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A complete factorial design 2(3) was used to study some aspects of Carnobacterium divergens V41 metabolism (growth, biogenic amine production, and divercin V41 production) in sterile cold-smoked salmon extract (SSE) at varying temperatures (3 to 9 degrees C), NaCl levels (2.5 to 6.5%), and glucose concentrations (2 to 6 g liter(-1)). The results showed that temperature and NaCl content were the most influential factors on growth parameters in SSE. Predictive models are suggested for the assessment of C. divergens lag time (t(lag)) and maximum specific growth rate (micro(max)) Among the biogenic amines studied, only tyramine was found to be produced by C. divergens in SSE. Furthermore, we showed that temperature, NaCl, and glucose variations did not greatly affect tyramine and divercin V41 production by the bacteria under the experimental conditions used. Indeed, divercin V41, a bacteriocin from C. divergens V41 that is highly active against some Listeria strains, was produced in SSE even under harsh culture conditions. Similarly, tyramine production in SSE was delayed at 3 degrees C but reached 35 microg ml(-1) in all experiments after 27 days of storage. However, this final tyramine concentration in SSE is low compared with the threshold values of 100 to 800 microg g(-1) reported as the potentially toxic dose in foods. Thus, we have found that C. divergens V41 is a promising strain for the biopreservation of refrigerated cold-smoked salmon.  相似文献   

Strain CS526 was isolated from frozen surimi and identified as a bacteriocin producer that had strong inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes. Strain CS526 was identified as Carnobacterium piscicola by partial 16S rDNA sequence similarity. The ability of this bacteriocinogenic strain and nonbacteriocinogenic C. piscicola JCM5348 to inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes was examined in culture broth incubated at 12 degrees C and cold-smoked salmon stored at 4, 12, and 20 degrees C. L. monocytogenes viable counts in the culture broth rapidly declined from 10(6) colony-forming units per ml to less than 10 colony-forming units per ml within 1 day at 12 degrees C in the presence of C. piscicola CS526. At 4 and 12 degrees C, inhibition of L. monocytogenes on salmon depended on the initial inoculum level of C. piscicola CS526. However, C. piscicola CS526 was bactericidal to L. monocytogenes within 21 and 12 days at 4 and 12 degrees C in cold-smoked salmon, respectively, even when the initial inoculum levels were low. C. piscicola CS526 suppressed the maximum cell number of L. monocytogenes by two and three log cycles, even at 20 degrees C. However, C. piscicola JCM5348 did not prevent the growth of the pathogen, except at 4 degrees C. Bacteriocin was detected in the samples coinoculated with C. piscicola CS526. The study shows that C. piscicola CS526 might have potential for biopreservation of refrigerated foods against L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes inhibition by Carnobacterium strains and crude bacteriocins on sterile and commercial vacuum-packed cold-smoked salmon stored at 4 degrees C and 8 degrees C was investigated. Carnobacterium piscicola V1 was bactericidal against L. monocytogenes at the two temperatures, whereas Carnobacterium divergens V41 presented a bacteriostatic effect. C. piscicola SF668 delayed L. monocytogenes growth at 8 degrees C and had a bacteriostatic effect at 4 degrees C. Listeria growth was not affected by a non-bacteriocin-producing C. piscicola. Crude extracts of piscicocins were bactericidal at 4 degrees C and 8 degrees C. Listeria growth was delayed by divercin V41 at 8 degrees C and was inhibited at 4 degrees C. Nisin delayed Listeria growth at 8 degrees C and was bacteriostatic at 4 degrees C. The present study demonstrates that L. monocytogenes growth could be prevented on vacuum-packed cold-smoked salmon by Carnobacterium and associated bacteriocins at chilled temperatures. Moreover, no product spoilage could be observed with the use of such bacteriocin-producing strains as demonstrated by good sensorial analyses and low biogenic amine production.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the antagonism of a bacteriocin-like inhibitory substance (BLIS) produced by Carnobacterium piscicola L103 against Listeria monocytogenes strains isolated from salmon and human samples. The inhibitory effect of the BLIS was evaluated in Tryptic soy agar (TSA) during different growth phases of L. monocytogenes at 5 degrees C, using the well diffusion method. Also, the type of inhibition, either bacteriostatic or bactericidal of the BLIS in Tryptic soy broth (TSB), was studied and the development of resistant cells investigated.Results showed an antagonistic effect of the BLIS on all the strains of L. monocytogenes. Four selected strains presented a higher sensitivity to the BLIS in the exponential growth phase and were more resistant in the stationary phase. In TSB, the inhibitory substance showed a partially bactericidal effect on L. monocytogenes. After inactivation of the BLIS with a protease, however, a regrowth of L. monocytogenes was found. The isolate most affected by the action of the BLIS was one of salmon origin. From the 86 isolated colonies that grew in the presence of the BLIS, 93% showed total resistance and 7% partial resistance, which was maintained through five consecutive culture cycles in the absence of the BLIS.  相似文献   

