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To gain further technological knowledge of mashing, pilot scale mashing trials were carried out varying mashing programme (upward/isothermal mashing), milling procedure, grist:liquor ratio, time of mash stands, and grist modification level (well and poorly modified malt). During mashing β‐glucan, free amino nitrogen (FAN) and extract contents were analysed as key indicators for cytolysis, proteolysis, and amylolysis, respectively. The malt modification was of major impact for the β‐glucan release in contrast to a variation of milling procedure and of grist:liquor ratio. Extended stands lead to increased final values only for poorly modified malt. Similarly, FAN release was predetermined by malt modification while variation of milling and of grist:liquor ratio was not relevant in contrast to stand extension. None of the variations applied influenced extract yield as long as gelatinization temperature was reached. Greatest gains occurred around 57°C. In conclusion, wort quality is critically determined by malt modification. Mashing with well modified malt in combination with short stands should result in a mash of low β‐glucan and sufficient FAN level without losing extract yield. However, for poorly modified malt the variation of mashing parameters has an impact on the key indicators in which cytolysis plays the dominating role.  相似文献   

Similar basal levels of β-D-glucans were released into worts produced at 45°C from enzymically active or inactivated flours of milled malts. In contrast, significantly higher levels of β-D-glucans were found in worts derived from either enzymically active or inactivated malt flours mashed at 65°C. In general, mashing temperature may play a more important role in releasing β-D-glucans during mashing than enzymes described as β-glucan-releasing. In this context, the physical release of β-D-glucan during mashing should be separated from the enzymic release and degradation of β-D-glucan which occur during malting.  相似文献   

Starch was isolated from four new waxy barleys and compared with normal and high‐amylose barley starch. The waxy barley samples were selected lines from crosses of Swedish hulled and naked barley cultivars with the cultivar Azhul as donor of the waxy gene. The starches from the waxy barley samples were found to contain 0.7–2.6% amylose when determined iodimetrically by amperometric titration and 0.0–0.9% when determined by size exclusion chromatography after debranching. However, Sepharose CL‐2B elution profiles of the starches detected by iodine staining showed that all four waxy samples were free from detectable amounts of amylose. The amylopectin starches were found to contain a small polysaccharide fraction with molecular size smaller than amylopectin, with an iodine staining λmax range of 550–600 nm. The water extractable and acid extractable β‐glucan contents in the waxy barley cultivars were generally found to be higher than those in normal barley.  相似文献   

During malting the water-insoluble β-glucan of barley is diminished whilst water-soluble gum is little decreased. The amount of β-glucan surviving into malt depends on variety but barleys rich in glucan give malts with high β-glucan levels. The β-glucan content of barley depends on variety and growth site. β-Glucan solubilase survives mashing and catalyses the release of hemicellulose into solution. There is no correlation between the β-glucan content of malt and the amount released into wort. However, barley adjuncts containing high levels of β-glucan give worts rich in β-glucan. β-Glucan dissolution in mashing is dependent on time, temperature, grist particle size and liquor: grist ratio. Use of adjuncts derived from barley contribute relatively more β-glucan in wort, coinciding with reduced rates of wort separation, but these can be increased by using a β-glucanase produced by growing the fungus Trichoderma viride on spent grains.  相似文献   

A collective report on the extraction and isolation of β‐glucan from grain sources, namely, oat, barley, and wheat is presented. An analysis on the effect of medium, pH, and temperature on the purity and yield of the β‐glucan derived under acidic/alkaline/aqueous/enzymatic conditions is also made. Water extraction and alkali extraction processes are preferred as the yield and recovery of extracted β‐glucan were good. Cost‐effective development of the process for deriving high molecular weight β‐glucan is the current requirement for its wide applications in food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

The presence of added β‐glucan in wort caused increased turbidity levels, which increased at higher molecular weights and concentrations of the polymer. Levels of pH, maltose and ethanol, and shear experienced in a brewery also influenced the turbidity of wort and beer. Haze levels of beer after 0.45 μm membrane filtration were found to decrease due to the removal of non‐β‐glucan particles. Cold storage at 4°C for two weeks was found not to lower the turbidity caused by high concentrations of high molecular weight β‐glucan polymers.  相似文献   

This paper describes initial experiments carried out in a collaborative study with Perten Instruments, Sweden, using Near‐Infrared spectroscopy to assess β‐glucan content in single grains of barley and malt. In general, the method needs further development, but this study shows that it has potential as a valuable tool for assessing endosperm modification of malt. The method is fast and non‐destructive and therefore allows other parameters related to endosperm modification to be analysed using the same grains.  相似文献   

