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SecB is a chaperone in Escherichia coli dedicated to export of proteins from the cytoplasm to the periplasm and outer membrane. It functions to bind and deliver precursors of exported proteins to the translocation apparatus before they fold into their native structures, thus maintaining them in a competent state for translocation across the membrane. The natural ligands of SecB are precursor proteins containing leader sequences. There are numerous reports in the literature indicating that SecB does not specifically recognize the leader peptides. However, two published investigations have concluded that the leader peptide is the recognition element (Watanabe M, Blobel G. 1989. Cell 58:685-705; Watanabe M, Blobel G. 1995. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92:10133-10136). In this work we use titration calorimetry to show that SecB binds two physiological ligands, which contain leader sequences, with no higher affinity than the same molecules lacking their leader sequences. Indeed, for one ligand the presence of the leader sequence reduces the affinity. Therefore, it can be concluded that the leader sequence provides no positive contribution to the binding energy.  相似文献   

By means of high temperature calorimetry the mixing enthalpies ΔH of liquid Li-Sn alloys have been measured; however, due to experimental problems they were determined only forx Li = 0.01 to 0.5 andx Li = 0.87 to 0.99. The range of temperatures studied was 691 to 938 K. High compound forming tendency in Li-Sn is reflected by a triangular-shaped relation for ΔH vs x Li. The extrapolated maximum of this plot is about −40 kJ mol−1 close to Li4Sn. Using the concentration cell Bi(l)Li3Bi(s)| LiF-LiCl|Li-Sn(l) the emf was measured as function of temperature (775 to 906 K) atx Li = 0.1 to 0.603 enabling calculations of partial thermodynamic data for lithium in liquid Li-Sn solutions. Integral enthalpies calculated from partial enthalpies of lithium correspond well to the calorimetrically obtained integral mixing enthalpies in the concentration range where both emf and calorimetric data were obtained. The extrapolated maximum of ΔH from calorimetric studies and minimum of integral excess entropies from emf measurements correlate well with results of structure measurements and of other structure sensitive properties. All this experimental information indicates a maximum chemical short range order close to the composition Li4Sn.  相似文献   

Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) was used to examine the effects of monovalent salts (NaCl, NaBr, NaF and ChCl) on the binding enthalpy (DeltaHobs) for E. coli SSB tetramer binding to the single-stranded oligodeoxythymidylates, dT(pT)69 and dT(pT)34 over a wide range of salt concentrations from 10 mM to 2.0 M (25 degrees C, pH 8.1), and when possible, the binding free energy and entropy (DeltaG degrees obs, DeltaS degrees obs). At low monovalent salt concentrations (<0.1 M), the total DeltaHobs for saturating all sites on the SSB tetramer with ssDNA shows little dependence on salt concentration, but is extremely large and exothermic (DeltaHobs=-150(+/-5) kcal/mol). This is much larger than any DeltaHobs previously reported for a protein-nucleic acid interaction. However, at salt concentrations above 0.1 M, DeltaHobs is quite sensitive to NaCl and NaBr concentration, becoming less negative with increasing salt concentration (DeltaHobs=-70(+/-1)-kcal/mol in 2 M NaBr). These salt effects on DeltaHobs were mainly a function of anion type and concentration, with the largest effects observed in NaBr, and then NaCl, with little effect of [NaF]. These large effects of salt on DeltaHobs appear to be coupled to a net release of weakly bound anions (Br- and Cl-) from the SSB protein upon DNA binding. However, at lower salt concentrations (相似文献   

Interaction between Na-DNA and the oligopeptide lysine-tyrosine-lysine (LTL) is studied by a dielectric method. The comparison between conductivities (at the frequence of 5MHz) of LTL alone and of the complex LTL-DNA allows us to show up an electrostatic interaction between LTL and phosphates sites of DNA. During the formation of the complex LTL-DNA, a certain fraction of Na+ counter-ions is ejected from the phosphates sites.  相似文献   

Heats of CO and IHP binding to hemoglobin A have been determined under a variety of buffer and pH conditions. From these data heats of ion binding linked to hemoglobin oxygenation have been estimated. For IHP binding to deoxyhemoglobin the buffer-corrected enthalpies are surprisingly large, reaching -25 kcal/mol of IHP at pH 7.4. These values correspond to approximately -11 kcal/mol of proton absorbed upon IHP binding and may rise largely from the protonation of hitidine and NH2-terminal groups in the binding site (Arnone, A., and Perutz, M.F. (1974) Nature 249, 34-36). The decreased magnitude of delta HIHP observed at low pH parallels the decreased proton uptake at low pH. In 0.1 M chloride (pH 7.4) the reaction Hb(aq) + IHP leads to Hb x IHP(aq) has a standard free energy change (Edalji, R., Benesch, R.E., and Benesch, R. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 7720-7721) of -10 kcal and an enthalpy change of -25 kcal. Therefore, enthalpic forces provide the dominant driving force of this process. The origin of these large negative enthalpy changes is attributed to the exothermic protonation of protein basic groups induced by the proximity of phosphate negative charges. The importance of protonation in the binding of organic phosphates to hemoglobin may well extend to the specific binding of other phosphate substrates to enzyme reaction sites.  相似文献   

