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Virtual worlds are an emerging online transaction context in which millions of players around the world participate and trade virtual items with one another. However, little research has been conducted into purchase behavior in this new context. To address this gap, we developed and tested a conceptual model of purchase behavior in virtual worlds using a combination of existing and new constructs. An online survey was conducted within Second Life (n = 250) and tested using structural equation modeling. We conclude with implications for practice and research limitations.  相似文献   

The development of Internet technology has facilitated the emergence of online marketplace for various kinds of tasks (e.g., Amazon’s Mechanical Turk in USA and Taskcn.com in China). Although the payment is relatively low, numerous people participate in the tasks in these online marketplaces. Drawing upon shopping value literature, we develop a research model by considering various value perceptions so as to better understand this interesting phenomenon. Specifically, it is proposed that hedonic value and utilitarian value (including benefit-cost ratio and net benefit) influence satisfaction and continuance intention. A field survey with 205 participants in an online working website in China was carried out to examine the proposed research model and hypotheses. The key findings are: (1) benefit-cost ratio significantly influences satisfaction, while net benefit does not; (2) there is a significant substitutive effect or negative interaction effect between benefit-cost ratio and net benefit; (3) hedonic value directly influences continuance intention, as well indirectly influences continuance intention via satisfaction. Implications, limitations, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) have become one of the most popular means of online social interaction. However, few studies have examined SNS from the context of post-adoption. This study focuses on continuance usage intention toward Facebook, a popular SNS, among university students in the United Arab Emirates. We have extended the expectation–confirmation model by investigating the influence of enjoyment and subjective norms as critical factors that directly influence continuance usage intention, and added habit as a mediator between satisfaction and continuance intention. We used structural equation modeling to validate the proposed model and hypotheses. We find that perceived usefulness, satisfaction, habit, enjoyment, and subjective norms explain 54.8% of the variance in continuance intention. Furthermore, our study shows that the effect of satisfaction on continuance intention is both direct and mediated by habit. Thus, practitioners should focus on all of these factors to encourage continuance usage intention in their site’s users.  相似文献   

It has long been a challenge for online game providers that online game players frequently switch to alternative games without much hesitation. Current IS continuance theories are mainly developed to interpret user continuance of general utilitarian IS and are ineffective in interpreting user continuance of hedonic IS. In this study based on the uses and gratifications theory, a hedonic IS continuance model is developed by incorporating three types of gratification: hedonic gratification (enjoyment, fantasy and escapism); social gratification (social interaction and social presence); and utilitarian gratification (achievement and self-presentation). Age and gender are the moderating factors in the model. The research model is empirically assessed based on 3919 validated responses from the users of a social network game in China. In this study we found that three types of gratification affect an individual’s continuance intention to use a social network game: hedonic gratification (enjoyment, fantasy and escapism), utilitarian gratification (achievement) and social gratification (social interaction and social presence). The results provide weak support for the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between each antecedent and continuance intention, but offer strong support for the moderating effect of age on the relationships.  相似文献   

This study explored the effects of avatars on deception – how perceived avatar likeness to self can affect the truthfulness and accuracy of interactions online. More specifically, this study examined the extent to which perceived avatar similarity influences self-awareness and users’ degree of attraction to them, and how these psychological states affect deception in the context of Second Life. The results, based on web-based survey data of 159 Second Life users, revealed that avatar similarity in attitude and behavior to the owner heightened self-awareness, which, in turn, reduced deception. Perceived avatar similarity in terms of appearance was found to have a direct negative impact on deception so that those who perceived their avatars to look similar to themselves were less likely to engage in deceptive behavior. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Social virtual worlds (SVWs) have become important environments for social interaction. At the same time, the supply and demand of virtual goods and services is rapidly increasing. For SVWs to be economically sustainable, retaining existing users and turning them into consumers are paramount challenges. This requires an understanding of the underlying reasons why users continuously engage in SVWs and purchase virtual items. This study builds upon Technology Acceptance Model, motivational model and theory of network externalities to examine continuous usage and purchase intention and it empirically tests the model with data collected from 2481 Habbo users. The results reveal a strong relationship between continuous usage and purchasing. Further, the results demonstrate the importance of the presence of other users in predicting the purchase behavior in the SVW. Continuous SVW usage in turn is predicted directly by perceived enjoyment and usefulness while the effect of attitude is marginal. Finally, perceived network externalities exert a significant influence of perceived enjoyment and usefulness of the SVW but do not have a direct effect on the continuous usage.  相似文献   