Treatment of mixed grists of malt and either barley flakes or barley flour with β-glucanase during infusion mashing at 65°C improves both the rate of run-off of wort and the total yield of extract. The total amount of non-starchy polysaccharide in solution is increased but the high molecular weight β-glucan fraction is decreased by the addition of β-glucanase. An improvement in wort separation is associated with a lowering of wort viscosity but it is concluded that the major factor influencing wort separation is the structure of the mash bed and the presence of inert material to which protein, glucan and pentosans can bind. A micro-mashing unit is described which simulates the problems of wort separation encountered with certain grists in deep infusion mash tuns.  相似文献   

β‐Glucosidase and to a lesser extent endo‐β1–4‐glucanase are present in significant quantity in raw barley. These enzymes, as well as endo‐β1–3, 1–4‐glucanase, endo‐β1–3‐glucanase and exo‐β1–3‐glucanase, increase in activity during steeping and germination. Exo‐β1–3‐glucanase stands apart through its very late development during germination and it may be a limiting enzyme in malts that have not received substantial modification. Three separate exo‐glucanases were located in malt and each of them displayed a preference for β1–3 linkages. As the principle product of endo‐β1–3, 1–4‐glucanase is oligosaccharides with a β1–4 linkage at the non‐reducing end (from which end exo enzymes approach the substrate), this is likely to be a second reason (alongside the late development of the enzyme) why such oligosaccharides survive in significant quantities into wort. A third contributing factor may be the sensitivity of the exo‐glucanases to ions such as potassium, sodium and magnesium.  相似文献   

Wickerhamomyces anomalus is used in food and feed processing, although the species has been reported as an opportunistic human pathogen, predominantly in neonates. Neither phenotypic nor the most frequently applied genotypic marker (D1/D2 LSU ribosomal DNA) provide sufficient resolution for accurate identification of this yeast. In this study, the β‐tubulin gene was used for species identification by direct DNA sequencing and as marker in a species‐specific PCR assay. The results showed that all examined W. anomalus strains were clearly distinguished from the closely related species by comparative sequence analysis of the β‐tubulin gene. In addition, the species‐specific primers were also developed based on the β‐tubulin gene, which was employed for polymerase chain reaction with the template DNA of Wickerhamomyces strains. A single 218 bp species‐specific band was found only in W. anomalus. Our data indicate that the phylogenetic relationships between these strains are easily resolved by sequencing of the β‐tubulin gene and combined with species‐specific PCR assay. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a temperature programmed mashing profile for 100% buckwheat malt. Both standard brewing methods and a rheological tool (Rapid Visco Analyser) were used to characterise worts and mashes. An optimal grist: liquor ratio of 1:4 was observed. At this ratio, buckwheat malt showed a gelatinisation temperature of 67°C and barley malt 62°C. A one hour stand at 65°C exhibited higher FAN levels, fermentable extracts and lower viscosity values than stands at 67°C or 69°C, and was therefore used in further mashing trials. An extra mashing step of 30 min, at any of the tested temperatures, increased extract values a minimum of 4%, decreased viscosities a minimum of 0.20 mPas, and increased fermentable extracts 12%. Best results were obtained when a mashing‐in temperature was used in the range of 35°C to 45°C. These mashing‐in temperatures were used to design an optimal mashing procedure: 15 min at 35°C; 15 min at 45°C; 40 min at 65°C; 30 min at 72°C; 10 min at 78°C. This program showed higher extract values and fermentable extract values (72.7% and 49.9%) than obtained by congress mashing (65.3% and 40.0%), thus successfully optimising the mashing program.  相似文献   

啤酒生产过程中氧化还原酶系的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
啤酒生产过程中的氧化还原酶与啤酒风味陈化紧密相关。低水分下,其耐温活性远高于其它几种酶,在麦芽中酶活升高比例最大(与大麦中的酶活相比),其在糖化过程中氧化多酚的能力远大于多酚氧化酶。糖化过程中迅速失活,而脂肪酸氧化酶在糖化起始的低温阶段仍有部分酶活,影响不饱和脂肪酸的氧化。焙燥过程中适当延长50~70℃温度段时间,可有效降低麦芽中氧化还原酶的酶活。结合这些酶的性质,从部分抑制它们的活性角度出发,在糖化过程中,于50~60℃进行隔氧处理,可经济、有效的减少影响风味氧化的前驱物质的含量。同一质量等级不同品种的麦芽的氧化还原酶系差别相当大,相应制得的麦汁中与风味氧化有关的物质含量也有较大差别,这可能是造成不同批次原料酿造的成品啤酒风味保鲜期不稳定的原因之一。  相似文献   

Significant β-glucanolysis takes place during mashing and is catalysed by a β-glucanase which is specific to mixed-linkage β-glucans. The enzyme develops during the germination of barley, but is rapidly and extensively destroyed in kilning. Partially-purified preparations of β-glucanase are protected from denaturation by heat if their solutions are adjusted to pH 4 or if bovine serum albumin is added. However the most effective stabiliser of the enzyme is reduced glutathione. Oligosaccharides containing three and four glucosyl units are produced by the action of β-glucanase and they are further converted during malting and mashing by a different enzyme(s) to disaccharides and glucose.  相似文献   

