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Gas producing materials are widely used in military or space applications as solid rocket and gun propellants. The chemical formulations of these propellants cannot be directly transferred to other applications as their product gases are optimized on high power, producing high amounts of CO and toxic trace constituents not acceptable in industrial applications. Beneath small scale applications in inflating bag boats or ejecting pilots of aircrafts etc. the gas generators for airbag inflation became a standard equipment of cars and improved safety of drivers and passengers substantially. Recently, systematic investigations started to realize the idea of using gases or aerosols produced by solid energetic or pyrotechnique materials for fire extinguishing. The actually introduced chemical gas generator formulations are based on the experience of pyrotechnics and solid propellants. Sodium azide and nitrocellulose containing mixtures cover most requirements on mass products. Despite their high level of technical development both formulations exhibit strong disadvantages. The work reported considers organic formulations for fire extinguishing, which produce gases composed of N2 and CO2. The gasgenerants described consist of non-toxic chemicals including fuel, oxidant, catalyst and cooling agent for thermal process control. The formulations show higher gas output per mass, can be recycled environmentally friendly and are of low costs. The results comprise thermochemical properties governing the time dependent gas output, characterization of the constituents and trace species of the product gas, safety and stability aspects. From selected gas generants the following data were measured: Estimation of thermal stability using DSC methods and mass-loss tests; Pressure/time curves in the ballistic bomb; Rate of product gases by means of gaschromatography.  相似文献   

何洪吉 《化工机械》2003,30(4):240-241
针对DN75 0mm煤气三通阀阀杆脱落和阀内外漏的故障进行分析和改造  相似文献   

刘在强 《河北化工》2013,(9):100-102
针对山西神州煤业有限责任公司4504回采工作面上隅角瓦斯涌出量较大的问题,通过建立井下移动瓦斯抽放系统,在4504回采工作面中实践应用,对工作面瓦斯涌出量预测及抽放方法作出了进一步认定,从根源上解决了工作面上隅角瓦斯治理难题,确保了矿井安全生产。  相似文献   

Gas generators with high boron content of interest for ducted rockets were prepared and characterized. The parameters tested were:
  • – combustion residue
  • – pressure exponent
  • – flow and temperature of the ejected boron particles
  • – mechanical properties.
The results of the experments (optical bomb, high speed camera, two-color pyrometer, thermal analysis, tensile test) are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

汪年 《安徽化工》2016,42(2):60-64
通过介绍中石化安庆分公司500万吨/年常减压蒸馏(Ⅱ)装置的主要减压深拔技术特点、生产过程中的优化调整和减压深拔后的效果,表明在实施减压深拔技术后装置的总拔出率明显提高,蜡油质量合格,原油实沸点切割温度达到了580℃的设计目标。  相似文献   

结合国内工厂实际调研情况,针对荒煤气/焦炉气中焦油在离心压缩机设备中沉积堵塞的问题,对比分析了包括二次电捕焦油、段间喷水(油)、吸附脱除、段间油洗等深度除焦方法,结果表明,当TSA、油洗塔单独应用在深度除焦过程中时,都能取得较好的效果。当上游预处理后的焦油含量未达到预期指标或波动较大时,TSA+油洗塔、段间喷水(油)+油洗塔组合使用,可以确保达到更好的除焦效果。  相似文献   

In gas diffusion electrodes (GDEs), electrocatalysts are in contact with gas and electrolyte ensuring a large active three‐phase boundary. GDEs are used for important technical applications in energy transformation and chemical synthesis. This review gives an introduction into the vast range of existing models for GDEs and their specific purpose, with an emphasis on oxygen reduction electrodes. After introducing the processes occurring in GDEs, modeling approaches are described according to their dimensionality (from 0D to 3D to multiscale) and perspectives for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了酶技术在油气田生产中的应用研究。  相似文献   

针对马寨油田油层埋藏深、地层能量低、渗透率低、产液量低,注采井网不完善的复杂断块中的“三低抽油井”,提出了深抽提液工艺技术措施。本文根据抽油泵工作理论过程简述了深抽提液配套工艺的增产原理及技术要求,较详细地分析了该工艺的应用效果。  相似文献   

介绍了一种外侧带深沟拉手位、内侧带深扣位冰箱抽屉热流道注塑模具,通过对外侧带深沟位采用转动式滑块头抽芯、整体侧面气缸抽芯的方式,实现了产品外侧面的脱模;通过对内侧深扣位采用整体式内抽芯斜顶头,实现了产品内侧面的脱模,成功地应用于生产实践。  相似文献   

