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杨得瑞  姜楠  马超 《中国水利》2012,(20):13-16
对水资源综合管理与最严格水资源管理制度进行综述和比较分析,并指出:两者都以可持续发展为目标,强调全过程管理,倡导多手段运用,注重跨部门协调和公众参与,兼顾政府与市场,注重法制和体制.同时,两者在视角上各有侧重,前者更强调“综合”,后者更注重“严格”,并在实施公众参与、强调水土资源统筹、关注风险管理等方面有所不同.  相似文献   

概述了水资源一体化管理的发展历程,在综合国内外机构和学者对水资源统一管理看法的基础上,对流域水资源一体化管理的定义进行了探讨,分析了流域水资源一体化管理与传统水资源管理的区别,提出了流域水资源一体化管理的理论框架。最后,应用理论框架,对国外2个典型流域的水资源一体化管理实践与经验进行了分析与评述。  相似文献   

Chris Perry 《国际水》2013,38(1):95-107
There is a widely observable pattern of what must be done to make water management consistent with expressed policy: physical accounting for water; a political process of priority setting; rules that reflect policy and define responsibilities; and appropriate engineering works. When things change – due to climate, privatization, or the building of a new dam – feedback mechanisms affect most components of the system. The classification of functions as Accounting, Bargaining, Codification, Delegation and Engineering (ABCDE) provides all the concerned disciplines with a place at the table. Feedback (F) among these elements is the basis for planning the future, addressing problems, or responding to change.  相似文献   

博弈论模型在解决水资源管理中利益冲突的运用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文运用非合作与合作博弈的方法,对南水北调中线工程水资源管理中的有关利益冲突进行模拟和分析。其中,以统计学和经济计量学的回归分析法构建博弈各方的效益函数,以经济价值评估法折算水资源的价值和水污染的损失,用成本效益分析法比较不同战略下的博弈结果。模拟结果显示,若以北京为博弈的甲方,则非合作结果使局中的乙方、丙方和丁方分别获得0.15~0.32亿元、0.59~0.364亿元和0.08~0.29亿元的利益,但整体却遭受662.01~1218.33亿元的损失,而合作的结果恰恰相反。因此,如果能够把合作所带来的部分净收益从赢利方转向损失方,以补足损失方的损失,博弈各方均能受益。此模拟方法及结果不仅有利于博弈各方,而且也为水资源管理部门提供决策支持。  相似文献   

本文从2010~2012年江西省《水资源管理年报》部分数据入手,以数据所反映的水资源统一管理、建设项目水资源论证、取水许可管理、计划用水、水资源费征收、水量分配与水资源调度等水资源管理现状为基础,分析当前全省水资源管理中存在的问题,并从制度改革、能力建设和系统建设等方面提出相应的建议,为水资源管理工作提供一定的技术支撑.  相似文献   

This study discusses research that develops a general framework and presents a specific implementation of a stochastic modelling system, using linked overland flow and routing simulation models. The specific implementation uses the Gridded Surface Sub‐surface Hydrological Analysis (GSSHA) overland flow model, and the reservoir routing and quality model CE‐QUAL‐W2, to develop the stochastic modelling system. For stochastic simulations, modellers can define up to six GSSHA parameters for stochastic treatment, select the appropriate probability density functions and range, and determine the number of runs in the simulation. The tools described herein then create the correct input and output files, run the linked simulation models using the defined stochastic parameters, and aggregate the voluminous results. Interactive tools were developed to compute credible intervals from the results, and create reports that present the variability in a manner that is easily understood and communicated. Model set‐up and development, stochastic and statistical parameter input, stochastic simulation execution and results analysis were implemented using the Watershed Modeling System, model pre‐ and postprocessing system. This study presents the tools, algorithms and user interfaces developed to implement the linked stochastic modelling system, as well as a simple example demonstrating the tools and the type of analysis supported by this system.  相似文献   

国外典型流域水资源综合管理的经验与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外流域水资源综合管理的先进经验进行总结、提炼和分析,认为各国先进的流域水资源综合管理经验虽不尽相同,但具有一些共性:1普遍注重立法革新,使得流域管理机构行使水管理权有法可依;2都建立了有效的流域管理机构,探求权利与民主的适宜均衡;3都注重公众参与,明确监督机构的责权。  相似文献   

