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从工程集成、工程建构、工程运行和工程管理的视角,结合钢铁冶金工程讨论了工程知识。从知识论的角度看,钢铁冶金过程是物理知识、化学知识、技术知识、管理知识等诸多知识范畴的集成,包括了工程科学、工程技术、工程设计、工程管理、工程哲学等方面的知识。分析了钢铁材料对经济社会发展的重要作用,阐述了钢铁冶金工程流程运行的主要特征,解析了钢铁冶金流程动态运行的物理本质。在此基础上探讨了冶金工程知识的结构,揭示了冶金工程知识系统的复杂性、协同性、整体性、集成性等特征;论述了钢铁冶金工程知识的形成和发展过程,以及技术进步对冶金工程知识创新的推动作用;讨论了"界面技术"对冶金制造流程协同–集成的重要性,以及信息技术对钢铁冶金工程智能化的推动作用。最后,在工程哲学的视野下,探讨了宏观动态冶金学和钢铁冶金工程知识面向智能化和绿色化的发展方向和目标。  相似文献   

工程知识的演化是工程哲学中的一个重要问题。工程知识是以"物化"形态和"纯知识"形态两种形式存在的,与科学知识相比,工程知识的演化是与人工物密切联系在一起的。工程知识演化的内部动力是工程理论与工程实践中的问题,外部动力是社会经济发展需求因素的影响和科学技术进步的推动。工程知识的演化研究还需要注意"要素性知识进步"和"知识系统集成"的互动、"工程知识标准化"和"工程知识创新"的互动、研发活动与相关制度的作用等机制性问题。  相似文献   

周永红 《工程研究》2011,3(4):375-383
本文从规律与规则的区别入手,提出了存在性规律和建构性规律的理论视域.认为工程规律是在工程实践活动中,在理解当前工程活动所涉及的各种要素之间相关性的基础上、协调各种规律综合作用的建构性规律.它直面的是在集众多技术的某种特定工程建构中“如何做”的问题,与揭示事物本质的“是什么”的规律不同.工程活动不仅涉及“是什么”,更重要...  相似文献   

工程是人类有意识、有目的地利用科学技术知识、自然资源、社会资源,能动地创造社会存在物以满足人类需要的活动及其结果。本文主要阐述工程主体的本质及其作用。本文认为,工程主体是人本身,具体表现为工程决策主体、工程规划设计主体、工程实施主体、工程利用主体和工程终结主体等五种形态。工程主体性是人的本质力量在工程层面的具体显现,它表现为真理主体性,目的主体性,选择主体性,价值主体性和综合主体性等形态。工程主体性与工程构成辩证统一的关系,对工程活动成败以及结果的存废具有重要影响。  相似文献   

张骥  王世骐 《工程研究》2022,(5):442-449
关于工程演化一般规律的理论本世纪刚刚诞生。本文针对建筑工程行业,以演化生物学的理论框架为纲,展开类比研究。首先分析生物演化的底层逻辑,随之引出物种与环境的关系,最后上升到种系发生。运用隐喻方法将此图式结构影射到建筑工程演化论,并列举古今中外建筑工程及其技术要素、非技术要素的典型例子,借用生物学骨架建立起新的理论模型。结果表明生物演化与建筑工程演化在整体上具有一定的相似性,由此可得到有实际价值的建筑工程演化模型,而且生物学中还有更多理论成果和统计方法有挖掘利用的潜力,二者之间的差异性有待进一步探讨。建筑史学可助力构建全面的工程系统演化论。本领域的研究同时面向建筑工程的过去、现在与未来。  相似文献   

张志会 《工程研究》2010,2(3):217-227
At present, the study of “public understanding of engineering” in China has just started, and it can be said that there is adequate research space. Making the public understanding of dams in China as a starting point, this paper analyzes the importance and the present situation of “public understanding of engineering”, and makes some analysis and recommendations on how to promote and facilitate the public understanding of engineering.  相似文献   

目前工程社会学在我国正逐渐兴起,出现了"工程共同体论"、"社会评价论"和"建设工程系统论"三种不同研究范式,各学者对系统的工程社会学体系莫衷一是。本文首先批判性梳理了上述三种范式,指出其对于工程社会学建构的作用和意义;其次,借鉴英国科学社会学家约翰·齐曼对科学社会学知识的类型划分,将工程社会学体系划分为"内部工程社会学"和"外部工程社会学",并提出"工程域"和"工程社区"两个概念,它们是工程社会学的基本范畴,也分别是内部工程社会学和外部工程社会学的核心概念;最后,展望工程社会学发展前景,指出工程社会学必将成为社会学"学术大家庭"中的重要一员。  相似文献   