For the enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in food, a sensitive enumeration method based on membrane filtration followed by transfer of the filter to a selective medium has been developed. This study was carried out with cold-smoked salmon, a product likely to be contaminated with L. monocytogenes. The operating protocol utilizes three filtration runs in parallel (5, 15 and 30 ml) of a 1 in 10 dilution of the salmon suspension through 0.45-microm pore-size cellulose ester membranes, and then culture of the filters on Aloa agar (AES Laboratoires, Combourg, France). The results obtained with the technique were compared with those from the reference EN ISO 11290-2 method and found to provide more precise results in the enumeration of L. monocytogenes from both artificially and naturally contaminated cold-smoked salmon. Moreover, for several samples contaminated at low levels, L. monocytogenes could be recovered only by the filtration method. The examination of increasing volumes of salmon suspension enabled readable results to be obtained for all levels of L. monocytogenes and competitive microflora investigated. In most cases, the optimised operating protocol enabled 5.1 g of salmon to be examined, instead of 0.01-0.1 g with the reference EN ISO 11290-2 method, thus improving the sensitivity of the method.  相似文献   

The relatively high incidence of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) products such as cold-smoked salmon is of serious concern. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of chitosan-based edible coatings and films incorporating 3 generally recognized as safe (GRAS) antimicrobials, sodium lactate (SL), sodium diacetate (SD), and potassium sorbate (PS), against L. monocytogenes on cold-smoked salmon. Salmon samples were surface-inoculated with a 5-strain cocktail of Listeria monocytogenes to a final concentration of 4.4 log CFU/cm(2) and then either coated with chitosan solutions or wrapped with chitosan films with or without the 3 antimicrobials. The samples were then vacuum packaged and stored at 4 °C for 30 d. The chitosan coatings with or without the antimicrobials consistently showed higher efficacy against L. monocytogenes than chitosan films having the same compositions. The most effective film treatments, chitosan films containing 1.2% SL/0.25% SD or 2.4% SL, achieved ≥ 1.3 log reductions of L. monocytogenes during the 30 d of refrigerated storage, while the most effective coating treatments, chitosan coatings containing 1.2% SL/0.25% SD or 0.15% PS/0.125% SD, achieved ≥ 2.8 log reductions. Practical Application: This study shows that chitosan-based edible coatings and films hold promise and can potentially assist fishery industries in their efforts to control L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

A Lactobacillus sake strain LKE5 and four strains of Carnobacterium piscicola were evaluated as biopreservation cultures to control the growth of Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum-packed, cold-smoked salmon stored at 5 degrees C. All five strains were antilisterial as live cultures in an agar diffusion assay. Cell-free supernatants of two strains of C. piscicola and L. sake LKE5 were also antilisterial because of the production of bacteriocins. The presence of high cell numbers of strains of C. piscicola had no influence on the sensory quality of cold-smoked salmon stored at 5 degrees C, but L. sake LKE5 caused strong sulfurous off-flavors and was rejected as a culture for biopreservation of cold-smoked salmon. A bacteriocin-producing strain of C. piscicola (A9b) initially caused a 7-day lag phase of L. monocytogenes, followed by a reduction in numbers of L. monocytogenes from 10(3) CFU/ml to below 10 CFU/ml after 32 days of incubation, coinciding with the detection of antilisterial compounds. The presence of a nonbacteriocin-producing strain of C. piscicola (A10a) prevented the growth of L. monocytogenes during the 32-day incubation. The growth of L. monocytogenes was strongly repressed on cold-smoked salmon in the presence of C. piscicola A9b and A 10a, respectively. The initial cell numbers of L. monocytogenes that were found on Oxford plates incubated at 25 degrees C reached low maximum cell counts of 10(4) and 2 x 10(3) after 14 and 20 days of storage in mixed culture with C. piscicola A9b and A10a.  相似文献   

