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Administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (bST) to lactating dairy cows during heat stress increases milk yield, but it also can increase body temperature and may therefore compromise fertility. However, it is possible that bST treatment could increase fertility during heat stress because it has been reported to increase fertility in lactating cows. In addition, bST increases secretion of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) that promotes embryo survival. The purpose of this study was to determine effects of bST on reproductive function in lactating dairy cows during heat stress. The experiment was conducted in southern Georgia from July to November 2005 using lactating Holstein cows (n = 276 for reproductive traits). For first service timed artificial insemination (TAI), cows were presynchronized with 2 injections of PGF2α given 14 d apart followed by a modified Ovsynch protocol (GnRH and insemination at 72 h following PGF2α). Pregnancy was diagnosed by using ultrasonography on d 29 and reconfirmed by palpation between d 45 and 80 post-TAI. Nonpregnant cows were resynchronized with the modified Ovsynch protocol and received a second TAI. Treatment with bST started 1 wk before the start of Ovsynch and continued at 2-wk intervals. Blood samples were collected from a subset of cows to determine IGF-I profiles immediately before the first bST injection, 1 wk later, and at d 35 of bST treatment. Rectal temperatures were assessed on d 29 of bST treatment. Pregnancy rates (d 45 to 80 post-TAI) did not differ between bST and control cows for first- (16.7 vs. 15.2%) or second-service TAI (14.8 vs. 17.2%). Plasma concentrations of IGF-I and milk yield were greater for bST-treated cows following the initiation of bST treatment and bST increased rectal and vaginal temperatures. Body condition score was less for bST-treated cows. In conclusion, treatment with bST during heat stress increased IGF-I concentrations, milk yield over time, and rectal and vaginal temperatures without affecting first- or second-service pregnancy rates. Thus, at least under certain housing conditions, bST can be used to improve milk yield during heat stress without compromising fertility.  相似文献   

Cows (890) in 15 US herds were assigned randomly in equal numbers to control or bST injections (500 mg in a prolonged-release form every 14 d for 12 wk) within three stages of lactation (57 to 100, 101 to 140, and 141 to 189 d postpartum) and two parity groups (primiparous and multiparous). Yield and milk composition were monitored 1 d/wk for 16 wk including 2 wk pretreatment and 2 wk posttreatment. Increases in milk and FCM due to bST injections were less at 57 to 100 d than at 101 to 189 d postpartum (milk 3.6 vs. 5.5; FCM 3.9 vs. 6.1 kg/d per cow), and increases in milk and FCM were more for multiparous than for primiparous cows (milk 5.5 vs. 4.2; FCM 6.0 vs. 4.7 kg/d cow). Temporarily, concentration of milk fat increased and protein decreased; later, concentrations for control and injected cows were similar. Postinjection milk fat concentration decreased, but milk protein concentration increased temporarily. The net increase in milk (and FCM) varied significantly among herds from 2.9 to 7.6 kg/d per cow (mean, 4.9 kg). Responses in FCM were similar over a wide range of pretreatment yields. A great variety of feed ingredients were fed as total mixed rations, and nutrient concentrations varied greatly. The SCC were similar before, during, and after treatment, but increase in FCM of injected cows exhibited a negative correlation with pretreatment SCC. Changes in body condition score of sometribove-injected cows varied among herds (.25 to -.45) and averaged -.02 compared with .07 for controls. There was no pattern in incidence of mastitis during sometribove injections.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous somatotropin on blood profiles of the major bovine Ig isotypes. Holsteins were treated with either 0, 10.3, or 20.6 mg recombinant bST/d. Subcutaneous injections were started between wk 4 and 5 of lactation and continued for 266 d. Blood samples were collected by coccygeal venipuncture throughout lactation for serum IgG, G1, G2, A, and M concentration determination. Cows treated with 10.3 mg of bST/d exhibited modest increases in mean blood concentrations of IgG (12.4%) and IgG2 (18.4%) relative to the other groups of cows. In addition, treated cows had 10.1% higher average concentration of IgA than controls. Somatotropin did not influence average lactational concentrations of IgG1 or IgM, although the group receiving 10.3 mg/d had higher late lactation concentrations of IgG1 than did the other two groups. However, treatment mean isotype concentrations were always within normal ranges, except for IgG2 from the 10.3 mg/d group, which were higher. The practical significance of elevated serum Ig concentrations observed in the present study is not known. However, the present data do show that bST administered at doses that increased milk yield had no apparent detrimental effect on humoral immunity as measured by blood concentrations of Ig.  相似文献   