Although virtual worlds increasingly attract users today, few studies have addressed what satisfies virtual world users. We therefore defined and tested an integrated model of experiential system value and virtual world satisfaction. Drawing upon expectancy-value and cognitive evaluation theories, four important facets of experiential system value were hypothesized as determinants of virtual world satisfaction. Structural equation modeling was employed on a sample of 567 users of the virtual world Second Life. Direct and indirect effects were tested and are reported. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Our research model expanded the Bhattacherjee's IS continuance model by adding a moderating effect (IS habit) to IS continuance intention and IS continued usage, postulating direct links between satisfaction and IS continued usage, as well as between prior behavior and IS continued usage. The model was tested with an Internet-based learning technology in a longitudinal setting. Data collected from 505 students were examined using partial least squares analysis. The results presented strong support for the theoretical links of IS continuance model, and for the new moderating effect. Both satisfaction and prior behavior were found to have significant impact on IS continuance. In addition, our findings confirmed the theoretical argument that the strength of intention to predict continuance was weakened by a high level of IS habit.  相似文献   

Understanding how cultural differences affect the formation of users’ affective commitment (ACO) to social virtual world (SVW) services is a critical but understudied issue. Using a novel, norm-based cultural approach, we introduce cultural tightness (CT) to capture cultural differences in users’ collective environment and postulate a model that investigates the contingent effects of CT on the relationships between ACO and its drivers. A two-level analysis of survey data gathered from 400 field users of an influential SVW service and secondary data of CT reveals that the effects of satisfaction, calculative commitment, and subjective norm on ACO are contingent on CT.  相似文献   

Understanding the antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction in the mobile communications market is important. This study explores the effects of service quality and justice on customer satisfaction, which, in turn, affects continuance intention of mobile services. Service quality, justice and customer satisfaction were measured by multiple dimensions. A research model was developed based on this multidimensional approach and was empirically examined with data collected from about one thousand users of mobile value-added services in China. Results show that all three dimensions of service quality (interaction quality, environment quality and outcome quality) have significant and positive effects on cumulative satisfaction while only one dimension of service quality (interaction quality) has a significant and positive effect on transaction-specific satisfaction. Besides procedural justice, the other two dimensions of justice (distributive justice and interactional justice) significantly influence both transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative satisfaction. Furthermore, both types of customer satisfaction have significant and positive effects on continuance intention. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on social cognitive theory and the balanced thinking–feelings model, this study proposes a research model to examine the different roles of general computer self-efficacy (CSE) and specific CSE. The research model was tested with a survey of university students in Singapore in the Facebook context. It is found that while general CSE affects continuance intention through both cognition and affection, specific CSE mainly affects continuance intention through cognition. It is also found that general computer experience affects general CSE only and specific computer experience affects specific CSE only.  相似文献   

We drew on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model, and perceived risk construct to propose an integrated model to explain continuance usage of mobile shopping applications. Espoused national cultural values of individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and long-term/short-term orientation act as moderators to examine the influence of within-culture variation on app usage. Findings reveal habit as the strongest predictor of both continuance intention and use behaviour, but interestingly perceived risk did not influence the post-acceptance behaviour of users significantly. Individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, and long-term/short-term orientation espoused cultural values significantly moderated the relationships in the model. Noteworthy theoretical and managerial implications of the research are discussed further.  相似文献   

Despite the growth and commercial potential of virtual worlds, relatively little is known about what drives users’ motivations to engage in virtual worlds. This paper proposes and empirically tests a conceptual model aimed at filling this research gap. Given the multipurpose nature of virtual words the model integrates extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as behavioral determinants. By making use of the literature on information system value and motivation theory four important system-specific virtual world characteristics (economic value, ease of use, escapism, visual attractiveness) are added as motivational drivers. Using structural equation modeling on a sample of 846 users of the virtual world Second Life the hypotheses were tested. The results support the model; they confirm the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation as behavioral determinants and show how and to what extent the four system-specific elements function as motivational basis. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the antecedents and consequences of perceived value in m-government continuance use. Drawing upon service science studies and Chinese m-government context, a research model is constructed by extending the technology acceptance model (TAM). Data collected from a field survey of 326 m-government users are analyzed to test the proposed hypotheses. The results indicate that perceived value is strongly influenced by mobility, perceived usefulness and security, which is, in turn, significant impact on satisfaction and trust in technology, trust in agent and trust in government. These results contribute to drawing attention to the important role of perceived value in m-government continuance use and providing a new view that supplements to the extant technology acceptance research.  相似文献   

