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In their 2010 publication, Strategies to Reduce Sodium Intake in the United States, the Institute of Medicine suggested the FDA mandate salt reduction at the food industry level via a strategy of gradual, step-wise decline. The objective of this study was to compare the acceptability trajectories of a gradual to an abrupt salt reduction strategy of a high sodium food, and to determine if these trajectories were impacted by an individual’s hedonic sensitivity to salt and/or motivation to reduce dietary salt intake. Eighty-three subjects participated in a three-part study: an initial taste test, a 16-week longitudinal study, and a final taste test. At the initial and final taste tests, subjects indicated liking of tomato juice at four salt concentrations ranging from 136 mg sodium/serving (low sodium) to 640 mg sodium/serving (comparable to a commercially available product). To create two groups for the 16-week study, subjects were balanced for 6-n-propylthiouracil sensitivity, motivation to reduce dietary salt intake, and hedonic sensitivity to salt (the difference in liking between the highest and lowest salt concentrations in tomato juice served at the initial taste test). One group received juice abruptly reduced in salt at week 4 to a target low sodium level; the second group received juice gradually reduced in salt via difference threshold steps determined in a preliminary study (cumulating reductions of 12% each), to reach the target at week 14. We observed no overall difference in liking for low sodium juice at the end of the study as a result of salt reduction strategy; however, the trajectory of liking ratings over time differed between groups. Gradual salt reduction was more effective than the abrupt salt reduction because the abrupt reduction was accompanied by a large immediate drop in liking whereas the gradual reduction better maintained acceptability throughout the process. Subjects with low hedonic sensitivity responded favorably to both salt reduction strategies and would likely have no difficulty in adjusting to the taste of reduced salt foods. However, subjects with high hedonic sensitivity disliked reduced salt juice at some point during the study, regardless of strategy, and would likely have difficulty in adjusting to the taste of reduced salt foods.  相似文献   

Preference for saltiness is learned by oral exposure to salt taste; however, some data suggest a role for bodily sodium and potassium levels on salt taste preferences as well. The objective was to investigate whether encapsulated sodium and potassium supplementation lead to altered salt taste responses among adults with high blood pressure on a low sodium and low potassium diet. Twenty-six participants with untreated upper-range prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension were on a fully controlled low sodium and low potassium diet (both targeted at 2 g/day) for 13 weeks. Participants received capsules with sodium (3 g/d), potassium (3 g/d), or placebo, for 4 weeks each, in randomized order in a double blind crossover design. Sensory evaluation was done before and after each supplementation period and involved ratings of pleasantness and intensity in different salt (NaCl) concentrations in food and water, desire-to-eat salty food, and detection threshold for NaCl. Neither sodium supplementation nor potassium supplementation led to alterations in salt taste responses in food and water, and did not affect detection threshold (P = 0.59). There was no clear role for sodium or potassium supplementation on desire-to-eat salty food. In addition, we did not find effects of reduced oral exposure to salt over weeks, through the sodium-reduced diet, on salt taste preferences, in contrast to earlier studies. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest preference for saltiness is independent of changes in bodily sodium or potassium levels.  相似文献   

Multiple exposures have been shown to increase preference for novel foods or flavours. This “mere exposure” effect is also well known anecdotally for changes in preference for tastants within foods, for example reducing sugar in tea or coffee. However, to date, this phenomenon has received little scientific attention. The present study addressed this issue in relation to changes in preference for salt within soup. Following an initial assessment of liking, familiarity and saltiness of six soups varying in salt content (0–337 mg NaCl/ml), 37 participants, previously assessed for their preferred salt level in soup, were allocated to either an exposure group that received 20 ml soup samples with no added salt, to a group that received a 280 ml bowl of this soup, or to a control group that received 20 ml soup samples containing salt at 280 mg/100 g (within normal, commercial range). Soups were presented on eight occasions, at approximately daily intervals. The two groups receiving the no added salt soup showed increases in liking starting at the third exposure, and also evident in a repeat assessment following the exposures. Increases in familiarity of the no added salt soup were also evident during exposure. Rated saltiness of all soups increased as a function of exposure, so a change in saltiness perception could not account for changes in liking for just the no added salt soups. These data suggest that simple exposure to the taste of the no added salt soup was sufficient to increase liking to a level equivalent to the initially more preferred salt level.  相似文献   

