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A case study in adaptive information filtering systems for the Web is presented. The described system comprises two main modules, named HUMOS and WIFS. HUMOS is a user modeling system based on stereotypes. It builds and maintains long term models of individual Internet users, representing their information needs. The user model is structured as a frame containing informative words, enhanced with semantic networks. The proposed machine learning approach for the user modeling process is based on the use of an artificial neural network for stereotype assignments. WIFS is a content-based information filtering module, capable of selecting html/text documents on computer science collected from the Web according to the interests of the user. It has been created for the very purpose of the structure of the user model utilized by HUMOS. Currently, this system acts as an adaptive interface to the Web search engine ALTA VISTATM. An empirical evaluation of the system has been made in experimental settings. The experiments focused on the evaluation, by means of a non-parametric statistics approach, of the added value in terms of system performance given by the user modeling component; it also focused on the evaluation of the usability and user acceptance of the system. The results of the experiments are satisfactory and support the choice of a user model-based approach to information filtering on the Web.  相似文献   

简单阐述了风力发电原理、风力发电系统结构和风力发电技术的发展趋势.具体介绍了风力发电系统的基本组成,并分析了监测显示装置主要检测的几个参数.同时给出了风力发电机组对自动化控制的要求以及风力发电信息系统的功能.最后得出风力发电信息管理系统的研发及应用,将促进风电产业的健康发展和风力发电相关信息的规范化和系统化管理.  相似文献   

基于Web的HSE监督信息系统是长庆油田公司为了加强安全生产、保护生态环境而开发的一套办公自动化管理信息系统.介绍了该系统的设计与实现,阐述了长庆油田公司该项目的立项背景和用户需求,介绍了根据具体需求和用户使用环境而决定采用的实现技术方案,并讨论了方案的可行性;最后介绍了系统的模块划分以及各模块功能的实现.基于Web的HSE监督信息系统大量采用了Web新技术,设计科学,方案合理,具有良好的扩充性和可移植性,该系统的投入运行显著改善了HSE管理部门的工作效能,得到了用户的一致好评.  相似文献   

可视化技术的发展能够帮助我们加深对大规模复杂数据和信息间相互关系的理解,因此人们针对不同领域开发出各种功能的可视化系统。以高等级生物安全实验室协同工作平台CBL项目为背景,根据生物安全实验室环境监控和生物安全知识库的可视化需求,设计并开发了CBL信息可视化系统。该系统采用基于Web的B/S三层架构,利用MVC设计模式,根据需求分别采用合适的可视化模型开发可视化组件,并根据可视化界面与用户交互的不同方式采用相应的Web客户端技术,方便用户更加高效地获取和理解信息。  相似文献   

The paper presents a traffic information system called KRJ that covers Polish railways and airlines transportation systems. Basic algorithmic foundations for the system are given. The system was previously designed as a standalone program. Recently, it has been moved to Internet and made available at a commercial Web site as a service called Ekspres. The process of migration into Internet service and problems encountered are described. The paper concludes with experiences gained so far from a one-year exploitation under operational workload.  相似文献   

随着信息系统应用领域的不断扩展和目录服务技术的兴起,目录服务已经应用到主流的企业和Internet的环境下。任何一个企业级或面向Interact的应用,在将目录服务领先的数据存储、管理和查询技术集成到信息系统过程中,需要解决一个突出问题是克服信息系统和目录服务两者之间耦合的困难。探讨了LDAP目录服务及相关技术的基础,分析了目录数据的访问操作方式,提出了基于Servlet技术的目录服务Web信息系统建设的可行性方案。通过B/S模式下“目录节点查找操作”的实例,解决具体应用中的问题,明确了采用B/S模式和Servlet技术开发目录服务Web信息系统具有简便实用性。  相似文献   

随着信息系统应用领域的不断扩展和目录服务技术的兴起,目录服务已经应用到主流的企业和Internet的环境下.任何一个企业级或面向Internet的应用,在将目录服务领先的数据存储、管理和查询技术集成到信息系统过程中,需要解决一个突出问题是克服信息系统和目录服务两者之间耦合的困难.探讨了IDAP目录服务及相关技术的基础,分析了目录数据的访问操作方式,提出了基于Senvlet技术的目录服务Web信息系统建设的可行性方案.通过B/S模式下"目录节点查找操作"的实例,解决具体应用中的问题,明确了采用B/S模式和Senvlet技术开发目录服务Web信息系统具有简便实用性.  相似文献   

本文针对常见的学生出勤考核管理中的突出问题,阐述了基于web的学生出勤考核管理信息系统的设计初衷。描述了考勤数据处理流程,拟设计的系统完全适用于教师的学生管理中,其应用具有较好的普及性和实用价值。  相似文献   