陈凡  邢怀滨 《工程研究》2009,1(1):16-18
作为人类的“造物”活动,工程一直伴随于人类历史中,建构着人类社会的物质基础。可以说,工程是直接的生产力,是创新活动的主战场。工程活动包含了技术、经济、社会、文化等多种要素,我们需要对其采取综合的、多学科的研究。然而,这种研究迄今是相当缺乏的。  相似文献   

李伯聪 《工程研究》2010,2(3):233-242
On account of the fact that engineering has been evolving, it should be studied in the view of evolution theory. The study of engineering evolution is not only of theoretical significance but also of practical importance. Engineering evolution is a must for the profound study of engineering philosophy. There is close relationship among the evolution of engineering theory, engineering history, and engineering philosophy. From the point of view of rhetoric, philosophy of language and cognitive science, this paper analyzes the method of metaphor and explains the similar yet different relationship between the theory of life evolution and the theory of engineering evolution. And the paper comes to a conclusion that only when the engineering evolution undergoes a transformation from considering evolution as a metaphor to a theoretical innovation, could it be an independent theory in the academic field.  相似文献   

傅志寰 《工程研究》2010,2(3):200-208
This paper briefly reviews the evolution of railways in the world and in China. It analyzes the propulsion of railway evolution and the principles on choosing the transportation modes. Then this paper describes the trend of railway development and puts forward suggestions on how to build the comprehensive transport system, including railway in our country.  相似文献   

张涛  王大洲 《工程研究》2013,5(3):309-317
从工程事故中进行学习,是提高工程安全的重要途径之一。尝试分析了从工程事故中进行学习的基本要素和实现过程,以及支撑这个过程有效性的相关制度安排。在此基础上,指出了我国在从工程事故中进行学习的机制上存在的不足,并尝试性地提出了几点改进建议。  相似文献   

王兆春 《工程研究》2010,2(3):264-277
Based on the continual development of the military engineering and technology in different historical stages in ancient China, this article describes the evolving process of the corresponding management institutions and discusses its causes. The whole process is divided into several historical phases, including germinating, shaping, developing, systematizing and modernizing. The author thinks that the military engineering, the military technology and the management institutions depended on, mutually promoted and closely associated with each other and went ahead side by side in the long history. Through serious study of the history development of the management institutions, readers can understand its ensuring function for the military engineering and technology and acquire the consciousness and foresight which is necessary for building and reforming the similar institutions.  相似文献   

我国工程建设中腐败问题频频涌现,由此引发了大量的工程质量问题,严重危害了社会稳定和人民群众安全,成为亟待解决的问题。工程伦理理论为解决工程腐败问题提供了新的思路和方法。通过探究工程腐败的内涵和演化过程,剖析工程腐败各阶段的演变机理,基于工程伦理学理论,提出工程腐败各阶段治理的有效模式,即道德治理-德法结合-制度善治。通过制度与道德、法律的价值整合,可有效改善当前"至善真空"的工程价值生态环境,逐步实现"工程至善"及清正廉明的工程伦理精神。  相似文献   

In the 20 years from the late 19th century to early 20th century, industry developed rapidly in Europe and the U.S. During this period new branches of engineering science came into being. In order to have deep understanding of engineering science, the author chooses American Institute of Chemical Engineers as her case study target. On the basis of important sources and literatures, the paper made a study on the history of the formulation of chemical engineering as a new discipline from the perspectives of historiography and sociology of science. The paper shows that in the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the U.S, chemical engineers has become a new profession, and chemical engineering as a discipline is gradually shaped by the interaction and intersection of chemistry and mechanical engineering. In 1888, Boston Institute of Technology (the predecessor of MIT) started to design chemical engineering courses and to train engineers needed in chemical industry. Chemical engineers paid more attention to the connection of their work with pure chemistry and mechanical engineering. They tried to find out their own professional and knowledge boundaries in industry. The chemical industry grew along with the formation of chemical engineer groups and institutionalization of chemical engineering education. In such a context, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers was established in 1908. The AIChE was a distinguished mark of the institutionalization of chemical engineering. It played an important role in the shaping and promoting of the new discipline: defining the professional identity of the chemical engineer; constructing a platform of academic communication; clarifying the boundary of chemical engineering and the relationship among chemical engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering and other disciplines; reforming the education of chemical engineering at American universities, standardizing the curriculum of chemical engineering; promoting the connection among academic institutions, universities and enterprises.  相似文献   

While the philosophy of engineering is becoming a popular topic in the academia, the philosophy of military engineering is rarely studied. The study of the definition, classification and specialty of military engineering is the basis and the logical foundation of the philosophy of military engineering. From the concept of engineering and engineer, we could tell that engineering is tightly bound to military in the very first place. The emergence of civil engineering has led to the diversity and versatility of engineering. This paper redefines the concept of military engineering by analyzing the purposes, the functions and the organizational management of military engineering constructions. By comparing military engineering with civil engineering, this paper classifies military engineering according to its functions, purposes and applications and clarifies the characteristics of military engineering.  相似文献   

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