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An approach to quantum theory tailored for those students whose backgrounds include relative strength in classical electromagnetic field theory but less in classical mechanics is described. Rather than building quantum theory by following the historical steps, as is often done, the technique is to approach the subject directly from a background knowledge of electromagnetic field theory. The approach uses the postulates that the Maxwell equations are always valid for point charges, that a form of steady-state cosmology is correct, and that the superposition principle is applicable to statistical processes. The model permits a direct transition from electromagnetic field theory to quantum theory. It is self-consistent and based upon currently acceptable physical postulates. It meets the epistemological objections against the orthodox interpretation that Einstein raised and that have never been adequately answered. It does not fall into the class of proposed interpretations that Wigner showed to be inconsistent with the wave theory.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model curriculum as developed by an ad hoc group of five managers, each from a large industrial employer of electrical engineers. The model itself is the result of compromise between conflicting viewpoints, for, after all, there are many different job opportunities implying the need for a variety of educational emphases. The committee finds little fault in the electrical content of present-day curricula and recommends a broad EE education with strong laboratory content. There is general agreement that something like 140 semester hours is desired rather than lesser numbers. The committee recommends increased emphasis on communications skills, interdisciplinary subjects in mechanics, materials, and heat, specific courses in political and economic sciences, and more consideration of interpersonal relationships as a factor in career success.  相似文献   

The COSINE Committee was funded by the National Science Foundation to spearhead the introduction of computer engineering into the electrical engineering curriculum. This paper assesses the impact of the committee. During the early 1960's, electrical engineering departments in the United States lagged behind other engineering departments in the development of computer-oriented courses. The COSINE Committee, formed in 1965, recommended that electrical engineering departments develop computer engineering courses. Evidence from three surveys taken by COSINE shows the rapid growth of computer engineering since the formation of the COSINE Committee. Three studies made by the author and examination of texts for several EE courses also evidence COSINE impact. However, no exact implementation of COSINE recommendations is found, and no causal relationship is established.  相似文献   

从省级精品课程电工技术建设的实践出发,对课程教学体系、教学方法和手段、师资队伍建设、实验教学、教材建设等方面进行了探讨.教学实践结果表明,通过精品课程建设,对学生知识、能力、素质的培养起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

There is a growing recognition that less developed countries (LDCs) should be more discriminating in their choices of technologies to meet their needs. To exercise these choices, the LDC engineers are challenged to be innovative in adapting existing modern technologies to their own circumstances. To be able to meet this challenge, their professional training should account for the fact that when technology is transferred between cultures, non-technical considerations play a crucial role in determining whether or not the transfer successfully meets its goals. It is alleged in this position paper that the educational program of our international graduate students in engineering should prepare them for this challenging task. Needed changes are suggested, and existing opportunities at Iowa State University are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past years, the electrical engineering laboratory has developed from an apprenticeship into a stereotyped demonstration program. In general, this program has been held in low esteem by both faculty and students. An attempt is made here to present the beginnings of a program which will lead to a solution of the laboratory dilemma. A brief historical review of the development of the laboratory in electrical engineering curriculums is given, and the Projects Laboratory and the Undergraduate Research Participation Program that have evolved at the University of Oklahoma are described. Two examples of typical student work performed in these advance programs are presented. At the present time, these programs are restricted to upper-division students. These are usually seniors, though outstanding juniors may participate. As the program continues to grow, and faculty experience is gained, it is expected that the laboratory philosophy described here will make itself felt downward through the cirriculum.  相似文献   

This paper reports the integration of supplementary training in academic literacy, for those without the assumed entry standard, into a standard electrical engineering program without compromising any other educational objectives. All students who commenced an engineering degree were tested as part of their first session's assessment activities. Those identified as having inadequate academic literacy were directed to study a specifically designed credit-bearing course, which is controlled by the Engineering Faculty but was designed and is taught in collaboration with academic literacy teachers. Students who completed this course responded positively and also demonstrated measurable improvement in their communication skills. The approach has alleviated the skepticism about teaching academic literacy usually found amongst engineering faculty staff and has been adopted by the wider Engineering Faculty.   相似文献   

