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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether quantification of specific antifungal antibody responses in serum can provide supplemental information for the diagnosis of Aspergillus fumigatus infections and the monitoring of antifungal treatment in patients after lung transplantation. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Center for lung transplantation, University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands. PATIENTS: 4 patients with proven A. fumigatus infections after lung transplantation and fatal outcome. MEASUREMENTS: The IgG antibody response specific for A. fumigatus antigens was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and was compared with radiographic features, cytologic findings, microbiological cultures, and clinical diagnosis. RESULTS: Increasing IgG antibody responses specific for A. fumigatus antigens closely paralleled cytologic or microbiological identification of A. fumigatus from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and decrease of lung function. Increasing specific IgG antibody responses were found to precede radiographic identification of lung cavitation by 1 to 2 weeks, precede the diagnosis of aspergillosis by 2 to 20 weeks, and detect fungal reinfection. In most cases, successful antifungal treatment decreased specific IgG antibody response. A decrease in specific IgG antibody response correlated with the inability to culture or identify A. fumigatus in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and with radiographic and clinical improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Specific IgG antibody responses in serum correlate with radiographic, cytologic, and microbiological findings and with the clinical diagnosis of A. fumigatus infections in patients who have had lung transplantation. Increased IgG antibody responses in serum may provide important information that is helpful in the diagnosis and early treatment of pulmonary fungal infections and in monitoring antifungal treatment.  相似文献   

This case report describes paralysis of the plantar flexors and extensors after a total hip replacement in a 33-year-old woman performed under epidural anaesthesia (PDA). Six years previously, the patient had undergone a bone marrow transplantation for chronic myeloid leukaemia. She had developed a deep vein thrombosis, a pulmonary embolus, and a severe graft-versus-host reaction of the skin, leading to markedly reduced mouth opening. The hip operation was performed using PDA following antithrombotic prophylaxis with low-molecular-weight heparin. Blood could initially be aspirated after advancing the PDA catheter, and a second puncture of the epidural space 1 segment higher enabled correct placement of the catheter. The patient received 500 ml Dextran 60 perioperatively and the operation was completed without any further problems. The PDA catheter was removed 2 h after the operation following the return of movement of both thighs. Fourteen hours after the completion of surgery it was noticed that the dressing over the epidural puncture site was bloodstained, the patient was incontinent, and complete loss of movement of the operated leg was present. An epidural haematoma was the suspected cause, but could not be definitely confirmed by a CT scan. Nevertheless, a laminectomy was undertaken to evacuate the suspected haematoma. As expected, tracheal intubation was only possible bronchoscopically. Intraoperatively, some low-grade epidural oozing at the level of the initial puncture site was observed, and a hemilaminectomy of 5 was performed. For the first time postoperatively, the bleeding time was measured and was markedly prolonged to 20 min (as described by Mielke, normal value up to 8 min). A coagulopathy was suggested, with the differential diagnosis of impaired platelet function. The paralysis of the plantar flexors and extensors and some sensory loss were still present 6 months after the operation. It remains uncertain whether the PDA in a patient receiving low-molecular-weight heparin resulting in a the suspected epidural haematoma was the cause of the neurological sequelae and in agreement with the consultant neurologist, we believe that a direct traumatic lesion of the L5/S1 segment or damage to the sciatic nerve are also likely causes of the symptoms. Undoubtedly, the lack of adequate postoperative neurological monitoring and the intraoperative administration of dextran despite the known epidural vascular lesion deserve criticism. This case report demonstrates the often complex development of neurological complications after nerve blocks, where a definite cause can frequently not be determined.  相似文献   

The technic of cold anesthesia under a tourniquet is described, and an analysis of 26 operated patients is given. The anesthesia was always a success. A complication was observed in one case (after inadequate application of a tourniquet chill and tachycardia were noted). A conclusion is made on certain advantages of cold anesthesia under a tourniquet in high amputation of the lower extremities in patients with manifest senile changes in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.  相似文献   