Salting and smoking are ancient processes for fish preservation. The effects of salt and phenolic smoke compounds on the growth rate of L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked salmon were investigated through physico-chemical analyses, challenge tests on surface of cold-smoked salmon at 4 degrees C and 8 degrees C, and a survey of the literature. Estimated growth rates were compared to predictions of existing secondary models, taking into account the effects of temperature, water phase salt content, phenolic content, and additional factors (e.g. pH, lactate, dissolved CO2). The secondary model proposed by Devlieghere et al. [Devlieghere, F., Geeraerd, A.H., Versyck, K.J., Vandewaetere, B., van Impe, J., Debevere, J., 2001. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in modified atmosphere packed cooked meat products: a predictive model. Food Microbiology 18, 53-66.] and modified by Giménez and Dalgaard [Giménez, B., Dalgaard, P., 2004. Modelling and predicting the simultaneous growth of Listeria monocytogenes and spoilage micro-organisms in cold-smoked salmon. Journal of Applied Microbiology 96, 96-109.] appears appropriate. However, further research is needed to understand all effects affecting growth of L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked salmon and to obtain fully validated predictive models for use in quantitative risk assessment.  相似文献   

An attempt to use a Bayesian approach to model variability and uncertainty separately in microbial growth in a risk assessment is presented. It was conducted within the framework of a French project aiming at assessing the exposure to Listeria monocytogenes in cold-smoked salmon. The chosen model describes the effect of time and temperature on bacterial growth. A Bayesian approach close to the one proposed by Pouillot et al. [Int. J. Food Microbiol. 81 (2003) 87] is used to estimate the variability and uncertainty of growth parameters from both literature data and data experimentally acquired during the project. Variability between strains and between products is taken into account. The growth of the food flora of cold-smoked salmon is also modelled by the same method. The results obtained for both models are used to predict the simultaneous growth of L. monocytogenes and food flora in cold-smoked salmon with a competitive model, expressing variability and uncertainty through a second-order Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

Growth of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat fish products such as cold-smoked salmon is an important food safety issue. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antilisterial activity of potassium lactate (PL) in combination with sodium acetate (SA) or sodium diacetate (SDA) in cold-smoked salmon and to determine whether these compounds could be incorporated easily into the formulations and technology currently used by processors. A commercial brine injector was used to inject salmon filets with either saturated saline brine or saturated saline brine supplemented with combinations of PL and SA (PURASAL Opti.Form PA 4) or PL and SDA (PURASAL Opti.Form PD 4). In the brine-injected cold-smoked salmon, 2.1% (water phase) PL and 0.12% (water phase) SDA delayed the growth of L. monocytogenes for up to 42 days of vacuum-packaged storage at 10 degrees C. Storage at 25 degrees C for 6 h resulted in only a 1-log CFU/g increase in L. monocytogenes. Treatments with lower concentrations of PL and SDA or similar concentrations of PL and SA resulted in an extended lag phase and slower growth of L. monocytogenes. It was not possible to incorporate more than 2% (water phase) PL while ensuring a minimum of 3% (water phase) NaCl in the finished product because PL decreased the solubility of NaCl. Sensory analyses revealed that the preservatives did not negatively affect flavor or odor. The combination of PL and SDA is therefore a viable technology for preventing L. monocytogenes growth on cold-smoked salmon.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the sources of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in a cold smoked salmon processing environment over a period of six years (2003-2008). A total of 170 samples of raw material, semi-processed, final product and processing surfaces at different production stages were tested for the presence of L. monocytogenes. The L. monocytogenes isolates were characterized by multiplex PCR for the analysis of virulence factors and for serogrouping. The routes of contamination over the six year period were traced by PFGE. L. monocytogenes was isolated from 24% of the raw salmon samples, 14% of the semi-processed products and 12% of the final products. Among the environmental samples, 16% were positive for L. monocytogenes. Serotyping yielded three serovars: 1/2a, 1/2b, 4b, with the majority belonging to serovars 1/2a (46%) and 1/2b (39%). PFGE yielded 14 profiles: two of them were repeatedly isolated in 2005-2006 and in 2007-2008 mainly from the processing environment and final products but also from raw materials. The results of this longitudinal study highlighted that contamination of smoked salmon occurs mainly during processing rather than originating from raw materials, even if raw fish can be a contamination source of the working environment. Molecular subtyping is critical for the identification of the contamination routes of L. monocytogenes and its niches into the production plant when control strategies must be implemented with the aim to reduce its prevalence during manufacturing.  相似文献   