In sorghum brewing, obtaining sufficient Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) for rapid and complete fermentation remains a problem due to the high proportions of unmalted sorghum used and the poor digestibility of wet‐heat treated sorghum protein. Sorghum mutant lines with high protein digestibility have been developed through breeding. These high protein digestibility sorghums (HPDS) have protein bodies with villi‐like borders that apparently facilitate protease access. This work investigated FAN production from HPDS when malted and mashed, to assess their potential for use in sorghum brewing to improve wort FAN levels. When malted, HPDS contained substantially higher levels of FAN than normal protein digestibility sorghums (NPDS), 32 mg/100 g malt more. However, when the HPDS were mashed either as malt, or as grain or malt plus exogenous proteases, FAN production during mashing was not substantially higher than with NPDS subjected to the same treatments, only 6, 6–18 and 9–13 mg/100 g grain or malt, respectively. This is probably due to wet‐heat induced cross‐linking of the kafirin proteins reducing their susceptibility to proteolysis. Notwithstanding this, HPDS could be very useful for improving FAN levels in sorghum brewing if they are malted.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of β‐glucan‐rich fractions (BGRFs) from Pleurotus eryngii mushroom powder on the quality, textural properties, and sensory evaluation of common wheat pasta. Pasta was prepared from semolina flour and common wheat flour by replacing common wheat flour at 2%, 4%, and 6% with BGRFs. Semolina flour showed significantly higher viscosities than common wheat flour samples. However, all viscosities, except the breakdown viscosity, were reduced with increasing percentages of BGRFs. Replacement of the common wheat flour with BGRFs resulted in a reddish brown colored pasta with a lower L* value and a higher a* value. The common wheat pastas containing up to 4% BGRFs were not significantly different from semolina pasta with regard to cooking loss. Addition of up to 2% BGRFs had no significant impact on swelling index and water absorption. The addition of BGRFs in common wheat flour had a positive effect on the quality of common wheat pasta and resulted in hardness values similar to those of semolina pasta. In a sensory evaluation, cooked pasta with 2% BGRFs had the highest overall acceptability score. In summary, the results showed that common wheat flour containing 4% BGRFs could be used to produce pasta with an improved quality and texture properties similar to semolina pasta.  相似文献   

An assessment of the impact of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide on mashing and wort parameters has been made on a laboratory scale. Oxygen has been stridently eliminated by using an anaerobic chamber during mash analysis. Additionally the relative importance of proanthocyanidin species has been assessed by comparing the behaviour of “conventional” malt and a malt produced from a low proanthocyanidin variety. It seems that oxygen and peroxide act independently in causing the oxidation of thiol‐containing materials and polyphenols in mashes and that oxygen is not primarily exerting its impacts through the intermediacy of peroxide. The removal of thiols (presumably at least in part through the production of disulphide bridges between proteins) and of polyphenols (presumably via polymerisation) both contribute to increased wort turbidity and decreased rates of wort separation after mashing. Three inhibitors (nordihydroguaiaretic acid, ethylenediamenetetraacetate and potassium cyanide) have been employed in an attempt to differentiate between enzymic and non‐enzymic events and also to identify whether lipoxygenase and peroxidase are catalysing key events. Whilst it seems that peroxidase has a key role in catalysing the oxidation of polyphenols by H2O2, it does not appear that either peroxidase or lipoxygenase is involved in the removal of measurable thiol. Nonetheless a significant proportion of the thiol elimination is likely enzyme‐catalysed. We have been unable to demonstrate the production of hydroperoxides in mashes, but added hydroperoxide is undetectable, which suggests that these materials are either lost by onward conversion or by adsorption onto spent grains.  相似文献   

The effect of oxidation and proteolysis on the amount of gel‐protein aggregate was investigated both in vivo during mashing and in vitro. The oxidation of the free thiol groups of proteins to disulphide bridges during mashing appeared to be a good indicator of the formation of gel‐protein aggregate. The pH optimum of the oxidation varied according to the isothermal mashing temperature. The results suggested that the oxidation of the thiol groups maybe a result of some kind of enzymatic activity. In vitro experiments showed that the proteolysis of the gel‐protein aggregate was strongest at pH 5.0 and temperature denaturation occurred only at temperatures over 80°C. Mashing experiments on the other hand suggested that the proteolysis of the monomer subunits of gel‐protein (i.e. B‐ and D‐hordein) had a stronger effect on the final amount of the gel‐protein aggregate than the hydrolysis of the aggregate.  相似文献   

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