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介绍了石津灌区推行用水户参与灌溉管理的试点工作的背景、组建用水户协会的运作过程、工作内容和具体措施。总结了推行参与式灌溉管理的主要作用和效果,指出参与式灌溉管理模式是一种用水户、水管单位以及政府之间的关系较为理顺、权责较为明确的管理体制。它提出了一种全新的在政府引导扶持下农民主动参与的专业化灌溉管理理念。  相似文献   

参与式灌溉管理在石津灌区的探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了石津灌区推行用水户参与灌溉管理的试点工作的背景、组建用水户协会的运作过程、工作内容和具体措施。总结了推行参与式灌溉管理的主要作用和效果,指出参与式灌溉管理模式是一种用水户、水管单位以及政府之间的关系较为理顺、权责较为明确的管理体制。它提出了一种全新的在政府引导扶持下农民主动参与的专业化灌溉管理理念。  相似文献   

理顺灌区管理体制是实现农业节水的关键灌区管理体制问题是制约发展节水农业的主要因素,因此,解决体制问题是实现节水的关键。一要建立利益驱动机制。在农业节水过程中,政府、水管单位、用水户三者之间要围绕水资源利用建立一定的联系,构成了许许多多的权利、责任、利益关系的体系。协调、理顺灌区经济管理中的各种复杂的利益关系,平衡各利益群体的得失,充分调动职工管水的积极性和用水户节水的积极性,应当以《水法》为基础,制定相关政策,例如农业用水的配置和节约保护政策以及效益补偿政策等。二要完善行业管理职能。建立既能对水资源和水…  相似文献   

文章分析了占用农业灌溉水源的概念,占用农业灌溉水源的类别和特征,以及我国目前占用农业灌溉水源补偿的现状和存在问题,并提出了相关政策建议.分析表明,以渠道衬砌为代表的节水工程建设不能补偿灌溉水源保证率的降低,不适宜于水源占用后灌溉保证率下降较大的情况.灌溉水源占用补偿工程布局和影响范围脱离,补偿过程中缺乏利益相关者参与.目前在确定补偿工程规模时没有考虑到占用年限的影响,在确定补偿费时没有考虑水源占用对灌溉管理机构、农业用水户、第三方利益相关者和生态环境的负面影响.  相似文献   

分析了新疆节水灌溉的发展过程以及面临的突出问题,认为充分发挥农民用水协会的作用,为灌区农民提高灌溉效益是新疆推行高效节水的关键因素。通过推广高效节水示范基地,组织水管单位、农民代表进行培训及现场观摩,达到推广高效节水的目的。提出了新疆高效节水的发展思路、长期规划和短期计划,以及解决当前问题的措施和建议。  相似文献   

文章分析了万金灌区灌溉管理模式及存在的问题,提出了实行水管单位管养分离、推行支渠用水户协会管理、股份制管理、承包制管理等灌溉管理新模式。  相似文献   

农业水价改革,特别是河北省地下水灌区超采严重地区的水价改革有助于地下水的节约使用。水价改革涉及利益相关者利益调整与分配,科学合理的水价改革方案是水价改革顺利实施的关键,以农业初始水权、综合用水定额、用水限额为用水界限设计了河北省农业地下水灌溉"超用加价"的改革模式,并且配套设计了节水奖励和财政补贴的对象、标准,完善了水价形成机制,为在全省开展水价改革提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

节水管理作为水资源管理中一项系统性的管理工作,涉及到政府、市场、用水户等多方面。政府在节水工作中担负着主体责任,是节水工作的主要设计者和推动者;市场是推动节水最有效的杠杆,在节水中起着重要驱动作用;用水户是节水的最终落实者和实践者。政府、市场、用水户密切结合、多维联动,才能把节水工作落到实处,抓出实效。  相似文献   

