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近年来,得益于智能手机的迅速普及和移动互联网的火热发展,OTT业务得到飞速发展,并最终对运营商的核心业务(话音业务和短信业务)产生了严重威胁,通信网络运营商(以下简称运营商)"被管道化"的趋势越来越明显。进入OTT时代,运营商急需转型。文章从运营商面临的威胁、OTT企业与运营商的区别以及OTT时代运营商转型的方向等问题进行讨论,揭示在OTT时代,运营商转型的必要性及其深远意义。  相似文献   

张鹏 《通信世界》2014,(26):36-36
如果能够找到与OTT之间的市场合作基点。那么运营商定会与OTT重修旧好。 移动互联网时代,流量经营成为三家运营商的头等大事.眼见着3/4G移动用户市场日渐繁荣,终端企业迎来国内换机大潮,运营商是继续闷头做精品网络还是转做内容与OTT争得一杯羹,这两个答案似乎都不怎么令人满意.  相似文献   

OTT在移动互联网中的挑战与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OTT是指通过互联网向用户提供各种应用服务。这种应用和目前运营商所提供的通信业务不同,它仅利用运营商的网络,而服务由运营商之外的第三方提供。目前,典型的OTT业务有互联网电视业务、苹果应用商店等。随着技术发展和用户需求不断提升,OTT业务越来越普及,种类越来越丰富。爱立信(中国)通信有限公司王春萌所撰《OTT在移动互联网中的挑战与机遇》一文从移动互联网的现状出发,对现有OTT业务模式、价值链等进行分析,基于目前存在的一些问题,结合爱立信对OTT技术发展趋势的理解,探讨了如何根据移动互联网的特点与优势,将OTT服务与网络运营商有机结合的实现方案。  相似文献   

OTT(Over The Top)推动着移动互联网的浪潮,2G时代的移动运营商和增值业务提供商的合作方式不适应新的移动互联网时代,本文探讨的是作为移动运营商怎么和OTT的业务运营商来展开合作,从而实现双赢。网上流传着一个段子:"微信一打开,看到一群朋友在吃喝玩乐;微博一打开,看到一群公知在忧国忧民",这里的微信和微博就是当下国内最流行的两个OTT(over the top)业务。从字面来看,OTT是指信息流承载在运营商数据通路之上的服务;其引申的含义则是,OTT业务有自己的玩法,如何管理用户以及怎么收费与  相似文献   

IT产业价值比重日益从运营商转向OTT,在这种情况下,运营商必须迎接移动云,充分认识到移动云在增加收入和节约成本上的重要作用,并借助移动云技术和原有价值优势,培养出一个广泛的、快速增长的移动消费市场。这将是未来运营商在竞争中取得胜利的关键。  相似文献   

结合多项竞争策略将是运营商迄今为止的最好防御,因为要想超越创新的OTT运营者将是非常困难的。目前,移动运营商在抗衡微信等VoIP/消息类OTT平台时并没有直接的答案和参考样本。然而在OTT竞争中,可以发现运营商正在通过一系列策略部署以加强自身竞争实力。这也使我们得出结论,即要成功抗衡VoIP/消息类OTT平台,运营商不应该只尝试单一策略而是应该通过一系列措施来实现。让话音与短信更具吸引力提供大量甚至无限制的短信套餐在亚洲运营商间十分常见。其基础是,运营商提供的价格越具有吸引力,那么用户转投OTT竞争对手消息类服务的动力便会减少。现在对于电信运营商的最新趋势便是采用同样的  相似文献   

大数据作为电信运营商的核心资产,将成为移动互联网时代运营商与OTT商实现合作共赢的助推力。大数据分析为运营商与OTT商的业务合作提供技术手段、评估和决策的依据;大数据开放使运营商实现数据增值和数据运营,营造和谐共生的生态环境。  相似文献   

