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While attention was riveted on the results of an international design competition for a site over the 34th Street rail yards west of Pennsylvannia Railroad Station, another study was taking place. Working with the community, local multidisciplinary design teams explored an adjacent site through a different process. This process, and its findings, are illuminating.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(2):175-181
The purpose of this paper is to present a simple computer-based design method to improve the thermal comfort conditions in the built environment by means of controlling winds access and therefore natural ventilation. The criterion applied to control the access or obstruction of prevailing winds in a site was the idea of desirability or undesirability of these winds. The proposed method was applied in the design process of an energy conscious urban complex, which was designed for the city of Beer Sheva situated in the north of Israel's Negev desert. The simple design tool presented here allows the consideration of the winds in a site from the very beginning of the design process as a passive cooling design strategy.  相似文献   

任军 《新建筑》2007,(1):64-67
在郑州航空工业管理学院基础教学实验楼的设计中,通过城市共享、生态共享、场所共享的设计理念,将理性的分析方法在总体规划、场所塑造、空间构成、功能划分和建筑造型等各个设计步骤加以贯彻,使最终建成的建筑呈现出一种理性的秩序。  相似文献   

王玉平  李宁 《华中建筑》2011,29(7):72-74
建筑群落设计的过程,就是引导建筑群落空间在特定基地环境中生成的过程.建筑群落作为满足特定使用功能的空间载体,需要一个与基地环境相至匹配并整合的过程,以芜湖市冶芳园宾馆设计为例,对在景区环境解读基础上的建筑群落空间生发进行分析.  相似文献   

Observation and representation are the fundamental and core processes and methods in landscape design. By transforming a historical industrial site into an urban cultural park for citizens’ recreational needs, the Jinhua Memorial Park in the Suining City demonstrates how landscape designers observe and represent in post-industrial renewal practice. Designers continuously deepen their understanding of the site through a process from site observation and perception, research and exploration to systematic analyses. During this process, designers were inspired by the industrial production process and textile products, and then applied such concepts in spatial arrangement and prototype for physical renovation. As the skeleton of spatial arrangement, the main road of the campus connects various functional spaces and landscape nodes of the park. Five design strategies, including in-situ preservation, transposition retention, material reuse, appearance protection, and spiritual revitalization, are applied to protect and reorganize the industrial heritages to recall the past prosperous scenes. Landscape design approaches, intuitive or implicit, are adopted to tie up the past, present, and future of the site while making a park that meets the needs of all kinds of users.  相似文献   

文章通过对珠海万山岛独特的自然环境、地形地貌、人文特征的分析,引申出建筑设计中环境性格的决定作用。在此基础之上,分析研究建筑围绕环境性格的主题,讨论以何种手法去体现环境的特色,并进一步阐述了作为设计师应如何看待建筑的目的与过程。  相似文献   

Advancements in data collection, computing, and visualization methods have given rise to a new form of urban concept over the last decade: the smart sustainable city which tackles various urban challenges with digital technologies. However, earlier approaches omit the importance of citizens’ involvement in decision-making processes, which leads to an imbalanced information asymmetry between individuals and authorities and an increasingly reduced agency for the vulnerable. In this article, a tool and process was proposed which integrates the voices of evolving self-organizing entities to solve collective action challenges: Named as CoDAS (Co-Design Ang Sila), it is a digital platform which facilitates continuous communication between citizens and authorities during different development phases of a given project. By including a large number of stakeholders to participate in the codesign process as co-creators, CoDAS aims to improve communication efficiency while achieving equitable outcomes in design and development, along with post-occupancy common resource management. To test this hypothesis, a site design experiment was conducted on a site near a historical fishing village of Ang Sila, Thailand.  相似文献   

本文通过对玉溪市城市规划展览馆投标方案的解读,总结了方案的理性生成过程,探讨了各方面限定条件特别是城市空间格局对设计的影响,使设计活动本身成为一次场地环境影响建筑生成过程的有益实践。  相似文献   

程磊 《山西建筑》2011,37(9):219-220
针对某输水隧洞工程在开发建设过程中产生的弃渣情况,提出了从渣场选择到渣场设计过程中所遇问题中的解决方法,详细阐述了临河型弃渣场的设计要点、注意事项等,为解决该工程的弃渣难题提供了有效的方法j  相似文献   

针对多段异弧曲线玻璃栏杆现场施工中遇到的特殊问题,本文通过对现场问题的实际考量,从曲面玻璃加工和夹具改进设计两个方面入手,提出了一套比较完善和创新的施工工艺流程。  相似文献   

陈喆  邓旭光 《新建筑》2014,(2):99-103
通过对青岛海慈医院既有建筑的生态设计实践,着重展示从设计初期到最终成果的过程,总结了建筑在生态设计和改造层面的设计思路、设计方法、具体手段及最终效果.遵循发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的研究方法,在基地现状分析的基础上解决采光、遮阳、通风等问题,采用可视化软件科学模拟建筑的生态环境,并通过设计手段针对性解决存在的生态问题,体现了节能减排和可持续发展的生态设计理念.研究过程中应用了Winair、Ecotect等软件进行科学的环境分析和可视化模拟,确保了较为准确的结果,总结出一套完整的生态设计方法,对今后的生态设计具有一定的实践和指导意义.  相似文献   

