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This paper presents fast reactor core concept and its feasibility as a part of newly proposed compound process fuel cycle in which spent fuels of light water reactor are multi-recycled without conventional reprocessing but with only pyrochemical processing, fuel re-fabrication and reloading to the fast reactor core. Results of the core survey analyses in order to find out the feasibility of this concept, taking example for BWR MOX spent fuel of 60 GWd/t burn-up, show that four times recycling of LWR spent fuel with the burn-up of more than 300 GWd/t can be achieved without increasing MA content. Such benefits will be expected in this concept as reduction of fuel cycle cost due to simplified reprocessing procedure, reduction of environmental impacts due to reduced high level waste, efficient utilization of nuclear fuel resources, enhancement of nuclear non-proliferation, and suppression of LWR spent fuel pile-up.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect on fuel thermophysical properties when adding americium and selected fission products to uranium–plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel, simulated low decontamination MOX fuel with high burn-ups to 250 GWd/t, has been prepared and subjected to characterization tests, elastic moduli measurements and melting temperature measurement. Elastic moduli for the simulated low decontamination MOX fuel were almost the same level as fuel without americium and fission products and decrease in the moduli was slight with increasing simulated burn-up. The melting temperature of high burn-up, low decontamination MOX fuel may be estimated by using the findings on the effect of americium, plutonium addition and fission products accumulation.  相似文献   

In order to study the dependence of the gap width change on the burn-up, the fuel-to-cladding gap widths were investigated by ceramography in a large number of FBR MOX fuel pins irradiated to high burn-up. The dependence of gap widths on the burn-up was closely connected with the formations of JOG (joint oxyde-gaine) and rim structure. The gap widths decreased gradually due to the fuel swelling until ∼30 GWd/t, but beyond this burn-up the dependence showed two different tendencies. With the increase of burn-up, the gap widths decreased due to the increase of fuel swelling in the low fuel temperature region where the rim structure was observed, but they increased in the high fuel temperature region where the JOG rich in Cs and Mo formed in the gap.  相似文献   

In order to obtain high burn-up MOX fuel irradiation performance data, SBR and MIMAS MOX fuel rods with Pufissile enrichment of about 6 wt% have been irradiated in the HBWR. In-pile performance data of MOX have been obtained, and the peak burn-up of MOX pellet have reached to 66 GWd/tM as of October 2004. MOX fuel temperature is confirmed to have no significant difference compared to UO2, if taking into account adequately for thermal conductivity degradation due to PuO2 addition and burn-up development, and measured fuel temperature agrees well with HB-FINE code calculation up to high burn-up region. Fission gas release of MOX is possibly larger than UO2 based on temperature and pressure assessment. No significant difference is confirmed between SBR and MIMAS MOX on FGR behaviour. MOX fuel swelling rate agrees well with solid swelling rate. Cladding elongation data shows onset of PCMI in high power region. Ramp test data from other experiment programs with various types of MOX fabrication route confirms superior PCI resistance of MOX compared to UO2, due to enhanced creep rate of MOX. The irradiation is expected to continue until achieving of 70 GWd/tM (MOX pellet peak).  相似文献   

A conceptual design study was carried out on a super high-burnup mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel assembly (SHB FA) for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) using transuranium (TRU). This study aims to avoid the surplus plutonium (Pu) accumulation and to reduce the accumulation of long-lived radioactive minor actinides (MAS) by utilizing the currently existing PWRs under the condition that the Japanese program to develop fast breeder reactors (FBRs) is tend to delay. For this purpose, an SHB FA with discharged burnup of ?80 GWd/t was investigated by utilizing MAS positively as both burnable absorbers and fissile suppliers and loading high-content Pu. It is possible to load the SHB FAs in a current PWR together with UO2 FAs and to use 2.5 times as much amount of Pu as that in a standard 1/3 MOX core. Moreover, it is found to be possible to reduce the total number of fresh FAs further from that of a high-burnup (55 GWd/t in maximum) UO2 (4.9 wt%) core and also to reduce the accumulation of MAS in the nuclear fuel cycle significantly.  相似文献   

