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蒲宗珉  侯力  张耀祖  徐韡  刘恒 《机械》2013,(12):77-80
针对兆瓦级风电齿轮箱中行星轮系易出故障的特点,通过三维建模软件建立行星轮系的计算模型,利用有限元方法对行星轮系进行了静强度分析,找出了最大应力点,提出了改善最大应力的方法。对行星轮系模态分析结果与已知的实际频率比较表明:在正常工作状态下,行星轮系不会产生共振。此方法为2.0MW风电机组行星轮系的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The reliability and service life of wind turbines are directly influenced by the dynamic performance of the gearbox under the time-varying wind loads. The control of vibration behavior is essential for the achievement of a 20-year service life. We developed a rigid-flexible coupled dynamic model for a wind turbine gearbox. The planet carrier, the housing, and the bedplate are modelled as flexibilities while other components are assumed as rigid bodies. The actual three points elastic supporting are considered and a strip based mesh model is used to represent the engagement of the gear pairs. The effects of gear tooth modifications on the dynamics were investigated. Finally, we conducted a dynamic test for the wind turbine gearbox in the wind field. Results showed that the contact characteristics of gear pairs were improved significantly; the peak-to-peak value of transmission error of each gear pair was reduced; the amplitudes of the vibration acceleration and the structural noise of the wind turbine gearbox were lowered after suitable tooth modification.  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的大型风电机组齿轮箱的低速轴有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以风电机组齿轮箱的低速轴为对象,首先将Pro/E实体模型导入ANSYS建立有限元模型;在此基础上,对低速轴进行线性静力分析;最后得出形变和应力分布结果以及切片等值图,并以此为据判断强度和刚度条件,提出轴的改进方案,提高了方案设计的可靠性.  相似文献   

轮毂是风力发电机组中的一个重要部件,载荷情况较复杂,因此对其进行有限元分析显得尤为重要.文童以2MW风力发电机的轮毂为研究对象,通过有限元分析确定了各个部位的应力分布情况和各阶振形,从中得出最危险的部位,为轮毂设计提供了有效的依据.  相似文献   

讨论了MW级风力机塔架的有限元静力及稳定性建模分析和有限单元类型的选取及计算方法,并以1.5MW某风力发电机塔架为例,对风力发电机塔架结构进行了静力分析和稳定性分析.得出塔的截面按照变截面来进行设计是合理的,分段式塔架是一种合理的结构,各段塔架所受应力不等;塔架稳定性取决于其一阶屈曲临界载荷,荷载作用下塔架的应力最大处并不一定就是其屈曲薄弱点,而应力较大且挠度较大的薄壁部位,是发生屈曲失稳的危险点.  相似文献   

对齿轮箱做振动测试和分析,找到齿轮箱异响呈现的特性,为齿轮箱故障诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

首先介绍了圆形活齿行星传动的工作原理,其次对内齿圈与针齿之间的相互作用力进行了理论分析,通过对内齿圈与针齿的受力最大处进行有限元分析,校核了受力复杂的内齿圈的强度.  相似文献   

基于ANSYS的1.5MW风电机组斜齿轮轴的有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以风电机组齿轮箱的斜齿轮轴为对象,首先将Pro/E实体模型导入ANSYS建立有限元模型,在此基础上,对斜齿轮轴进行线性静力分析,最后得出形变和应力分布结果。并以此为据判断强度和刚度条件,提出轴的改进方案,提高了设计的可靠性。  相似文献   

风力发电机塔筒顶部法兰的有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
使用非线性有限元软件MSC.Marc/Mentat建立风力发电机塔筒顶部法兰联接的有限元模型,施加合理的边界条件和载荷后,通过非线性接触分析得到在预紧工况和极限工况下各组件的应力分布和变化情况,并对塔筒顶部法兰接触面进行安全性校核和塔筒顶部法兰与塔筒筒体焊缝处的疲劳寿命分析。分析结果表明,该塔筒顶部法兰的强度、安全性和焊缝处的疲劳寿命均满足设计要求,且结果为大型风力发电机法兰合理设计和性能强化提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In this study, four different fully formulated ISO VG 320 wind turbine gear oils were select: a mineral oil‐based, a polyalphaolefin‐based, an ester‐based and a polyalkyleneglycol‐based fluids. Their physical properties (viscosity, thermoviscosity, piezoviscosity etc.) were characterised for a wide range of operating temperatures. A two‐stage multiplying gearbox, with helical gears, was selected to evaluate the influence of the wind turbine gear oil formulation on torque loss with the gearbox operating at low speed (130–230 rpm) and high torque (500–1000 Nm). The results obtained showed that each wind turbine gear oil formulation generated very different torque losses, evacuated heat flows and operating temperatures, with differences above 20 °C under the most severe operating conditions. A numerical model was developed, simulating all power loss mechanisms inside the gearbox, in particular the churning and friction losses. The coefficients of friction, between gear teeth and between rolling elements and bearing raceways, were calculated for all the tested oils. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过ANSYS有限元分析软件,对某型兆瓦级风力发电机塔筒的静强度与模态进行有限元分析.其中静力学分析分成了四种不同的风载情况,并对各种载荷情况分别进行了计算.得出了塔筒整体结构满足强度要求,正常工作时不会发生共振的结论,为塔筒的设计与优化提供了依据.  相似文献   