Tommy Thompson Park in the city of Toronto, Canada was originally a massive landfilling project that extended 5 kilometers out into Lake Ontario. It was constructed from construction rubble and harbor dredge from the 1950s through the late 1970s, when the project was halted due to changing economic conditions. Left to its own devices, the landfill spontaneously evolved into a “nature preserve” when innumerable plants from around the world established themselves and hundreds of migrating bird species descended on the site for nesting and feeding. In the 1990s, the city of Toronto took control of the site and transformed it into a park—Tommy Thompson Park—after a carefully planned design and construction process. The design interventions enhanced public accessibility, wildlife and habitat diversity, and ecological functionality. Tommy Thompson Park is an ideal case study for examining the dynamic interaction between spontaneity and design and for how, over time, these seemingly contradictory processes can come together harmoniously.  相似文献   

垃圾处置场的污水处理工程设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如东县垃圾和粪便无害化处置场污水处理工程采用UASB/吹脱混凝沉演/SBR工艺,将渗滤液和粪便合并处理。介绍了工艺流程、设计参数及设计特点。  相似文献   

It is desirable to incorporate heuristic and empirical knowledge including hydrological and bio-geochemical considerations into the selection process of a potential landfill site. In this article, a prototype expert system for the selection of a landfill site, with hybrid knowledge representation approach under object-oriented design environment in a blackboard architecture, is described. It incorporates an artificial neural network for training of partial hazardous scores and a fuzzy rule base for the representation of heuristic knowledge. The evaluation is based on the hazardous waste site ranking system recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency, adapted to Hong Kong conditions by incorporating the stipulation of some local regulations. It is shown to be a useful aid in assisting novice engineers in the selection process of a potential landfill site during preliminary investigation.  相似文献   

该文以实际创作作品湖北随县柳林镇明玉珍故里纪念园为例,从时代背景、场地的历史和地域背景出发,重点在项目的规划布局、建筑设计、景观设计以及纪念园氛围营造等方面,阐述了明玉珍故里纪念园的创作过程.该项目以随县乡土建筑为母本,对当地的乡土建筑元素进行提炼、重组并加以设计,创造出小而精致的名人故里纪念.国希冀该项目对于现行中国...  相似文献   

2017年实施的《城市设计管理办法》为中国城市设计带来了新的机遇,同时也因将研究重点转向更大的尺度而给相关实践带来了新的挑战。为此,以天津滨海核心区西部城区为例,提出了基于要素控制并结合城市发展时序的大尺度城市设计编制流程。首先编制区域控制性城市设计,重点塑造区域整体结构和空间秩序,形成理想化的设计蓝图;进而编制实施性方案,落实控制性方案的设计策略并面向区域现状和实际需求进行深化调整;最终面向近期开发地块,编制开发建设方案,指导具体建设。同时对城市设计的要素控制方法进行了探讨,结果显示,编制流程和要素控制机制可使大尺度城市设计的理想蓝图层层深入,逐渐走向对具体地块的开发引导,完成从整体结构控制到项目建设方案控制的过程。  相似文献   

The design of the new Alexandria library requires a consideration of the many cultural and historical layers of the site, the city, and the country. Our design process began with our vision of the role of the library within its historical and cultural setting, the library as myth and metaphor. We then proceeded to analyze the site in its various contexts: the site in history; within its urban fabric; and in its position as link between the University of Alexandria and the sea. Program elements were then overlaid onto this. The concept that emerged marries the symbolic axis toward the site of the ancient lighthouse Pharos and the functional axis toward the University of Alexandria campus, allowing the building mass to act as an urban edge.  相似文献   

墨尔本皇家植物园依安·波特基金会儿童园的规划与建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何儿童公园的设计必须首先理解儿童是有创造力的个体,他们能够在公园里游玩、想象并创造他们自己的故事。这就是说,在公共景观里建设儿童公园需要仔细地进行规划,并且是一个从一开始就有清晰愿景的过程。这个愿景必须得到下述条件的支持:孩子们成为该设计中的积极参与者,对场地进行透彻的综合分析。许多儿童活动空间的失败被归咎于不佳的植物设计。在成千上万游客踩踏的情况下,了解场地上的小气候环境以及如何利用小气候来最大限度地维持植物最佳生长状态,可以避免这类问题。墨尔本皇家植物园依安·波特基金会(Ian Potter Foundation)儿童园的规划开始于一个清晰的愿景。规划包括了一系列孩子们参与的有意义的讨论,许多场地得到调整,包括土壤改良以及额外的排水措施;而且,规划特别强调植物材料的选择。描述了儿童公园的设计全过程并相信这就是公园取得成功的原因所在。  相似文献   

叶伟康  汪奋强  陶亮 《建筑创作》2010,(11):132-145
<正>南沙体育馆位于广州市南沙区黄阁镇,建成后将作为2010年广州亚运会武术比赛馆,并承担亚运会卡巴迪项目的比赛,是本届亚运会的新建大型场馆之一。南沙体育馆总建筑面积3万多平方米,亚运期间总坐席数为8 000多个,其中固定坐席约6 000个,活动坐席约2 000个,赛后如拆除新闻媒体席等临时工作席而恢复为普通观众坐席,则总容量可达8 800多席。建筑主体采用了钢筋混凝土结构及钢结构,总  相似文献   

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