Forty Holstein cows were used in an experiment to determine the response of cows to daily subcutaneous injections of 0, 10.3, 20.6, and 30.9 mg of recombinant bST. Injections began between 98 and 104 d postpartum and continued for 29 wk, up to 70 d prepartum, or a maximum of 400 d postpartum. Increasing recombinant bST increased milk yield and 3.5% FCM yield in a linear fashion and by 5.2 and 5.7 kg/d, respectively. Milk composition was not changed, and DM intake as a percentage of BW increased from 3.39 to 3.80% with increasing (30.9 mg/d) bST. Feed efficiency (3.5% FCM/DM intake) was increased from 1.35 to 1.64 with increasing dose, suggesting improved efficiency of use of DM intake, primarily by dilution of maintenance. Increasing bST reduced BW gain linearly from .46 kg/d for the control to .22 kg/d for the 30.9 mg/d bST. Calf birth weight, weight of cows at calving, and incidence of metabolic diseases during subsequent calving were not affected by bST. Somatotropin treatment resulted in somewhat smaller increased in milk yield than that reported in previous studies. Long-term health effects and effects on reproduction could not be determined from the relatively few cows used in this study.  相似文献   

Twenty-four high producing, multiparous Holstein cows were utilized to evaluate effects of long-term administration of sustained-release rbST on blood pH, gases, buffer capacity, circulating metabolites and hormones, and on liver lipid content and functions during lactation. Treatment, commencing 98 to 112 d postpartum and continued until d 305, consisted of a subcutaneous injection of a placebo or 350 mg of rbST every 14 d. Milk and 3.5% FCM were increased significantly by rbST, but milk fat and protein content, feed intake, energy balance, corrected feed efficiency for milk production, and body condition scores were unaffected. Somatotropin decreased blood pH and buffer capacity by decreasing bicarbonate without affecting blood partial pressures of oxygen or carbon dioxide. Concentration of plasma albumin was decreased and nonesterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin, rbST and insulin-like growth factor-I were increased by treatment. Total plasma proteins and cortisol, hemoglobin, and hematocrit were unaffected. Liver DM, total lipid and triacylglycerol contents, and plasma 3-hydroxybutyrate and glutamic oxalacetic transaminase were not affected by rbST, but the percentage of triacylglycerol in total lipids was increased. Results of this experiment suggest that rbST exhibited lipolytic and diabetogenic activities in lactating dairy cows in vivo and that these effects might be important for the increase in nutrient partitioning toward the mammary gland elicited by rbST.  相似文献   

A double-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted in 5 commercial dairy herds in southern Ontario with 1,362 cows enrolled to evaluate the effect of prepartum administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on health and performance. Cows were randomly assigned to receive either 325 mg of sometribove zinc suspension (n = 680) or a placebo injection (n = 682; control) subcutaneously every 14 d until calving. Treatments started 28 to 22 d before expected calving, with a maximum of 3 treatments per cow. Serum samples taken at the time of enrollment, 1 wk before calving, and weekly for 3 wk after calving were analyzed for nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, calcium, and haptoglobin. Diseases were recorded by farm staff. Incidences of clinical ketosis, clinical mastitis, displaced abomasum, metritis, retained placenta, milk fever, and lameness were similar between groups. Body condition score was lower for treated than for control cows at 3 wk after calving (3.13 and 3.17, respectively). Serum NEFA tended to be higher for treated than for control cows by 0.01 mmol/L. Overall BHBA was not different between groups, but BHBA for treated cows was higher in wk 1 after calving (750 and 698 μmol/L, respectively) and tended to be higher in wk 2 after calving (779 and 735 μmol/L, respectively). Incidence of hyperketonemia was similar between groups. Treated cows had higher serum glucose compared with control cows (2.8 and 2.7 mmol/L, respectively). We detected no differences in serum aspartate aminotransferase, calcium, or haptoglobin between groups. Milk yield was recorded daily for each cow for 63 d, and did not differ between groups (37.1 ± 0.5 kg and 36.7 ± 0.5 kg, respectively) but we detected a tendency for treated cows to produce 0.8 kg/d more milk than control cows in wk 1 after calving. We observed no difference between groups in the time from calving to first insemination or the probability of pregnancy at the first insemination. Groups did not differ in the proportion of anovular cows at 53 ± 3 d in milk based on serum progesterone measured from a subset of cows (38.0 and 34.3%, respectively, for treated and control groups). We found no difference between groups in dry matter intake from 21 d before calving to 63 d after calving in a subset of cows (17.4 ± 0.4 and 17.5 ± 0.4 kg/d, respectively). Based on results of the current study, biweekly (every 14 d) administration of rbST before calving to prevent disease and enhance performance is not recommended.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate response of lactating dairy cows to daily injections of bovine somatotropin during a subtropical summer. Ten Holstein cows, averaging 196 d in lactation, were used in a 30-d study. No treatment was imposed during d 1 to 10 (period 1) and d 21 to 30 (period 3). During d 11 to 20 (period 2), cows were injected daily with either 0 or 59 IU of pituitary-derived bovine somatotropin in 30 ml solution. Dry matter intake and milk yield and composition were measured daily. Jugular blood samples, taken on d 10, 15, 20, and 30, were analyzed for insulin, nonesterified fatty acids, urea nitrogen, and insulin-like growth factor-1. Body temperatures and respiration rates were measured at 1400 h on 4 or 5 d during each 10-d period. Data were analyzed using orthogonal contrasts. Contrast of period 1 plus period 3 vs. period 2 for treatment X days interaction was significant for milk yield, respiration rate, serum nonesterified fatty acids, and insulin-like growth factor-1. Under heat stress, cows injected with bovine somatotropin for 10 d produced 9.3% more milk than control cows with no change in feed intake. This increased production was accompanied by higher respiration rates (6%) and higher concentrations of serum nonesterified fatty acids (150%) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (222%).  相似文献   

