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微通道内液体流动和传热研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着尺度的微细化,微通道内液体的流动和传热出现了不同于常规尺度的现象。液体流动的Re、传热Nu和摩擦常数C等都出现了新的变化规律。许多在常规尺度下不重要的因素如黏性耗散、轴向热传导和表面浸润性等都开始变的突出。研究流体在微通道的流动和传热规律,具有重要的现实意义。对微通道内液体的流动和传热研究进行了总结,尤其是对微通道内液体的黏性耗散进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

陆向迅  徐斌  吴建  王洋  薛宏 《节能技术》2008,26(2):103-106
本文针对矩形微通道内单相流动和传热特性,利用CFD模拟分析软件对其进行三维数值模拟研究.微矩形通道宽为50μm,高为200μm,工质采用去离子水.模型以有限体积法离散,SIMPLEC方法求解速度、压力和温度耦舍方程组.讨论了流体热物性随温度变化和雷诺数对速度场和温度场的影响.并与理论预测值、参考文献值比较.分析结果显示,流体粘度随温度对触的影响和粘性耗散对热起始段的作用不能忽略.fRe数随Re数的增加而减小,Nu数不受Re数的变化影响.  相似文献   

为了研究带有交错内肋微通道的流动和传热特性,采用数值模拟的方法分析了肋片的形状对微通道热力性能的影响,对比了矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋4种不同形状内肋结构的微通道和光滑矩形微通道的热力性能。结果表明:矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋微通道的努塞尔数Nu都大于光滑矩形微通道的努塞尔数Nu,最大值分别为光滑矩形微通道的2.59,2.71,2.90和2.48倍;肋片对微通道的传热特性具有显著的强化作用,这是由于流体在交错内肋的后方产生涡流,实现整个流场的全局强化传热,极大提升微通道传热特性;交错内肋的应用也增大了通道的摩擦系数,矩形肋、菱形肋、三角形肋和圆形肋微通道摩擦系数的最大值分别为光滑矩形微通道的8.66,7.96,17.50和5.96倍。  相似文献   

航空煤油在微通道中传热性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
此前对微通道传热性能研究所用的实验工质绝大多数属于低粘性流体,针对高粘性流体的研究很少.本研究以航空煤油和水为实验工质,在层流状态范围Re数为10-100,对两种流体在微通道中的传热性能进行了实验研究.铝基微通道阵列包括163条横截面尺寸为1mm×1mm、长度400 mm的微通道.微通道长径比l/Dh=400.实验发现...  相似文献   

对矩形微通道实体模型进行简化处理,并建立微通道内流体流动的数学模型.设定矩形微通道水力直径Dh=120~480 μm,入口雷诺数Re=ll.9~3 817.1,以20℃蒸馏水为流动工质,借助FLUENT分别对不同水力直径的三组矩形微通道内流体流动特性展开数值模拟研究,并将数值模拟结果与理论预测值及其他学者的研究结论进行对比.结果表明:随着微通道水力直径的减小,摩擦阻力系数、速度梯度和压强梯度都呈现增大趋势;在微尺度下,矩形微通道内临界Re提前,而且水力直径越小,临界Re值越小.  相似文献   

基于加工工艺便捷高效的板式扩散焊矩形微通道换热器,建立了以冷热直通道换热单元为研究对象的数学物理模型,研究了超临界二氧化碳(S-CO2)在不同边界条件和通道结构下的流动与传热特性。结果表明:随着雷诺数(Re)的增大,冷热直通道内的湍流增强,传热性能得到提升,流动摩擦阻力系数减小;与无格栅时矩形通道相比,格栅水平设置在矩形通道两侧时的扰流效果和传热性能最优,综合传热增强因子(PEC)相对最高,但与半圆形直通道相比其PEC仍有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