水系统受气候变化和人类活动的影响,一直在不断地变化,因此水资源的开发利用也应适应这种变化,而不能按照固定的控制阈值或约束条件来进行。当然,也不是被动的、随意的去适应。在对水系统及其与环境变化关系剖析的基础上,分析了水资源适应性利用的原理与模式;基于对环境变化下水资源适应性利用机理的认识,提出水资源适应性利用理论的框架体系,阐述了其基本理念和关键内容;基于对我国现代治水实践的分析,分析了其暗含的水资源适应性利用理论的内容,以及我国治水实践中存在的问题及应用水资源适应性利用理论解决这些问题的可能途径。研究认为,水资源适应性利用理论对水资源合理开发、综合利用、科学管理具有重要的指导作用,为环境变化下水资源利用研究与实践奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

将流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型分为优化模型、模拟模型、优化和模拟相结合模型以及决策支持系统四大类,按此分类总结了目前国内外研究的相关进展,并针对模型中出现的水量水质耦合项,分析了直接求解法、大系统分解协调技术、逐步求解法和情景优选法等水量水质变量的解耦原理和技术,并展望了流域水资源水量水质集成管理模型在水资源优化配置、生态环境需水配置和水资源冲突协调领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

This paper provides a comparative review of the literature on the institutional challenges and politics of IWRM, in relation to the EU's Water Framework Directive (WFD). It reveals two parallel debates with little interaction. The extent to which IWRM is actually addressed in the WFD literature is questioned, as is the assumption that developing countries can learn from WFD experiences. Finally, the mutual benefits of connecting these parallel discussions are demonstrated, especially in terms of encouraging greater sensitivity to the contingencies and complexities of water management.  相似文献   

Global research programs related to river basin water resources have at least two things in common: (1) they assess and model hydrological process dynamics on a macro scale and (2) research partners jointly working on such research issues are internationally distributed in different institutions. These prerequisites require a sophisticated and scale bridging data assessment and information management comprising geo-referenced distributed data components, measured or simulated time series, and socio-economic information. Networking such international research structures by means of the internet pose new challenges to Geoinformatics in respect to the design of a Web based distributed database system, metadata and GIS-information management, geo-referenced data query and visualization. Such data management must include powerful and efficient data exchanging software tools and information sharing policies to ensure that decision making can jointly be done on the base of the best information available. Geoinformation includes raster and vector GIS coverages, measured process time series data and associated metadata. Furthermore there are needs to integrate multidisciplinary information and research knowledge related to IWRM comprising information obtained by remote sensing, GIS analysis, modeling, and socio-economic assessments for vulnerability and mitigation. Addressing these challenges and to cope with such data organization and management tasks the Adaptive Integrated Data Information System (AIDIS) has been developed by the DGHM at the FSU-Jena. It is based on open source software (OSS) and a multi tier class hierarchy structure. AIDIS has implemented the full ISO 19115 metadata model, and enhances its structure if required e.g. for time series or documents. A first prototype was developed for the Challenge Program ‘Water and Food’ (CPWF) of the CGIAR and has been improved and refined for the Tisza River basin within the ‘Tisza River’ EU-project comprising at present about one hundred GIS maps and more than 5000 measured and simulated time series.  相似文献   

通过标准化建模、水资源规划与实时管理一体化设计、两层与三层供水体系一体化处理、区域或流域水资源配置模式选择等技术实现系统的通用性;围绕水资源配置的基本问题,采取问题导向型设计,保障系统的多功能性;基于水资源系统基本元素、模型结构与计算码、拓扑关系分离,提升系统的可扩充性;通过友好型界面设计、便捷化操作、可视化配置、情景模拟等技术研发实现系统的实用性。将开发的水资源决策支持系统运用在江苏沿海围垦区水资源综合管理中,结果表明系统实用、可靠,应用效果较好。  相似文献   

我国的水资源管理与水权制度建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高而坤 《中国水利》2006,(21):1-2,14
通过对我国水权制度建设现状的分析,在流域区域水权配置、个体取水权配置、灌区农民用水权配置三个层次指明了水权制度建设的内涵,明确了当前及今后我国水权制度建设的主要任务:一是全面推进初始水权明晰工作,二是全面推进以水权管理为核心的水资源管理体系建设,三是加强水权制度的技术支撑系统建设,四是开展水权转让试点工作。  相似文献   

Integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been prescribed in the global water policy literature for decades. This article looks at how the concept has been applied in Nepal. It highlights the normative approach in IWRM policy formulation, the existing institutional barriers to apply it and how these resulted in the framing of IWRM ‘implementation’ as merely a compilation of donor-funded projects. Current discourse on IWRM highlights the need to shift the emphasis from national policy formulation to local adaptive, pragmatic approaches to IWRM. This article brings to light the need to identify potential entry points to scale up locally rooted water management approaches towards the development of nested institutional set-ups in water resources management.  相似文献   

石羊河流域水资源利用与节水农业发展模式的战略思考   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
石羊河流域是甘肃省河西内陆河流域中人口最多、水资源开发利用程度最高、用水矛盾最突出、生态环境问题最严重、水资源对经济社会发展制约性最强的地区。随着人口增长和经济社会的发展,水资源已严重超载。本文分析了石羊河流域水资源开发利用存在的突出问题,重点讨论了流域水资源可持续利用的战略措施,即围绕“一个中心”、抓住“两个关键”、把握“三大环节”、构建“四大保障”、实施“五大转变”、建设“六大工程”;最后提出了流域节水生态农业发展的“五种模式”。  相似文献   

为了提高博斯腾湖流域水资源管理水平,设计开发了针对该流域的水资源管理决策支持系统。系统基于Microsoft.NET平台,采用Visual Studio、SQL Server、ArcGIS工具集开发,在流域“地-云-空”一体化监测体系和系统架构的基础上,构建了地图要素管理、基本水文信息、流域生态流量等主要模块,实现了流域空间可视化查询、实时流量动态模拟、流域生态基流计算以及水资源管理配置等功能。结合博斯腾湖流域1956—2019年水文资料及目前数据获取情况,系统可为不同发展模式下水资源管理提供多方面参考信息和技术支撑,能有效提高水资源管理部门决策效率。  相似文献   

将马莲河流域系统概化为5个水资源分区,采用指标分析法进行2020和2030年供需水量预测和平衡分析。利用改进的决策树法进行风险分析,将专家咨询概率法引入到决策树敏感性分析中,最终得到2020、2030年的推荐水资源供需分配方案。然后,利用系统分析理论和优化技术建立了流域的大系统、多目标水资源优化配置模型,并采用优化的NSGA-Ⅱ方法进行求解,得到流域2030年推荐水资源配置方案下的最佳分配方案。最后,根据最佳分配方案和预测的流域需水量,进行了流域的水资源平衡分析,通过平衡分析的结果进行流域的综合管理研究。最佳配置方案实现了流域内水资源的最优分配,使宝贵、有限的水资源产生最大的社会、经济及环境效益,为流域经济、能源产业的快速发展提供水资源保障。  相似文献   


This study summarizes the progress of the coordinated management of routine and emergency water resources globally and then investigates the Chinese situation. The results show that China’s coordinated management system needs further optimization, the technical system needs further innovation, construction projects need further support and information construction needs further updating. This study proposes perfecting the management system and routine and emergency management mechanism; improving the engineering technical system to promote the ability to build water resources management; strengthening the ability to identify routine and emergency thresholds; adhering to comprehensive prevention and control management; and encouraging public and stakeholder participation.  相似文献   

戴昌军 《人民长江》2018,49(18):10-14
汉江流域在我国水资源配置体系中具有重要的战略地位,水利部于2012年批复了汉江流域加快实施最严格水资源管理制度试点的方案,以探索流域实行最严格水资源管理制度的模式和方法。对汉江流域实行最严格水资源管理制度试点(以下简称汉江试点)的背景条件(流域用水矛盾日益突出,水资源利用方式粗放,水生态环境问题趋于严重以及水资源管理能力较为薄弱等)进行了分析。在此基础上,对建立汉江流域水资源管理"三条红线"、实施流域水资源统一调配、加强水源地保护与管理以及构建跨部门和跨区域协调机制等方面的工作及其重要性进行了阐述。根据分析结果,结合汉江流域的实际情况,提出了应推进节水减污型社会建设、合理配置和调度水资源以及完善流域水资源管理体制与机制等方面的建议。  相似文献   

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