Current UK intake of non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) is above recommendations. Reducing the sugar content of processed high sugar foods through reformulation is one option for reducing consumption of NMES at a population level. However, reformulation can alter the sensory attributes of food products and influence consumer liking. This study evaluated consumer acceptance of a selection of products that are commercially-available in the UK; these included regular and sugar-reduced baked beans, strawberry jam, milk chocolate, cola and cranberry & raspberry juice. Sweeteners were present in the reformulated chocolate (maltitol), cola (aspartame and acesulfame-K) and juice (sucralose) samples. Healthy, non-smoking consumers (n = 116; 55 men, 61 women, age: 33 ± 9 years; BMI: 25.7 ± 4.6 kg/m2) rated the products for overall liking and on liking of appearance, flavor and texture using a nine-point hedonic scale. There were significant differences between standard and reduced sugar products in consumers' overall liking and on liking of each modality (appearance, flavor and texture; all P < 0.0001). For overall liking, only the regular beans and cola were significantly more liked than their reformulated counterparts (P < 0.0001). Cluster analysis identified three consumer clusters that were representative of different patterns of consumer liking. For the largest cluster (cluster 3: 45%), there was a significant difference in mean liking scores across all products, except jam. Differences in liking were predominantly driven by sweet taste in 2 out of 3 clusters. The current research has demonstrated that a high proportion of consumers prefer conventional products over sugar-reduced products across a wide range of product types (45%) or across selected products (27%), when tasted unbranded, and so there is room for further optimization of commercial reduced sugar products that were evaluated in the current study. Future work should evaluate strategies to facilitate compliance to dietary recommendations on NMES and free sugars, such as the impact of sugar-reduced food exposure on their acceptance.  相似文献   

The present study investigated taste preferences in a sample of 1705 children aged 6 to 9 years from survey centres in Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, and Spain and aimed to identify factors correlated with taste preference. Children’s preferences for varying levels of sucrose (sweet) in apple juice and fat, sodium chloride (salt) and monosodium glutamate (umami) in crackers were assessed using paired-comparison tests. Socio-demographics (age, sex, parental education), early feeding practises (breastfeeding, introduction of fruits), parenting behaviour (TV viewing, using food as a reward) and taste threshold sensitivity for sucrose (sweet), sodium chloride (salt), caffeine (bitter) and monosodium glutamate (umami) were investigated as possible correlates of taste preferences. Parents reported on socio-demographics, early feeding and parenting behaviour. Taste thresholds were determined via a paired-comparison staircase method. Country of residence was the strongest factor related to preferences for all four tastes. Taste preferences also differed by age. Preference for sugar and salt increased between 6 and 9 years of age while preference for monosodium glutamate decreased. The age differences remained significant even after adjustment for sex, country of residence, parental education and early feeding habits. Sex, parental education, early feeding habits, TV viewing, using food as a reward and taste thresholds were not consistently related to taste preferences among the survey centres. In summary, the results highlight the importance of culture and age in taste preferences in children younger than 10 years of age.  相似文献   

Paired preference tests of liking require consumers to specify which of two foods are preferred or whether there is no preference. For ‘Buying’ preference tests, consumers specify which of two foods they are more likely to buy or whether there is no operational difference in likelihood to buy. The former test is designed to predict choice behaviour, the latter, buying behaviour. To validate the predictive ability of such tests, consumer choice and buying behaviour should be observed for several months. Another approach is to allow consumers to take away some of the foods used in the test and observe what they take. Consumers of potato chips were required to taste chips whose flavour and appearance were obviously different. A first group (N = 109) were given a traditional paired preference test of liking. A second group (N = 108) were given a preference test of buying. A third group (N = 101) were given both tests. After the test, out of sight of the experimenter, consumers were presented with two rows of plain plastic ‘snack’ bags, filled with the chips used in the test. They could take away either two bags of the same type of chip (a ‘Take Away’ preference) or one of each type (no ‘Take Away’ preference) or take neither (rejection). ‘Liking’ preferences predicted what was taken away for only 48% of consumers for the first group and 45% (third group). For ‘Buying’ preferences, the correspondence was 56% (second group) and 60% (third group). Using buying tests separately or together with liking produced some differences. More reliably, approximately 60% of consumers in all groups chose one bag of each. ‘Take Away’ preferences suggested low predictability for paired preference tests of liking and buying. ‘Take Away’ preferences are not a substitute for following a consumer for several months but they are a step in the right direction.  相似文献   

