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以城镇供水为主、发电为辘的综合利用水库,单位水量的供水效益明显大于纯发电效益.以水库经济效益最大为目标提出一套考虑供水发电效益差距、峰谷电价不同等因素的水库调度优化方法,并应用于实例,绘制出水库汛期优化调度图,以在汛期高水位时获得较常规兴利调度图方法更大的经济效益.  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - New requirements for water supply companies enforce the implementation of risk analysis and assessment methods on many levels of their operation. The approach...  相似文献   

该文通过对山美水库枢纽工程的特性和所处自然、经济条件、位置,阐述了山美水库30多年来的综合效益。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is proposing a methodology to determine the ecological base flow of a river. In the past in Taiwan, the ecological base flow was calculated according to the basin area, and the influence of the water supply was not considered. This study proposes a methodology combining the water distribution optimization model with the Riverine Habitat Simulation System model to demonstrate the impact on the aquatic habitat for indicator species with different ecological base flow settings. The most suitable value of the ecological base flow between the indicators of the Shortage Index and the average value of Percentage Usable Area is determined using trade-off analysis and the incremental method. The result shows for the indicator species in the study area, Tou-Qian River Basin in Northern Taiwan, the most appropriate ecological base flow is 3.75?m3/s and it??s the optimal use of the ecological base flow between the water supply and the ecology.  相似文献   

详述了松华坝水库供水流量监测自动化系统的建设原则,介绍了系统的组网结构、通讯方式、实现的主要功能,以及监测设备选型和主要技术指标。该系统的研制成功并投入使用后,为水库的供水管理提供了科学依据,使其能达到优水优用、节约用水的目的,取得良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

通过水工消能模型试验和复核计算,对闲林水库大清谷消力池的体形、水流衔接特性、闸门开度进行了测试和分析。结果表明,弧形闸门采用2.0 m×2.0 m的尺寸,正常运行时开度范围为0.435~1.813 m,相对开度为21.77%~90.65%,能够满足近期及远期的供水要求;在有尾坎的情况下,不宜设置垂直消波格栅,水平格栅设置位置离水面越近,消波效果越明显;推荐优先采用差动坎作为稳水区上游的消能坎,优化方案中可将稳水区底板抬高到与消力池底板平齐;流量越小,闸门开度越小,上游水位越高,对消力池的消能要求越高,工程运行中要尽量避免高水头、小流量情况下的长时间运行。  相似文献   

易灵 《人民珠江》2007,(6):24-26
为应对珠江流域持续干旱和珠江三角洲日益严重的成潮活动而进行的珠江骨干水库调度将对电站发电以及电网安全产生一定的影响。基于各骨干水库自身的特性阐述骨干水库调度中电站的发电效益并对电网安全进行影响评价。结果表明,由于在调度过程中强化了与电网、电站等部门沟通和协作,并充分利用了供水与航运相结合方式,发挥有限水资源的综合效益,从而形成了供水、发电、施工、航运、生态等多方面共赢的局面。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,介绍发电输水涵维修加固工程施工过程中的涵壁与坝体间劈裂灌浆以及简易、有效的钢管套装方法,可供同类项目工程施工参考.  相似文献   

文中以汾河二库供水发电洞的施工方法为论述对象,通过对供水发电洞进出口及洞身的石方开挖和混凝土衬砌的施工方法的论述,总结出了一套在隧洞施工中切实可行的施工方法。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Water Transmission Systems (WTSs) are used to transport large flow over long distances and/or high heads. An optimal design involves evaluation of both cost and...  相似文献   

通过大量野外工程地质勘察与测试工作,在此基础上给出了横泉水库供水发电洞的工程地质分析与评价,从而使该水库的施工有了充分的理论依据。  相似文献   

横泉水库供水发电洞进水塔,具有塔高、混凝土工程量大和施工难度大的特点,在做好钢筋焊接和模型支护的基础上,运用混凝土输送泵设备,保证了工程质量和工程任务目标的实现。  相似文献   

Chemoga—Yeda水电工程水库输水及引水发电系统是控制该工程发电工期的关键项目,其施工进度直接影响工程第一批机组投产发电的时间。本文通过对水工建筑物布置的分析,以及对施工方法选取和施工进度的计算,确定了合理的施工工期。  相似文献   

The typical modeling approach to groundwater management relies on the combination of optimization algorithms and subsurface simulation models. In the case of groundwater supply systems, the management problem may be structured into an optimization problem to identify the pumping scheme that minimizes the total cost of the system while complying with a series of technical, economical, and hydrological constraints. Since lack of data on the subsurface system most often reflects upon the development of groundwater flow models that are inherently uncertain, the solution to the groundwater management problem should explicitly consider the tradeoff between cost optimality and the risk of not meeting the management constraints. This work addresses parameter uncertainty following a stochastic simulation (or Monte Carlo) approach, in which a sufficiently large ensemble of parameter scenarios is used to determine representative values selected from the statistical distribution of the management objectives, that is, minimizing cost while minimizing risk. In particular, the cost of the system is estimated as the expected value of the cost distribution sampled through stochastic simulation, while the risk of not meeting the management constraints is quantified as the expected value of the intensity of constraint violation. The solution to the multi-objective optimization problem is addressed by combining a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with a stochastic model simulating groundwater flow in confined aquifers. Evolutionary algorithms are particularly appropriate in optimization problems characterized by non-linear and discontinuous objective functions and constraints, although they are also computationally demanding and require intensive analyses to tune input parameters that guarantee optimality to the solutions. In order to drastically reduce the otherwise overwhelming computational cost, a novel stochastic flow reduced model is thus developed, which practically allows for averting the direct inclusion of the full simulation model in the optimization loop. The computational efficiency of the proposed framework is such that it can be applied to problems characterized by large numbers of decision variables.  相似文献   

库区两岸由碳酸盐岩地层构成,岩溶相对较发育,存在岩溶洞穴、断层破碎带渗漏的可能。从地质构造、岩溶发育规律、水文地质条件等方面入手,分析了水库库区存在的渗漏问题,并提出了相应防渗建议。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Reducing the negative impacts of water shortages is the primary concern of water supply reservoir operation. This study aims to propose a theoretical framework of water...  相似文献   

运用水库调度图方法研究了三峡围堰发电供水期运行方式,研究表明:在三峡围堰发电供水初期,电站运行在高水位对运行有利;供水期后期(4、5月)来水量加大,利用水库调节,减少弃水,充分利用水量发电,可以获得较好的综合效益。  相似文献   

黄河下游生态需水与生态调度研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统梳理了20世纪中期以来国内外河流生态需水与生态调度的概念、方法、应用效果等,并针对黄河下游的现状对这些研究的适用性和应用前景做了述评。通过分析指出,黄河下游的生态需水与生态调度研究已取得了一定进展,既界定了总体量值范围,也考虑了不同水平年对应不同保证率下的流量过程。提出黄河下游生态需水与生态调度仍存在水文过程与生态系统作用关系尚未厘清、生态流量与水库调度尺度存在差异、黄河下游水库综合利用任务较难协调、未来水沙变化等因素具有不确定性等问题。  相似文献   

水是基础性的自然资源、公共性的社会资源和战略性的经济资源。文章通过对娄底市水资源的分析评价和水库供水的实践探索,从工程、环境和政策的角度,从战略高度揭示了水库向城镇供水是水资源优化配置的必然选择。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - In this study, operation policies were obtained for a reservoir in Michoacán, Mexico, used for irrigation and domestic water supplies. The main purpose of these...  相似文献   

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