杨熙 《中国新通信》2013,(21):28-28
移动互联网时代,OTT业务、客户端APP应用等的快速发展,对运营商移动互联网流量经营有所拉动,但同时却导致运营商流量压力骤增,迫使运营商必须不断加大移动网络扩容投资。移动互联网业务的异质替代作用也日益凸显,不仅对短信、彩信等增值业务形成替代效应,而且大量分流了语音业务。即时通信类OTT业务正在对运营商SMS业务产生颠覆性的影响,分流电信运营商收入,比如微信推出后,运营商短信发送量下降了9%。OTT视频业务占用了运营商大量带宽,对业务网络现有业务造成极大的冲击,而创造的价值却十分有限。Facetime、Viber等新型应用随着智能手机的普及推广开来,用户可通过3G网络及Wi-Fi实现语音通话,传统移动语音业务有逐渐被边缘化的趋势。产业价值正逐步从管道向内容、从通信网向互联网、从话音服务向信息服务转移。  相似文献   

文章分析了OTT时代移动通信产业现状与特点,对4G智能管道的QoS能力管控进行了研究,提出一个基于智能管道能力开放的OTT产业合作体系。该体系从运营商网络核心优势出发,从与OTT的流量合作、自服务、实时QoS控制三个层面分别介绍了智能管道QoS能力开放创造的价值,帮助移动运营商提升OTT时代的用户感知,从OTT业务发展的旁观者转变为OTT产业升级的获益者。  相似文献   

移动互联网在中国快速发展,但运营商的管道智能化相对落后,从长远看这对移动互联网的发展不利。建设一条"可视"、"可控"的智能管道能够为运营商带来诸多新业务,尤其可以帮助他们从容应对OTT业务的挑战。中创信测的新一代智能探针可以为运营商的智能管道建设助力。  相似文献   

随着移动互联网时代的来临,OTT业务快速发展,传统电信业数据、信息、语音等传统业务面临重大挑战和变革,加速推动电信运营商进入全业务服务和流量经营时代。融合是4G时代的大势所趋,随着移动互联网、智能手机的快速发展,通信、互联网、IT相互融合,跨平台、跨终端、跨网络成为重要的行业发展趋势,各种沟通工具、社交媒体、生活娱乐工具融合在一起,极大地释放了人们的沟通需求。运营商依托融合通信提供的全方位通信服务,可满足用户个性需求,优化业务结构,创新发展模式,打造4G移动互联网时代战略业务入口,驱动自身转型升级。本文综述了电信运营商在融合通信领域的发展和布局,以及中移全通公司在融合通信领域的实践。  相似文献   

随着消费类电子产品与移动互联网技术的蓬勃发展与相互融合,市场上涌现出大量可以使用3G、WiFi网络的MID与上网本等新型移动终端产品。由于部分产品与智能手机拥有相似的用户群和商业模式,新型产品是否会对智能手机市场产生影响。本文从产品特性、目标用户、商业模式、总拥有成本等多个角度分析了MID、上网本对智能手机市场的影响程度,希望对移动运营企业与终端产品制造商提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Equipment of mobile phones with various kinds of sensors is transforming these devices from mere capabilities of voice and internet access to devices capable of sensing a number of phenomena pertaining to their users. In this paper we make use of these capabilities of phones to detect social interactions between people and analyze social context by using embedded sensors found in typical smart phones. Work carried out in this area has typically used dedicated hardware to establish social interactions, and we contend on the suitability of mobile phone, since additional devices that user is not familiar with influence natural user behavior and thus their social interaction patterns. Our work shows that two parameters that can be detected through mobile phone sensing, namely interpersonal distance and relative body orientation, provide a solid basis for inferring social interactions. We describe how these factors are acquired using smart phones and describe our analysis. The experiments demonstrate that we can recognize not only whether a social interaction is taking place, but also the type of social interaction, distinguishing between formal and informal social settings.  相似文献   

