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罗正中 《电子质量》2003,(5):72-72,77
本文阐述了群众性的质量管理活动是确保企业进步及发展的最生动内容,指出企业应保持与时代同步,持续满足顾客需求,不断开创新局面。  相似文献   

适应性质量管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了适应性质量管理的基本思路和内在特征,强调企业质量管理工作要根据自身资源、质量环境的变化和产品特点,灵活变通、随机制宜地运用质量管理的战略战术和经验。  相似文献   

企业纷纷加入到ISO质量体系认证的大军中,不少企业有意或无意开始忽视已搞了十几年的TQM,TQM还有没有用,还要不要搞,质量体系认证能否替代TQM?本文结合企业实际情况分析解答了这个问题.  相似文献   

程健 《电子质量》2000,(12):44-45
介绍了品牌认证的基本内容及其实施方式。  相似文献   

本文介绍了四川永星电子有限公司在质量管理与活动中建设企业文化的经验.  相似文献   

The clash between United Kingdom courts' backing of mediation, and matters where parties refuse to participate, as described by Christopher C. Newmark and Andrea Dahlberg of London, provide a preview of issues all court programs eventually must address.  相似文献   

在经济和信息全球化加快发展的情况下,一个信息化的政府已经成为提高一个国家或地区全球竞争力的要素。 怎样有效的实现政府工作信息化,以最少的人力、物力投入,获得最大成果呢?天津市的做法非常有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

What is process mapping? Is it identifying, documentation, analyzing and developing an improved process. To use process mapping methodology, a completely new, different thought pattern occurs when the process is focused upon. Management's obsession with the outcomes must be abandoned and replaced with a focus on the process. A process map is used to understand your business and improve the performance of your processes. Why improve and manage processes? Processes produce an organization's products and/or services. Processes are critical to seizing and maintaining a competitive advantage. Processes are the vehicles for exceeding customer expectations and achieving organizational goals. The performance of individuals is only as good as the process will allow it to be. Processes, especially cross-functional business practices, are usually not documented, not standardized, not measured, not systematically and continually improved and not managed by the micro-process doer or owner. A process map is a visual aid for picturing work processes which shows how inputs and tasks are linked. A process map prompts new thinking about how work is done. It highlights major steps taken to produce an output, who performs the steps, and where these (major) problems consistently occur. Process mapping alerts one to areas in which a change in processes will have the greatest impact on improving quality. An excellent analogy of a process map is a `road map'. Teams become an important aspect of developing and using process maps. Very often, several functions, working separately and independently, are involved in a successful process.  相似文献   

Swamidass  P.M. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1993,30(9):68-69
The roles played by advanced technology, personnel, and management in fostering success in manufacturing are examined. Evidence indicating that technology is a proven source of productivity growth in manufacturing is cited. However, it is argued that the flexibility embedded in new manufacturing technologies is worthless unless it can be exploited by the organization, in other words, by the people, manufacturing techniques, and management surrounding it  相似文献   

The quality technologies developed by Bell Communications Research (Bellcore) and adopted by its owner/clients are described. At the core of the philosophy is the concept of supplier accountability for product and service quality. A brief history of quality in the former Bell System is presented. A supplier career path for today's telecommunications suppliers is shown, and the various characteristics that accompany each phase of the buyer/supplier relationship are described. Programs that enable buyers and suppliers to achieve a long-term cooperative relationship are presented chronologically according to the phases of the product life cycle. The customer/supplier quality process, which is the newest and most comprehensive of the quality technologies available in the telecommunications field, is summarized  相似文献   

针对维吾尔族人脸在遮挡和非均匀光照下导致其识别率低的问题,提出Gabor和非负矩阵在频域内融合识别的算法。首先对复杂场景中维吾尔族人脸进行预处理;然后对有遮挡的维吾尔族人脸图像进行多尺度、多方向Gabor局部特征提取,并同时在频域中对实部和虚部分别进行稀疏非负矩阵分解算法提取特征,由于局部提取的特征维数较高,因此进一步做2DPCA降维处理;最后通过支持向量机分类方法对有遮挡和非均匀光照的维吾尔族人脸进行分类识别。实验结果表明,文中识别算法对遮挡和非均匀光照时在Yale、ORL、维吾尔族人脸数据库有较强的识别效果,在识别率和鲁棒性方面有明显提高。  相似文献   

This is probably one of the ‘hottest’ topics for present management. Re-engineering is a major effort to modify how business—manufacturing and service and government—is done so that it is done better, faster, and at lower cost. Some organizations have simplistic viewpoints or limited viewpoints for the potential of re-engineering. The author will provide re-engineering basics, tools and a workable methodology! Re-engineering achieves breakthrough business results through the rapid and radical redesign of critical core processes and the systems, policies, and organizational structures that support them. Programs like re-engineering are necessary because the business world is changing too fast for more traditional incremental improvement techniques to keep up. Breakthrough suggests that the results are completely beyond the realm of possibility now. Re-engineering is different from other improvement programs, such as reorganization, downsizing, or total quality management (TQM): while re-engineering addresses and improves certain critical core work processes, TQM fixes all work processes across the board; while re-engineering seeks single breakthrough improvements, quality programs such as TQM makes continuous incremental improvements; while re-engineering fixes the work, reorganization fixes the organization; while re-engineering fixes the work, downsizing fixes the firm's size.Re-engineering is not downsizing! Re-engineering differs from other improvement programs in several essential ways: re-engineering is not just ‘another’ quality improvement program; while quality programs seek incremental adjustments spread across the entire enterprise, re-engineering seeks breakthrough improvements based on a few ‘high-value’ processes through a radical redesign of those processes; in re-engineering, the employees become even more indispensable; re-engineering is not just restructuring. Restructing changes the way the firm is organized to do work. Re-engineering changes the organization of work.  相似文献   

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