Silicon Oxycarbonitride (SiOCN) functionalization is proposed for stable, reproducible, reliable, and enhanced gas‐sensing properties in carbon nanotube (CNT) gas sensors. The process is very simple: liquid precursor completely coats the surfaces of the CNTs without requiring any surface modification and a thin layer of semiconductor ceramic SiOCN is created on the CNTs after heat treatment. This new kind of conductometric gas sensors can detect 10 ppm NH3 and 2 ppm NO2 at temperatures up to 350°C. The stability of the functionalized CNT sensor is verified up to 520°C, while the CNT sensor without the SiOCN coating lost conductance after 250°C due to the structural modification. SiOCN functionalization of CNT changes the recovery from irreversible to reversible and the recovery time decreases from 60 min at 100°C to 19 min at 350°C.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,对天然气资源的需求量不断增加,各种天然气井工程越来越多。在天然气的实际开采过程中,有比较多的深层气井,其开采难度普遍偏高,开采效率也较低,在开采的后期往往井底积液现象比较严重,影响开采效率,常规的排水采气工艺往往无法满足要求,需要采用专门的深层气井排水采气工艺。为此,对深层气井排水采气工艺进行探讨,希望对促进我国天然气事业的发展,可以起到有利的作用。  相似文献   

围绕贯彻深加工,扩应用方针,分析我国玻纤工业形势并介绍国外一些成功经验。重点介绍了占玻纤总用量1/4左右的电绝缘领域的发展情况,提出了在国家着重发展城镇化、工业化、信息化、农业现代化战略经济条件下,注意产业集群的提升转型,将推动玻纤工业的可持续化发展。  相似文献   

Aluminum hydride is a promising candidate for application in energetic materials and hydrogen storages. E.g. an AP/HTPB rocket propellant filled with alane was calculated for a 100 N s kg−1 higher specific impulse compared to the same concentration of aluminum. Different investigations on α‐AlH3 polyhedra using thermoanalytical methods and X‐ray diffraction were performed to receive a better understanding of dehydration at about 450 K, passivation of the remaining porous aluminum particles and further oxidation. A modeling approach to describe these conversions including diffusion processes, Avrami‐Erofeev mechanism and Arrhenius type reaction steps of n‐th order were introduced. Results were discussed in comparison to experimental investigations under pressure with model propellants on the base of gelled pure nitromethane and also filled with alane or pure aluminum in concentrations of 5%, 10% and 15%. Both alane and aluminum increase the burning rate on a factor of two correlated with a temperature increase up to 500 K and more. A mesa burning effect at 6 to 10 MPa was indicated by the mixtures with alane.  相似文献   

Six types of gas generators based on guanidinium azotetrazolate (GZT) were designed into six formulations having different oxidants: GZT‐LiNO3 (1), GZT‐NaNO3 (2), GZT‐KNO3 (3), GZT‐Mg(NO3)2 (4), GZT‐Sr(NO3)2 (5) and GZT‐KMnO4 (6), respectively. The properties of these formulations were investigated in terms from gas production, appropriate combustion temperature and nontoxic gaseous emission. REAL software calculation program [1] was used to calculate the combustion heat at constant pressure, combustion heat at constant volume and specific volume in standard state. It showed that gas generators based on GZT with nitrate salts as oxidant exhibited better performance. Thus its thermal behavior and combustion temperature were studied further and the experimental results were consistent with the theoretical calculation results. Therefore, it can be concluded that formulation 3 has comprehensive optimal performance: low moisture content, insensitivity to friction, heightened vacuum stability, high combustion heat and specific volume. Namely, formulation 3 exhibited the most promising indications of commercial application, such as using in air bags of motor vehicles.  相似文献   

聚羟基苯乙烯在光致抗蚀剂中的应用及其合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要综述了聚羟基苯乙烯用作深紫外光致抗蚀剂主体成膜树脂的发展历程、应用现状以及一些最新的研究进展,并简要介绍了聚羟基苯乙烯的单体衍生物及其聚合物的制备方法。  相似文献   

真空系统废气处理方案研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了气态碘的捕集方法和浸渍活性炭吸附碘的原理,针对某工程真空系统,提出了利用活性炭进行废气处理的工艺流程和方法。  相似文献   

本文报道了焦炉气常温精脱硫新工艺的研究结果,对工程设计提供了重要依据,该新工艺系可采用T504、T102、EZX等精脱硫催化剂。  相似文献   

陈先银 《化工机械》2007,34(3):168-170,174
对丙烷泵的机械密封进行改造,通过对比分析,设计制造出了适合轻烃类介质使用的干气密封及其控制系统,工业运行获得成功。  相似文献   

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