Sweetness is generally a desirable taste, however consumers can be grouped into sweet likers and dislikers according to optimally preferred sucrose concentrations. Understanding the levels of sweetness in products that are acceptable and unacceptable to both consumer groups is important to product development and for influencing dietary habits. The concentrations at which sucrose decreases liking (the rejection threshold; RjT) in liquid and semi-solid matrices were investigated in this study. Thirty six consumers rated their liking of 5 sucrose aqueous solutions; this identified 36% sweet likers (SL) whose liking ratings increased with increasing sucrose and 64% sweet dislikers (SD) whose liking ratings decreased above 6% (w/v) sucrose. We hypothesized that SL and SD would have different RjT for sucrose in products. This was tested by preparing 8 levels of sucrose in orange juice and orange jelly and presenting each against the lowest level in forced choice preference tests. In orange juice, as sucrose increased from 33 g/L to 75 g/L the proportion of people preferring the sweeter sample increased in both groups. However, at higher sucrose levels, the proportion of consumers preferring the sweet sample decreased. For SD, a RjT was reached at 380 g/L, whereas a significant RjT for SL was not reached. RjT in jelly were not reached as the sweetness in orange jelly was significantly lower than for orange juice (p < 0.001). Despite statistically significant differences in rated sweetness between SL and SD (p = 0.019), the extent of difference between the two groups was minor. The results implied that sweet liker status was not substantially related to differences in sweetness perception. Self-reported dietary intake of carbohydrate, sugars and sucrose were not significantly affected by sweet liker status. However the failure to find an effect may be due to the small sample size and future studies within a larger, more representative population sample are justifiable from the results of this study.  相似文献   

Brassicaceous vegetables (BV) have chemoprotective effects and yet consumption of BV in the UK is low. Previous studies suggest perception, liking and intake of BV are influenced by bitter taste sensitivity which this study further explores. Phenotypical taste sensitivity of 136 subjects was classified using propythiouracil (PROP) and sodium chloride and fungiform papillae density (FPD) was measured from tongue images. Polymorphisms of TAS2R38 and gustin (CA6) genes were analysed. Liking and bitterness of four raw vegetables (two BV (broccoli and white cabbage) and two non-BV (spinach and courgette)), as well as habitual consumption, were evaluated.There was a significant association between TAS2R38 genotype and PROP taster status (p < 0.0001) and between FPD and PROP taster status (p = 0.029). Individuals with greater sensitivity for PROP predominantly had TAS2R38 PAV/PAV genotype and greater FPD. BV were perceived as more bitter than non-BV (p < 0.0001) with PAV/PAV subjects perceiving significantly stronger bitter intensity. There was a significant difference in liking for the four vegetables (p = 0.002), and between consumers of different TAS2R38 genotype (p = 0.0024). Individuals with TAS2R38 AVI/AVI genotype liked BV more. Regarding intake, both PAV/PAV and AVI/AVI individuals consumed more total vegetables and BV than PAV/AVI. Although PROP nontasters tended to consume more vegetables and BV than the other two phenotype groups, liking and vegetable intake were not significantly affected by taste phenotype. Although there was not a significant effect of CA6 genotype on bitterness ratings, there was a significant interaction between CA6 and TAS2R38, and in addition CA6 genotype was significantly associated with BV intake. However, these effects require validation as the proportions of the population with the CA6 G/G genotype was extremely small (7%).Our results confirmed that bitter taste perception in vegetables was influenced by both genotype and phenotype of bitter taste sensitivity. Moreover, our findings demonstrated that neither genotype nor phenotype of taste sensitivity alone accurately predict vegetable liking and intake as demographic factors were found to have a substantial influence.  相似文献   