The effects of whole cottonseed (WCS) in the diet and the administration of bovine somatotropin (bST) on ovarian follicular dynamics and plasma progesterone (P4) concentrations were examined in cows during a period of synchronized follicular growth. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 28) were randomly assigned to treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Diets consisted of WCS (15% of dry matter) or no WCS, and bST at a dose of 0 or 208 mg/14 d. Dietary treatments began within 24 h of calving and bST treatments began within 7 d postpartum. Cows received GnRH at 65 +/- 3 d postpartum (d 0), PGF2alpha, (d 7), a second dose of GnRH (d 9), and were inseminated 16 h later (d 10). Ovarian changes were monitored daily by ultrasonography from d 0 to 9. On d 9,93% of cows had a preovulatory follicle and 86% ovulated. For Class 2 (6 to 9 mm) follicles, a diet x bST interaction was detected, with bST stimulating Class 2 follicles in cows fed WCS, but not in cows on the control diet. Neither diet nor bST affected numbers of Class 1 (2 to 5 mm) or Class 3 (> or = 10 mm) follicles or sizes of the subordinate and dominant follicles. During the luteal phase of the cycle, lactating cows fed WCS tended to have elevated concentrations of plasma P4, whereas bST was without effect. Plasma concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were increased in cows fed WCS. Number and diameter of corpora lutea did not differ among treatments.  相似文献   

Objectives of the research were to examine the effect of bovine somatotropin (bST) on pregnancy rates to a timed artificial insemination protocol and to test a resynchronization system with two consecutive synchronized services. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 403) were assigned to the following treatments: bST treatment (500 mg) was initiated at 63 +/- 3 d postpartum concomitantly with initiation of the timed artificial insemination protocol or bST treatment was initiated at 105 +/- 3 d postpartum. At 63 +/- 3 d postpartum, all cows received GnRH (100 microg), an injection of PGF2alpha (25 mg) 7 d later, and a GnRH injection at 48 h after PGF2alpha and were inseminated 16 to 20 h later. Cows were reinseminated at detected estrus or resynchronized with a GnRH injection at 20 d after insemination. At 27 d after insemination, cows were examined for pregnancy. Resynchronized cows diagnosed nonpregnant received an injection of PGF2alpha and were inseminated at detected estrus or received an injection of GnRH at 48 h after PGF2alpha and inseminated 16 to 20 h later. Cows pregnant at d 27 were reexamined for pregnancy at 45 d after insemination. First-service pregnancy rates at d 45 were increased in cows not resynchronized that initiated bST treatment at 63 +/- 3 d postpartum, compared with cows initiating bST treatment at 105 +/- 3 d postpartum (37.7 +/- 5.8% and 22.1 +/- 4.2%, respectively), but the effect of bST treatment was not observed when cows were resynchronized (25.6 +/- 4.3% and 25.8 +/- 5.5%, respectively). Thus, bST increased pregnancy rates to a timed artificial insemination protocol.  相似文献   