The continuance intention is one of the most important factors that affect a company’s profitability and market share. Yet, this factor and its effect remain unexplored in the Arabian communication market.In this study, we examine two multidimensional constructs of customer satisfaction that impact the continuance intention: quality and justice. Quality is measured through three dimensions: interaction, environment, and outcome. Justice is also measured through three dimensions: interactional, procedural, and distributive. We survey 512 customers in Kuwait’s communication market on their intention to continue with their current mobile service provider. We find that the outcome quality is the most influential construct on the perceived usefulness of the provider, which wields the most influence on the continuance intention.  相似文献   

Members of virtual teams often collaborate within and across institutional boundaries. This research investigates the effects of boundary spanning conditions on the development of team trust and team satisfaction. Two hundred and eighty-two participants carried out a collaborative design task over several weeks in a virtual world, Second Life. Multigroup structural equation modeling was used to examine our research model, which compares individual level measurement between two boundary spanning team conditions. The results indicate that trusting beliefs have a positive impact on team trust, which in turn, influences team satisfaction. Further, we found that, compared to cross-boundary teams, within-boundary teams exhibited not only higher trusting beliefs and higher satisfaction with the collaboration process but also a stronger relationship between team trust and team satisfaction. These results suggest that trust and group theories need to be interpreted in light of institutional affiliation and contextual variables. An important practical implication is that trust can be fostered in a virtual world environment and collaboration on complex tasks can be carried out effectively in virtual worlds. However, within-boundary virtual teams are preferred over cross-boundary virtual teams if satisfaction with the collaboration process is of the highest priority.  相似文献   

Enterprise systems (ES) have changed the way organizations process their information, yet limited research has been conducted to investigate users’ post-adoption perceptions of these sophisticated technologies. Drawing on the IS-continuance theory and the IS success model, this research attempts to fill this gap in the literature by examining the influence of technological characteristics of ES, represented by information and system quality, on users’ satisfaction and perceived usefulness, which in turn, affect continuance intention of ES. Furthermore, this study proposes that both satisfaction and continuance intention influence continuance behavior. A research model was developed and empirically examined with data collected from 275 users of ES in China.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to understand consumer goals for virtual consumption in social virtual worlds. Using a means-end chain approach, interviews with 93 users were analyzed to produce a hierarchical goal map, revealing that virtual consumption enables a diversity of goals beyond the previously identified experiential goals. The article's theoretical contributions include: (1) extending our understanding of user goals/goal relationships for virtual activities and (2) developing virtual liminoid theory, which describes transitions between users’ real-world and virtual identities and virtual consumption as a transition catalyst. The study illustrates the value of a goal focus for future research on user behavior in virtual worlds.  相似文献   

Here we introduce the “Wunderkammer”, a suite of immersive virtual worlds with different types of emotionally-charged content. We use these worlds to examine the effects of affective context on unconstrained gaze and movement. In the Affect Gallery, participants freely explored a virtual art museum filled with objects that varied in valence and arousal. Participants approached and gazed more at positively valenced objects. This preference was amplified by more arousing objects and was strongest among individuals with resilient emotion regulation tendencies. This bias of avoiding negative valence did not emerge in The Crowded Room, an environment in which participants encountered virtual humans expressing different emotions. Instead, participants gazed more at negative than neutral emotional displays although they physically avoided angry (but not sad or neutral) agents. When placed inside Room 101, an unpredictable environment filled with a series of disturbing events, frightened participants became relatively immobile in terms of both gaze and movement. This freezing-type response was particularly strong among dispositionally resilient individuals. Together these results demonstrate that distinct affective contexts elicit unique patterns in unconstrained gaze and movement. They further illustrate the benefits of using virtual reality to study affect as it naturally emerges.  相似文献   

Knowledge has become the key to success in the global knowledge economy, not only for organizations, but also in virtual communities of practice (VCoPs). The major challenge in sustaining a VCoP is acquiring knowledge spontaneously from members. This challenge leads to our research question: what encourages VCoP members to voluntarily and continuously help one another through continuous knowledge-sharing? In this study, we integrate three research streams—justice, trust, and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB)—into one model in order to analyze the antecedents of knowledge-sharing continuance intentions in VCoPs. Our model theorizes that the four dimensions of justice (i.e., distributive, procedural, interpersonal, and informational justice) affect two different referents of trust (i.e., trust in members and trust in management). We further link these trust constructs to altruism (i.e., OCB directed to the individual) or conscientiousness (i.e., OCB directed to the organization), which in turn effect the knowledge-sharing continuance intentions in VCoPs. This hypothetical model is empirically validated using data collected from 142 members of an IT-oriented VCoP in Taiwan. Our integrated model has been helpful in VCoP research as it broadens our theoretical understanding of knowledge-sharing continuance intentions.  相似文献   

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