XRF and EPMA results for retained xenon from Battelle's high burn-up effects program are re-evaluated. The data reviewed are from commercial low enriched BWR fuel with burn-ups of 44.8–54.9 GWd/tU and high enriched PWR fuel with burn-ups from 62.5 to 83.1 GWd/tU. It is found that the high burn-up structure penetrated much deeper than initially reported. The local burn-up threshold for the formation of the high burn-up structure in those fuels with grain sizes in the normal range lay between 60 and 75 GWd/tU. The high burn-up structure was not detected by EPMA in a fuel that had a grain size of 78 μm although the local burn-up at the pellet rim had exceeded 80 GWd/tU. It is concluded that fission gas had been released from the high burn-up structure in three PWR fuel sections with burn-ups of 70.4, 72.2 and 83.1 GWd/tU. In the rim region of the last two sections at the locations where XRF indicated gas release the local burn-up was higher than 75 GWd/tU.  相似文献   

VALMOX, an acronym for validation of nuclear data for high burn-up MOX fuels, is one of the projects of the cluster evolutionary fuel concepts: high burn-up and MOX fuels (EVOL). It covers 30 months, from October 2001 to March 2004.It considers the evaluation of the actinide inventory of MOX fuel at high burn-up (typically 60 GWd/t) in light water reactors, with special attention to the helium production. Calculated values for the spent fuel isotopic masses are compared to the measured ones, with sensitivity analyses made in support. The JEF 2.2 nuclear data file is taken as a basis for calculation. The resulting recommendations on nuclear data should be employed in the preparation and testing of the next JEFF3 file.So far, the major effort was placed on the evaluation of MOX fuel irradiations in pressurised water reactors, and first results will be presented and compared.  相似文献   

Thorium as a suitable fertile with higher natural resources in comparison with uranium resources has been remarkably considered by different nuclear energy user countries in the last decades. Its prominent features such as suitable possibility for power flattening of a nuclear reactor, applicable breeder blanket to produce~(233)U fissile as well as neutron leakage prevention from a nuclear core has caused its application as power flatter, breeder material or other aimed utilizations be evaluated by the researches. In the present study, neutronics of a modeled CANDU 6loaded with Th O_2 and UO_2fuel rods have been computationally studied. The study aimed at reprocessing of burned Th O_2 seeds at CANDU 6 reactor to recover the total produced uranium, which is to be going under another compound fuel cycle. The obtained results showed all the core reactivity coefficients are sufficiently negative. The modeled core 949 GWd burn-up concluding in 99.99 %depletion of~(235)U initial loads. 18.38 kg of~(233) U was produced in the burnt Th O_2 fuel after 1-year burn-up time. In addition, 31.84 kg of~(239) Pu was produced in the UO_2 spent fuel rods after the burn-up time. After a proposed cooling time, about 50.01 kg of~(233)U will be available in the spent Th O_2 fuel.  相似文献   

The ACO-3 irradiation test, which attained extremely high burnups of about 232 GWd/t and resisted a high neutron fluence (E > 0.1 MeV) of about 39 × 1026 n/m2 as one of the lead tests of the Core Demonstration Experiment in the Fast Flux Test Facility, demonstrated that the fuel pin cladding made of ferritic/martensitic HT-9 alloy had superior void swelling resistance. The measured diameter profiles of the irradiated ACO-3 fuel pins showed axially extensive incremental strain in the MOX fuel column region and localized incremental strain near the interfaces between the MOX fuel and upper blanket columns. These incremental strains were as low as 1.5% despite the extremely high level of the fast neutron fluence. Evaluation of the pin diametral strain indicated that the incremental strain in the MOX fuel column region was substantially due to cladding void swelling and irradiation creep caused by internal fission gas pressure, while the localized strain near the MOX fuel/upper blanket interface was likely the result of the pellet/cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) caused by cesium/fuel reactions. The evaluation also suggested that the PCMI was effectively mitigated by a large gap size between the cladding and blanket column.  相似文献   

The neutronics and burnup analyses of an accelerator-based transmutation system with tungsten target and TRU-nitride fuel were performed with a newly developed code system named ATRAS (Accelerator-based Transmutation Reactor Analysis System). The ATRAS code is an integrated code system which can perform the hadronic cascade process above 20 MeV and neutron transport and core burnup process below 20 MeV with the spallation neutron source.

The specifications of the transmutation system are investigated. The core consists of the central spallation target region and the surrounding TRU-mononitride fuel region. The core is driven by protons at an energy of 1.0 GeV. This system was also proposed as a benchmark problem in the “OECD NEA/NSC Benchmark on Physics aspects of Different Transmutation Concepts”.

