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Incremental software development and delivery have been used in software projects in many ways for many years. Justifications for incremental approaches include risk amelioration, the management of evolving requirements, and end-user involvement. Incremental development, including iterative, incremental delivery, has become a norm in many sectors. However, there has been little work on modelling the effort in such development and hence a dearth of comparative analyses of cost models for incremental development/delivery. We attempt to rectify this by proposing a COCOMO-style effort model for incremental development/delivery and explore the relationship between effort and the number of increments, thereby providing new insights into the economic impact of incremental approaches to software projects.  相似文献   

Software estimation research has primarily focused on software effort involved in direct software development. As more and more organizations buy instead of building software, more effort is spent on software testing and project management. In this empirical study, the effect of program duration, computer platform, and software development tool (SDT) on program testing effort and project management effort is studied. The study results point to program duration and software tool as significant determinants of testing and management effort. Computer platform, however, does not have an effect on testing and management effort. Furthermore, the mean testing effort for third generation (3G) development environment was significantly higher than the mean testing effort for fourth generation (4G) environments that used IDE. In addition, the management effort for 4G environment projects without the use of IDE was lower than nonprogramming report generation projects.  相似文献   

软件项目策划中的工作量估算方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对软件项目策划中工作量的估算方法进行了探讨,并重点介绍了一种基于组织经验和项目的实际情况来确定估算系数并进行工作量估算的方法,旨在为软件企业进行工作量估算、实行过程改进提供参考和帮助。  相似文献   

Developing Project Duration Models in Software Engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Based on the empirical analysis of data contained in the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) repository, this paper presents software engineering project duration models based on project effort. Duration models are built for the entire dataset and for subsets of projects developed for personal computer, mid-range and mainframe platforms. Duration models are also constructed for projects requiring fewer than 400 person-hours of effort and for projects requiring more than 400 person-hours of effort. The usefulness of adding the maximum number of assigned resources as a second independent variable to explain duration is also analyzed. The opportunity to build duration models directly from project functional size in function points is investigated as well.  相似文献   

软件项目管理流程分析与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对软件项目和项目开发中的复杂性、易变性和不可预见性,研究了软件项目管理流程方法,设计了软件项目运作过程的总体流程,分析了各阶段流程的进入条件、主要工作过程和工作结果.  相似文献   

An Empirical Study of Analogy-based Software Effort Estimation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Conventional approaches to software cost estimation have focused on algorithmic cost models, where an estimate of effort is calculated from one or more numerical inputs via a mathematical model. Analogy-based estimation has recently emerged as a promising approach, with comparable accuracy to algorithmic methods in some studies, and it is potentially easier to understand and apply. The current study compares several methods of analogy-based software effort estimation with each other and also with a simple linear regression model. The results show that people are better than tools at selecting analogues for the data set used in this study. Estimates based on their selections, with a linear size adjustment to the analogue's effort value, proved more accurate than estimates based on analogues selected by tools, and also more accurate than estimates based on the simple regression model.  相似文献   

本文结合工作实际经历,首先介绍了项目基本情况以及作者在其中所承担的主要工作和职责介绍;详细论述了对需求管理和范围管理的认识及它们之间的区别与联系,并就项目范围管理过程中采用的具体方法和工具作了介绍。同时,总结了从此项目中所获得的宝贵经验和深刻教训。  相似文献   

Parametric software effort estimation models usually consists of only a single mathematical relationship. With the advent of software repositories containing data from heterogeneous projects, these types of models suffer from poor adjustment and predictive accuracy. One possible way to alleviate this problem is the use of a set of mathematical equations obtained through dividing of the historical project datasets according to different parameters into subdatasets called partitions. In turn, partitions are divided into clusters that serve as a tool for more accurate models. In this paper, we describe the process, tool and results of such approach through a case study using a publicly available repository, ISBSG. Results suggest the adequacy of the technique as an extension of existing single-expression models without making the estimation process much more complex that uses a single estimation model. A tool to support the process is also presented. Keywords software engineering, software measurement, effort estimation, clustering  相似文献   