This report contains the results of simultaneous and comparative differential thermal, thermogravimetric, and Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometric studies of the interaction between K2CO3 and a mineral of dunite. The use of olivine during the reduction of iron oxides in the blast furnace is a common practice employed to increase the magnesium content of the slag and to eliminate alkaline elements, principally potassium. However, the use of dunite is less known and can have certain advantages over olivine. In this investigation, a dun ite-coke-K2CO3 system was studied to simulate the operating conditions of a furnace in temperatures up to 1200 °C. The results obtained show that the reaction begins with the dehydration of dunite and its transformation into forsterite and enstatite. This is followed by the fusion of potassium carbonate and, at temperatures between 1000 °C and 1200 °C, a series of consecutive chemical reactions that includes the formation of potassium vapor and its reaction with enstatite and clinoenstatite, possiblyvia an intermediate phase in which unstable potassium iron silicates are produced. Ultimately, this leads to the formation of magnesium potassium silicate complexes. In the blast furnace, this silicate would be incorporated into the slag, taking with it the potassium brought in by the coke and iron ore of the load.  相似文献   

Adding normal saline (NS) separately before 99Tcm-sodium pertechnetate to MDP cold kits has been shown to reduce substantially the radiation dose to the hand. A similar dose reduction will probably prove to be valid with the preparation of most other 99Tcm-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. However, it is unknown how this altered reconstitution procedure may affect the labelling efficiency and in vitro stability of the 99Tcm-labelled radiopharmaceuticals. We have evaluated the effects on the labelling efficiency and in vitro stability of 99Tcm-labelled MDP, mertiatide and sestamibi reconstituted with three different methods: adding normal saline before 99Tcm activity (NS/Tc); adding 99Tcm activity before normal saline (Tc/NS); and the standard reconstitution method of adding both 99Tcm activity and normal saline together. The labelling efficiency and in vitro stability were evaluated by measuring the radiochemical purity of each radiopharmaceutical tested at 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 (except 99Tcm-MDP) and 24 h after reconstitution. For 99Tc-mertiatide, there was a very slight difference in the labelling efficiency, mostly due to the Tc/NS method being approximately 0.29% lower across time post-reconstitution than the standard method. For 99Tcm-labelled MDP and sestamibi, there were no differences between the three methods in terms of labelling efficiency and in vitro stability. In conclusion, both alternative methods (i.e. NS/Tc and Tc/NS) appear not to have any detrimental effect on the labelling efficiency and in vitro stability of the 99Tcm-labelled radiopharmaceuticals that we tested. However, of the two alternative kit reconstitution methods, we recommend the NS/Tc method, since it may reduce the hand radiation dose.  相似文献   

The RFA1 gene encodes the large subunit of the yeast trimeric single-stranded DNA binding protein replication protein A (RPA), which is known to play a critical role in DNA replication. A Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain carrying the rfa1-44 allele displays a number of impaired recombination and repair phenotypes, all of which are suppressible by overexpression of RAD52. We demonstrate that a rad52 mutation is epistatic to the rfa1-44 mutation, placing RFA1 and RAD52 in the same genetic pathway. Furthermore, two-hybrid analysis indicates the existence of interactions between Rad52 and all three subunits of RPA. The nature of this Rad52-RPA interaction was further explored by using two different mutant alleles of rad52. Both mutations lie in the amino terminus of Rad52, a region previously defined as being responsible for its DNA binding ability (U. H. Mortenson, C. Beudixen, I. Sunjeuaric, and R. Rothstein, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:10729-10734, 1996). The yeast two-hybrid system was used to monitor the protein-protein interactions of the mutant Rad52 proteins. Both of the mutant proteins are capable of self-interaction but are unable to interact with Rad51. The mutant proteins also lack the ability to interact with the large subunit of RPA, Rfa1. Interestingly, they retain their ability to interact with the medium-sized subunit, Rfa2. Given the location of the mutations in the DNA binding domain of Rad52, a model incorporating the role of DNA in the protein-protein interactions involved in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks is presented.  相似文献   

1. The binding of cholic acid to 100000g supernatants from rat livers was investigated by equilibrium dialysis and gel-exculsion chromatography. 2. Supernatants were found to contain at least two classes of binding site for cholic acid. 3. These recptor molecules are probably proteins since incubation with proteolytic enzymes resulted in complete loss of cholic acid binding. 4. Supernatants were added to columns of Sephadex G-75, and two groups of fractions were shown to bind cholic acid. One of these contained low-affinity binding sites and the other contained both low- and high-affinity binding sites. 5. Feeding cholestyramine had no effect on cholic acid binding. 6. Increased cholic acid binding occurred after injection of phenobarbitone. There was an increase in the amount of the low-affinity component but no change in the high-affinity component. 7. The dissociation constants of the binding of cholic acid suggest that the binding proteins may be involved in bile acid transport.  相似文献   