Cold-smoked salmon is a ready-to-eat product in which Listeria monocytogenes sometimes can grow to high numbers. The bacterium can colonize the processing environment and it is believed to survive or even grow during the processing steps. The purpose of the present study was to determine if the steps in the processing of cold-smoked salmon affect survival and subsequent growth of a persistent strain of L. monocytogenes to a lesser degree than presumed non-persistent strains. We used a sequence of experiments increasing in complexity: (i) small salmon blocks salted, smoked or dried under model conditions, (ii) fillets of salmon cold-smoked in a pilot plant and finally, (iii) assessment of the bacterial levels before and after processing during commercial scale production. L. monocytogenes proliferated on salmon blocks that were brined or dipped in liquid smoke and left at 25 degrees C in a humidity chamber for 24 h. However, combining brining and liquid smoke with a drying (25 degrees C) step reduced the bacterium 10-100 fold over a 24 h period. Non-salted, brine injected or dry salted salmon fillets were surface inoculated with L. monocytogenes and cold-smoked in a pilot plant. L. monocytogenes was reduced from 10(3) to 10-10(2) CFU/cm(2) immediately after cold-smoking. The greatest reductions were observed in dry salted and brine injected fillets as compared to cold-smoking of non-salted fresh fillets. Levels of L. monocytogenes decreased further when the cold-smoked fish was vacuum-packed and stored at 5 degrees C. A similar decline was seen when inoculating brine injected fillets after cold-smoking. High phenol concentrations are a likely cause of this marked growth inhibition. In a commercial production facility, the total viable count of salmon fillets was reduced 10-1000 fold by salting, cold-smoking and process-freezing (a freezing step after smoking and before slicing). The prevalence of L. monocytogenes in the commercial production facility was too low to determine any quantitative effects, however, one of nine samples was positive before processing and none after. Taken together, the processing steps involved in cold-smoking of salmon are bactericidal and reduce, but do not eliminate L. monocytogenes. A persistent strain was no less sensitive to the processing steps than a clinical strain or strain EGD.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in retail roe, as well as the microbiological and sensory qualities of the roe, were studied for three fish species under three different storage conditions. A total of 147 Finnish rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus), vendace (Coregonus albula), and burbot (Lota lota) roe samples were bought fresh, frozen, or frozen-thawed from Finnish retail markets. The overall prevalence of L. monocytogenes was 5%; however, the prevalence of the pathogen in fresh roe was 18%. Fresh-bought roe tested positive for Listeria spp. and for L. monocytogenes, respectively, 5 and 20 times as often as did frozen and frozen-thawed roe products combined. The microbiological quality (analyzed as total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and coliform bacteria) of 78% of the roe samples was unacceptable. Frozen roe samples were found to have the best microbiological quality. According to the results of a sensory evaluation, at least one sensory attribute (appearance, odor freshness, texture, and freshness of taste) was unacceptable for 29% of the roe samples studied. The sensory quality of roe samples bought fresh was better than that of roe samples bought frozen or frozen-thawed. From the results of this study, it is concluded that both the microbiological and the sensory qualities of roe at the retail level need to be improved.  相似文献   

Simultaneous effect of salt and smoke on chemical indices of cold-smoked salmon and on its shelf life, estimated by sensory analysis, was investigated during vacuum-packed storage at 5 degrees C. Salting salmon immediately decreased the pH in the flesh, probably due to the increase of the ionic force, then pH remained constant during storage. Total volatile base nitrogen and trimethylamine productions were mainly inhibited by the salt concentration in the flesh, whereas phenol had no effect. A highly synergistic effect between the two factors was observed on the shelf life response. When a high level of salt (5% wt/wt) or phenol (1 mg 100 g(-1)) was added separately, shelf life did not exceed 1 week, whereas it could reach more than 10 weeks when salt and smoke were added simultaneously. Different combinations were examined for shelf life characteristics of the product. For instance, 2 and 3% (wt/wt) of salt with, respectively, 0.80 and 0.45 mg 100 g(-1) of phenol were sufficient for a 4-week shelf life, satisfying most of French cold-smoked salmon producers and consumers. Correlation between microbiological responses measured in a previous study and chemical and sensory data were also established.  相似文献   