王勇  李逸  王丽丽  朱晓燕 《计算机科学》2018,45(Z11):480-487
准确预测软件成本是软件工程领域最具挑战性的任务之一。软件开发固有的不确定性和风险性,使得仅仅在项目早期预测总成本是不够的,还需要在开发过程中持续预测各个阶段的成本,并根据变化趋势重新分配资源,以确保项目在规定的时间和预算内完成。由此,提出一种基于类推和灰色模型的软件阶段成本预测方法——AGSE(Analogy & Grey Model Based Software Stage Effort Estimation)。该杂交方法通过合并两种方法的预测值得到最终的预测结果,避免了单独使用其中一种方法预测时存在的局限性。在真实的软件项目数据集上的实验结果表明,AGSE的预测精度优于类推方法、GM(1,1)模型、GV方法、卡尔曼滤波和线性回归,显示出较大的潜力。  相似文献   

该文首先根据软件项目开发的特点构建了一个可供软件开发人员共享的知识管理平台的框架模型;然后,在此基础上,结合web2.0的技术优势,利用开源框架DotNetNuke设计了一个可以快速构建知识管理平台的解决方案,为软件项目企业构建知识管理平台提供了一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

软件项目管理若干问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
项目管理是软件开发中的极为重要的工作之一,在实际开发中往往成为失败的原因,本文分析了项目开发涉及到的诸多问题,并提出了一些建设性的建议,以期提高高科技领域中的管理水平。  相似文献   

通过一个基于J2EE项目的开发过程进行分析,讨论了项目开发普遍需要考虑的两条路线,技术架构线和项目规范线,同时给出两条路线的最佳实践方案。  相似文献   

浅析软件项目的规范化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从软件开发过程的横向角度来探讨软件项目管理的组织式和软件项目管理中可能出现的一些问题,首先对软件项目管理的组织模式进行了讨论,在此基础上,对软件项目管理的各方面包括包括软件配置管理、软件质量管理、软件风险管理、进度和成本管理,人力资源管理,分别就相关的内容进行了分析。  相似文献   

软件过程改进中项目计划与跟踪的实例研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
项目的计划与跟踪是软件过程管理与改进活动中应该首先着手的方面。成熟的软件开发组织能够通过有效的软件项目计划与跟踪实现对项目的策划与监控。文章立足小组软件过程,以实际项目为背景,着重介绍了以项目计划和跟踪为主的软件过程改进实施活动。在此基础上,分析了相关项目的计划与跟踪数据,研究总结了实施中遇到的问题和经验,并提出了进一步完善的措施及相关支持工具的研制。  相似文献   

本文给出了软件项目管理中人员管理问题的描述模型,针对软件项目中人员调度的特殊性,提出了一个启发判别式,并根据这个判别式对广泛使用的网络计划技术进行了改进。  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键.并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

软件外包近年来在国内的迅速发展,也带来了项目管理方面一些棘手的问题。文章就软件外包项目管理面临的项目过程管理、成本控制、人员问题、信息安全与知识产权保护等方面的典型问题展开探讨,并给出一些解决这些问题的办法。这些解决方法主要来自笔者作为甲方和乙方在实施外包项目管理的过程中的经验总结。  相似文献   

软件项目管理在实际开发中的应用与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
软件工程是指导计算机软件开发与维护的工程学科,它采用工程的概念、原理、技术和方法来开发与维护软件,把经过时间考验而证明正确的管理技术和当前能够得到的最好的技术方法结合起来,以便经济地开发出高质量的软件并有效地维护它。文中通过介绍软件工程的相关知识和针对项目的特殊性对软件工程理论的具体实施办法,展示了如何将软件工程理论应用在实际工作中,从而快速、高效地开发出高质量的软件。  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键,并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

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