:在线监测能力不足、监测方法自动化程度不高、缺乏定性监测和具有一定覆盖面的监测手段等。并根据国内外水环境监控的发展趋势和流域水环境管理的要求,针对性地提出了建立多级水质监控体系及点面结合、实测与模拟并重的水环境质量监控思路。  相似文献   

浅谈水资源需求管理技术在黄河流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对水资源需求管理的内涵进行探讨的基础上,针对目前黄河流域水资源可持续利用面临的主要问题,分析了黄河流域实施需求管理的必要性。从行政管理、水价制定、经济激励、节水技术推广及节水诱导等方面对黄河流域实施水资源需求管理,对实现高效用水提出了建议。  相似文献   

浅析玛纳斯河流域水资源管理与保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于玛纳斯河流域形成较早,灌区内包括众多用水单位,用水关系复杂,流域水资源管理问题突出。在论述玛纳斯河流域管理现状及存在问题基础上,结合河流保护与管理的目标以及国外河流保护管理的做法与经验,对玛纳斯河水资源今后管理与保护面临的困难和发展方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The literature on transboundary water resources allocation modelling is still short on encompassing and analyzing complex geographic multiparty nature of basins. This study elaborates the Inter Temporal Euphrates and Tigris River Basin Model (ITETRBM), which is a linear programming based transboundary water resources allocation model maximizing net economic benefit from allocation of scarce water resources to energy generation, urban, and agricultural uses. The elaborations can be categorized in two directions: First, agricultural and urban demand nodes are spatially identified with their relative elevations and distances to water resources supplies (dams, reservoirs, and lakes). Digital elevation model (DEM) database are intensely processed in geographic information system (GIS) environment. Second, the agricultural irrigable lands are restructured into a pixel based decision making units (DMUs) in order to be able to see the spatial extent of optimally irrigated land, and then optimization program is converted from linear programming (LP) to a mixed integer programming (MIP). The model applications are designed to cover a series of sensitivity analyses encompassing the various transboundary management, energy and agricultural use value, and transportation cost scenarios over the optimal uses of the Euphrates and Tigris Basin (ETRB) resources. The model results are visually presented via GIS in order to show the transboundary upstream and downstream spatial impacts of these selected parameters. The findings are i) system parameters significantly alter the spatial extent of water resources allocation in the ETRB, and ii) the magnitudes of the parameters also explains the tradeoffs between agriculture and energy sectors as much as upstream and downstream water uses of countries.  相似文献   

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