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《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):62-84
Various urban qualities are required for sustainable urban development, which is a particular challenge in the case of emerging cities such as Qatar’s capital, Doha. Therefore, this paper seeks to introduce a framework concerning how to investigate urban qualities and their production in space in order to clarify the challenges and limitations of planning for sustainability. The paper is based on analyses and evaluations of GIS data as well as a series of interviews with 10 planning experts at the Ministry of Municipalities and Urban Planning and a series of questionnaires received from 350 inhabitants. After introducing the basic framework as a model, the three dimensions of sustainability – ecological efficiency, economic growth and social equity – are analysed in relation to the urban qualities needed for producing them. In conclusion the general challenges in establishing sustainable urban development mechanisms in Doha are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework of three dimensions for implementing sustainable concepts in residential landscapes in the urban context. This includes ecological planning and design, which seeks to build upon the ecological characteristics of the site, and socio-economic dimensions which concern the relationship between man and the landscape while conserving natural capital. The framework is used to evaluate the landscape quality of Riverside Garden, a modern housing estate in Guangzhou, China. The results reveal that Riverside Garden has achieved certain goals in line with the sustainable residential landscape framework within particular conditions and constraints. Through a preliminary case analysis of work in progress, this paper discusses the issues which arise from this case study in relation to future housing development.  相似文献   

在快速建设的大背景下,我国城市规划的社会过程被长期忽视,来自社会学理论下的审视更是稀缺。引入社会资本视角,讨论社会主体及其社会资本在城市规划社会过程中的重要性,根据"信任-网络-规范"结构对社会资本进行分类,发现我国传统型社会资本存量丰富,现代公民型社会资本缺乏。通过构建社会资本、社会过程、城市规划三者的逻辑关系组织,进而提出了"社会过程预测—社会资本需求与存量分析—社会过程重塑"的分析框架。基于此框架,对我国城市总体规划进行了简要分析,认为针对社会资本需求的特殊性,需要引入社会资本分析框架对不同类型的具体规划行动进行分析,提升社会资本的使用率,完善规划的社会过程并营造公民型社会资本,为我国城市规划社会过程的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

为了破解城镇化进程中城市新城新区开发的投融资难题,保障城市规划的贯彻落实,建立城市开发的长效机制,基于项目管理和PPP 理论,结合城市规划和开发实践的经验总结,构建了投融资规划的框架模型。通过在专项规划中引入投融资规划,对新城新区内项目集进行统筹考量,充分发挥项目集的项目关联优势,采取联动开发和滚动开发的策略,降低成本,应对风险,获取增量效益,最终实现新城新区可持续发展,并通过实际案例检验了投融资规划的合理性和可行性,为新城新区的开发提供了参考。  相似文献   

可持续发展自提出至今已被广为接受和重视,但是如何将这一理念和目标转化到可操作层面,在城乡规划实践中加以系统贯彻和落实目前却仍未有定论。战略规划是城市政府制定的具有权威性的公共政策与纲领性文件,本文基于对可持续发展导向的战略规划框架的系统分析,探讨了在战略规划层面通过城市各发展子领域的可持续性综合集成实现城市整体层面的可持续发展,并以宁波2030城市发展战略为例,对可持续发展导向的战略规划进行了有益的实践探索。  相似文献   

This article surveys the way in which the idea of sustainable development is integrated into current spatial planning practice by Swedish local authorities. The Brundtland Report's definition of sustainable development calls for all dimensions of sustainability to be considered. Given that today's planning processes deal with large volumes of basic data where epistemological and technical knowledge must be co-ordinated with the actors' values and views of society, this makes spatial planning a very complex process for local planning authorities. The question is whether these ideals of sustainability are manageable in a complex planning situation. Case histories of the implementation process in Sweden indicate that local authorities seek to limit this complexity by dividing the main topics, i.e. ecological, social and economic, into separate planning processes and planning documents. Furthermore, each of the sustainability dimensions seems to be strengthened by social discourses, which can be recognised in the visions of the local plans. The various modes of planning correspond to and are strengthened by these discourses.  相似文献   

