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个性化教育是以培养学生全面、和谐的个性化发展为终极目标的一种教育模式,这与致力于学生终身发展和社会发展的核心素养发展相得益彰。当下发展学生核心素养已成为适应世界教育改革发展和提升我国教育国际竞争力的迫切需要,众多教师正在以极大的热情关注和探索学生核心素养发展的方式和方法,把发展学生核心素养作为教育发展的新高度。文章就以历史学科为载体,探究如何在历史课堂中开展个性化教育,发展学生的核心素养。  相似文献   

1920—1940年代是中国建筑教育 的起步阶段,因教师大都为海外归来的留 学生,其教学模式几乎照搬国外模式。此 时,美国建筑教育已形成一条异于其发源 地——欧洲的多元化现代主义道路,并通 过留美学生回国创办建筑教育的方式影响着 中国建筑教育体系。该时期美中两国的建筑 教育在教学目标、师资组成上有其相似性, 而在发展阶段、理论发源、教学理念、教学 模式上又存在着差异性。美国建筑教育作为 中国的重要理论源泉,对中国建筑教育产生 了持续的影响  相似文献   

清华建筑教育自2000年在国内首创并推行"4+2"本硕贯通六年制学制的教学体系,经过近十年的实践探索已形成较为完善的培养模式。在2010年前后,国家层面推动了专业学位研究生项目和"卓越工程师教育培养计划"等重大教育改革项目的实施,与此同时,清华大学也进行了以"新百年"为目标的教育教学研究。针对建筑学、城乡规划学、风景园林学三个一级学科架构的建立,清华建筑教育迎来了新一轮的系列教学改革。设计系列课是建筑院校教学体系中的核心和课程体系的主干,建筑教育的教学改革主要体现在设计系列课的改革与创新。清华大学本轮建筑教学改革包括三年级开放式设计教学、本科毕业设计教学改革、建筑学研究生设计课的国际化强化、城乡规划学研究生设计系列课的建立等一系列举措,其目的是完善"4+2"本硕贯通培养模式中的设计课系列,提升学生的设计能力,适应国家在新型城镇化背景下对高素质新型建筑人才的需求。  相似文献   

当中国建筑教育被推到改革的风口浪尖,当世界性的机会在向学生招手时,中国建筑教育是保护传统还是屈服于现代建筑技术?面对一张张白纸,中国建筑教育工作者又将如何将其绘制成一幅幅蓝图?当世界建筑教育经历了艺术教育、设计教育、e时代的科技教育,中国建筑教育也在以快速的步伐向前发展着,然而,中国建筑教育又将以怎样的模式在时代中找寻自己的位置?  相似文献   

中德建筑教育开放模式比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较分析中德建筑教育在模式开放方法应用中的异同,说明开放模式已成为现代建筑教育的重要特征,是当代建筑教育机构保持生命力、不断创新的必备品质,以期对中国建筑教育改革有所启示。  相似文献   

进入 2 1世纪 ,随着经济全球化的快速发展和中国加入WTO ,各国建筑领域的市场竞争越来越表现为高素质建筑管理人才的竞争 ,其核心是建筑高等教育人才的培育机制创新。中国建筑管理高等教育发展经历了起伏的历史阶段 ,其发展历程留下历史的遗迹 ,存在优势也发现了障碍。本文运用统计比较方法分析中国建筑高等教育在全球化竞争与合作模式前提下建筑管理教育模式存在的障碍 ,以探索中国建筑管理高等教育的发展途径  相似文献   

传统本科建筑学专业建筑师业务实践教学注重实践能力培养,而轻视创新创业、人际交往和管理等综合能力培养。基于该现状,以湖北工业大学为例,从当下建筑学学生能力与行业需求脱节、培养方式和职业规划多元化需求不匹配等问题出发,提出了双创型工作室建筑实践教育模式。该模式以专业实践教育为核心,以创新创业教育、理论教育和综合能力培养为模块,以评价机制、激励机制和竞争机制为保障,以培养“专业实践型+”多元化建筑人才为目标,以期推动高校建筑学科实践培养体系改革,提升建筑学专业创新创业教育效果。  相似文献   