Eighty Holstein cows (first, second, or third lactation) were used to evaluate the efficacy of a prolonged-release formulation for sometribove (n-methionyl bovine somatotropin). Cows were fed ad libitum a complete mixed diet and milked twice daily. Cows were allocated randomly by parity to two treatment groups receiving 500 mg sometribove in a prolonged release formulation or excipient at 14-d intervals starting at 60 +/- 3 d postpartum and continuing for 36 wk. Treatment with sometribove increased FCM yield to a similar extent (11.4%, +3.1 kg/d) in primiparous and multiparous animals. Milk content of lactose, fat, ash, and Ca was not affected, but protein and phosphorous were slightly greater (less than 5%) in milk from sometribove-treated cows. Within a 14-d injection interval, animals treated with sometribove displayed a cyclic pattern in milk yield, but a similar pattern was not evident in feed intake.  相似文献   

The responses of lactating Holstein cows to daily administration of bovine somatotropin (bST) were measured at thermoneutrality (Tn) and under both constant and cycled heat-stress conditions to determine the relationship between thermal status and bST-induced shifts in milk production. All tests included a 5-d acclimation period at Tn (18°C), followed by a 2-d increase in ambient temperature to 28.5°C. After d 3, ambient temperature was cycled between 28.5 (day) and 25.5°C (night) for 4 d. Daily injections with either 31 mg of bST or saline began on d 1 of the experiment. Milk production, feed intake, and respiratory rate (RR) were measured daily. Intraperitoneal, telemetric temperature transmitters were used for a continuous measure of core body temperature (Tcore). Blood samples were collected during each phase to evaluate the changes in serum chemistry in response to bST and heat stress. Following a 15-d recovery, cows were switched across injection treatments and the study was repeated. Milk production decreased by ∼18.4% below the initial yield at Tn by the end of 7 d of heat challenge. Although a reduction in milk production occurred during heat stress in both groups, milk production was higher in bST-treated cows compared with control cows during periods of constant and cyclic heat. Likewise, bST treatment during the entire period increased the milk-to-feed ratio over the control level by ∼11.3%. Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 and serum nonesterified fatty acids accompanied the increased growth hormone level with bST treatment (∼122.0 and 88.8%, respectively), whereas plasma urea nitrogen was reduced by ∼13.3% to reflect the shift to lipid metabolism. There was no difference in Tcore of the treatment and control groups at Tn. Both bST and control cows increased RR and Tcore above the Tn level by ∼94.8 and 2.9%, respectively, during constant heat, with a greater increase in Tcore of bST-treated compared with control cows (∼0.6%). The increase in RR during heat stress preceded Tcore by 1 d for both groups. During cyclic heat, Tcore decreased by ∼0.4% compared with constant heat in both the control and bST-treated groups. Bovine somatotropin treatment increased milk production similarly during the Tn and heat-stress periods, ∼8.3% over the control; however, the bST-induced increase in milk-to-feed ratio was greatest during the continuous and cyclic heat-stress phases, ∼16.2%. This increase occurred together with the elevation in Tcore.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of altering dry period length in multiparous dairy cows (n = 341) on milk production for a full lactation (294 d). The study used 3 commercial herds in the western United States. Cows producing greater than 8,400 kg of mature-equivalent milk were assigned to treatments 60 d before their due dates. The 4 treatments were 1) 60-d dry period, label use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST; 60d-L); 2) 32-d dry period, label use of rbST (32d-L); 3) 0-d dry period, label use of rbST (0d-L); and 4) 0-d dry period, continuous use of rbST (0d-C). Cows with shortened dry periods produced 625, 1,000, and 1,042 kg of milk during the prepartum period for treatments 2 to 4, respectively. During the postpartum period, cows on the 32d-L treatment produced similar amounts of milk compared with the 60d-L treatment (11,490 vs. 11,968 kg, respectively). However, cows on the 0d-L (10,316 kg) and 0d-C (10,195 kg) treatments produced significantly lower amounts of milk during the postpartum period compared with the 60d-L treatment. Total milk production from the prepartum and postpartum periods was not altered significantly and was 11,974, 12,112, 11,310, and 11,230 kg for treatments 1 to 4, respectively. The concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate and nonesterified fatty acids in serum after calving were decreased for cows on the 32d-L, 0d-L, and 0d-C treatments compared with cows on the 60d-L treatment, which may indicate improved metabolic status.  相似文献   

