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Peng L.-H. Lai C.-M. Shih C.-W. Chuo C.-C. Chyi J.-I. 《IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics》2003,9(3):708-715
We examine the issues of spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization discontinuity on the optical properties of 3.0-nm-thick indium gallium nitride (InGaN) multiple quantum wells (MQWs). A quench of band-edge emission from the cap GaN layer is observed when the photoexcitation source is changed from a 355- to a 248-nm laser. The interband transitions from the InGaN wells exhibit a linear dependence on the 1) spectral blue shift of /spl sim/8.5/spl times/10/sup -18/ meV /spl middot/ cm/sup 3/ and 2) change of the internal field of /spl sim/3/spl times/10/sup -14/ meV /spl middot/ cm/sup 2/ with the injected carrier density up to N/sub inj//spl sim/10/sup 19/ cm/sup -3/ at 77 K. These observations are attributed to the redistribution of photogenerated carriers in the InGaN wells due to the polarization discontinuity at the QW interface and the surface band bending effect. By incorporating an additional boundary condition of surface Fermi-level pinning into the Poisson equation and the band-structure analysis, it is shown the emission from the InGaN-GaN MQWs is dominant by the recombination between the high-lying subbands and the screening of internal field effects. 相似文献
In this work we investigate the operation mechanism of hybrid organic/inorganic quantum dot light emitting devices (QD-LEDs).
We employ a numerical method previously established to describe current-voltage characteristics, spatial distributions of
charge, electric field, and recombination rate in organic light emitting devices (OLEDs). The numerical solution of the continuity
and Poisson equations have been extended to treat internal organic/Quantum Dot (QD) interfaces, recombination processes in
the polymer matrix and in the QDs, and the charge acquired by the QDs. The contact boundary condition is taken to be Schottky
contact boundary condition. Also, we consider the exciton formation and diffusion processes. The simulation results trend
and experimental data are in good agreement. 相似文献
A new model for impurity-induced compositional interdiffusion which depends explicitly on the time evolution of the impurity-induced vacancy spatial profile is explored. The inclusion of a new phenomenological term depending on the time derivative of the vacancy spatial profile provides a time scale, as well as a depth profile of the resulting interdiffusion. Calculations are presented as a function of time for a variety of vacancy concentrations and contrasted to the calculations using the model of Kahen, Rajeswaren, and Lee. Our model generates good agreement with a range of experiments including Si-focused ion beam implantation experiments in AlGaAs multiple quantum wells 相似文献
Chan M.C.Y. Kwok P.C.K. Li E.H. 《IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics》1998,4(4):685-694
The carrier-induced effects in the change of absorption and refractive index on the AlGaAs-GaAs intermixing modified quantum wells (QW's) have been investigated theoretically. Band-filling, bandgap shrinkage, and free-carrier absorption have been included for various carrier concentrations. The Schrodinger and the Poisson equations have been considered self-consistently. The polarized absorption coefficients are calculated using the Kane k·p method for a four band model and followed by the Kramers-Kranig transformation to obtain the refractive index change. The results obtained show a more enhanced bandgap renormalization and change of absorption, but a reduced change in refractive index for the larger intermixing extents. It is important to know the carrier-induced optical parameter changes the intermixed QW's because of their recent interests in photonics 相似文献
In the presence of a strong terahertz field, the optical (i.e., valence-to-conduction band) transitions in semiconductors occur between states which are altered by the terahertz field. This alteration has a direct impact on the optical absorption. We describe a numerical technique for calculating the optical absorption in this case by solving the Schrodinger equation for the electron-hole envelope function in real space. This technique correctly accounts for the Coulomb interaction between optically created electron-hole pairs and nonperturbative terahertz-field induced alteration of the states. We applied this technique to investigate the optical absorption of quantum wells of finite width in which terahertz/optical mixing can be significant and which cannot be treated analytically 相似文献
Transmission experiments for a local area network (LAN) using blue‐light‐emitting diodes (LEDs) with InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) have been conducted. Audio analog signals have been transmitted up to 1800 kHz, which corresponds to an optical 1.5 dB bandwidth of LED response. The response speed of these diodes has been investigated by varying the operating conditions: dc bias, pulse amplitude, and pulse shape. The LED rise time is reduced from 0.26 μs to 0.19 μs by changing the electrical pulse amplitude from 0.5 V to 1.2 V, whereas the fall time (0.20 μs) does not change. On the other hand, the fall time is reduced from 0.20 μs to 0.14 μs by adding negative pulses after the applied positive pulses. It is shown that the direct‐modulation speed of these diodes is limited by the time constant associated with device capacitance. Electroluminescence and photocurrent spectra of the LEDs were also investigated; blueshifts were observed for both peaks in the spectra. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 137(3): 47–51, 2001 相似文献
