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Transmutation missions for fusion neutron sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There are a number of potential neutron transmutation missions (destruction of long-lived radioisotopes in spent nuclear fuel, ‘disposal’ of surplus weapons-grade plutonium, ‘breeding’ of fissile nuclear fuel) that perhaps best can be performed in sub-critical nuclear reactors driven by a neutron source. The requirements on a tokamak fusion neutron source for such transmutation missions are significantly less demanding than for commercial electrical power production. A tokamak fusion neutron source based on the current physics and technology database (ITER design base) would meet the needs of the spent nuclear fuel transmutation mission; the technical issue would be achieving ≥50% availability, which would require advances in component reliability and in steady-state physics operation.  相似文献   

Inelastic scattering of high energy fusion neutrons does affect the performance of fusion blanket based on the choice of different materials. It will also affect the behavior of source neutrons in a subcritical fusion fission hybrid blanket and consequently the transmutation and tritium breeding performance. A fusion fission hybrid test blanket module (HTBM) is designed which is presumed to be tested in a large sized tokamak and plasma neutron source is similar to ITER. In this preliminary design of HTBM the neutron source and loss factors are computed for the detailed neutronic performance analysis. The neutronic analysis of hybrid blanket module is performed for five different TRU fuel types: TRU-Zr, TRU-Mo, TRU-Oxide, TRU-Carbide and TRU-Nitride. In this module design, it is aimed to burn and transmute the TRU nuclides from high-level radioactive waste of PWR spent fuel. The effect of TiC reflector on transmutation and tritium breeding performance of HTBM is also quantified. MCNPX is used for neutronic computations. Neutron spectrum, capture to fission ratio and waste transmutation ratio of each fuel type are compared to evaluate their waste transmutation performance. Tritium breeding ratio is also compared for two coolant options: Li and LiPb eutectic.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionAlthough the recent experiments and associatedtheoretical studies of fusion energy development havedemonstrated the feasibility of fusion power, it iscommonly realized that it needs hard work beforepure fusion energy could be commercially and eco-nomically utilized. On the other hand, the fissionnuclear industry has been falling on hard tithes re-cently since so far there has been no conclusion abouthow to deal with the long-lived wastes produced fromthe nuclear spent fuel and a…  相似文献   

聚变-裂变混合能源堆包括聚变中子源和以天然铀为燃料、水为冷却剂的次临界包层,主要目标是生产电力。利用输运燃耗耦合程序系统MCORGS计算了混合能源堆一维模型的燃耗,给出了中子有效增殖因数keff、能量放大倍数M、氚增殖比TBR等物理量随时间的变化。通过分析能谱和重要核素随燃耗时间的变化,说明混合能源堆与核燃料增殖、核废料嬗变混合堆的不同特点。本文给出的结果可作为混合堆中子输运、燃耗分析程序校验的参考数据,为混合堆概念研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

To date the magnetic fusion effort has been almost entirely devoted to only one application, that being a multi gigawatt central station electric plant. Given the already well established fission based industry, the likelihood that fusion will have any impact on curbing the current carbon-based energy demand in the 21st century is slim. This paper advocates that the first and primary use of fusion neutrons should be as the driver for a sub-critical fission nuclear energy system—a fission–fusion hybrid reactor. This system can also be utilized to transmute long-lived radioactive wastes, and breed fissile nuclear fuel for several additional fission reactors. A small-scale fusion system based on a reciprocating fusion cycle employing the magneto-kinetic compression of the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) is particularly well suited for this application. The characteristics of this fusion neutron driver and the potential for transmutation of long-lived nuclear wastes and breeding of fissile nuclear fuel in a blanket are presented.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the core characteristics to the fuel pin cell parameters change is analyzed for a lead-bismuth cooled reactor to incinerate transuranic nuclides. The pitch-to-diameter ratio is changed for a parametric study to investigate the effects of the coolant-to-fuel ratio. Not only the Zr-based fuel of TRU+Zr but also the Th-based fuel of TRU+Th+Zr is considered in order to investigate the sensitivity of nuclear characteristics of the fuel pin cell to neutron energy spectrum as well as effects of the fuel type on the core performance. For the sensitivity analyses, the neutron spectrum, the criticality performance parameters, and the non-fissile actinides destruction factor are evaluated. The obtained results clarify the unique property of nuclear characteristics of the fuel pin cell and give some useful information for design optimization of a lead-bismuth cooled reactor for TRU transmutation.  相似文献   

