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通过对英汉语动物习语比喻形象的对比研究,探讨英汉两种语言所负载的文化信息的异同,由此得出结论:在进行跨文化交际时,不仅要准确无误地传达语言信息,更要重视隐含在语言里的文化信息传递。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言中与动物有关的词语很多。许多动物形象负载着人们的感情,形成了某些民族独特的动物文化。它们的文化内涵来源多种多样,包括历史、宗教信仰、人们的信仰、神话传说等等。了解这些来源,有助于理解动物词汇除了表面含义以外更深层次的内涵和社会用法。  相似文献   

张东红 《甘肃冶金》2012,(3):144-146
在市场经济条件下,塑造良好的企业形象对企业的发展是相当重要的,而塑造良好的产品形象是企业形象的基础,本文主要阐述了企业应从提高企业的产品质量,有效地实施产品定位及价格策略,改进产品的包装装潢和商标设计以及加强产品广告宣传四个方面加强企业的产品形象,以此提高企业竞争力。  相似文献   

物理差生的问题不仅是学生个人成长问题,还是一个学校问题,一个社会问题,一个国家前途的问题.是否能把物理差生转换好,是对物理教育工作者、学校和行政部门工作质量评价严峻的考验.要解决物理差生的问题,要从调整学生情绪,提高学生学习物理兴趣、转换情绪等方法入手.  相似文献   

作为巴洛克艺术的代表画家,鲁本斯(Peter Paul Rubens,1577-1640)的艺术成就,正如法国美术史家丹纳说:佛兰德斯只有一个鲁本斯,正如英国只有一个莎士比亚,其余的画家无论如何伟大,总缺少一部分天才。鲁本斯一生作品丰盛,美术史上对他的研究也是比比皆是。本文避开了美术学家常见的研究角度,另辟蹊径,重点分析鲁本斯艺术作品中动物的"出没"理由。  相似文献   

读过<边城>的人都知道,它是沈从文先生的一篇杰作,作品将湘西人生状态书写到极致.作品从美丽的"边城"自然景色描写入手,然后再描写一群普通善良人物,由此表现出作者理想中的人性之美.尤其是对翠翠形象的塑造,倾注了作者对"爱"与"美"的向往.下面就我粗浅的理解对翠翠形象作简要分析.  相似文献   

关汉卿在戏剧中塑造了一大批鲜活生动的妇女形象,谢天香是其中较为特殊的一位.她具有其他女性形象中的诸多美好品质,又与她们大相径庭,历来学者对她褒贬不一.综合各方面因素分析,谢天香形象的复杂性与具体的社会背景及作家的审美追求、伦理观念、创作个性及世俗审美是密切相关的.  相似文献   

20世纪初期是各种现代主义大行其道的时代,其中不可被忽略掉的是一支传承广泛且影响深远的队伍,那就是超现实主义。他们否定传统的绘画观念和以往的美学,主张表现不受理性控制的无意识的世界。在超现实主义队伍中,马格利特是集怪诞、神秘、哲理等于一身的画家,他的许多作品都能引发人们的深思。本文选取常出现于他的作品中的一个形象——烟斗,来探讨语言与形象的契合关系。  相似文献   

电子注册工作是学籍管理的重要环节.在学历证书电子注册过程中,存在学生新旧身份证号码之间的转换问题,本文详细介绍了15位和18位身份证号码之间的转换原理和方法,给出了学历证书电子注册中身份证号码正确性校验算法及相关的应用案例.  相似文献   

本文着重对硫酸-硝酸-五氧化二钒及高压釜溶样条件进行了试验,并拟定了冷原子荧光法测定汞。  相似文献   

The effects of location cuing on target responses can be examined by comparing informative and neutral cuing conditions. In particular, the magnitudes of costs of invalid location cuing and of benefits of valid location cuing can be determined by comparing invalid and valid cue responses to location-nonspecific neutral cue responses. Cost/benefit analysis is based on the assumption that neutral baseline measures reflect a general warning effect about the impending target's onset but no other specific target information. The experiments we report were carried out to determine the appropriateness of two baseline measures for cost/benefit analyses of direct (nonsymbolic) location cuing effects. We found that a multiple-cue baseline attenuated the benefits of valid cuing, and that a background-flash baseline arbitrarily attenuated costs or benefits depending on flash intensity. It is proposed that a background flash is the more suitable neutral cue because it is target-location-nonspecific, but that its intensity should be adjusted to elicit a target-onset warning signal of the same magnitude as the location cues with which it will be compared. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

贾平凹的早期散文大量描写了月亮.作者对月亮的偏爱,主要源于对道禅中虚涵闲静的推崇.作者以月为主要意象,以月亮来构筑空灵静谧的审美意境,来表现他对"静虚"的审美追求.月亮是作者的主体精神的象征,是他追求、探索的美学象征.  相似文献   

Many emerging architectural/engineering/construction (A/E/C) technology investments are of strategic importance and may create future growth opportunities. Therefore, from the strategic perspective, management needs a better method that can quantify the strategic value of technology investment and suggest optimal investment strategies when the future is uncertain. This paper presents a quantitative valuation method based on modern option pricing theory for evaluating major investments in emerging A/E/C technologies. This framework considers specifically the technology investment risk and embedded managerial options. It further aligns the investment evaluation process with the financial market. The analysis may help A/E/C firms more accurately evaluate investments in emerging technologies, such as information technology and automation, and make strategic investment decisions under uncertainty.  相似文献   

In this study, the authors tested the cultural transmission of vocal traditions in cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Young cowbirds from a South Dakota (SD) population were housed over winter with adults of the SD population or with adults from an Indiana (IN) population. Song differences between the original SD and IN adult models were acquired by South Dakota culture (SDC) and Indiana culture (INC) males, respectively, and were transmitted to a 2nd cultural generation of birds. During playback tests of SDC and INC songs, SD females gave more copulatory responses to SDC songs. Finally, males with SD-like songs courted SDC females preferentially in breeding season tests, whereas males with IN-like songs courted INC females preferentially. These results indicate that the transmission of vocal traditions plays a fundamental role in the courtship patterns and mating decisions of cowbirds. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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