现代建筑教育创造了适应大工业生产的年级与班级的批量式教育模式,但学生日益增长的对自我个性的关注与强烈的求知欲与这一教育模式构成了一对尖锐的矛盾。因此,必须转变教育观念,改革教育方式、方法。聚变式教学方法探讨了如何高效地组织建筑设计的课堂教学,增强学生的主动探索与创新精神,提高其核心竞争力以适应未来职业发展的要求与挑战。  相似文献   

现代开放的教育理念更有利于学生的自身发展,但同时也对教育建筑空间的设计和使用提出了更高的要求。开放教育理念着重培养学生的综合能力与创作能力,要求教育建筑加强交往空间的核心地位,使学习扩展到教育建筑的每个场景中。本文通过对教育建筑空间的分析,总结教育建筑开放空间的形式和设计要点。  相似文献   

随着素质教育的普及与推广,小学教学已不再以考试为最终目的,而是以学生的学科核心素养为最终的教学考查标准。所谓学科核心素养是对学生在某一学科的态度、知识、思维、运用迁移能力的总称。这显然,较之传统教育,其对学生的小学阶段教育更加全面更加立体,也更加吻合国家和社会对人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

田豊 《华中建筑》2012,30(4):5-8
该文回顾了20世纪20年代前苏联高等艺术与技术工作室(BxyTEMAC)-高等艺术与技术学院(BxyTEHH)师生对构成主义建筑的探索和对世界现代建筑思想创立的重要贡献,展现了当时维斯宁兄弟,康斯坦丁·梅尔尼科夫等苏联建筑师们的现代建筑思想走在世界的前沿,他们的设计成果对推动现代主义建筑思潮的发展具有极积影响。该文特别指出1925年巴黎世博会的苏联馆是构成主义建筑的典范。  相似文献   

大学生创新创业教育的实施对促进高校教育教学改革,推动大学生全面发展与社会进步具有重要意义。面向大学生创新创业教育,创新高校人才自主培养体制机制能够更好地满足社会对多样化、拔尖创新人才的需求,激发学生创新潜能,培养更具实践能力和创新创业精神的人才,进而推动高等教育与社会发展的紧密结合。北京工业大学机械工程学科积极探索并构建了以“专创交叉融合”为基础的人才创新创业教育体系,从课程建设、教学方法、师资培养、评价机制等方面,着力提高学生创新创业能力,加强知识运用能力,以提高学校人才培养质量。该体系对促进中国高校创新创业生态系统具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Today’s college graduates seek employment that contributes to sustainability, while employers seek new employees who have practical, hands-on experience addressing sustainability challenges. However, few students emerge from university with the mindset and tools to immediately apply sustainability concepts to the challenges they face. A multidisciplinary, immersive, co-curricular “boot camp” sustainability learning experience can address these challenges. This article describes the design and pilot testing of a sustainability boot camp at Virginia Tech involving a team of nine interdisciplinary faculty fellows from 6 colleges and insight from over 200 sustainability experts from multiple domains. Learning outcomes were developed based on thematic analysis of industry interviews from multiple sectors, yielding a set of competencies that companies seek in new hires for sustainability positions. The program is structured around three elements (sustainability integration, professional development, and network building) and incorporates lectures, professional development training, networking opportunities, and problem-based learning to help students develop a “sustainability lens” that can be applied to not only future professional activities but also personal decisions. The first two offerings of the boot camp with 60 students provided lessons learned for others developing similar programs.  相似文献   

道路工程方向毕业设计多元化实践   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
结合地方院校和毕业生需求的实际情况,结合指导教师知识结构和学生个体未来就业情况,进行了道路工程方向毕业设计多元化实践,提出了实行全面质量管理确保毕业设计质量的观点。多年实践证明毕业设计多元化能够充分发挥教师和学生的能动性,激发学生的兴趣和积极性,培养学生的创新意识和探索精神,这对于进一步加强素质教育,提高毕业设计质量,合理利用资源和学生就业都是有益的。  相似文献   

夏铸九 《新建筑》2007,(6):6-10
从理论与专业的角度,回顾过去台湾大学建筑与城乡研究所的教育目标和在知识上的主要发展线索,以及实际执行时遇到的困难。在教育目标上,面对一个发展中国家的教育资源不足的现实,专业的通才教育是核心教师共同的目标,针对建筑、城市规划、地景建筑三者的共享知识,提供规划与设计的专业训练。由于教师职业多为台湾归国留学生中的一时之选,以及发扬开放而自由的台大学风,学生与教师适时地响应了当时台湾社会的变动,这主要表现在对一系列的都市运动的响应之上,取得了一定程度的影响力。面对当前空间与社会的巨变,首先是学生们提出改革的要求,于是教师提出新的因应方向,响应他们的期望,推动机构本身在改革过程所急需的人事、教学与研究的再建构。这是建筑与城乡研究所面对的21世纪的挑战。  相似文献   