刘世恩  陶勇  高全 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):31-32
通过对可持续发展的居住区规划的分析,结合我国城市建设和规划的实际特点,对可持续发展居住区规划的内涵、理念及方法进行了探讨,以实现居住区的可持续发展,充分反映了可持续发展居住区的社会系统和生态系统内涵。  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(2):153-173
This paper introduces market mechanisms for sustainable community development, an interdependent planning and implementation framework encompassing strategic directions, strategies, actors and instruments for municipal policy making. It examines how the economy influences the unsustainable development of local jurisdictions and how a coherent typology of strategies, actors and policy levers can move communities toward complementary environmental, social and economic outcomes. The paper illustrates a dichotomy between municipal decision making and embraces economic, social and environmental criteria for development of the built environment. It defines sustainable community development and analyzes research findings from senior decision makers in government, academic institutions, industry and non-profits. After critiquing ‘the market mechanism’ and identifying preferred approaches, the authors propose a typology that systematically aligns market signals with implementing sustainable community development policies.  相似文献   

城市发展空间战略规划研究——以江苏省昆山市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来城市发展空间战略规划作为改善城市空间结构、提高城市竞争力的手段在规划实践中发挥着积极作用.然而对于空间战略规划应当遵循怎样的发展思路,研究哪些内容以及如何去研究,还存在值得探讨的空间.笔者结合为江苏省昆山市所作的相关研究,对运用空间战略规划促使城市空间结构从无序走向有序,提出了理性增长战略及相关政策建议.  相似文献   

发展规划:强化规划塑造城市的机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
是社会经济制度塑造城市,而不是规划.规划只能通过社会经济制度间接地塑造城市.由此,人们应该了解转型中的城市建设制度,特殊的转型中城市建设制度决定了城市规划的实践.规划是地方发展政体在城市建设中的工具,代表了发展的利益.经过对制度转型中城市建设的观察,发现良好的城市建设都是规划制约和市场制约相互作用的结果,缺少其中任何一个都会造成不良建设.发展规划的提出旨在强调建设实施,推动规划和市场相互制约的城市建设,在战略上建立城市规划在建设制度中的地位.  相似文献   


Basic requirements of sustainable smart cities in a developing country are the entitlement of facilities. Here, an index named Smart Sustainable City Development Index (SSCDI) has been developed for three Indian Smart Cities. A hierarchical method has been used to construct the index with multiple layers of indicators capturing characteristics of the dimensions such as social, economic, environment, culture and lifestyle. This index is used to assess performances of the three case study cities based on the scores in various indicators. This SSCDI framework provides a conceptual landscape for developing countries for planning their sustainable urban development and evaluation of performances.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that integration is one of the central features of spatial planning, but do we really know why it has attracted this prominence, comprehend what dimensions of integration need to be considered, or appreciate the implications these may have for those engaged in delivering spatial planning in practice? This article aims to address these issues, and to develop a deeper understanding of both the theory and practice of integration by examining the relationship between spatial planning and health. Here, improved integration offers the potential to enhance the physical, social and mental well-being of individuals and communities. Drawing upon integration literature, Part 1 of the article establishes a framework for considering integration in spatial planning. Part 2 then explores how this framework can be used to examine current spatial planning practice with reference to work undertaken as part of the development of the new Regional Spatial Strategy for North West England. This concerned the linkage between regional spatial planning and health. The article concludes by reflecting on the value of the integration framework proposed, how it might be developed, and on some of the key practice challenges presented by the current focus on spatial planning in England and elsewhere.  相似文献   