The present day fission energy technology faces with the problem of transmutation of dangerous radionuclides that requires neutron excess generation. Nuclear energy system based on fission reactors needs fuel breeding and, therefore, suffers from lack of neutron excess to apply large-scale transmutation option including elimination of fission products. Fusion neutron source (FNS) was proposed to improve neutron balance in the nuclear energy system. Energy associated with the performance of FNS should be small enough to keep the position of neutron excess generator, thus, leaving the role of dominant energy producers to fission reactors. The present paper deals with development of general methodology to estimate the effect of neutron excess generation by FNS on the performance of nuclear energy system as a whole. Multiplication of fusion neutrons in both non-fissionable and fissionable multipliers was considered. Based on the present methodology it was concluded that neutron self-consistency with respect to fuel breeding and transmutation of fission products can be attained with small fraction of energy associated with innovated fusion facilities.  相似文献   

The deuterium-tritium (D-T) experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) have yielded unique information on the confinement, heating and alpha particle physics of reactor scale D-T plasmas as well as the first experience with tritium handling and D-T neutron activation in an experimental environment. The D-T plasmas produced and studied in TFTR have peak fusion power of 10.7 MW with central fusion power densities of 2.8 MWm–3 which is similar to the 1.7 MWm–3 fusion power densities projected for 1,500 MW operation of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Detailed alpha particle measurements have confirmed alpha confinement and heating of the D-T plasma by alpha particles as expected. Reversed shear, highl i and internal barrier advanced tokamak operating modes have been produced in TFTR which have the potential to double the fusion power to 20 MW which would also allow the study of alpha particle effects under conditions very similar to those projected for ITER. TFTR is also investigating two new innovations, alpha channeling and controlled transport barriers, which have the potential to significantly improve the standard advanced tokamak.  相似文献   

The long-term radiological burden associated with nuclear power production is usually attributed to long-lived fission products (LLFP). Their lifetime and large equilibrium mass and hence radioactivity accumulated in the course of fission energy generation make their storage a rather formidable task to solve. Therefore the idea of artificial incineration of LLFP through their transmutation has been quite naturally incorporated into the concept of self-consistent nuclear energy system (SCNES) based primarily on fast breeder reactor technologies. However it is now acknowledged that neutron environment of fission facilities including fast breeder reactors does not seem most appropriate for LLFP transmutation. The issue has been then extensively developed within the framework of multi-component self-consistent nuclear energy system (MC-SCNES). Neutrons of specific quality required for LLFP transmutation are proposed there to be of non-fission origin. Given neutron excess available and neutron quality, a fusion neutron source (FNS) is appearing as the candidate No. 1 to consider for LLFP transmutation. Research on LLFP transmutation by means of FNS has very long history and has received an additional boost during the decade passed. In the present study, potential of thermal flux blanket of FNS is exemplified by transmutation of 93Zr and 126Sn, the most difficult LLFP to transmute. It is shown that transmutation of 93Zr is effective even with a rather modest neutron loading of 1 MWt·m−2, typical for ITER project. Transmutation of 126Sn, however, requires neutron loading of as high as 3 MWt·m−2 for DD fusion and is quite unattractive for DT fusion. In the latter case, transmutation through the threshold (n,2n) reaction may be preferable.  相似文献   

对装载不同增殖材料的现实加速器驱动系统(ADS)的安全及嬗变超铀核素特性进行研究。分别 以(U,TRU)O2和(Th,TRU)O2作为堆芯燃料,先用LAHET和MCNP程序对ADS进行稳态模拟计 算,再耦合MCNP和ORIGEN2程序计算燃耗过程中的核素密度变化。结果显示,装载钍基燃料的 ADS对超铀核素的嬗变效果较好,且在燃耗过程中其反应性和质子流强波动较小;装载铀基燃料的 ADS则具有更安全的多普勒效应和缓发中子有效份额。总体来看,如果需要堆长时间安全嬗变超铀核 素,装载钍基燃料会取得更好的效果。  相似文献   

