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地理信息的数据共享和数据保护是一对矛盾。数据共享是目的,但如果没有数据保护政策将没有健康长久的数据共享。在我国数据保护政策处于较低水平的情况下,提出了加强地理信息数据保护安全策略的建议,给出一组数据保护的基本措施,并列举了在大型GIS项目的工程实践中应用的例子。 相似文献
本文介绍了一个基于UNIX平台的地理信息来统软件的设计。该软件用扩展的关系型数据库来统一管理空间及非空间数据。文中详细介绍了该软件的设计原则、数据模型、系统的结构及模块、系统的存贮结构。 相似文献
In the context of technological expansion and development, companies feel the need to renew and optimize their information systems as they search for the best way to manage knowledge. Business ontologies within the semantic web are an excellent tool for managing knowledge within this space. The proposal in this article consists of a methodology for integrating information in companies. The application of this methodology results in the creation of a specific business ontology capable of semantic interoperability. The resulting ontology, developed from the information system of specific companies, represents the fundamental business concepts, thus making it a highly appropriate information integration tool. Its level of semantic expressivity improves on that of its own sources, and its solidity and consistency are guaranteed by means of checking by current reasoning tools. An ontology created in this way could drive the renewal processes of companies’ information systems. A comparison is also made with a number of well-known business ontologies, and similarities and differences are drawn, highlighting the difficulty in aligning general ontologies to specific ones, such as the one we present. 相似文献
Nowadays, the proliferation of geographic information systems has caused great interest in integration. However, an integration process is not as simple as joining several systems, since any effort at information sharing runs into the problem of semantic heterogeneity, which requires the identification and representation of all semantics useful in performing schema integration. On several research lines, including research on geographic information system integration, ontologies have been introduced to facilitate knowledge sharing among various agents. Particularly, one of the aspects of ontology sharing is performing some sort of mapping between ontology constructs. Further, some research suggests that we should also be able to combine ontologies where the product of this combination will be, at the very least, the intersection of the two given ontologies. However, few approaches built integrations upon standard and normalized information, which might improve accuracy of mappings and therefore commitment and understandability of the integration. In this work, we propose a novel system (called GeoMergeP) to integrate geographic sources by formalizing their information as normalized ontologies. Our integral merging process—including structural, syntactic and semantic aspects—assists users in finding the more suitable correspondences. The system has been empirically tested in the context of projects of the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA, ex APAT), providing a consistent and complete integration of their sources. 相似文献
A GIS-based borehole data management and 3D visualization system 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The use of subsurface data for problem solving is limited in part by the freedom the user has in their choice of data structures. If a user is allowed to work with the data in a familiar way, they can spend more time performing analysis tasks and less time restructuring data, thus increasing productivity and reducing the risks associated with a series of data modification cycles. Borehole information system (BoreIS) is based upon this principle. Design was guided by interviews with geologists who were targeted as potential users of the software, and BoreIS was developed as an extension to ESRI's ArcScene three-dimensional (3D) GIS environment. BoreIS uses borehole or well data supplied by the user to develop a 3D GIS representation which can be queried, visualized, and analysed. By asking relevant questions about data stored in Excel spreadsheets, BoreIS can automate many high-level GIS functions so that an inexperienced GIS user can still use the system. By matching table elements to spatially and geologically significant terms through the interactive setup, users can work with the data more closely matched to the geological problem domain. This allows the novice user to use powerful GIS functions to discover spatial patterns in their data. BoreIS’ interactive manipulation of terms in complex queries, simple addition of contoured surfaces, and masking by lithology or formation helps geologists find spatial patterns in their data, beyond the limits of data tables and flat maps. 相似文献
Typical audible pedestrian signals indicate when the pedestrian walk interval is in effect but provide little, or even misleading information for directional alignment. In three experiments, blind and blindfolded sighted adults crossed a simulated crossing with recorded traffic noise to approximate street sounds. This was done to investigate how characteristics of signal presentation affected usefulness of the auditory signal for guiding crossing behaviour. Crossing was more accurate when signals came only from the far end of the crossing rather than the typical practice of presenting signals simultaneously from both ends. Alternating the signal between ends of the crossing was not helpful. Also, the customary practice of signalling two parallel crossings at the same time drew participants somewhat toward the opposite crossing. Providing a locator tone at the end of the crossing during the pedestrian clearance interval improved crossing accuracy. These findings provide a basis for designing audible pedestrian signals to enhance directional guidance. The principal findings were the same for blind and sighted participants and applied across a range of specific signals (e.g. chirps, clicks, voices). 相似文献