There is little doubt that World War II was a watershed in the history of electrical engineering (EE) education in the United States. Having watched physicists outperform electrical engineers in wartime laboratories, prominent educators like Frederick Terman at Stanford returned to their universities and overhauled EE programs by introducing more mathematics, science and electronics into the curriculum. The author considers electrical engineering education prior to World War II before discussing the changing situation after World War II, using Cornell University as a case study  相似文献   

阐述了理论与实践有机融合的"教、学、做"合一的教学新模式在"电工技能模块"课程改革中的具体应用,通过构建理实一体的课程教学,在培养学生的实践动手和创新能力方面取得了一定的成效,这对高职院校的课程教学改革极其重要,为如何培养面向生产第一线需要的高技能复合型人才,做出了一定的贡献.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of computer sciences is presenting electrical engineering with a serious problem. Should electrical engineering departments adapt their curricula to meet the special needs of computer engineers and scientists or should they leave the field to computer science departments? An argument is made in favor of establishing special programs in computer sciences within electrical engineering, and a new curriculum in electrical engineering at Berkeley, which includes such a program, is outlined.  相似文献   

工程力学专业人才培养目标及课程体系建设直接关系到力学人才培养的质量,备受力学教育工作者的关注.本文探讨了大庆石油学院工程力学专业课程体系建设方面的问题,主要包括制定培养目标、完善理论课程体系的建设,改革实践课程体系及建立创新学分等四个方面.  相似文献   

Major advances in the state of the art of integrated circuit fabrication have created a revolution in computer system technology. Due to the permeation of microcomputer systems into other fields of Engineering and Science, the use of the microcomputer as a laboratory instrument can be integrated into courses other than the core digital systems courses. The development of a laboratory with high level program development tools on a dedicated timesharing system, coupled with facilities to load these programs into a variety of stand-alone microcomputers to support laboratory courses is described. The approach is inherently independent of the evolution in the microcomputer industry and can be used by "non-digital" students. The design, implementation, and use of the laboratory is described.  相似文献   

A one-semester integrated microelectronics projects laboratory for junior-level electrical engineering students is described, which serves to educate the student in the physics and technology of microelectronics. The first third of the course is devoted to prescribed introductory experiments. In the final two-thirds of the semester, the student pursues a project of his own design. The curriculum of a first-year graduate course in microelectronics is also outlined.  相似文献   

王峥 《电源技术应用》2012,(10):45-47,54
介绍了电气工程实验教学中心的建设情况,对实验教学中心的实验教学理念、实验教学体系的构建、实验教学和理论教学的融合及教学过程的改革进行了深入的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

军用电连接器的应用及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨奋为 《机电元件》2007,27(3):42-49
在论述军用电连接器的作用地位和回顾各个发展阶段应用历史的基础上,重点介绍了目前应用的第三代军用电连接器的主要特点及军用电连接器的发展方向,并针对应用中存在的问题,提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

The need for training engineers in the use of information resources and retrieval techniques, and the advantages to be gained from such a training, are stressed. The possibility of replacing the foreign language proficiency requirement by such a training in doctoral degree programs is examined. Some of the anticipated arguments against this training are answered. Possible course contents and some operational problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Engineering education is based on a concept that is not consistent with reality. The emphasis on mathematics and the neglect of the practical creates the irrational situation described by Moore [1] inwhichanexpert onenergyconversion couldfreeze todeath in a lumberyard because he doesn't know how to light a fire. The paper uses a concept known to Aristotle to describe what we have been doing and to show why it is no longer effective. The paper establishes a new model and shows that it is consistent with reality. Using the June, 1968, issue of this TRANSACTIONS as an example, the paper shows the value of the model as a point of reference in judging the validity of proposed changes in the electrical engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

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