According to the calculation results by the ATRAS code, higher power density and transmutation rate were achieved with nitride fuel, and the neutron spectrum was slightly harder than that of the metallic fuel system. The burnup calculation for thermal power 800 MW was also performed with the ATRAS code. It is shown that about 300 kg of TRU are transmuted annually.  相似文献   

The thermal impacts of hull and end piece wastes from the reprocessing of MOX spent fuels burned in LWRs on repository performance were investigated. The heat generation rates in MOX spent fuels and the resulting heat generation rates in hull and end piece wastes change depending on the history of MOX fuels. This history includes the burn-up of UO2 spent fuels from which the Pu is obtained, the cooling period before reprocessing, the storage period of fresh MOX fuels before being loaded into an LWR, as well as the burn-up of the MOX fuels. The heat generation rates in hull and end piece wastes from the reprocessing of MOX spent fuels with any of those histories are significantly larger than those from UO2 spent fuels with burn-ups of 45 GWd/THM. If a temperature below 80°C is specified for cement-based materials used in waste packages after disposal, the allowable number of canisters containing compacted hull and end pieces in a package for 45 and 70 GWd-MOX needs to be limited to a value of 0.4–1.6, which is significantly lower than 4.0 for 45 GWd-UO2.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》1999,26(15):1319-1329
The objective of this paper is to look at the possibility of approaching the long-life core comparable with reactor life-time. The main issues are centered on U–Np–Pu fuel in a tight lattice design with heavy water as a coolant. It is found that in a hard neutron spectrum thus obtained, a large fraction of 238Pu produced by neutron capture in 237Np not only protects plutonium against uncontrolled proliferation, but substantially contributes in keeping criticality due to improved fissile properties (its capture-to-fission ratio drops below unit). Equilibrium fuel composition demonstrates excellent conversion properties that yield the burn-up value as high as 200 GWd/t at extremely small reactivity swings.  相似文献   

通过计算华龙一号(HPR1000)压水堆平均卸料燃耗得到乏燃料中钚(Pu)同位素的含量,以此成分比例来设计铀钚混合氧化物(MOX)燃料。采用离散型燃料组件设计,通过不同Pu含量的MOX燃料棒离散型布置来降低与UO2燃料组件间的功率梯度。采用程序MCNP和COSLATC模拟堆芯功率分布和热中子注量率分布,采用分区分层的低泄漏装料方案,降低不同燃料组件间的功率梯度,展平堆芯的功率分布。在不考虑可燃毒物的前提下,利用3种Pu含量的MOX组件将混合堆芯的功率峰因子控制在1.77左右,明显优于原堆芯的功率峰因子,为国产三代压水堆引入MOX燃料提供了具有参考价值的装料方案。   相似文献   

High burnup MOX and UO2 test rods were prepared from the fuel rods irradiated in commercial BWRs. Each test rod was equipped with a fuel center thermocouple and reirradiated in the Halden boiling water reactor (HBWR) in Norway. The burnups of MOX and UO2 test rods reached about 84GWd/tHM and 72GWd/t, respectively. Fuel temperature was measured continuously during the re-irradiation tests. Thermal conductivity change in high burnup fuel was evaluated from the results of comparison between the measured fuel temperature and the data calculated by using the fuel analysis code FEMAXI-6. The comparison results suggested that the thermal conductivity of MOX fuel pellets is comparable to that of UO2 fuel pellets in the high burnup region around 80 GWd/t. It is probable that the impurity effect of Pu atoms gradually diminishes with increasing burnup because other factors that affect pellet thermal conductivity, such as the accumulation effect of soluble fission products and irradiation-induced defects in crystal lattice, become dominant in a high burnup region.  相似文献   

