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动静压推力轴承动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用有限差分法,对一个高速外圆磨床主轴上的一浅腔动静压推力轴承的动特性进行了理论分析,其结果对提高主轴的性能是非常有益的。  相似文献   

高速角接触球轴承动力学特性参数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据滚动轴承的分析理论,在100000r/min的转速范围内,对角接触球轴承的接触应力、接触角、旋滚比及刚度的变化特性进行了全面分析。分析结果表明:各性能参数均呈现显著的非线性变化特征;随转速升高,轴承径向刚度及轴向刚度值也是先下降后上升,且变化范围较大;陶瓷球混合轴承几乎在所有的性能参数对比上均明显优于传统的钢球轴承,与传统钢球轴承相比,其接触应力明显降低、接触角变化较小、轴向与径向刚度变化程度相对较低、动态特性相对稳定,从而具有传统钢球轴承无可比拟的优越性。  相似文献   

根据滚动轴承的分析理论,在100000r/min的转速范围内,对角接触球轴承的接触应力、接触角、旋滚比及刚度的变化特性进行了全面分析。分析结果表明:各性能参数均呈现显著的非线性变化特征;随转速升高,轴承径向刚度及轴向刚度值也是先下降后上升,且变化范围较大;陶瓷球混合轴承几乎在所有的性能参数对比上均明显优于传统的钢球轴承,与传统钢球轴承相比,其接触应力明显降低、接触角变化较小、轴向与径向刚度变化程度相对较低、动态特性相对稳定,从而具有传统钢球轴承无可比拟的优越性。  相似文献   

本文研究了作者提出的弹支瓦阶梯推力轴承的动特性及系统阻尼特性。本文及[1]的研究表明这种新型轴承不仅具有良好的承载特性,并且具有良好的动特性及系统阻尼特性.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了箔片式动压止推气体轴承的发展历史.详细介绍了箔片式动压止推气体轴承的主要类型及研究状况.  相似文献   

文章介绍在转子-滑动轴承油膜参数识别和稳定性分析领域所做的研究工作,以及现代知识在这一领域内所遗留下来的空白。简述了识别方法,提出了进一步研究的理论依据和实验基础,最后,作者指出本研究在相关领域中的地位、作用和意义,阐述了作者的观点。  相似文献   

采用对油膜压力进行泰勒级数展开的方法,导出了油膜对镜板的作用力和油膜对可倾瓦的力矩的刚度阻尼系数。分析了工况参数如速度、载荷、油温等参数对这些动特性系数的影响。研究表明,如果工况参数使油膜厚度减小,则油膜对镜板的作用力和油膜对可倾瓦的力矩的刚度阻尼系数均会增大。  相似文献   

为了得到有效的滑动轴承动特性数据,本文考虑了理论计算和实验中的最大影响因素,提出了一种基于模糊理论的权系数确定方法,并采用加权平均法对一开沟槽圆轴承的动特性数据进行了数据融合.结果表明,融合后的动特性数据比理论和实验值都更为接近实际情况.  相似文献   

弹性金属塑料瓦推力轴承的滑移问题研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文对流体力学的经典雷诺方程中固液界面无滑移假设对于弹性金属塑料瓦的适用性提出疑问,从理论上论证在一些表面能低的聚合物表面存在滑移的可能性,并进行对比实验,实验证明在聚四氟乙烯与润滑油的界面上存在滑移现象,发现滑移是在剪切速率和油膜厚度达到一定值才出现的,滑移速度随着转速的提高和膜厚的减小而增大。在分析以聚四氟乙烯为表面的弹性金属塑料轴瓦的润滑机理时,应当对雷诺方程进行修正,计入滑移因素的影响。  相似文献   

Static and dynamic characteristics of two-lobe journal bearings lubricated with couple-stress fluids are studied. The load-carrying capacity, the stiffness and damping coefficients, the non-dimensional critical mass, and the whirl ratio are determined for various values of the couple stress parameter l. The results obtained are compared with the characteristics of two-lobe bearings lubricated with Newtonian fluids. It is found that the effect of the couple stress parameter is very significant on the performance of the journal bearing. The stability is improved compared to bearings lubricated with Newtonian fluids.  相似文献   

以推力轴承为研究对象 ,在建立了瞬态 Reynolds方程的基础上 ,采用油膜压力的 Taylor级数展开式 ,推导出了非线性油膜力的 Taylor级数展开式 ,对基本方程进行了无量纲化 ,并采用超松弛差分法求出了油膜力中的二阶刚度和阻尼系数 ;建立了镜板的非线性微分运动方程 ,以特征值分析了线性与非线性系统的平衡点的性质和稳定性。  相似文献   

鉴于高速条件下热位移对角接触球轴承性能有重要影响,推导了轴承套圈径向热位移计算公式,给出了考虑套圈径向热位移影响的高速角接触球轴承动力特性计算方法和相应程序。对7012C轴承的计算结果表明,轴承套圈尤其是内圈径向热位移较大,由此引起内外圈沟道间的径向相对位移;随着轴承内外圈热位移的增大,内接触角减小而外接触角增大,滚动体的离心力减小而陀螺力矩增大,接触变形、接触应力、接触载荷以及轴承刚度明显增大。因此,为使角接触球轴承动力特性分析会更加精确、更加符合实际,必须计入套圈径向热位移影响。  相似文献   

线支承扇形瓦推力轴承热动力润滑性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
建立了线支承扇形瓦推力轴承中油膜压力、油膜厚度、能量方程和粘温方程等的无量纲表达式,研究了各种刮瓦形式和支承线的倾斜度对推力轴承的油有膜厚度分布和温度分布的影响,研究表明,对于可倾瓦来说,各种刮瓦形式并不能有效降低润滑油的温升,不会明显改善推力轴承的润滑性能;推力轴承在经过长期运行后,推力瓦块支承线因受压缩将会向内倾斜,瓦块外半径处沿圆周方向上的油膜厚度显著减小,从而使润滑油温升大大提高,明显降低了推力轴承的润滑性能。  相似文献   