The simultaneous effect of salt and smoke on the natural flora of cold-smoked salmon was studied during 5 weeks of vacuum storage at 5 degrees C. The quadratic polynomial, as a function of factors, was used to express total viable count (TVC), total lactic acid bacteria, lactobacilli numerated on Rogosa agar, H2S-producing bacteria, and yeasts at different sampling times. TVC and total lactic acid bacteria were mainly inhibited by the salt concentration (5% wt/wt) in the meat and to a lesser extent by the phenol content. Inhibition was linearly proportional to salt and smoke content (the higher the concentration, the greater the inhibition). No synergistic effect on inhibition was observed between the two factors. In our working conditions, the TVC French standard (<10(6) CFU g(-1)) was maintained during 4 weeks of storage at 5 degrees C, with a minimum concentration of 2.4% (wt/wt) of salt in meat and smoking treatment corresponding to 0.6 mg 100 g(-1) of phenol. When the salt level was higher than 3%, the TVC standard was maintained, regardless of phenol level. A negative interaction between the two factors was found for H2S-producing bacteria and a positive one for yeasts.  相似文献   

Due to regulations for natural and organic processed meats, sodium nitrite and many antimicrobials cannot be used. Therefore, natural and organic processed meats are more susceptible to pathogenic bacterial growth, and natural alternatives to chemical preservatives are needed. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes, and quality characteristics of frankfurters manufactured with 3% cranberry powder, or with 1% or 2% cranberry powder each with either cherry powder (0.6%), lime powder (60 mg/kg), or a blend of cherry, lime and vinegar (1.4%) were investigated. Cranberry powder at 3% significantly reduced L. monocytogenes growth by 5.3 log CFU/g compared to the uncured co006Etrol (P < 0.05). However, cranberry addition over 1% also resulted in significant product pH decline and negatively impacted the color, texture and sensory attributes of the frankfurters.  相似文献   

Cooked cured ham products were produced according to a standard recipe for cooked ham with various levels of sodium lactate, sodium diacetate or buffered sodium citrate. They were compared with a reference ham product with respect to sensory quality and growth of Lactobacillus curvatus and Listeria monocytogenes. For this, a part of the products was sensory analysed directly after preparation. Another part of the cooked ham products was minced and homogeneously inoculated with L. curvatus (10(4)/g) and L. monocytogenes (10(2)/g) and filled in 60-g plastic pouches. After vacuum packaging, the pouches were stored at 4 degrees C for up to 40 days. Between the different ham compositions, only minor differences were found for appearance, internal colour, structure and firmness. The addition of 0.2% Na-diacetate had a negative effect on the odour and taste of the ham product. The addition of 2.5% to 3.3% Na-lactate inhibited the growth of L. curvatus compared to the reference, while 0.1% and 0.2% Na-diacetate did not. L. monocytogenes was best inhibited by the addition of Na-lactate but also by the addition of 0.2% Na-diacetate. On the other hand, the growth of L. monocytogenes was stimulated by the addition of 1% buffered Na-citrate.  相似文献   