基于ArcView GIS的数据字典技术研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
随着地理信息系统技术的进一步发展,数据库技术将会成为提升整个系统适应性能的关键技术之一。数据字典技术作为数据库技术的核心内容之一,其重要性体现在系统开发及运行等各个阶段。基于数据字典的研究现状,探讨了“数据字典集”和“字典程序”的概念,并结合ArcView GIS的特点对数据字典技术在地理信息系统中的应用进行了研究。开发实例证明,把字典程序作为系统应用程序访问数据库的中间接口,用于操纵数据字典集以实现系统对数据库的管理,增强了系统进行数据库管理的灵活性、适应性,也便于系统的维护和升级,具有良好的应用前景。 相似文献
Sunita Chandrasekaran Shilpa Shanbagh Ramkumar Jayaraman Douglas L. Maskell Hui Yan Cheah 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2013
In this paper, we present a design methodology that uses a combined graphical and scheduling technique to map C-based high level language (HLL) based applications to FPGA. Although there are a number of approaches addressing the mapping from HLL to hardware, many of these existing solutions either require a steep learning curve or do not produce an appropriate mapping pattern for the hardware platform. We provide a solution to this problem, by analyzing the data flow and data dependencies in the given code and proposing a scheduling patterns for the given algorithm. We then provide a suitable mapping pattern for the hardware platform. We use the mapping pattern to deliver synthesizable HDL (Verilog) code. We demonstrate our design methodology with results from different real-time case studies that are based on different algorithms. 相似文献
通过村庄布局优化决策支持系统案例着重讨论了GIS与DSS的系统集成。介绍了通过地理信息库与数据库和模型库的链接实现地图上村庄信息的显示和查询,以及村庄合并搬迁后在地图上的动态变化。使用户的决策活动更直观方便,具有较强的实用性和创新性。该系统不仅在实际应用中取得了良好的效果,而且具有一定的扩展前景。 相似文献
数据是地理信息系统(GIS)应用的核心。现实世界的数据具有普遍的多样性,关于GIS接受不同数据的研究已成为当前GIS研究中的一个难点和热点。从常见空间数据类型的格式、GIS接受外部空间数据的方式以及GIS接受外部空间数据中的数据精度、比例尺、坐标变换等几个方面,对外部空间数据处理系统的数据向GIS转换的问题进行了探讨,同时以通用GIS工具软件ARC/INFO为例分析了其接受外部矢量空间数据的方式。 相似文献
从数据一体化的角度来分析GIS系统和SCADA系统的集成问题,论述GIS与SCADA数据集成的原则和方式及系统接口技术。 相似文献
Commercial off-the-shelf ERP systems have been adopted by many large companies to support their inter- and intra-business processes. Midsize market firms are now also investing their use. However, research has indicated that about three quarters of attempted ERP projects are unsuccessful: a common problem encountered in adopting ERP software has been the issue of fit or alignment.This paper presents an ERP selection methodology, grounded in task-technology fits theory, for measuring, at a high-level, the misfit between ERP candidates and the enterprise's requirements ex-ante implementation. With this approach, organizations can more easily and systematically determine the locations of possible misfit and their degree of importance, thereby understanding the risk in their implementing an ERP. Our research thus contributes practical solutions to the problem of misfit analysis and ERP package selection. 相似文献
为在免疫机制生效前最大限度地控制邮件蠕虫的传播,提出了一种以动态分布的陷阱邮箱为基础的蠕虫邮件行为模式识别方法.该方法通过陷阱诱骗及行为模型匹配两个方面对蠕虫邮件进行互补过滤,克服了以往检测方法对传播延时较长的邮件蠕虫活动敏感度不高的缺点.模拟试验结果表明,对于不同传播因子的邮件蠕虫,新方法在控制病毒的传播上有显著的成效. 相似文献
Suzanne M. Embury Sue M. Brandt John S. Robinson Iain Sutherland Frank A. Bisby W. Alex Gray Andrew C. Jones Richard J. White 《Information Systems》2001,26(8):657-689
Integration of data sources opens up possibilities for new and valuable applications of data that cannot be supported by the individual sources alone. Unfortunately, many data integration projects are hindered by the inherent heterogeneities in the sources to be integrated. In particular, differences in the way that real world data is encoded within sources can cause a range of difficulties, not least of which is that the conflicting semantics may not be recognised until the integration project is well under way. Once identified, semantic conflicts of this kind are typically dealt with by configuring a data transformation engine, that can convert incoming data into the form required by the integrated system. However, determination of a complete and consistent set of data transformations for any given integration task is far from trivial. In this paper, we explore the potential application of techniques for integrity enforcement in supporting this process. We describe the design of a data reconciliation tool (LITCHI) based on these techniques that aims to assist taxonomists in the integration of biodiversity data sets. Our experiences have highlighted several limitations of integrity enforcement when applied to this real world problem, and we describe how we have overcome these in the design of our system. 相似文献
决策支持系统与地理信息系统的集成化研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过村庄布局优化决策支持系统案例,着重讨论T GIS与 DSS的系统集成,介绍了实现 DSS与 GIS集成的技术,即GIS采用独立开发的电子地图引擎,采用与DSS相一致的数据管理工具,在较低的层面上实现统一的数据结构和规范的数据交互,从而实现地理信息库与数据库和模型库的有机链接,实现在地图上村庄信息的显示和查询,以及村庄合并搬迁后在地图上的动态变化,使用户的决策活动更直观方便。 相似文献
This paper proposes a design methodology for very small databases for the purpose of being hosted by portable devices. Three main differences w.r.t. the traditional design methodologies are introduced: first, the main mobility issues are considered along with data distribution; second, context awareness is included in the data design issues to allow full exploitation of context-sensitive application functionalities; and third, the peculiarities of the storage device (s) are taken into account by introducing a logistic phase after the usual conceptual and logical phases. The three aspects together determine the VSDB ambient which is the set of personal and environmental characteristics determining the portion of data that must be stored on the portable device. This paper details the design methodology in its conceptual, logical and logistic phases. 相似文献