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The proximity of farms to badger setts was compared between farms that had experienced a tuberculosis breakdown and those that had not, over the 6 year period from 1988 to 1993. The data were derived from a badger removal study conducted in East Offaly County in the Republic of Ireland. Badger removal began in 1989 and continued through 1993; by the end of 1990, approximately 80% of all badgers caught in the 6 year period had been removed. All badgers were examined, grossly, for evidence of tuberculosis. Tuberculosis status of the approximately 900 study herds was based on the results of the single intradermal comparative skin test and/or lesions of bovine tuberculosis. All herds were tested at least once annually. The number of herds experiencing bovine tuberculosis declined over the period, particularly in the years 1992 and 1993. The data on farm and badger sett location were stored and analysed, initially, in a geographical information system. Owing to the badger removal programme, the distance between the barn yard of a typical farm and the nearest occupied badger sett increased, by about 300 m year-1, and by about 600 m year-1 to the closest infected sett. In bivariate analyses, in the years 1988 and 1989, the risk of tuberculosis declined with increasing distance to a badger sett containing one or more tuberculous badgers. In multivariable logistic regression analyses, year and the average number of cattle tested per farm per year were controlled. A second identical analysis was conducted to control for the repeated observations on the same herds using generalised estimating equations. In both analyses, the risk of a multiple reactor tuberculosis breakdown decreased for herds at least 1000 m away from an infected badger sett, and increased as the number of infected badgers per infected sett increased. Despite the significantly reduced risk of a breakdown with increasing distance to infected badger setts, the relationship was not strong (sensitivity and specificity of the model in the low 70% range) and explained only 9-19% of tuberculosis breakdowns.  相似文献   

The translocation t(2;5), which leads to the fusion of the nucleophosmin gene (NPM) on chromosome 5q35 to the receptor kinase ALK on chromosome 2p23, is found in CD30+ anaplastic large cell lymphomas and some cases of B-cell lymphoma. Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a malignant lymphoma characterized by large multinucleated tumour cells, Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (H&RS) cells, surrounded by a dense lymphohistiocytic infiltrate. Our group recently demonstrated NPM/ALK fusion cDNAs by single-cell RT-PCR in < 3% of CD30+ tumour cells in 2/9 cases of HD. To further delineate the relevance of this finding for HD, we studied the occurrence of NPM/ALK fusion genes in peripheral blood cells of healthy donors by RT-PCR. NPM/ALK fusion cDNAs were found by RT-PCR in 14/29 healthy individuals and confirmed by hybridization with a breakpoint-specific oligonucleotide. Due to the low rate of NPM/ALK-positive cells in the peripheral blood of positive individuals, an assignment to a defined cellular subpopulation was not possible. We conclude that NPM/ALK fusion genes are present in peripheral blood cells of healthy donors. After t(14;18) and t(9;22), t(2;5) represents the third example of tumour-associated translocation products in blood cells of apparently healthy donors. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

A PCR-based technique was used to detect hepatitis B virus (HBV) integration in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with chronic hepatitis B. Integrated HBV DNA sequences, with virus-cell junctions located in the cohesive region between direct repeat 1 (DR1) and DR2, were found in 2 of 10 studied patients.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial enzyme activities were examined in cardiac tissues of turkeys with spontaneous inbred cardiomyopathy. Marked declines in specific enzyme activities were noted for respiratory complexes III and V ranging from 65-90% of the control values. No significant differences in complexes I, IV and citrate synthase nor in mitochondrial DNA copy number were detected. These results suggest that specific mitochondrial enzyme defects occur in cardiac tissues during spontaneous inbred turkey cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas endotoxin was administered to three normal subjects in order to assess possible effects on stem cell circulation. Increased numbers of granulopoietic stem cells (CFU-C) transiently appeared in the peripheral blood, reaching a maximum after the time of maximal leukopenia. There was a mean 4-fold increase in CFU-C per ml of blood following endotoxin. A high proportion of these CFU-C did not require an added source of colony-stimulating activity for growth in agar.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive assay combining immunomagnetic enrichment with multiparameter flow cytometric and immunocytochemical analysis has been developed to detect, enumerate, and characterize carcinoma cells in the blood. The assay can detect one epithelial cell or less in 1 ml of blood. Peripheral blood (10-20 ml) from 30 patients with carcinoma of the breast, from 3 patients with prostate cancer, and from 13 controls was examined by flow cytometry for the presence of circulating epithelial cells defined as nucleic acid+, CD45(-), and cytokeratin+. Highly significant differences in the number of circulating epithelial cells were found between normal controls and patients with cancer including 17 with organ-confined disease. To determine whether the circulating epithelial cells in the cancer patients were neoplastic cells, cytospin preparations were made after immunomagnetic enrichment and were analyzed. Epithelial cells from patients with breast cancer generally stained with mAbs against cytokeratin and 3 of 5 for mucin-1. In contrast, no cells that stained for these antigens were observed in the blood from normal controls. The morphology of the stained cells was consistent with that of neoplastic cells. Of 8 patients with breast cancer followed for 1-10 months, there was a good correlation between changes in the level of tumor cells in the blood with both treatment with chemotherapy and clinical status. The present assay may be helpful in early detection, in monitoring disease, and in prognostication.  相似文献   