With world stockpiles of used nuclear fuel increasing, the need to address the long-term utilization of this resource is being studied. Many of the transuranic (TRU) actinides in nuclear spent fuel produce decay heat for long durations, resulting in significant nuclear waste management challenges. These actinides can be transmuted to shorter-lived isotopes to reduce the decay heat period or consumed as fuel in a CANDU(R) reactor.Many of the design features of the CANDU reactor make it uniquely adaptable to actinide transmutation. The small, simple fuel bundle simplifies the fabrication and handling of active fuels. Online refuelling allows precise management of core reactivity and separate insertion of the actinides and fuel bundles into the core. The high neutron economy of the CANDU reactor results in high TRU destruction to fissile-loading ratio.This paper provides a summary of actinide transmutation schemes that have been studied in CANDU reactors at AECL, including the works performed in the past ( [Boczar et al., 1996] , [Chan et al., 1997] , [Hyland and Dyck, 2007] and [Hyland et al., 2009] ). The schemes studied include homogeneous scenarios in which actinides are uniformly distributed in all fuel bundles in the reactor, as well as heterogeneous scenarios in which dedicated channels in the reactor are loaded with actinide targets and the rest of the reactor is loaded with fuel.The transmutation schemes that are presented reflect several different partitioning schemes. Separation of americium, often with curium, from the other actinides enables targeted destruction of americium, which is a main contributor to the decay heat 100–1000 years after discharge from the reactor. Another scheme is group-extracted transuranic elements, in which all of the transuranic elements, plutonium (Pu), neptunium (Np), americium (Am), and curium (Cm) are extracted together and then transmuted. This paper also addresses ways of utilizing the recycled uranium, another stream from the separation of spent nuclear fuel, in order to drive the transmutation of other actinides.  相似文献   

Based on scientific databases adopted for designing ITER plasmas and on the advancement of fusion nuclear technology from the recent R&D program, a low wall-loading DEMO fusion reactor has been designed, where high priority has been given to the early and reliable realization of a tokamak fusion plasma over the cost performance. Since the major radius of this DEMO reactor is chosen to be 10 m, plasma ignition is achievable with a low fusion power of 0.8 GW and an operation period of 4–5 hours is available only with inductive current drive. The low ignition power makes it possible to adopt a first wall with an austenitic stainless steel, for which significant databases and operating experience exists, due to its use in the presence of neutron irradiation in fission reactors. In step with development of advanced materials, a step-wise increase of the fusion power seems to be feasible and realistic, because this DEMO reactor has the potential to produce a fusion power of 5 GW.  相似文献   

A decentralized nuclear energy system is proposed comprising mass-produced pressurized water reactors in the size range 10 to 300 MW (thermal), to be used for the production of process heat, space heat, and electricity in applications where petroleum and natural gas are presently used. Special attention is given to maximizing the refueling interval with no interim batch shuffling in order to minimize fuel transport, reactor downtime, and opportunity for fissile diversion. The smallest reactors could be deployed as nuclear batteries, kept in the equivalent of spent-fuel shipping casks and returned to nuclear fuel centers for refueling. These objectives demand a substantial fissile enrichment (7 to 15%). The preferred fissile fuel is U-233, which offers an order of magnitude savings in ore requirements (compared with U-235 fuel), and whose higher conversion ratio in thermal reactors serves to extend the period of useful reactivity and relieve demand on the fissile breeding plants (compared with Pu-239 fuel). Application of the neutral-beam-driven tokamak fusion-neutron source to a U-233 breeding pilot plant is examined. This scheme can be extended in part to a decentralized fusion energy system, wherein remotely located large fusion reactors supply excess tritium to a distributed system of relatively smallnonbreeding D-T reactors.  相似文献   

The entire nuclear fuel cycle involves partitioning classification and transmutation recycling. The usage of a tokamak as neutron sources to burn spend fuel in a gas cooled subcritical fast reactor (GCSFR) reduces the amount of long-lived radionuclide, thus increasing the repository capacity.  相似文献   

Alternative strategies are being considered as management option for current spent nuclear fuel transuranics (TRU) inventory. Creation of transmutation fuels containing TRU for use in thermal and fast reactors is one of the viable strategies. Utilization of these advanced fuels will result in transmutation and incineration of the TRU. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of conventional PWR spent fuel variations on TRU-fueled very high temperature reactor (VHTR) systems. The current effort is focused on prismatic core configuration operated under a single batch once-through fuel cycle option. IAEA’s nuclear fuel cycle simulation system (VISTA) was used to determine potential PWR spent fuel compositions. Additional composition was determined from the analysis of United States legacy spent fuel that is given in the Yucca Mountain Safety Assessment Report. A detailed whole-core 3-D model of the prismatic VHTR was developed using SCALE5.1 code system. The fuel assembly block model was based on Japan’s HTTR fuel block configuration. To establish a reference reactor system, calculations for LEU-fueled VHTR were performed and the results were used as the basis for comparative studies of the TRU-fueled systems. The LEU fuel is uranium oxide at 15% 235U enrichment. The results showed that the single-batch core lifetimes ranged between 5 and 7 years for all TRU fuels (3 years in LEU), providing prolonged operation on a single batch fuel loading. Transmutation efficiencies ranged between 19% and 27% for TRU-based fuels (13% in LEU). Total TRU material contents for disposal ranged between 730 and 808 kg per metric ton of initial heavy metal loading, reducing TRU inventory mass by as much as 27%. Decay heat and source terms of the discharged fuel were also calculated as part of the spent fuel disposal consideration. The results indicated strong potential of TRU-based fuel in VHTR.  相似文献   