水价和水费是保障灌溉排水工程正常运行的主要支撑,水价改革对国家粮食安全、节水灌溉及节水型社会建设、灌区水管单位和农民利益的影响十分重大。  相似文献   

将博弈论应用于城市用户群节水策略的制定,对城市水价和城市用户群"精神收益"进行博弈分析.结果表明:政府提高水价,只有一部分用水户会采取节水策略,如果同时采取提高水价和提高"精神收益"策略,那么,"理性"的用水户都会采取节水策略,从而实现城市用户群节水的目标.  相似文献   

After three decades of rapid increases in investment in irrigation systems, there has been an almost equally dramatic decline in irrigation investment, brought about by relatively low grain prices, rising construction costs and increased concern about the environment. As governments have been forced to reduce their public expenditures, many of them are now instituting programmes to transfer either complete or partial responsibility for management of public irrigation systems to local water users. This paper explores this transfer process in Indonesia, Colombia, New Zealand and Nigeria. From this sample it can be hypothesized that in countries where governments have had the political will to increase water fees to close to the real O&M cost, the process of irrigation management transfer has been smoother. This reflects the fact that water users are encouraged to take over management responsibility in order to reduce water costs. An equally important inducement for water users to accept additional management responsibility is better, more dependable delivery services from irrigation agencies.  相似文献   

Management practices for irrigation schemes can often be improved by modelling the behaviour of a scheme and by evaluating its efficiency statistics. However, looking at an irrigation scheme without regard for other water uses within the river basin may not be effective. Efficiencies computed in this way are local and, since water may be used many times within the same basin, may not be realistic. Changes in water uses (e.g. irrigation, industrial, power production, urban water supply, navigation, environmental, recreational) will often have effects on other uses; and changes in irrigation schemes (management,structural, crop pattern) may affect other users within the basin. In addition, all water users will be affected by external changes such as changes in land cover or in climate. As demand for water increases, these links become more important until, at some stage, there is insufficient water for all users and hard choices must be made. Hydrological modelling is a tool that can be used to relate irrigation schemes to the other water uses within a river basin and can help in assessing real productivities and in evaluating alternative patterns of water usage. This paper discusses the techniques available to simulate irrigation schemes within overall basin water resources using, as an example, an intensively utilized basin in western Turkey.  相似文献   

积极推进农业水价改革努力促进灌区节约用水   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农业发展受到水资源短缺的约束,迫切需要节约用水.农业要实现有效的节水,政府不但要增加资金投入,加强灌区工程配套改造建设,减少输水损失,而且必须同时调动供用水双方的节水积极性和主动性,而供用水双方自身的节水积极性必须依靠经济手段--水价杠杆来激发.只有稳步推进农业水价改革,才能更好地促进灌区节约用水.  相似文献   

Mainstream opinions put forward the idea that changes in water policies should be moving toward Integrated Water Resources Management at the level of the river basin (or watersheds). For its implementation, participation by river basin organizations (river basin authorities, river basin committees, communities of users, multi-stakeholder platforms, etc.) and by stakeholders is promoted. Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) are presented as neutral spaces for negotiations in order to solve water conflicts among different (multiple) actors, who are all invited to participate in the discussion. Evidence from this case study suggests that even where water is put forward as the main issue to be tackled, in the background there may be far more sensitive issues at stake that shape the arenas of negotiation of policy design and implementation. MSPs can be used to bring to the fore issues that are easy to address, but can also be the background for wider social and political complexities. This is pursued using technical language to justify political definitions of boundaries, stakeholders and processes of participation. The ‘Watershed as a unit of planning’ approach is also presented as a neutral way of using a technical definition to set the boundaries for resource management. However, this study shows that the definition of boundaries is not necessarily as natural as it appears but is much more of a political decision that defines which resources are involved and which actors are considered or left out. The ‘multiple’ in MSPs is not only about ‘stakeholders’, but the different constructions of boundaries, scales and political interests, which include and exclude stakeholders. In the implementation of an MSP, the Multiple is rhetorical and not a representation of realties.  相似文献   