Micallef J. Brincat A. Wai-Chee Shiu 《IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics》1998,4(4):675-684
The effects of interdiffusion and strain introduced by interdiffusion in lattice-matched GaInP-GaAs single quantum wells are investigated using an error function distribution to model the compositional profile after interdiffusion. Group-III only and dominant group-III interdiffusion produce a large strain build up at the interface, with compressive strain in the well, and tensile strain in the barrier. In the case of group-III only interdiffusion, an abrupt carrier confinement profile is maintained even after significant interdiffusion, with a double-welled bottom, and a potential buildup in the barrier near the interface. Group-V only and group-V dominant interdiffusion again cause a large strain buildup at the interface, with tensile strain in the well and compressive strain in the barrier. Degeneracy of the heavy-hole and light-hole ground states can be achieved, and the electron-light-hole ground state transition energy can also become the effective bandgap energy of the intermixed structure. The model results are consistent with reported experimental results, and show that the effects of the interdiffusion-induced strain on the carrier confinement profiles can be of interest for various quantum-well device applications in this material system, including intersubband infrared photodetectors, polarization-insensitive electroabsorption modulators, and lasers 相似文献
Kresge J.S. Lambert S.R. Sakshaug E.C. Porter J.W. 《Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on》1995,10(3):1276-1284
Metal oxide elements are capable of dissipating considerable energy in terms of joules per cubic centimeter or joules per gram, and elements of reasonable size are capable of discharging the energy associated with most surge arrester applications. Surge arresters designed using metal oxide elements have been in service since 1976. However, a single column consisting of elements of usual diameter is not capable of discharging a long, 500 kV or 800 kV transmission line under all of the switching conditions generally considered; therefore, metal oxide arresters for application at these voltages are usually designed with two columns of elements in parallel. Furthermore, devices for series capacitors protection or protection of valves and filters in DC converter stations and similar applications are often required to discharge several tens of times more energy than required by station applications, and are hence designed using several columns of elements in parallel. The objective of this paper is to describe some of the effects of temperature on the operation of parallel multiple column devices 相似文献
Fabrizio Buscemi Paolo Bordone Andrea Bertoni 《Journal of Computational Electronics》2008,7(3):263-267
We address the problem of the entanglement generation in an electron-scattering by a 1D double-barrier resonant tunnelling
device. In particular we analyze the role played by transport resonances in the appearance of quantum correlations between
the energy states of the electrons. The entanglement is not sensitive to the presence of Breit-Wigner resonances, while it
may be controlled by manipulating Fano resonances. Such a behavior is ascribed to the different mechanisms characterizing
the two types of processes. 相似文献
采用传统的固相反应法制备NiCuZn铁氧体材料,通过添加不同含量的SiO2-B2O3-Na2CO3-K2CO3(SBNK)玻璃体系以及2.5 wt%的Bi2O3和0.2 wt%的Co2O3,研究了SBNK掺杂量对材料烧结密度、微观结构以及电磁性能的影响.研究表明,合适的掺杂量可减少材料气孔率和细化晶粒尺寸,同时磁导率有... 相似文献
The effects of Mn-doping on TSDC (Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current) and electrical degradation of BaTiO3 have been investigated. TSDCs of un-doped BaTiO3 and Ba(Ti1−x
Mnx)O3−δ exhibited the three sharp TSDC peaks around phase transition temperatures. TSDC of Ba(Ti0.995Mg0.005)O2.995 increased gradually from 50∘C and this anomalous depolarization current kept going up well above the Curie temperature (∼130∘C). TSDCs of un-doped BaTiO3 and Ba(Ti0.995Mn0.005)O3−δ decreased in the temperature range above the Curie point, whereas a slight increase in TSDC was confirmed at the specimen
of Ba(Ti0.99Mn0.01)O3−δ. TSDCs of Ba(Ti0.995−y
Mg0.005Mny)O3−δ (y = 0.005, 0.01) were lower than that of Ba(Ti0.995Mg0.005)O2.995. 相似文献
采用传统氧化物湿法工艺制备了NiO掺杂Mn0.72Zn0.20Fe2.06O4软磁铁氧体材料,研究了NiO掺杂对MnZn功率铁氧体显微结构及电磁性能的影响。实验发现,掺杂适量NiO的情况下,铁氧体晶粒生长均匀,具有较高的居里温度和饱和磁通密度。并且随着掺杂量的增加,在不明显影响最低损耗的同时,功耗谷点向高温方向移动。掺杂0.15wt%NiO,在双推板N2窑中烧结的Mn0.72Zn0.20Fe2.06O4功率铁氧体具有较好的综合性能:μi=2302,Pcv=338mW/cm3(Tp=100℃),Bs=492mT,TC=250℃。 相似文献
以机械合金化方法制备了Fe-Ni和Fe-Ni-La软磁合金吸波材料,分析了球磨时间及稀土元素La掺杂对合金电磁性能及电磁波吸收性能的影响。结果表明,球磨90 h后,形成了具有片状形貌的Fe-Ni和Fe-Ni-La合金,合金电磁参数明显改善,吸波性能明显提高。添加稀土元素La后,合金电磁参数得到优化,复介电常数和复磁导率明显提高,介电损耗和磁损耗得到加强,吸收峰向低频移动。球磨90 h的Fe-Ni合金对电磁波最小反射率为-22 d B,匹配频率10 GHz,频宽2.6 GHz(8.7~11.3 GHz),掺杂稀土元素La后,Fe-Ni-La合金最小反射率为-16.1 d B,匹配频率7.4 GHz,频宽2.5 GHz(6.2~8.7 GHz)。 相似文献
R. Khordad H. R. Rastegar Sedehi H. Bahramiyan 《Journal of Computational Electronics》2018,17(2):551-561
In the present work, we have studied the effects of the impurity and cross-sectional shape on entropy of different quantum wires. For this goal, we have considered \(\hbox {GaAs/Ga}_{0.5}\hbox {In}_{0.5}\)As quantum wires with different cross-sectional shape like circular, hexagonal, square and triangular. To this end, we have computed the energy levels using the finite element method and the Arnoldi algorithm. Using the energy levels, the entropy of quantum wires has been determined by Tsallis formalism. Our results show that the highest and lowest entropy corresponds to circular and triangular quantum wires, respectively. The entropy in the presence of impurity is decreased due to the reduction disorder. 相似文献