聚变裂变混合堆在增殖核燃料、嬗变长寿命核废料及固有安全性等方面具有较大优势,同时,它比纯聚变堆在工程及技术方面要求低,因此较聚变堆更易实现。本工作基于目前国际聚变实验堆(ITER)所能达到的技术水平,提出一种直接利用乏燃料进行发电的聚变裂变混合堆包层概念,利用在不同位置放置不同乏燃料体积分数的方法对燃料增殖区实现了功率展平。计算结果表明:功率展平后的包层功率不均匀系数更小,且包层中燃料区的能量输出要比不展平情况下的能量输出高约21.7%。燃料富集度到运行末期最大可达5.23%。从中子学角度初步论证了该包层的可行性。  相似文献   

The transmutation characteristics of minor actinides in the transmutation reactor of a low aspect ratio (LAR) tokamak are investigated. One-dimensional neutron transport and burn-up calculations coupled with a tokamak systems analysis were performed to determine optimal system parameters. The dependence of the transmutation characteristics, including the neutron multiplication factor, produced power, and the transmutation rate, on the aspect ratio A in the range of 1.5–2.0 was examined. By adding Pu239 to the transmutation blanket as a neutron multiplication material, it was shown that a single transmutation reactor producing a fusion power of 150 MWth can destroy minor actinides contained in the spent fuels for more than 38 units of 1 GWe pressurized water reactors (PWRs) while producing a power in the range of 1.8–6.8 GWth.  相似文献   

The minor actinides (MAs) transmutation in a fusion-driven subcritical system is analyzed in this paper. The subcritical reactor is driven by a tokamak D-T fusion device with relatively easily achieved plasma parameters and tokamak technologies. The MAs discharged from the light water reactor (LWR) are loaded in transmutation zone. Sodium is used as the coolant. The mass percentage of the reprocessed plutonium (Pu) in the fuel is raised from 0 to 48% and stepped by 12% to determine its effect on the MAs transmutation. The lesser the Pu is loaded, the larger the MAs transmutation rate is, but the smaller the energy multiplication factor is. The neutronics analysis of two loading patterns is performed and compared. The loading pattern where the mass percentage of Pu in two regions is 15% and 32.9% respectively is conducive to the improvement of the transmutation fraction within the limits of burn-up. The final transmutation fraction of MAs can reach 17.8% after five years of irradiation. The multiple recycling is investigated. The transmutation fraction of MAs can reach about 61.8% after six times of recycling, and goes up to about 86.5% after 25.  相似文献   

熔盐反应堆(MSR)燃料制备方便、中子经济性好、燃料管理灵活,具有直接利用轻水堆乏燃料中超铀核素(TRU)的潜力。本文通过优化燃料选取、栅格参数及燃料/石墨体积分数和去除裂变气体和惰性金属等方法,对TRU燃料热谱MSR堆芯寿期、TRU核素积存量、次锕系核素MA嬗变支持比和TRU焚毁率等进行计算分析,证明TRU燃料热谱MSR可实现长周期定期换料,减少在线换料的难度,同时对MA和TRU核素具有一定的嬗变能力,可降低乏燃料放射性毒性。   相似文献   

聚变-裂变混合堆水冷包层中子物理性能研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究直接应用国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)规模的聚变堆作为中子驱动源,采用天然铀为初装核燃料,并采用现有压水堆核电厂成熟的轻水慢化和冷却技术,设计聚变-裂变混合堆裂变及产氚包层的技术可行性。应用MCNP与Origen2相耦合的程序进行计算分析,研究不同核燃料对包层有效增殖系数、氚增殖比、能量放大系数和外中子源效率等中子物理性能的影响。计算分析结果显示,现有核电厂广泛使用的UO2核燃料以及下一代裂变堆推荐采用的UC、UN和U90Zr10等高性能陶瓷及合金核燃料作为水冷包层的核燃料,都能满足以产能发电为设计目标的新型聚变 裂变混合堆能量放大倍数的设计要求,但只有UC和U90Zr10燃料同时满足聚变燃料氚的生产与消耗自持的要求。研究结果对进一步研发满足未来核能可持续发展的新型聚变-裂变混合堆技术具有潜在参考价值。  相似文献   

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