Parametric studies have been performed for a PWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) with the seed-blanket type fuel assembles to achieve a high conversion ratio, negative void reactivity coefficient and a high burnup by using MOX fuel. From the viewpoint of reactor safety analysis, the fuel temperature coefficients were also studied.From the result of the burnup calculation, it has been seen that ratio of 40–50% of outer blanket in a seed-blanket assembly gives higher conversion ratio compared to the other combination of seed-blanket assembly. And the recommended number of (seed+blanket) layers is 20, in which the number of seed (S) layers is 15 (S15) and blanket (B) layers is 5 (B5). It was found that the conversion ratio of seed-blanket assembly decreases, when they are arranged looks like a flower shape (Hanagara).By the optimization of different parameters, S15B5 fuel assembly with the height of seed of 1000 mm×2, internal blanket of 150 mm and axial blanket of 400 mm×2 is recommended for a reactor of high conversion ratio. In this assembly, the gap of seed fuel rod is 1.0 mm and blanket fuel rod is 0.4 mm. In S15B5 assembly, the conversion ratio is 1.0 and the burnup is 38.18 GWd/t in (seed+internalblanket+outer blanket) region. However, the burnup is 57.45 GWd/t in (seed+internal blanket) region. The cycle length of the core is 16.46 effective full power in month (EFPM) by six batches and the enrichment of fissile Pu is 14.64 wt.%. The void coefficient is +21.82 pcm/%void, however, it is expected that the void coefficient will be negative if the radial neutron leakage is taken into account in the calculation.It is also possible to use S15B5 fuel assembly as a high burnup reactor 45 GWd/t in (seed+internal blanket+outer blanket) region, however, it is necessary to decrease the height of seed to 500 mm×2 to improve the void coefficient. In this reactor, the conversion ratio is 0.97 and void coefficient is +20.81 pcm/%void. The fuel temperature coefficient is negative for both of cases.  相似文献   

Taking advantage of the good neutron economy of nitride fuel, a compact accelerator-driven system (ADS) for burning of minor actinide fuels has been designed, based on the fuel assembly geometry developed for the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) within the EUROTRANS project. The small core size of the new design permits reduction of the size of the spallation target region, which enhances proton source efficiency by about 80% compared to the reference oxide version of EFIT. Additionally, adoption of the austenitic steel 15/15Ti as clad material allows to safely reduce the fuel pin pitch, which leads to an increase of fuel volume fraction and therefore makes the neutron energy spectrum faster, consequently increasing minor actinides fission probabilities. Our calculations show that one can dramatically increase neutron source efficiency up to 0.95 without a significant loss of neutron source intensity, i.e. having high proton source efficiency. Consequently, the accelerator current required for operation of the ADS with a fission power of 201 MWth and a burn-up of 27 GW d/t per year (365 EFPD) is reduced by 67%.  相似文献   

To assess the feasibility of the 31% Pu-MOX fuel rod design of reduced-moderation water reactor (RMWR) in terms of thermal and mechanical behaviors, a single rod assumed to be irradiated in the core of RMWR up to 106 GWd/tHM has been analyzed by a fuel performance code FEMAXI-RM which is an extended version of FEMAXI-6 code. In the analysis, design specifications of fuel rod and irradiation conditions have been input, and available models of both MOX fuel and UO2 fuel have been used as appropriate. The results are: fission gas release is several tens of percent, rod internal pressure does not exceed the coolant pressure, and the highest fuel center temperature is 2400 K, while cladding diameter increase caused by pellet swelling is within 1% strain. These predictions suggest that the MOX fuel rod integrity will be held during irradiation in RMWR, though actual behavior of MOX pellet swelling and cladding oxidation require to be investigated in detail.  相似文献   

The temperature measurements of mixed oxide (MOX) and UO2 fuels during irradiation suggested that the thermal conductivity degradation rate of the MOX fuel with burnup should be slower than that of the UO2 fuel. In order to explain the difference of the degradation rates, the quasi-two phase material model is proposed to assess the thermal conductivity degradation of the MIMAS MOX fuel, which takes into account the Pu agglomerate distributions in the MOX fuel matrix as fabricated. As a result, the quasi-two phase model calculation shows the gradual increase of the difference with burnup and may expect more than 10% higher thermal conductivity values around 75 GWd/t. While these results are not fully suitable for thermal conductivity degradation models implemented by some industrial fuel manufacturers, they are consistent with the results from the irradiation tests and indicate that the inhomogeneity of Pu content in the MOX fuel can be one of the major reasons for the moderation of the thermal conductivity degradation of the MOX fuel.  相似文献   

New concept of a passive-safety simple fast reactor “METAL-KAMADO” with metallic fuels is presented, which has same concept as a passive-safety thermal reactor “KAMADO”. A fuel element of the “METAL-KAMADO” consists of metallic fuel (U–10%Zr) and cooling holes of He gas flow. These fuel elements are located in a reactor water pool of atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) and low temperature (<60 °C). In case of LOF, decay heats of fuel elements are removed by natural heat transfer from surfaces of the fuel elements to the reactor water pool.

Preliminary neutronic calculations of the “METAL-KAMADO” show possibility of high burn-up of more than 120 GWd/t with 10% enriched U–Zr fuel. Reactivity coefficients of the core are also discussed.  相似文献   

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