基于汽芯的动量方程和液膜的质量和动量方程,建立了单面均匀热流竖直窄通道内环状流沸腾传热模型,利用数值法对方程组进行求解,得出了环状流区域的液膜厚度,并进一步预测了环状流两相沸腾传热系数。研究表明:模型预测的两相沸腾传热系数比Mahmound关联式计算值偏小;将不同工况下的291组环状流两相沸腾传热系数实验值与模型预测值进行对比,平均绝对误差为12.7%。  相似文献   

文章针对不同充液量且长径比均为191的铜-水热虹吸管进行了实验研究,并对比分析了其在水平及微倾角状态下的传热特性。在冷却水流量恒定状态下,测量不同加热功率的热虹吸管轴向各测点温度及冷却水进出口水温,考察热虹吸管的轴向温度分布特点及变功率时各测点温度响应情况,计算对比分析热虹吸管的等效对流换热系数。实验结果表明,水平状态下,充液率为20%,30%和45%的热虹吸管,即使在低加热功率下也无法良好传热;充液率为14%的热虹吸管,在加热功率低于10 W时,传热性能良好。微倾角状态下,充液率为14%的热虹吸管传热性能大为改善,其蒸发段、冷凝段及等效对流换热系数均随着加热功率的增大而增大,但在加热功率达到40 W时会出现温度振荡现象。  相似文献   

对超临界压力下RP-3航空煤油在内截面宽为4mm、高为4mm、固体壁面厚为1mm、加热段长度为500mm的水平矩形冷却通道内的对流传热特性进行了数值模拟研究。分析了通道内速度场的分布规律,讨论了热流密度、压力、进口温度对传热的影响。计算结果表明:当主流温度处于拟临界温度附近时,流体物性参数变化剧烈,导致传热系数降低,传热出现恶化。在超临界压力下,较低的热流密度、增大压力、降低进口流体温度或提高质量流速均有利于改善冷却通道内的传热性能。  相似文献   

曲燕 《节能技术》2014,32(5):447-451
利用微流体机械可以生成更均匀、大小可调的微液滴/气泡。文中分析了T型微通道生成微液滴/气泡的典型流型以及过程中的主要受力、微液滴形成/破碎过程的典型阶段以及相关的影响因素,总结了现有的利用力平衡方法预测微液滴/气泡大小的关系式,为有效控制T型微通道内微液滴/气泡的生成时间以及最终的体积,形成一种稳定的多相流流动提供了参考。  相似文献   

Laminar convective heat transfer in the entrance region of microchannels of rectangular cross-section is investigated under circumferentially uniform wall temperature and axially uniform wall heat flux thermal boundary conditions. Three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed for laminar thermally developing flow in microchannels of different aspect ratios. Based on the temperature and heat flux distributions obtained, both the local and average Nusselt numbers are presented graphically as a function of the dimensionless axial distance and channel aspect ratio. Generalized correlations, useful for the design and optimization of microchannel heat sinks and other microfluidic devices, are proposed for predicting Nusselt numbers. The proposed correlations are compared with other conventional correlations and with available experimental data, and show very good agreement.  相似文献   