In several studies, it has been found that repeated exposure to a novel food increases children’s acceptance of the exposure food. The present study, investigated how repeated exposure influences the acceptance of two Nordic berry juices, and whether the development depends on initial liking of the product, in 9–11 year-old children. The study had 317 participants. Two groups of children were exposed to either sea-buckthorn (n = 92) or aronia (n = 105) juice eight times, and performed two follow-up sessions 3 and 6 months after the 8th exposure. A third group (n = 120) served as controls. During pre and post-test sessions all participating children evaluated acceptance of both juices.Intake of sea-buckthorn juice increased significantly over the eight exposures (55.1 ± 7.3 till 108.8 ± 12.3) and remained high after 6 months (131.1 ± 13.2). Intake of aronia juice was only increased at follow-up sessions. Liking did not develop significantly for any of the juices across exposures. When children were grouped by their initial liking increased intake across exposures was observed regardless of initial liking of sea-buckthorn. Liking developed similarly for both juices. A significant increase was found for the ‘initial dislikers’ only. This study demonstrates how exposure effects are influenced by initial liking; it appears that changes in familiarity explain the changes seen for sea-buckthorn among ‘dislikers’. ‘Initial dislikers’ had the most benefit from repeated exposures, but did not reach ‘initial likers’ across eight exposures; more exposures in the group of ‘initial dislikers’ had possibly led to even higher liking and intake. The increased intake observed for ‘neutral likers’ and ‘initial likers’ of sea-buckthorn was not explained by increased familiarity or increased liking.  相似文献   

The time dependence of the liking of foodstuffs was investigated in a study with 25 subjects, consisting of three parts: (1) on day one, a sensory specific satiety study, which was extended until 125 min after consumption; (2) on days two to seven, a repeated in home taste and evaluation study; (3) on day eight, a second sensory specific satiety study as in 1.In parts 1 and 3, subjects were asked to eat either cheese biscuits or pears in light syrup to satiety. The change in liking of both foodstuffs, after eating one of the two foodstuffs to satiety, was followed during 125 min. In part 2, the same subjects were asked to taste and evaluate each product at home, every day for six days.In the sensory specific satiety studies (parts 1 and 3) a significant decrease in liking was observed for the product eaten to satiety, as long as 125 min after consuming that product to satiety. For both products contrast effects were observed: the liking of the uneaten product increased after eating the other product to satiety, while the liking of the eaten product decreased. This contrast effect lasted longer after eating cheese biscuits to satiety, than after eating pears to satiety.In the in home taste and evaluation study, a significant and linear decrease in liking was observed for both products during six days. There was a significant effect (p < 0.05) of eating cheese biscuits to satiety in the sensory specific satiety study on day 1, on the liking ratings of the in home consumption study. No such effect was observed for the pears.The results indicate that sensory specific satiety is relatively strong for more than 2 h after consumption and can have effects on liking ratings for more than 24 h. These effects were different for the products tested. Based on these results, we suggest that combining eating a product to satiety and in home evaluation over several days, could possibly be useful as an accelerated method to predict changes in liking upon repeated consumption.  相似文献   

In order to study how triphosphate, salt, glucose, ascorbate and starch, both separately and in mixture, could affect the quality and the yield of brined cod fillets, an experimental design was applied. Salt was the variable with highest pronounced effect on yield and appearance, followed by triphosphate, glucose, starch and sodium ascorbate. By treating skinless frozen/thawed cod fillets with brine consisting of 25 g salt/l, 10 g triphosphate/l, 5 g glucose/l, 5 g sodium ascorbate/l and 5 g starch/l in a vacuum tumbler for 15 min, a 35% weight increase was obtained. The products retained a natural appearance with a homogenous surface. Next, an experiment was carried out to assess the effect of this brining mixture on sensory properties and consumers liking of both fresh and frozen/thawed cod fillets. Sensory analyses showed that the intensity of the sensory attributes cod taste, cod smell, juiciness, whiteness and glossiness could be heightened by brining, while the intensities of old/stale taste and smell could be lowered. The effects were prominent for products subjected to freezing before and/or after processing, while the characteristics of the fresh products were little influenced by brining. Using an in-house consumer panel, it was shown that the frozen/thawed products were the less preferred products. However, brining considerably enhanced the preferences for frozen and thawed cod fillets, obtaining preferences similar to the fresh, nonbrined product (F).  相似文献   