In a wide area campus, a university provides Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) for users to connect to the Internet. Most users take advantage of this WLAN benefit by using their laptops. However, the number of smart phone users is growing fast. Since a smart phone is able to get an Internet connection using WLAN, users can use their smart phones without having to pay for a cellular operator. Users tend to use their smart phones more, due to their higher mobility compared to a laptop. This capability enables new services in the market, such as Fixed-Mobile Convergence (FMC), which integrates a fixed network (traditional telephony, WLAN) and a mobile network (cellular) to provide seamless voice communications anytime, anywhere. These new applications require a WLAN connection availability nearly everywhere. However, due to limited budgets, a university can only install APs in places with a high connection demand. We propose a novel WLAN AP placement technique that takes user mobility into consideration. This new approach is more complete than previous approaches, which mainly focus on coverage area and throughput data. Our technique has been implemented in our university. The results show the suitability of the WLAN access point locations in our university campus based on user mobility and activities.  相似文献   

This study draws on the uses and gratifications framework to examine expanded use of a hybrid medium—the mobile phone—for mass communications and entertainment. Results of a telephone survey of 208 users show different motivations predict diverse uses of the mobile phone. Instrumental use motives drive the use of the mobile phone for news-seeking and Web-surfing. Further, the motive of pass time is significantly linked to playing video games via the mobile phone. In addition, the high-tech mobile phone enabled users to be more active: the more intensively people use mobile phones for voice calls, the more likely they will be to use mobile data services. Thus, the hybrid mobile phone bridges interpersonal and mass communication. Finally, younger users are more likely to use mobile phones for getting news and entertainment. Implications for the industry and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell phones are everywhere, growing in both number and type. A smart phone is a next-generation, multifunctional cell phone that provides voice communication and text-messaging capabilities and facilitates data processing as well as enhanced wireless connectivity. Both the industry and academic research communities are working to resolve numerous issues, ranging from low-power hardware design, to flexible I/O methods, to location-sensing technologies, to mobile security issues. Nevertheless, with the deployment of 3G and Wi-Fi hotspots nationwide and the adoption of smart phones by the masses, we expect to see a spectrum of new services and applications targeting smart phone users that essentially mobilize people's daily lives and enterprise computing.  相似文献   

近年来,以微信、Skype为代表的OTT互联网应用迅猛发展,电信运营商在传统业务方面的运营遇到了严峻的挑战。当前,国际主流运营商均已大规模开展LTE建设,并加快VoLTE商用部署的节奏,以求在复杂的竞争环境中“快人一步”。然而,在LTE网络建设初期,考虑到LTE无线覆盖范围有限、通话质量有待进一步优化等因素,终端以多模双待手机和CSFB手机为主流。本文从TD—LTE话音业务实现方式的角度出发,从理论上分析CSFB话音业务解决的方案,以求为运营商在LTE网络建设初期提供指导意见。  相似文献   

智能手机病毒的发展及其对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着手机向智能化发展及移动网络的迅速发展,智能手机病毒逐渐在移动终端和网络中出现。智能手机病毒发展迅猛,传染快,破坏性大,需要用户、网络运营商、手机制造商以及反病毒软件商等各个方面高度重视,做好对策研究。  相似文献   

With the growing intelligence and popularity of mobile phones, and the trend of cellular network's convergence to IP based network, more and more mobile applications emerge on the market. For mission critical applications, like the electronic payment which will be discussed in this paper, the lack of trust in the underlying mobile infrastructure and secure interface to legacy systems (for this case, the banking systems) poses obstacles to their widespread presence in mobile services. Recently, the exposure of hacking of iPhone and other smart phones further emphasizes the criticality of establishing a trust platform for mobile applications. This paper analyzes the building blocks of the trusted smart phone, and proposes a framework to provide a trusted platform for mobile electronic payment. Such a proposed system may allow direct interface to the banking systems due to the banking industry recognized strong security, and hence, may enable its widespread use.  相似文献   

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