The human antibody repertoire has been demonstrated to have a marked V-gene-dependent bias that is conserved between individuals. In RA patients, certain heavy chain V genes (VH) have been found to be preferentially used for encoding autoantibodies. To determine if such preferential use of VH genes in autoantibodies is associated with a general distortion of the V gene repertoire in RA patients, the VH composition of peripheral blood B cells was analysed among four RA patients and four age- and sex-matched healthy controls. Usage of individual VH genes (eight VH3 and three VH4 genes tested by hybridization with a set of gene-specific oligonucleotide probes) was highly biased among RA patients, but no evidence of a distortion in the bias was observed compared with healthy controls. However, the occurrence of somatic mutations in these VH genes (estimated by differential hybridization with motif-specific oligonucleotide probes targeted to CDR and FR of the tested genes, and by DNA sequence analysis) was strikingly different between patients and healthy subjects. The number of VH3 rearrangements that had accumulated somatic mutations and the number of mutations per rearrangement were significantly elevated in three of the four RA patients. A slight but not significant elevation in mutations among rearranged VH4 genes was also observed in these patients. These data suggest that although usage of individual VH genes among peripheral blood B cells is not affected by the disease, the autoimmune process may involve a significant fraction of the B cell compartment.  相似文献   

In this study we have determined systemic and local antibody responses against different Helicobacter pylori antigens in H. pylori-infected and noninfected subjects. In addition, we studied whether differences in antibody responses between patients with duodenal ulcers and asymptomatic H. pylori carriers might explain the different outcomes of infection. Sera and in most instances gastric aspirates were collected from 19 duodenal ulcer patients, 15 asymptomatic H. pylori carriers, and 20 noninfected subjects and assayed for specific antibodies against different H. pylori antigens, i.e., whole membrane proteins (MP), lipopolysaccharides, flagellin, urease, the neuraminyllactose binding hemagglutinin HpaA, and a 26-kDa protein, by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The H. pylori-infected subjects had significantly higher antibody titers against MP, flagellin, and urease in both sera and gastric aspirates compared with the noninfected subjects. Furthermore, the antibody titers against HpaA were significantly elevated in sera but not in gastric aspirates from the infected subjects. However, no differences in antibody titers against any of the tested antigens could be detected between the duodenal ulcer patients and the asymptomatic H. pylori carriers, either in sera or in gastric aspirates.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) generate lymphokine-activated killing (LAK). Using the IL-2 analogs R38A and F42K, which interact primarily with the beta and gamma subunits of the IL-2 receptor, we assessed the roles of IL-2R beta gamma and the high-affinity IL-2 receptor complex in LAK activation. Although the kinetics of LAK activation were identical, lytic activity was approximately 30% lower and proliferation was up to 55% lower in those PBMC stimulated by R38A or F42K than in those exposed to wild-type IL-2. The percentage of cells expressing cell-surface markers such as CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD16 was not significantly different after treatment with wild-type IL-2, R38A, or F42K; however, the proportion of cells expressing IL-2R alpha increased dramatically in response to stimulation by F42K (30%) compared to stimulation by either rIL-2 or R38A (15%). In addition, by Day 7 the concentration of soluble IL-2R alpha in analog-stimulated LAK culture supernatants was 50-75% less than that from wild-type IL-2-cultured cells. These findings suggest that interaction of IL-2 with IL-2R beta gamma alone is sufficient for both proliferation and the generation of LAK, and that stimulation with subunit-specific IL-2 analogs results in differential regulation of the IL-2R alpha on human LAK cells.  相似文献   