通过观察我国沿海地区城市化加速发展过程中城区之间的不均衡现象,从全面、协调,可持续发展的观点,认识我国现阶段城市规划与建筑设计面临的共性问题,并主要从社会地理学、城市规划的角度,提出加强城乡,城区协调发 展研究,进一步整合优化功能布局、空间结构以及城市公共资源和市政公用设施的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

The utilization of urban underground space (UUS) offers an effective solution to urban problems but may also negatively affect urban development. Therefore, UUS development needs better concerted guidelines to coordinate various urban systems and the multiple components of the underground world. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which should be viewed as important yardsticks for UUS development, do not explicitly mention urban underground space, although many of them are affected by both the positive and negative consequences of its development. To fill this gap, this review lays the foundations of relevant UUS concepts and uses exemplary cases to reveal that 11 out of 17 SDGs can be linked with UUS uses. These linkages also manifest that land administration, integrated planning, architectural design, and construction technology are critical dimensions for increasing the contributions of UUS to the realization of SDGs. To achieve multi-disciplinary synergies among these four critical dimensions, a collaborative approach framework based on spatial data infrastructure is required. Thus, this work provides academics and practitioners with a holistic view of sustainable UUS development.  相似文献   

赵守谅 《城市规划》2016,(12):125-129
信息技术发展对城市规划产生了广泛而深远的影响。本文通过大数据和众筹规划这两个重要的发展方向,从认识论和方法论这两个基础维度进行理论思辨,试图从哲学层面厘清信息技术发展对城市规划的积极意义及其局限性。大数据带来了理性的扩展,但未能从认识论和方法论上取得本质的突破。众筹规划虽然存在若干局限性,但具有制度创新的重大意义。理论思辨将有助于建立一个规范的框架,作为城市规划应用信息技术的逻辑基础。  相似文献   

结合可持续发展的内涵,通过分析城市生态环境现状,引出了城市可持续发展的必要性,而后通过论述城市可持续的生态系统,对城市生态环境规划提出了一些建议,以实现城市规划和可持续发展的相互促进、协调发展。  相似文献   

对小区规划模式可持续性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为改善城市规划方法和规划体系,回顾邻里单位概念基本原则,探讨当今城市发展新特性和小区规划模式面临的困境,考察小区规划模式实施效果.认为小区规划模式对我国城市规划体系产生了全面深刻的影响,以小区规划为基础的规划体系,约束了以可持续发展为目标的城市规划创新,其基本价值目标的实施效果呈现低效趋势.建议改进城市规划体系,建立以可持续发展的为目标导向的、适应城市发展新特性和趋势的城市规划体系,使之具有更强的开放性、适应性.  相似文献   

可持续城市空间的规划准则体系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任绍斌  吴明伟 《城市规划》2011,(2):49-56,63
由于可持续城市空间规划准则的缺失,可持续城市发展政策和目标难以有效的落实到城市空间规划控制上来,鉴于此,有必要系统的研究和建构可持续城市空间的规划控制准则。本文结合城市空间规划内容体系、准则体系的建构以及可持续城市发展目标和空间规划策略的解析,从城市区域、城市/片区、城市住区三个层面,对可持续城市空间的规划准则进行结构性、系统性的整理。  相似文献   

开发利用城市地下空间是城市发展的必然 ,是解决城市空间容量不足的有效途径 ,是城市空间可持续发展的必然选择。在我国城市化飞速发展的今天,开发利用城市地下空间更显迫切与重要。本文结合规划编制的实际 ,就规划编制的背景、定格、规划内容及规划应解决的主要问题等进行了探讨 ,供同仁参考  相似文献   

体现可持续发展思想的城市规划方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林琳  毕克妮 《山西建筑》2011,37(3):16-17
以体现可持续发展思想的城市规划方法为对象进行研究,在对大连服务外包基地的背景、资源、现状条件等进行分析的基础上,将体现可持续发展思想的城市规划方法引入到大连服务外包基地的规划工作之中,以指导该基地生态环境建设。  相似文献   

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