Smoked salmon can be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. It is important to identify the factors that are capable of controlling the growth of L. monocytogenes in smoked salmon so that control measures can be developed. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of salt, a smoke compound, storage temperature, and their interactions on L. monocytogenes in simulated smoked salmon. A six-strain mixture of L. monocytogenes (10(2) to 10(3) CFU/g) was inoculated into minced, cooked salmon containing 0 to 10% NaCl and 0 to 0.4% liquid smoke (0 to 34 ppm of phenol), and the samples were stored at temperatures from 0 to 25 degrees C. Lag-phase duration (LPD; hour), growth rate (GR; log CFU per hour), and maximum population density (MPD; log CFU per gram) of L. monocytogenes in salmon, as affected by the concentrations of salt and phenol, storage temperature, and their interactions, were analyzed. Results showed that L. monocytogenes was able to grow in salmon containing the concentrations of salt and phenol commonly found in smoked salmon at the prevailing storage temperatures. The growth of L. monocytogenes was affected significantly (P < 0.05) by salt, phenol, storage temperature, and their interactions. As expected, higher concentrations of salt or lower storage temperatures extended the LPD and reduced the GR. Higher concentrations of phenol extended the LPD of L. monocytogenes, particularly at lower storage temperatures. However, its effect on reducing the GR of L. monocytogenes was observed only at higher salt concentrations (>6%) at refrigerated and mild abuse temperatures (< 10 degrees C). The MPD, which generally reached 7 to 8 log CFU/g in salmon that supported L. monocytogenes growth, was not affected by the salt, phenol, and storage temperature. Two models were developed to describe the LPD and GR of L. monocytogenes in salmon containing 0 to 8% salt, 0 to 34 ppm of phenol, and storage temperatures of 4 to 25 degrees C. The data and models obtained from this study would be useful for estimating the behavior of L. monocytogenes in smoked salmon.  相似文献   

Data on the prevalence and growth of Listeria monocytogenes in lightly preserved fish products from subtropical and tropical regions are very scarce. Our research describes L. monocytogenes that was detected in 5% of the packages of cold-smoked surubim, a native Brazilian freshwater fish that we analyzed, and shows that the strains isolated were of the same random amplified polymorphic DNA subtype as the strains that were isolated from the same factory 4 years earlier. A bacteriocinogenic strain of Carnobacterium piscicola (strain C2), isolated from vacuum-packed cold-smoked surubim, and two C. piscicola strains, isolated from vacuum-packed, cold-smoked salmon, were capable of limiting or completely inhibiting the growth of an L. monocytogenes (strain V2) isolated from surubim in fish peptone model systems incubated at 10 degrees C. Monocultures of L. monocytogenes reached 108 CFU/ml (g), whereas the growth of L. monocytogenes was completely inhibited by C. piscicola C2. The bacteriocinogenic C. piscicola A9b+ and its nonbacteriocinogenic mutant A9b- reduced maximum Listeria levels by 2 to 3 log units. Both bacteriocinogenic C. piscicola strains prevented listerial growth in cold-smoked fish juices (surubim and salmon). Although the carnobacteria grew poorly on cold-smoked surubim at 10 degrees C, the strains were able to reduce maximum Listeria counts by 1 to 3 log units in an artificially inoculated product (surubim). We conclude that Brazilian smoked fish products harbor L. monocytogenes and should be stabilized against the growth of the organism. C. piscicola C2 has the potential for use as a bioprotective culture in surubim and other lightly preserved fish, but further studies are required to optimize its effect.  相似文献   

Considerable effort has been put into the application of quantitative microbiological risk assessment for Listeria monocytogenes, and data are available for England and Wales (probably more so than most other countries) on the adverse health effects, together with incidence data on different age and risk groups for human L. monocytogenes infections. This paper reviews aspects of Listeria and human listeriosis, especially from a public health perspective and provide hazard characterisation data, i.e. the qualitative and/or quantitative evaluation of the adverse health effect associated with the hazard, which is the relationship between exposure levels (dose) and frequency of illness. The majority of cases of human listeriosis are food-borne; however, the disease process is complex with multiple routes of infection. The dose-response relationship is poorly understood, and data from human volunteer studies are not available and would be unethical to produce. Data are available from a range of different animal and in vitro models, although these poorly mimic the natural disease process in route of infection, end point, host and history of prior exposure to the bacterium. Epidemiological data provide some information on infective doses and dose responses, but because of the characteristics of the disease (the hugely variable and potentially very long incubation periods, the low attack rates and the rarity of identification of specific food vehicles), this also provides limited data for calculation of dose responses. There is some, albeit limited, evidence for strain variation, but this is an area of considerable uncertainty despite great advances in the genetic basis of the virulence of this bacterium, and almost all strains seem capable of causing serious disease. A variety of mathematical approaches have been used to model dose responses. The review is written to provide a clinical and epidemiological background to the mathematically oriented, as well as to outline the mathematical approaches to those interested in food-borne infection.  相似文献   

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