Liking for a sweet, salty or fatty diet may induce overconsumption of simple carbohydrates, sodium or lipids. Measuring overall liking of the corresponding sensory sensations contributes to understanding the determinants of dietary behaviours. However, no standardized validated questionnaire assaying these sensations is currently available. In the present study, we developed a web-based questionnaire, “PrefQuest”, which measures recalled liking for the following four sensations: salt, fat and salt, sweet, fat and sweet. PrefQuest included four types of items: (1) liking for sweet, fatty-sweet and fatty-salty foods, (2) preferences in the level of seasoning by adding salt, sweeteners, or fat, (3) preferences for types of dishes in a restaurant menu and (4) overall questions about sweet-, salt- and fat-related behaviours. A development study (n = 198) demonstrated that PrefQuest was feasible, well-perceived, only lasted about 20 min and that items were repeatable (overall mean intra-class correlation coefficient: 0.77, SD 0.08). Construct validity was then evaluated on a larger population sample (n = 47 803). The underlying structure within each of the four sensations was determined by exploratory factor analysis and then internally validated by confirmatory factor analysis. After a selection of the most relevant items, the salt, fat-and-salt, sweet, and fat-and-sweet scales exhibited a theoretically meaningful factor structure, unidimensional for the salt scale and with interrelated sub-dimensions for the sweet, fat-and-salt, and fat-and-sweet scales. Based on the fat-and-sweet and fat-and-salt scales, a fat model was also unveiled. For each factor, internal consistency as well as convergent and divergent validities were demonstrated. Overall, PrefQuest is an internally valid and original tool that can be used to assay recalled liking for sweet, salt, and fat considered altogether or separately as fat and salt or fat and sweet, and can be applied to large population surveys.  相似文献   

Chewing gum is a particular product, consumed during long periods of time and usually while doing something else. Therefore, traditional hedonic tests might not provide sufficient information. The aim of the present work was to compare the liking scores resulting from asking consumers whether they liked the product only once (static liking, SL) to those obtained when asking repeatedly during consumption (dynamic liking, DL). For this purpose, three different mint chewing gums were evaluated by two groups of 50 consumers. In both cases, consumers evaluated the samples at home using an Internet application specifically designed for the experiment. In the SL, consumers were prompted to rate their liking only after 5 min of chewing. During this time, consumers were presented with a series of curious facts (“Did you know…?”) which they would read from the screen as a background task. For the DL, consumers were asked to rate the samples every 45 s during a period of 10 min while performing the same background task, having a maximum of 10 s to answer.Comparing the results obtained by both techniques at the same moment of consumption (5 min), ratings were found to be significantly higher with the SL for all samples. This could indicate that, when asked once, consumers gave their overall liking score and not their liking at precisely 5 min. Nonetheless, at that moment, the sample ranking was the same for both methods. Moreover, DL showed that when taking into account preference throughout consumption time, a significant product ranking inversion could be found, revealing that preference was time dependent and also that this change was different among products.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how different preparation methods influence children’s liking for vegetables. Participants were children from three age groups (4–6 years N = 46; 7–8 years N = 25; 11–12 years N = 23) and young adults (18–25 years N = 22). The participants tasted and ranked six preparation methods for carrots and French beans: mashed, steamed, boiled, stir-fried, grilled and deep-fried. In addition, the different vegetable preparations were rated on 15 attributes. All participants preferred boiled and steamed vegetables over the other preparations (p < 0.05). Boiled and stir-fried were the most familiar preparation methods for both vegetables. Vegetable liking was positively related to a uniform surface and the typical vegetable taste, and moderately related to crunchiness, whereas brown colouring and a granular texture were negatively related to vegetable liking. On the basis of these results, we conclude that children’s vegetable liking is influenced by a complex mixture of a uniform appearance, easily controllable textures and a typical, familiar vegetable taste.  相似文献   