Investigation of heat transfer in rectangular microchannels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An experimental investigation was conducted to explore the validity of classical correlations based on conventional-sized channels for predicting the thermal behavior in single-phase flow through rectangular microchannels. The microchannels considered ranged in width from 194 μm to 534 μm, with the channel depth being nominally five times the width in each case. Each test piece was made of copper and contained ten microchannels in parallel. The experiments were conducted with deionized water, with the Reynolds number ranging from approximately 300 to 3500. Numerical predictions obtained based on a classical, continuum approach were found to be in good agreement with the experimental data (showing an average deviation of 5%), suggesting that a conventional analysis approach can be employed in predicting heat transfer behavior in microchannels of the dimensions considered in this study. However, the entrance and boundary conditions imposed in the experiment need to be carefully matched in the predictive approaches.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to investigate flow and heat transfer characteristics of water in rectangular microchannels. All tests were performed with deionized water. The flow rate, the pressures, and temperatures at the inlet and outlet were measured. The friction factor, heat flux, and Nusselt number were obtained. The friction factor in the microchannel is lower than the conventional value. That is only 20% to 30% of the convectional value. The critical Reynolds number below which the flow remains laminar in the microchannel is also lower than the conventional value. The Nusselt number in the microchannel is quite different from the conventional value. The Nusselt number for the microchannel is lower than the conventional value when the flow rate is small. As the flow rate through the microchannel is increased, the Nusselt number significantly increases and exceeds the value of Nusselt number for the fully developed flow in the conventional channel. The micro‐scale effect was exhibited. The Nusselt number is also affected by the heat flux. The Nusselt number remains the constant value when the flow rate is small. The Nusselt number increases with the increase in the heat flux when the flow rate is large. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res, 37(4): 197–207, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20206  相似文献   

The effect of using nanofluids on heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics in rectangular shaped microchannel heat sink (MCHS) is numerically investigated for Reynolds number range of 100–1000. In this study, the MCHS performance using alumina–water (Al2O3-H2O) nanofluid with volume fraction ranged from 1% to 5% was used as a coolant is examined. The three-dimensional steady, laminar flow and heat transfer governing equations are solved using finite volume method. The MCHS performance is evaluated in terms of temperature profile, heat transfer coefficient, pressure drop, friction factor, wall shear stress and thermal resistance. The results reveal that when the volume fraction of nanoparticles is increased under the extreme heat flux, both the heat transfer coefficient and wall shear stress are increased while the thermal resistance of the MCHS is decreased. However, nanofluid with volume fraction of 5% could not be able to enhance the heat transfer or performing almost the same result as pure water. Therefore, the presence of nanoparticles could enhance the cooling of MCHS under the extreme heat flux conditions with the optimum value of nanoparticles. Only a slight increase in the pressure drop across the MCHS is found compared with the pure water-cooled MCHS.  相似文献   

This paper investigates flow boiling of water in microchannels with a hydraulic diameter of 227 μm possessing 7.5 μm wide reentrant cavities on the sidewalls. Average two-phase heat transfer coefficients and CHF conditions have been obtained over a range of effective heat fluxes (28–445 W/cm2) and mass velocities (41–302 kg/m2 s). High Boiling number and Reynolds number have been found to promote convective boiling, while Nucleate Boiling dominated at low Reynolds number and Boiling number. A criterion for the transition between nucleate and convective boiling has been provided. Existing correlations did not provide satisfactory agreement with the heat transfer coefficient but did predict CHF conditions well.  相似文献   

Centerline heat transfer measurements along two opposite ribbed walls in three rotating rectangular ducts roughened by 45° staggered ribs with channel aspect ratios (AR) of 1:1, 2:1 and 4:1 are performed at Reynolds (Re), rotation (Ro) and buoyancy (Bu) numbers in the ranges of 5000–30,000, 0–2, and 0.005–8.879, respectively. These channel geometries are in common use as the internal cooling passages of a gas turbine rotor blade and the tested Ro and Bu ranges are considerably extended from the previous experiences. This study focuses on the heat transfer characteristics in response to the change of AR under the parameter ranges examined. With zero-rotation (Ro = 0), the local Nusselt numbers (Nu0) along the centerlines of two opposite ribbed walls increase as AR increases due to the increased rib-height to channel-height ratio. The Bu impact on heat transfer appears to be AR dependent, i.e. the increase of Bu elevates Nusselt number ratios Nu/Nu0 in the square channel but impairs heat transfer in the rectangular channels of AR = 2 and 4. Acting by the Coriolis effect alone, all the leading edge Nu values in the present Ro range are lower than the zero-rotation references but started to recover as Ro increases from 0.1 in the channels of AR = 1, 2 and from 0.3 in the channel of AR = 4. The trailing edge Nu/Nu0 ratios increase consistently from unity as Ro increases but their responses toward the increase of AR are less systematic than those found along the leading edge. The above findings, with the aids of extended Ro and Bu ranges achieved by this study, serve as the original contributions for this technical community. The Nu/Nu0 ratios in the rotating channels of AR = 1, 2, and 4 fall in the ranges of 0.6–2.2, 0.5–2.7, and 0.5–2.1, respectively. A set of heat transfer correlations is derived to represent all the heat transfer data in the periodically developed flow regions of three rotating ducts.  相似文献   