Fluorescence quenching has been used to measure quantitatively the effects of sucrose and triethylene glycol on the interaction between the Escherichia coli regulatory protein TyrR and a 30-basepair oligonucleotide containing the strong TyrR box of the TyrR operon. It was observed that the apparent binding constant increased in the presence of co-solutes, the dependence of the logarithm of the apparent binding constant on molar concentration being indistinguishable and essentially linear for both co-solutes. This activation of the TyrR-oligonucleotide interaction is attributed to thermodynamic nonideality arising from molecular crowding, an interpretation which is supported by the reasonable agreement observed between the experimental extent of reaction enhancement and that predicted on the statistical-mechanical basis of excluded volume.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) studies have been carried out at different heating rates to examine the solid state reactions in a 7017 Al-Zn-Mg alloy of water-quenched (WQ) state and artificial aged tempers. All the exothermic and endothermic peaks of the thermograms indicating the solid state reaction sequence have been identified and discussed. The shifting of peak temperatures of all the reactions to higher temperatures with increasing heating rates suggests that the reactions are thermally activated and kinetically controlled. The variations of hardness with aging time at an artificial aging temperature have also been studied to obtain the under-, peak- and over aged tempers. The fraction of transformation (Y), the rate of transformation (dY/dt), the transformation function f(Y) and the kinetic parameters such as activation energy (Q) and frequency factor (k0) of the solid state reactions in the alloy have been determined by analyzing the DSC data i.e. heat flow involved with the corresponding DSC peaks. It has been found that the kinetic parameters of the solid state reactions are in good agreement with the published data.  相似文献   

We have semi-synthesized 18 species of mixed chain phosphatidylethanolamines (PE) in which the sn-1 acyl chain is derived from stearic, arachidic, and behenic acids, and the sn-2 acyl chain is originated from cis,cis-octadecadienoic and cis, cis-eicosadienoic acids with the two methylene-interrupted double bonds located at various positions. These PEs constituting the bilayers in the aqueous dispersion were subjected to differential scanning calorimetric experiments. The Tm values associated with the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transitions for these PEs are found to be significantly smaller than those of the saturated counterparts. Moreover, the magnitude of the Tm-lowering effect of acyl chain diunsaturation depends critically on the positions of the two methylene-interrupted cis double bonds in the sn-2 acyl chain. Specifically, if the sn-2 acyl chain is derived from cis, cis-octadecadienoic acid, the Tm-lowering effect has the following decreasing order: Delta9,12 > Delta6,9 > Delta12,15. For cis, cis-eicosadienoyl acyl chain, the Tm-lowering effect is stronger in the order of Delta10,13 > Delta11,14 > Delta8,11 > Delta5,8 > Delta14,17. Finally, a refined molecular model is presented that can adequately explain the Tm-lowering effect of sn-2 acyl chain diunsaturation. Moreover, this same refined molecular model can also be invoked to better interpret the Tm-lowering effect observed for sn-1 saturated/sn-2 monoenoic PE.  相似文献   

High-level targeted gene delivery has been demonstrated by molecular conjugates in vitro; however, in vivo delivery has been limited. The complexity of the resulting protein/DNA polyplex and a lack of understanding of its formation are persistent limitations. In this report, we show the effect of the DNA-binding agent poly-L-lysine (PLL), the ligand epidermal growth factor (EGF), and the coupling protein streptavidin on particle size, charge and gene delivery. Smaller (< 80 nm) and more stable polyplexes were obtained with PLL1116 than with shorter versions of PLL, especially in 0.15 M NaCl. Stability was increased by adding streptavidin to the polyplex; however, EGF increased particle size (> 1000 nm) and decreased gene delivery when > 300 EGF molecules per polyplex were used, indicating that a critical number of EGF molecules was needed for efficient gene delivery. The correct combination of these components resulted in the most efficient gene delivery in vitro and now provide for testing a more stable protein/DNA polyplex to aid in enhancing gene delivery in vivo.  相似文献   

The thermal unfolding of turkey gizzard smooth muscle myosin subfragment 1 (S1) and heavy meromyosin (HMM) in the absence of added nucleotides, in the presence of ADP, and in S1 or HMM ternary complexes with ADP and Pi analogs, orthovanadate (Vi), beryllium fluoride (BeFx), or aluminum fluoride (AlF4-), have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It has been shown that the formation of these ternary complexes causes significant structural changes in S1 or in the heads of HMM which are reflected in a pronounced increase of the protein thermal stability. The effect of BeFx was less distinct than that of AlF4- or Vi. Phosphorylation of regulatory light chains (RLC) in S1 or in HMM had practically no influence on these effects. In general, the changes caused by various Pi analogs in smooth muscle S1 or HMM were similar to those observed earlier with skeletal muscle S1 devoid of RLC. It is concluded that RLC and their phosphorylation do not significantly affect the character of structural changes induced in motor domains of the HMM heads by the formation of ternary complexes HMM--ADP--Vi, HMM--ADP--AlF4-, and HMM--ADP--BeFx--stable analogs of the intermediate states of the HMM ATPase reaction, HMM.ADP.Pi and HMM. ATP.  相似文献   

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