Television is not only the most powerful medium of communication that our age has produced; it is also the most flexible. Yet its common role in education is that of a mere substitute, called in to mitigate the effects of the shortage of teachers or (to look at the matter historically) the excess of students. That it can be more than that is shown by two University of Nebraska faculty members, describing an experiment in the creative use of television as a tool in the development of that awareness of the characteristics of space which is among the architect's indispensable qualifications.  相似文献   

The impact and value of a bureaucracy's workforce that is racially representative of the clients served has been a volatile and debated subject. Looking at one policy output in a large urban school district, the administration of punishment and suspensions, this article examines the impact of racially balanced faculties on the discipline assigned to minority students. The policy importance of school discipline has been underscored by numerous studies and school desegregation programs. School discipline not only influences the political I social attitudes of students, but can influence access to the service of education itself through the selective use of suspensions and expulsions. In addition, despite inconclusive studies and extensive debates, many judicial decisions involving schools frequently identify the need for modified or reformed discipline systems. The evidence from this 50 school study provides inconclusive support for the idea that a representative bureaucracy will improve service equity. However, the presence of increased numbers of black faculty members is shown to influence the discipline given to black students. As a consequence, the conclusions discuss the policy importance of programs designed to make the racial characteristics of school bureaucracies more similar to the racial characteristics of the students in that school.  相似文献   


Communication designers have historically been accused of neglecting end-user perspectives, believing designers are experts at creating inspired designs. Codesign has been applied to many design fields, however developing methods for engaging end-users have had little traction in communication design practice. In an era of end-user engagement, communication designers are left wondering how and when to include end-users in the design process and if codesign offers any benefits to project outcomes. This study trialled codesign workshops across two communication design case studies. Both studies involved non-profit contexts where designers and staff co-created communication design strategies, one for sustainable cleaning in childcare centres and the other for asthma management and awareness. The findings reveal that structured, hands-on generative toolkits conducted in small groups, sparked conversation and prompted innovative ideas whereas evaluating ideas with ranking toolkits blocked dialogue and hindered idea progression. Evaluation tooolkits based on ranking ideas created unexpected barriers to engagement, as end-users disengaged from the codesign process. I argue codesign can benefit communication design when structured hands-on generative toolkits simulate a perceived familiar environment, creating a conversational forum for ideas to flow while participants enjoy creating things with their hands.  相似文献   

Construction site visits are interactive experiences that enhance students’ understanding of real construction practices. Site visits create an interactive learning environment for students and provide exposure to a real-world spatiotemporal experience of a construction project. This article explores construction site visit application as an educational component in construction curriculum. An online survey was conducted to assess the current status of site visit application in construction education, benefits and barriers of their implementation, and the role of virtual site visits as alternative experiences to real site visits. This study focused on university faculty members in construction programs across the United States. The results of the study show that faculty members predominantly reported to have had zero or one to two site visits for each construction core subject areas taught throughout their careers. Furthermore, respondents indicated that the benefits of observing and interacting with the environment and the professionals present in a construction site are exceptionally important for the students. The respondents also remarked that the spatiotemporal challenges of construction projects are the most significant barriers for site visits. Finally, the study also revealed that a low percentage of the faculty have had educational experiences with virtual site visits.  相似文献   

论文讨论现代大学城新校区的发 展,以及校园规划建设、办学内涵和科技人 文等方面的品质不同,产生不同的校园特色 和社会意义影响。通过对重庆大学和四川美 术学院新校区建设的调查研究,分析和认识 山地大学校园特点建设和社会学关注的文 化价值,论及现代大学校园科技和人文协 同发展的重要性,大学校园和大学生学习和 生活相互间融合和沟通的社会问题。论文 对重庆大学城的校园规划建设和可持续发 展、学校空间品质的营造、理工科和文化艺 术类学生的学习和生活空间述求、健康培养 方式等提出认识,希望对营建更加具有科学 和人文空间品质的当代大学校园有所借鉴。  相似文献   

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