介绍域外在处理弹流润滑问题是的应用,和边界元不相比,域外不需要对边界单元作繁琐的奇异积分处理,因而编程简捷,计算精确。作为算例,用域外法联立求解雷诺方程和弹性变形方程,计算了大型可倾瓦推力轴承的油膜压力、弹性变表和相应的特性参数。  相似文献   

Journal bearing performance depends on the boundary conditions at the interfaces between the fluid and the solid surfaces. In the derivation of the Reynolds equation used to predict the bearing performance, the no-slip boundary conditions of the fluid and the solid interfaces are used. Recent research has shown that a slip can occur on specially made surfaces, the conventional no-slip boundary conditions are not valid, and the Reynolds equation is no longer applicable. If the slip is allowed to occur in certain regions, the fluid flow in the bearing can be altered, and the bearing stability characteristics can be improved. In this article, the numerical stability analysis of a journal bearing based on the extent of the slip region on the bearing surface is analyzed. An extended Reynolds equation is derived based on the slip length model, using a no-slip boundary condition against the journal surface and the slip against the bearing surface. A linearized perturbation method is used to determine the stability limit of a rigid rotor supported on two symmetrical journal bearings. Using the linear stability analysis, the linearized stiffness and damping coefficients, the threshold speed, and the critical whirl ratio are evaluated. The effects of the slip parameter on the bearing stability performance are discussed. The results show that with a critical shear stress of zero, an increase in the stability threshold can be achieved with a higher value of the nondimensional slip length and a smaller extent of the slip region on the bearing surface.  相似文献   

In engineering practice, the predictions of bearing steady state and the dynamic characteristics are based on the bearing nominal dimensions. However, as the authors showed in a previous study (Fillon, et al. (1) Fillon, M., Dmochowski, W. and Dadouche, A. 2007. Sensitivity of Tilting Pad Journal Bearing Performance Characteristics to Manufacturing Tolerances. Trib. Transactions, 50: 387400. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), manufacturing tolerances related to the bearing geometry (e.g., bearing clearances or angular pivot position) can significantly affect the steady-state characteristics such as the operating temperature, the minimum film thickness, and the power loss. This paper investigates changes to the bearing dynamic properties due to variations of the design parameters within the manufacturing tolerances. The dynamic properties of the tilting-pad journal bearings are represented by eight linear coefficients of stiffness and damping.

The study presents results obtained for realistic variations of bearing clearance, preload, pivot offset, as well as the pad angular extension. As an example, five-pad tilting-pad journal bearings with a diameter of 76.2 mm (3 in.) and three different L/d ratios have been used.  相似文献   

本文建立了S0910轴承测振仪轴向加载部件的力学模型,并进行了数学推导,为轴承测振仪轴向加载部件的性能分析提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

用边界元法分析水润滑扇形瓦推力轴承的润滑性能,将雷诺方程转化为类似泊松方程的形式,采用边界元法求解该方程,研制了一套C++计算程序,得到多组轴瓦参数下的水膜厚度、压力分布和相关润滑性能,可以显著降低代数方程组的阶数,从而减少计算所需时间,并可提高计算精度。研究表明瓦块张角和瓦块倾角对最小水膜厚度、最大水膜压力、摩擦功耗、压力中心位置和进水口流量有不同程度的影响,该研究将有助于合理的设计水润滑扇形瓦推力轴承的轴瓦参数。  相似文献   


The primary objective of this study was to investigate the influence of surface texturing on hydrodynamic lubrication of tilting-pad thrust bearings in terms of bearing power loss, operating temperature, and oil-film thickness. For this purpose, the working faces of six thrust pads from a 228.6-mm-outer-diameter bearing were textured. The textured surface consisted of a system of crossing channels of less than 10 μm in depth. Tests were conducted with a VG68 mineral turbine oil supplied to the bearings at a constant temperature of 50°C and flow rate of 15 L/min. The following parameters were measured: frictional torque, pad and collar temperatures, oil-film thickness, and pressure profiles along two circumferential lines. No significant change in collar and pad temperature could be observed when the patterned bearing was used. However, the textured bearing showed a tendency to exhibit lower power loss especially when an optimum oil flow supply rate was used. At the same time, inlet and outlet film thicknesses for the patterned bearing showed larger values than those obtained during tests on the plain babbitt pads.  相似文献   

Conventional disk drive motors supported on ball bearings (BBs) cause nonrepeatable runout (NRRO) due to the surface imperfections on balls and raceways. NRRO is a source of track misregistration between head and disk that inhibits high track density in a hard disk drive. Fluid dynamic bearings with herringbone grooves either on the rotating or stationary surfaces are a suitable replacement for conventional ball bearings. Herringbone grooved bearings have considerably lower noise level than ball bearings and have better stability compared to plain journal bearings at concentric operating position. However, herringbone-grooved patterns are difficult to manufacture because groove depth is of the order of bearing clearance. The major limitation of the BBs is the direct contact between the rotating and stationary parts and also lack of damping effects. This present work attempts to overcome these drawbacks in BBs by eliminating the metal-to-metal contact using a layer of fluid film, and a theoretical analysis of stability characteristics of a floating BB is presented. Results indicate that there is an improvement in the stability of floating BB rotor systems with increase in outer to inner film clearance ratio (β) from 0.7 to 1.3, and with decrease in ratio of outer race radius to inner race radius (δ) from 3.0 to 1.2.  相似文献   

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