Fas antigen (CD95) is a cell surface receptor belonging to the tumour necrosis factor/nerve growth factor superfamily and is able to induce apoptosis when triggered by its' natural ligand or an anti-Fas antibody. Fas expression is low on CD34+ bone marrow (BM) progenitor cells, but is increased by various cytokines in vitro. We investigated Fas expression on CD34+ cells from 39 peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) harvests and from 5 normal BM harvests by dual colour flow cytometry to determine if Fas expression was altered during mobilisation. By including calibrated microbeads during flow cytometry, we quantified the number of Fas antigen molecules per cell. A low percentage of PBPC (22%) and normal BM (23%) CD34+ cells expressed Fas antigen. Fas expression varied on CD34+ cells from different diseases and the highest expression was found in ALL (52%). There was a significant three fold increase in the number of Fas molecules/cell expressed on CD34+ cells (PBPC 6,230 molecules/cell, BM 2,236; p = 0.0003). This level of expression was considerably less than that for CD3/CD19 lymphocytes (33,095 molecules/cell) and CD14 monocytes (47,467 molecules/cell) in the PBPC harvest. In conclusion, mobilisation including the use of growth of factors, has minimal effect on CD34 progenitor cell Fas expression.  相似文献   

In vitro effects of graded concentrations of diheptyldiselenide (DDS) on human tumor cell proliferation, and on the proliferative responses and immunological functions of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) were investigated. The agent significantly decreased tumor cell proliferation in a dose and time dependent manner. Proliferative responses of MNC to phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and interleukin-2 (IL-2) were also significantly depressed when MNCs were exposed to DDS (250 microM for 18 h) led to a significant increase in NK activity only in MNC samples showing very limited baseline NK function. On the other hand, generation of LAK cells was significantly inhibited by DDS. However, when the agent was added to the effector and target cell mixture during the 4 h 51Cr release cytotoxicity assay, no influence was found on NK and LAK-mediated target cell lysis. These studies show that high concentrations of DDS inhibit tumor cell proliferation and could also impair certain proliferative-dependent immune functions, without directly affecting cell-mediated cytolytic activity of effector cells.  相似文献   

Infection of carp with Listeria monocytogenes 4b resulted in decreased liver, spleen, and head kidney enzyme activities, involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics. After infection, cytochrome P-450 levels and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity were decreased while conjugation enzymes remained unaffected. The maximum decrease for phase I enzymes occurred on d 3. This loss of monooxygenase levels and activity could not be directly correlated with an increase in the number of organisms, as consistently high bacterial counts were observed in all three organs during infection. The effect of L. monocytogenes infection was also measured in carp exposed to 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA). Cytochrome P-450 levels and EROD activity were significantly reduced, especially on d 3. A significant decreased activity of conjugation enzymes such as glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) was also observed for all days studied. Listeria infection inhibited MCA-induced increases in xenobiotic-metabolizing enzyme activities. These results indicate that infection may have deleterious effects on basal cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase levels. Furthermore, MCA treatment aggravates the insult to xenobiotic biotransformation enzymes by L. monocytogenes infection, by impairing a number of detoxification enzymes. These findings could result in significant changes in the susceptibility of fish to pollutants.  相似文献   

Fermentations of Streptomyces sp. E/784 produce low levels of the novel C-30 alkylthio-substituted ansamycin antibiotics naphthomycins J (9) and I (10), in addition to the more abundant C-30 hydroxylated analogues actamycin (1) and naphthomycin D (2) and C-30 chlorinated analogues naphthomycins H (3) and A (4). The addition of N-acetyl-L-cysteine to the fermentation medium substantially increases the production of the thionaphthomycins J and I at the expense of their chloro analogues H and A. Other thiols and thiol progenitors are similarly utilised, including N-acetyl-L-cysteine methyl ester which affords the known naphthomycin F (8) and its novel 2-demethyl homologue (7). The formation of thioansamycins from chloroansamycins and thiols in vivo is probably non-enzymic since similar conversions can be effected in vitro.  相似文献   

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