This study, limited to the superficial veins of 123 limbs (108 normal and 15 suffering from frank varicose disease) and only vessels with a caliber of at least 2 mm, reveals a certain degree of constancy of anatomical pattern. The initial network is defined embryologically and subsequent haemodynamic phenomena model the final veins. In particular, the topography of the main perforating veins is relatively fixed. Due to their double antihypertensive valve and aspirating pump function while walking, these vessels drain into saphenous veins. They are beneficial when they return reflux into the deep vessels. Conversely, perforator incompetence contaminates the superficial network in the case of deep reflux. The perforating vessels also have a relatively fixed position in relation to other structures: the main saphenous collateral veins, their duplicated branches, their communicating veins and the main valves. This results in large junctions typically associating a saphenous valve, one or several collateral veins, one or several communicating veins, and one or several perforating veins. Typical examples are the garter junction for the long saphenous vein, and the junction of the tip of the calf for the short saphenous vein. Other haemodynamic levels are situated at various sites, particularly in the leg, reflecting the existence, in some cases, of symmetrical "mirror", medial and lateral perforating veins. Morphological analysis of 15 limbs with obvious varicose veins of the trunk of the long saphenous vein defined the routes of transmission of reflux to the leg. Finally, the authors present several technical considerations which they hope will be useful for Doppler operators and surgeons.  相似文献   

Single-shot spin-echo diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging using a phased-array multicoil was performed to distinguish between normal and cirrhotic livers. Sets of 6 images with different b-values were acquired with breath-holding. Significant differences were observed between controls and cirrhosis cases in the signal ratios when the b-value was 383 s/mm2, and apparent diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was the investigation of the biochemical condition of elements likely to directly participate in active closing of the urethral lumen. We estimated glycogenolysis in urinary bladder, perivesical connective tissue and levator ani muscle (LAM) samples obtained intraoperatively from 80 stress incontinent women. Glycogen content as well as activities of active and total glycogen phosphorylase and acid exo-1,4-alpha-glucosidase were measured. Material from the urinary bladder and perivesical connective tissue was insignificantly altered, and glycogen contents in the bladder (2.03 +/- 1.38 g/100 g wet tissue) were considered to be normal. In the LAM glycogenolysis was much more activated than in other tissues (p < 0.001 by Fischer's exact test). Of LAM specimens 78% (22/28) revealed imbalanced biochemistry of glycogen with activation of hydrolytic decomposition. We conclude that stress urinary incontinence in women is frequently associated with metabolic alterations in the periurethral striated fibres. This study indirectly supports our recent hypothesis on the pathogenesis of the disease in terms of muscle fibre type transitions.  相似文献   

This article presents the senior author's experience in fat grafting for the treatment of contour deformities of the buttocks and lower limbs. This method has been termed liposculpture and consists in removal of adipose tissue by cannula and syringe and cleaning of the aspirated material with saline. All external contact is thus carefully avoided, preventing contamination. Fat grafting is done in multiple tunnels in a deep plane. Total of 140 patients were treated over the last 5 years and results were considered uniformly satisfactory. Fat absorption was estimated by clinical evaluation to be less than 20% volume. A low rate of complications (less than 3%) supports the authors' opinion that this is an efficient and safe procedure to correct or enhance contour deformities of the lower limbs.  相似文献   

The elaboration of new mortality tables by the Swiss statistical office has allowed to estimate the impact of different pathology or risk factors on the average life duration of the resident population in Switzerland. Thus, attributable death of the smoking habits have for effect to decrease the life expectancy of swiss citizens of 2.9 years for men and 0.7 years for women, for the period 1988/1993. The calculation of mortality rates attributable to this factor of risk shows nevertheless that the risk of death has decreased since the end of years 1960 for all quinquennial age groups between 35 and 74 years. The smoking habits would be responsible of approximately 16% of deaths observed in the swiss population and 20% of premature deaths (between 25 and 64 years). The present analysis shows furthermore that different evolutions of the mortality associated with the smoking habits characterize men and women.  相似文献   

Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) produces lower urinary tract (LUT) dysfunction that has been studied in surgical transection models. Our aim was to assess LUT functional deficit in a clinically relevant model of incomplete SCI to investigate how partial preservation of supraspinal connections might affect LUT dysfunction. Standardized weight-drop contusion (10 g x 2.5 cm) or complete transection, was produced at T8 in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Behavioral tests were used to assess hind limb sensorimotor function at Day 1 after surgery and weekly thereafter. The urometric experiments were conducted on groups (n = 7) of uninjured rats and on injured rats during Weeks 1 and 2 after SCI (before and after spontaneous voiding was established) as well as Week 2 after a complete transection (n = 3). Under anesthesia, the bladder was continuously perfused with saline. Changes in bladder pressure and external urethral sphincter (EUS) electrical activity were monitored. The bladder was then dissected and weighed and both the bladder and spinal cord were fixed for pathoanatomical analyses. Our results indicate that several aspects of LUT dysfunction after contusive SCI were similar to transection, e.g., reduction of voiding efficiency (approximately 5% of normal value), decrease in inter-contraction interval (47%), increase in bladder capacity (8-fold), and weight (4.6-fold). One aspect appeared different from transection--partial recovery from acute bladder/sphincter dyssynergia. Because the coordination of bladder and EUS function is mediated by brainstem pathways, partial recovery of synergy after SCI was likely due to sparing of some relevant bulbospinal projections as was confirmed by retrograde transneuronal viral tracing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: During a prospective cohort study to determine the effectiveness of and adverse effects associated with transurethral collagen injection for treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women, we observed 3 cases of delayed allergic reaction at the skin test site associated with arthralgia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 337 women with at least a 1-year history, physical findings and urodynamic abnormalities consistent with stress urinary incontinence, who required pads or protective clothing and who had no or only grade 1 cystocele were enrolled in this prospective cohort study. Adverse effects were documented by a third party at each followup. RESULTS: Delayed reaction at the skin test site occurred in 3 patients (0.9%), and was associated with arthralgias in 2. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence and systemic nature of this type of reaction suggest that gluteraldehyde cross-linked collagen injection is not as innocuous as previously believed. Patients should be counseled regarding the unknown long-term outcome of this complication. Before treatment clinicians should consider double skin testing.  相似文献   

Giant cell arteritis is an inflammatory disease that can affect the arteries anywhere in the body. Two cases are reported in which the arteries of the lower limbs were involved. Intermittent claudication with a walking distance of only 30 m was the inaugural manifestation in both cases. A biopsy of the superficial femoral artery provided the diagnosis in the first case. Ergotamine toxicity was considered initially in the second case. Acute ischemia and gangrene requiring amputation can complicate giant cell arteritis of the lower limbs and consequently corticosteroid therapy in an effective dose should be given as soon as the diagnosis is made. The inflammatory arterial lesions improve under therapy, but irreversible fibrosis with stenosis can develop if treatment is initiated late.  相似文献   

The effect of food on the bioavailability of brofaromine hydrochloride was investigated in a randomized cross-over study. Eight healthy male volunteers were given single peroral doses of 75 mg brofaromine hydrochloride after overnight fasting or a fat- and protein-rich breakfast. Mean (+/- SD) areas under the plasma concentration-time curves (AUC) were 9.66 (2.35) mumol l-1 h when given to the fasted volunteers and 11.82 (3.78) mumol l-1 h (p = 0.0413) when given after a substantial breakfast. Mean (+/- SD) maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) were 0.71 (0.13) mumol l-1 when given to the fasted volunteers and 0.85 (0.22) mumol l-1 (p > 0.05) when given after breakfast. Thus, both the average AUC and Cmax were increased by approximately 20 per cent when brofaromine hydrochloride was given with food. The times when Cmax was reached (tmax) as well as the elimination half-lives were not influenced by concomitant intake of food. The tolerability was the same whether brofaromine was given before or after food in healthy volunteers. The slight effect of food on the bioavailability of brofaromine should be of little therapeutic consequence because of the observed wide inter-subject variability of the plasma levels.  相似文献   

Surgery for stress incontinence is selected according to specific problems in each patient. Patients with ISD can be identified and selected for sling surgery or collagen injection therapy. Other patients may be managed successfully by retropubic urethropexy, either open or laparoscopic. Diagnostic evaluation should be thoughtful and extensive, with good correlation of findings and presenting symptoms to apply therapy in a specific manner to each patient.  相似文献   

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