From the analysis of stakeholders’ attitudes, this article explores problems, opportunities and constraints for improving sustainability and establishing better water governance processes in the selected case study, the Neste irrigation canal (France). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by means of a new codification system for identifying the affinities and confrontations between stakeholder demands. Results revealed that there are conceptual and practical heterogeneities among the preferences of stakeholder groups regarding irrigation management, sustainable attitudes and governance promotion. These results can be used by stakeholders and the relevant authorities as a first step in customizing their interventions.  相似文献   

To meet sustainability challenges, regional water management and planning require approaches that assess the land-use visions of various stakeholders using their own evaluation criteria. Models and information systems are keystones in such integrated assessment activities. SPACSS (the SPAtial Cropping System Scenarios builder and evaluator) is a modelling solution that aims to help decision-makers evaluate normative land-use scenarios. A prototype of SPACSS was developed to explore concerns raised by a dam-building project in south-western France, specifically the relation between cropping system distribution and water uptake. This paper presents the initial steps of SPACSS development by scientists and agricultural experts and its evaluation by users through alternative scenarios of maize cropping (altering either its precocity or management to reduce irrigation). SPACSS can represent a wide range of land-use scenarios and aggregate impact indicators at several spatial and temporal scales. Although SPACSS served as a solid support for discussions with stakeholders and decision-makers, it needs modifications to represent more realistic, and thus more complex, land-use scenarios. These modifications will make SPACSS potentially valuable for dealing with a variety of issues concerning agricultural landscapes, far beyond the single question of quantitative water management.  相似文献   

农民用水协会是近些年来在农村兴起的一种非营利性群众用水合作组织,其产生使得广大用水户能切身参与到灌溉管理事业中来,并带来了不可忽视的效益。但是当下的农民用水协会在实际运行及管理中仍存在许多问题。本文在对陕西关中五大灌区的七个农民用水协会开展实地社会调查的基础上,分析研究了灌区末级渠系管理体制改革的成效及存在的问题,并对农民用水协会今后可持续发展的问题提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

井渠结合灌溉类型区引洪补源的实施及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
井渠结合灌溉类型区可持续利用的关键是有效地补源,补源涉及到水行政管理部门、灌溉管理单位、灌区受益干部、群众等各方的权利、义务。引洪补源不但解决增产、增收,而且能有效地改善水环境,但必须加强宣传,强化管理,采取政策、经济措施才能实现。  相似文献   

Water catchments worldwide are experiencing increasing pressure on the quantity and quality of ground and surface water resources. Water managers are increasingly consulting community and stakeholder groups to ensure their decisions reflect the values and preferences of water users. Growing tensions between different water users require the use of techniques that can enable stakeholders to learn about each others’ positions and deliberate about the costs and benefits of alternative water allocation scenarios. This paper describes the use of scenario development, a small group deliberative process (citizens’ jury) and multi-criteria analysis to assist in water planning for the Howard River catchment in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. Water planning processes in the NT are in their infancy. As such, this research provides information about stakeholder preferences where none was previously available and demonstrates the use of a new water planning tool. The research found that the process in this case was most useful in providing information to stakeholders, dispelling some unhelpful myths about water use in the catchment, and coalescing opinion about important criteria for assessing future options.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to construct and apply a model for the allocation of water between two competing users, namely irrigation and hydropower. The model is applied in a case study of a specific water system located in North Eastern Spain. Starting with an irrigation-hydropower joint income function, we develop a constrained maximization process that takes into account the environmental, institutional and actual priority of the water rights. The resulting solution can be useful as a guide for potential bargains between users. Furthermore, we evaluate the results for different supply (precipitation) and water allotments (increase in irrigated land). The results show that there are sufficient incentives so as to reach agreements that lead to improvements in a Pareto sense without side payments.  相似文献   

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