Thirty-four multiparous and primiparous Holstein cows were utilized to examine the association between the response to long-term administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin and the cow's phenotypic and genetic production potential. Cows representing a range of phenotypic and genetic production potentials were assigned to one of four treatment groups: 0, 12.5, 25.0, or 50.0 mg recombinant bovine somatotropin daily. They were injected daily for 266 d beginning on d 24 to 35 postpartum. Pretreatment milk and fat yields were used to predict daily yields over the lactation and allowed treatment groups to serve as their own controls. Actual minus predicted yield estimated the response to treatment for milk, fat, and FCM for each cow. Milk composition (fat, protein, and lactose percentage) was not significantly affected by treatment. Response in yield for milk, fat, and FCM was significant during the treatment period (266 d). Milk yield increased by 18.5, 19.9, and 21.4%; fat yield increased by 13.4, 20.3, and 18.1%; and FCM increased by 16.3%, 19.7%, and 21.1% after receipt of 12.5, 25.0 and 50.0 mg recombinant bovine somatotropin, respectively. Differences in response were not significant. The dramatic effect recombinant bovine somatotropin has on production requires that alternative approaches be adopted in the future for accurate genetic evaluation of sires and dams if somatotropin is discriminantly used in the national herd.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine multiparous cows obtained from two genetic lines were utilized to determine the effect of genetic merit on lactation response to long-term administration of recombinant bST. Cow index ranged from -70 to 456 (mean = 183) and -494 to -88 (mean = -288) kg milk for high and low genetic groups, respectively. Cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned to treatment within genetic group. Treatments were 0, 10.3, 20.6, and 30.9 mg somatotropin injected daily from wk 14 through 44 postpartum. Cows were fed one of two total mixed rations. Diet 1 (NE1 = 1.65 Mcal/kg, CP = 18%, and ADF = 22%) was fed from start of lactation to at least 4 wk after initiation of treatment. Cows were switched to diet 2 (NE1 = 1.56 Mcal/kg, CP = 16%, and ADF = 27%) when milk output fell below 25 kg/d. Forty-four week lactation yields were 9800 and 9447 kg milk; 364 and 354 kg fat; and 322 and 309 kg protein for high and low genetic groups, respectively. Milk, milk fat, or protein yield due to somatotropin did not differ between genetic groups. Increasing dosage of bST increased milk, 4% FCM, fat, and protein yields in a linear fashion. Percentages of fat and protein of milk were similar for all treatment groups. Body weight changes were not significantly different among treatments, but condition score changes decreased linearly with increasing dose of bST. Long-term treatment with recombinant bST had no apparent effect on incidence of health problems or reproduction.  相似文献   

Thirty Holstein cows capable of high milk production were utilized to examine the effects of long-term administration of bovine somatotropin on lactational performance. Treatments were 0 (control), 13.5, 27, and 40.5 mg/day of recombinantly-derived bovine somatotropin and 27 mg/day of pituitary-derived bovine somatotropin. Hormone was injected intramuscularly, once daily beginning at 84 +/- 10 days postpartum and continuing for 188 days. Cows were fed ad libitum a total mixed diet throughout the lactation. Recombinant somatotropin treatments increased average fat-corrected milk yield in a dose-dependent fashion from 23 to 41% over the control production (27.9 kg/day. Pituitary somatotropin (27 mg/day) increased milk production by 16%. Milk lactose, protein, and fat composition was similar for all treatments. Control cows were in positive energy balance throughout the treatment period (4.7 Mcal net energy/day. Initially, the large increase in milk yield with somatotropin treatment caused cows to decrease in energy balance. However, voluntary intake gradually increased, and by week 10 of treatment all somatotropin treatment groups were in positive energy balance. Thus, the gain in body weight over the treatment period was similar for all groups, ranging from 17 to 22%. Gross lactational efficiency (milk per unit of net energy intake) was improved by exogenous somatotropin whether calculated as observed, corrected for body weight changes, or using the theoretical energy requirements for maintenance and milk production. Results are consistent with bovine somatotropin as a homeorhetic control that coordinates an array of physiological processes so that nutrients are partitioned for milk synthesis.  相似文献   