The degree to which information sources are pre-processed by Web-based information systems varies greatly. In search engines like Altavista, little pre-processing is done, while in knowledge integration systems, complex site-specific wrappers are used to integrate different information sources into a common database representation. In this paper we describe an intermediate point between these two models. In our system, information sources are converted into a highly structured collection of small fragments of text. Database-like queries to this structured collection of text fragments are approximated using a novel logic called WHIRL, which combines inference in the style of deductive databases with ranked retrieval methods from information retrieval (IR). WHIRL allows queries that integrate information from multiple Web sites, without requiring the extraction and normalization of object identifiers that can be used as keys; instead, operations that in conventional databases require equality tests on keys are approximated using IR similarity metrics for text. This leads to a reduction in the amount of human engineering required to field a knowledge integration system. Experimental evidence is given showing that many information sources can be easily modeled with WHIRL, and that inferences in the logic are both accurate and efficient.  相似文献   

文中介绍了OAS4的应用框架,讨论了应用OAS4实现网上信息发布与查询的相关技术,并以`全国高校招生网上录取系统'中`WEB信息发布与查询子系统'为例,说明了在实际中如何开发出一个安全、可靠的基于WEB的信息系统.  相似文献   

A systematic approach to the automatic generation of schematic diagrams for digital systems?diagrams described as networks of modules?provides useful CAD applications. This approach transforms guidelines. traditionally followed in manual drawings of schematic diagrams, into quantitative objectives. In view of the complex relationship between these objectives, the schematic design process is broken into a lengthy sequence of steps. We will attempt to give the precise formulation for each step, along with efficient solutions, making suitable approximations where necessary. An illustrative diagram is included, generated using these algorithms, showing that our results compare well with hand-drawn diagrams.  相似文献   

利用CAN总线和C 技术,开发数字化小区信息发布系统,介绍了CAN现场总线通信系统的软硬件结构,论述了数据交换原理,探讨了设计中的几个重要问题和设计思想。基于CAN总线构建的数字化小区通信网络,实现了小区信息的动态管理,克服了以前电子广告牌形式的静态管理的缺陷,使得对信息的发布更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

Web Services技术在企业信息系统上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍Web Services技术和利用BPEL编排业务流程的方法,列举了利用JAX-RPC创建客户端调用的实例。  相似文献   

页眉和页脚在正式的文档中起着很大的作用。一方面,它可以使文档页面美观、正规;另一方面,它可以使文档或表格清晰,查阅起来方便,最普通的例子就是形如第X页共Y页这样的格式。  相似文献   

地理信息软件自动生成系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了加强GIS应用系统开发过程的集成,提供一致的数据表示和统一的界面描述,文章提出了一种新型的地理信息软件自动生成系统GBuilder。用GBui1der可以快速开发一个完整的GIS应用系统,加强了GIS应用系统开发过程的集成,提高了开发效率,加强了软件过程的复用,为GIS软件开发提供了新的方法与工具。  相似文献   

The first total clinical laboratory system (TCLA) in the Osaka City University Hospital was introduced in 1993. After six years of operation, it was recently replaced by a new system. The goals of this replacement were as follows: 1. Improve the analytical performance. 2. Make the system operate more efficiently. 3. Improve the quality of laboratory analyses. We successfully reduced the labor required to operate the laboratory; made the laboratory reports quicker; reduced the number of retraction and revalidation of the results; and minimized the system downtime.  相似文献   

基于Web 的数字博物馆虚拟空间的构建与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决数字博物馆信息孤立的问题,通过构建适合数字博物馆的虚拟空间的方法,将分散、孤立的文物信息实现共享。即这个虚拟的空间的作用是以一定的策略利用互联网进行文物信息的搜集、发现,然后对其进行理解、提取、组织和处理。设计过程中采用多线程、信息再过滤、信息重新分类等技术,对信息获取、分析、分类等技术进行改进。可解决目前数字博物馆信息来源局限性问题,同时提高了信息的准确性,使得文物信息分类清晰,实现文物信息的快速检索。  相似文献   

数字图书馆信息检索技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数字图书馆的发展现状展开研究,对数字图书馆与传统图书馆进行了比较,分析了信息检索概念和技术。介绍了CBR的特点,重点阐述了数字图书馆多媒体检索技术分类及各自特点,明确指出了数字图书馆建设的意义、应用中存在的问题,展望了数字图书馆的前景。  相似文献   

数字图书馆信息检索技术及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王预 《微机发展》2006,16(10):226-229
从数字图书馆的发展现状展开研究,对数字图书馆与传统图书馆进行了比较,分析了信息检索概念和技术。介绍了CBR的特点,重点阐述了数字图书馆多媒体检索技术分类及各自特点,明确指出了数字图书馆建设的意义、应用中存在的问题,展望了数字图书馆的前景。  相似文献   

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