柴欢  陈亮亮  秦春节  胡夏夏 《机电工程》2012,29(12):1427-1430,1438
为了更好地了解和掌握大功率船用齿轮箱的齿轮在啮合过程中的接触应力分布情况,在有限元基本理论的基础上,采用有限元软件ANSYS/Ls-dyna对该齿轮箱中的其中一对渐开线斜齿轮进行了接触分析,得到了齿轮啮合过程中的应力分布情况及最大接触应力,为齿廓修形提供了重要依据;最后,将修形前后齿轮的应力分布情况进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,该船用齿轮箱齿轮最大应力小于材料的强度极限,满足使用要求;并且修形后齿轮的接触应力和齿根应力较修形前均减小了13%左右,可以有效地减小齿顶和齿根的应力集中现象,为斜齿轮修形打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   

研究了大型风力机叶片有限元模型建立的方法及对叶片进行了静力学和动力学分析。首先将由Pro/E绘制好的叶片实体模型导入Abaqus中,利用Abaqus对叶片进行划分网格、定义材料属性以及确定边界条件及施加载荷,完成叶片有限元模型的建立;然后对叶片进行模态分析、抵抗50年一遇暴风及额定工作状态下的静力学分析,得出叶片的前十阶频率、振型和各工况下的最大应力及其所在位置。通过分析表明叶片的静力学和动力学性能均符合设计要求,可以对叶片进行后续的研究。  相似文献   

根据多年风电齿轮箱制造、检修经验,总结了风电齿轮箱常见故障,并对各种失效形式进行了分析,旨在为风电齿轮箱运维服务人员快速准确判定故障点,并采取相应的处理方法提供技术指导。  相似文献   


The current research on wind turbine gearboxes (WTG) considering multiple-factors influence mainly focuses on dynamic response. However, load sharing performance (LSP) is also extremely important for gear transmission system reliability. In this paper, considering the comprehensive effects of manufacturing errors, assembly errors, clearance floating between stages, mesh stiffness and time-varying load, a coupled translation-torsion dynamic model for WTG was developed to study the LSP. Based on the amplitude variations of time-varying mesh stiffness caused by tooth crack, an approach is provided to introduce the tooth crack into the dynamic model. The results indicate the LSP is mostly sensitive to multiple-errors and severe tooth crack, followed by the time-varying load. The LSP of a system is periodically affected by tooth crack, and the fluctuation ranges increase with the crack growth. Furthermore, the crack of sun gear has greater influence on LSP than that of planet and ring gear.


风电齿轮箱动态响应分析及实验测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用达朗伯原理建立了风电齿轮箱传动系统的纯扭转集中参数动力学模型,箱体模型采用有限元法建立,通过作用在箱体支撑孔上的轴承力建立了齿轮箱动力学模型.采用龙格-库塔法求解了传动系统的轮齿动态啮合力,计算了箱体在动态啮合力作用下的振动响应.同时对齿轮箱进行了实验测量,并把测量得到的齿轮箱振动响应数据和模型计算的结果进行了对比,验证了模型的正确性.通过这些分析,为风电齿轮箱动态设计中减少振动噪声、提高承载能力与可靠性奠定了基础.  相似文献   

考虑部分制造误差及安装的影响,对环板内齿的啮合传动进行了传动误差分析,将误差引入环板轮齿的实体建模中,建立考虑误差的环板内齿接触有限元计算模型,并在额定工况下,用建立的模型进行有限元接触分析,分析误差及载荷变化对齿轮接触齿对的影响,指出载荷不均是造成减速器振动的因素。  相似文献   


Wind turbine gearbox bearings fail with the service life is much shorter than the designed life. Gearbox bearings are subjected to rolling contact fatigue (RCF) and they are observed to fail due to axial cracking, surface flaking, and the formation of white etching areas (WEAs). The current study reviewed these three typical failure modes. The underlying dominant mechanisms were discussed with emphasis on the formation mechanism of WEAs. Although numerous studies have been carried out, the formation of WEAs remains unclear. The prevailing mechanism of the rubbing of crack faces that generates WEAs was questioned by the authors. WEAs were compared with adiabatic shear bands (ASBs) generated in the high strain rate deformation in terms of microstructural compositions, grain refinement, and formation mechanism. Results indicate that a number of similarities exist between them. However, substantial evidence is required to verify whether or not WEAs and ASBs are the same matters.


为了检验准双曲面齿轮的加工设计参数,研究采用三维几何仿真方法模拟理想齿轮的啮合过程.在切削过程建模的基础上,给出啮齿过程的接触点仿真算法,并生成齿面接触轨迹和几何接触区.结合实例,将仿真结果与理论结果、格里森软件的计算结果进行对比,证明仿真方法的有效性.系统以Solidworks软件平台进行二次开发,建立了加工设计与齿轮整体分析之间的联系,为齿轮参数优化提供参考.  相似文献   

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