Eight lactating Holstein cows were used to study the effect of bovine somatotropin on mammary lipid metabolism, milk production, and milk composition. Eight cows were injected with either excipient (n = 4) or 50 IU somatotropin/d (n = 4). A 2-wk adjustment period preceded a 10-d period when treatments were administered. On d 9, serial blood samples were collected from 2 to 5 h post-injection to determine concentrations of somatotropin and metabolites in plasma. Mammary tissue biopsies were obtained 2 to 3 h after a.m. milking on d 10 to determine lipoprotein lipase activity and in vitro rates of acetate incorporation into fatty acids and acetate oxidation by mammary tissue slices. Activity of lipoprotein lipase in milk and mammary tissue and rate of acetate metabolism by mammary tissue were not affected by treatment. The following means for placebo and somatotropin, respectively, were: milk production (21.5 and 24.8 kg/d), milk fat (3.8 and 4.0%), and 4% FCM (20.7 and 25.1 kg/d). Plasma concentrations of somatotropin (3.0 and 43.4 ng/ml) and free fatty acids (105.6 and 219.5 mu eq/L) were significantly elevated with somatotropin. The injection of somatotropin into lactating dairy cows did not affect the mechanisms of fatty acid synthesis or metabolism evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the effects of presynchronization and bovine somatotropin (bST) on pregnancy rates to a timed artificial insemination protocol in lactating dairy cows. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 543) were assigned randomly in a 2 x 3 factorial experiment in which cows received a presynchronization treatment or not, and were treated with bST (500 mg) at 63 +/- 3, 73 +/- 3, or 147 +/- 3 d postpartum. The latter group was used as a control. Presynchronization treatment consisted of two injections of PGF2alpha (25 mg) given 14 d apart, with the second injection of PGF2alpha being administered 12 d before initiation of the timed artificial insemination protocol. All cows received GnRH (100 microg) at 63 +/- 3 d postpartum, an injection of PGF2alpha (40 mg) 7 d later, a GnRH injection at 48 h after PGF2alpha and were inseminated 16 to 20 h later. Cows were resynchronized if determined to be nonpregnant at ultrasonography at 32 d after insemination with a GnRH injection (100 microg), an injection of PGF2alpha (40 mg) 7 d later, and a GnRH injection at 48 h after PGF2alpha and were inseminated 16 to 20 h later. Cows were examined for pregnancy at 32 d and reexamined at 74 d after insemination. No differences in pregnancy rates were observed between cows receiving bST treatment at 63 +/- 3 d postpartum or at 73 +/- 3 d postpartum. An interaction between presynchronization and bST treatment indicated that pregnancy rates were increased for cows treated with bST when cows were presynchronized. When anestrous cows were excluded from the analyses, both an effect of bST and of presynchronization were observed, indicating that bST increased pregnancy rates regardless of presynchronization treatment and that presynchronization also increased pregnancy rates independently of bST treatment. Presynchronization and bST treatment may be used to increase first-service pregnancy rates to a timed artificial insemination protocol.  相似文献   

Four early lactation Holstein cows (44 to 105 d postpartum) were used in a 4 X 4 Latin square experiment in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to study effects of added dietary fat and/or bovine somatotropin on performance and metabolism. Treatments were: 1) control diet plus placebo injection; 2) 5% added dietary fat (hydrolyzed blend of animal and vegetable fat) + placebo injection; 3) control diet + 50 IU bovine somatotropin/d; and 4) 5% added dietary fat + 50 IU bovine somatotropin/d. Dietary fat reduced dry matter intake (21.6 vs. 22.7 kg/d) and elevated plasma triglycerides (34.7 vs. 29.2 mg/100 ml). Injection of somatotropin lowered blood urea nitrogen, increased plasma free fatty acids, and increased plasma somatotropin. Milk production, milk fat percent, and 4% FCM production were increased by the injection of somatotropin. Milk protein percent was decreased (3.30 vs. 3.44%) with added fat and tended to be lower with somatotropin. The percentage of short-chain fatty acids (C6 to C14) in milk fat decreased with added fat while the percentage of stearic and oleic acids in milk fat increased. Production responses for fat plus somatotropin and somatotropin treatments were similar. Under the conditions of this study, the addition of dietary fat with injection of somatotropin had little effect on production parameters compared with that found with somatotropin alone.  相似文献   

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