Convection heat transfer in a rectangular microchannel is investigated. The flow is assumed to be fully developed both thermally and hydrodynamically. The H2-type boundary condition, constant axial and peripheral heat flux, is applied at the walls of the channel. Since the velocity profile for a rectangular channel is not known under the slip flow conditions, the momentum equation is first solved for velocity. The resulting velocity profile is then substituted into the energy equation. The integral transform technique is applied twice, once for velocity and once for temperature. The results show a similar behavior to previous studies on circular microtubes. The values of the Nusselt number are given for varying aspect ratios.  相似文献   

Microchannel two‐phase flow is an effective cooling method used in microelectronics, in which the heat flux density is unevenly distributed usually. The paper is focused on numerical study the effect of aspect ratio on the flow boiling of microchannels with nonuniform heat flux. The heat source is a three‐dimensional (3D) integrated circuit. 3D microchannel model and volume of fluid method are coupled in numerical simulation. The results show that the aspect ratio has no relationship with the two‐phase pressure drop of the microchannel. It has a certain influence on the distribution of bubble shape. In terms of the heat transfer coefficient, the aspect ratio has a certain influence on a section of the inlet. Due to the nucleate boiling, the convective heat transfer in the remaining areas is the dominant factor and the average heat transfer coefficient is mainly determined by the heat flux at the bottom of the channel.  相似文献   

The paper presents both three and two-dimensional numerical analysis of convective heat transfer in microchannels. The three-dimensional geometry of the microchannel heat sink followed the details of the experimental facility used during a previous research step. The heat sink consisted of a very high aspect ratio rectangular microchannel. Two channel spacings, namely 1 mm and 0.3 mm (0.1 mm), were used for three-dimensional (two-dimensional) numerical model, respectively. Water was employed as the cooling liquid. The Reynolds number ranged from 200 to 3000. In the paper, thermal entrance effects and conduction/convection coupling effects are considered both for the test case of uniform channel inlet conditions and the complete geometry of the experiment. Finally, the comparison between measured and computed heat flux and temperature fields is presented. Contrary to the experimental work, the numerical analysis did not reveal any significant scale effect on heat transfer in microchannel heat sink down to the smallest size considered (0.1 mm).  相似文献   

The effects of Reynolds number from 10,000 to 80,000, mist mass ratios from 1 to 6%, and droplet sizes from 5 to 20?µm on flow and heat transfer behaviors of mist/steam in rectangular channels with various aspect ratios of 1/4, 1/2, 1/1, 2/1, and the rib angle of 60° are numerically studied in this paper. Additionally, secondary flow distribution in the four ribbed channels and its effect on heat transfer are analyzed in detail. The 3D steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations with a SST k-ω turbulent model are solved by using ANSYS CFX. The CFD model has been verified by the experimental data for steam-only case with a good agreement. The results indicate that similar secondary flow pattern can be observed in the four ribbed channel except for the size of main secondary flow; the heat transfer augmentation of mist/steam raises as Reynolds number and mist mass ratio increase; a peak value of average Nu is obtained in the case of 15?µm mist among all the sizes of droplets. The friction coefficient decays with increase of Reynolds number and mist mass ratio but is insensitive to droplet sizes. The case of AR?=?1/2 obtains the best thermal performance in mist/steam cooling channels.  相似文献   

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