Stress and increased body weight may lead to decreased sensory or hedonic perception. Rewarding value of food consists of liking and wanting; this study emphasizes characterization of orosensory perception and liking during stress. The effect of stress on orosensory attributes of food and liking was tested in overweight and normal weight participants. Thirty-nine participants (26f/13m, age 30 ± 11 y), 24 normal weight (BMI 22 ± 2 kg/m2, waist/hip-ratio 0.78 ± 0.02) and 15 visceral-overweight (BMI 29 ± 2 kg/m2, waist/hip-ratio 0.87 ± 0.02) tasted 67 food items randomly in a rest and stress condition, subsequently rating orosensory attributes (i.e., sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, sourness, umami, creaminess, crispiness) and liking using visual analog scales. Stress was induced using an unsolvable math task in a noisy context. In overweight participants, orosensory perception was less pronounced, especially with respect to sweetness. Liking was related to orosensory perception, the relationships were the same in both conditions. Liking was scored lower by overweight vs. normal weight participants. Stress vs. rest reduced orosensory perception in normal weight participants. Stress vs. rest reduced liking equally for normal weight and overweight participants. In conclusion, our results show that orosensory perception and liking of food are reduced in overweight compared to normal weight participants; the latter is especially emphasized during stress.  相似文献   

Bitterness has been suggested to be the main reason for the limited palatability of several vegetables. Vegetable acceptance has been associated with preparation method. However, the taste intensity of a variety of vegetables prepared by different methods has not been studied yet. The objective of this study is to assess the intensity of the five basic tastes and fattiness of ten vegetables commonly consumed in the Netherlands prepared by different methods using the modified Spectrum method. Intensities of sweetness, sourness, bitterness, umami, saltiness and fattiness were assessed for ten vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, leek, carrot, onion, red bell pepper, French beans, tomato, cucumber and iceberg lettuce) by a panel (n = 9) trained in a modified Spectrum method. Each vegetable was assessed prepared by different methods (raw, cooked, mashed and as a cold pressed juice). Spectrum based reference solutions were available with fixed reference points at 13.3 mm (R1), 33.3 mm (R2) and 66.7 mm (R3) for each taste modality on a 100 mm line scale. For saltiness, R1 and R3 differed (16.7 mm and 56.7 mm). Mean intensities of all taste modalities and fattiness for all vegetables were mostly below R1 (13.3 mm). Significant differences (p < 0.05) within vegetables between preparation methods were found. Sweetness was the most intensive taste, followed by sourness, bitterness, fattiness, umami and saltiness. In conclusion, all ten vegetables prepared by different methods showed low mean intensities of all taste modalities and fattiness. Preparation method affected taste and fattiness intensity and the effect differed by vegetable type.  相似文献   

Seven varieties of sea salt and a Kosher control were characterized by composition, various physical properties and rates of dissolution in artificial saliva. These measures were compared to sensory time–intensity data in which the temporal profile of salt taste of the sea salt crystals was measured by a trained panel (n = 12). Salts contained either the same or less sodium than the Kosher salt. Three salts contained similar sodium contents as the Kosher control while True Kona contained the lowest sodium content with 16.75% less sodium than Kosher salt. Significant differences were observed among salts for their rates of dissolution, temporal perception of salt taste as well as composition. From a sensory perspective, there were few differences in maximum salt taste intensity. There were, however, some differences in the salts' time–intensity profiles. Red Aelea exhibited the lowest maximum intensity but also exhibited the longest duration of salt taste intensity in comparison to all other salts. Rates of dissolution were found to be negatively correlated with time to maximum salt taste intensity and overall duration of salt taste. Significant differences were found between the size of the salt particles and size was strongly correlated with rates of in-vitro dissolution as well as with a variety of time–intensity sensory measures Based on the fact that salts did not show large differences is taste intensity and many of the salts did not contain less sodium than the Kosher control, using the studied sea salts as a sodium reduction strategy is not viable.  相似文献   

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