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We reviewed 776 previously reported and 44 new cases of CNS listeriosis outside of pregnancy and the neonatal period, and evaluated the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic characteristics of this infection. Among patients with Listeria meningitis/meningoencephalitis, hematologic malignancy and kidney transplantation were the leading predisposing factors, but 36% of patients had no underlying diseases recognized. The infection occurred throughout life, with a higher incidence before the age of 3 and after the age of 45-50 years. Fever, altered sensorium, and headache were the most common symptoms, but 42% of patients had no meningeal signs on admission. Compared with patients with acute meningitis due to other bacterial pathogens, patients with Listeria infection had a significantly lower incidence of meningeal signs, and the CSF profile was significantly less likely to have a high WBC count or a high protein concentration. Gram stain of CSF was negative in two-thirds of cases of CNS listeriosis. One-third of patients had focal neurologic findings, and approximately one-fourth developed seizures over their course. Mortality was 26% overall, and was higher among patients with seizures and those older than 65 years of age. Relapse occurred in 7% of episodes. Ampicillin for a minimum of 15-21 days (with an aminoglycoside for at least the first 7-10 days) remains the treatment of choice. Cerebritis/abscess due to L. monocytogenes, without meningeal involvement, is less common but may be diagnosed by blood cultures and CNS imaging, or by stereotactic biopsy. Longer antibiotic therapy (at least 5-6 weeks) is needed in the presence of localized CNS involvement.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive therapy, which works by creating a generalized seizure, is used most frequently to treat medication-resistant depression. Other indications for electroconvulsive therapy includes severe depression with suicidal ideation, acute mania and severe psychiatric illness with food and fluid refusal. Electroconvulsive therapy may be administered as an inpatient or outpatient procedure. Treatments are usually administered three times a week for six to 12 treatments. Before this therapy is used, a thorough medical and anesthetic history should be obtained, and a complete physical examination, an electrocardiogram and appropriate laboratory studies should be performed to rule out anemia, electrolyte imbalances, and cardiopulmonary and neurologic risk factors. Heart rate and rhythm, oxygenation, blood pressure and, often, the electroencephalogram are monitored continuously while the patient is anesthetized with a short-acting hypnotic agent and a muscle depolarizing agent. After electroconvulsive therapy, antidepressant or lithium therapy significantly reduces the symptom relapse rate.  相似文献   

Enterobacter meningitis is an uncommon form of meningitis whose treatment poses a therapeutic dilemma because of the development of resistance to the third-generation cephalosporins while the patient receives therapy. In recent years, we have been using trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ) as treatment for this infection. In this report, we reviewed 13 episodes of enterobacter meningitis that were treated with various antibiotic regimens and 33 episodes from the literature. We found that the development of resistance to beta-lactam agents may be much higher than that seen in bacteremias (approximately 30%), that the case-fatality rate is lower among our patients than among those described previously, and that all patients who received TMP-SMZ were cured, compared with about 70% of those receiving beta-lactam agents. TMP-SMZ appears to be an acceptable alternative to the cephalosporins for the treatment of enterobacter meningitis.  相似文献   

We present a case of twin gestation complicated by severe depression and psychotic behavior; the mother was treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). She had received multiple medications for treatment of her depression earlier during the first part of the pregnancy. However, frequent use of ECT later in the course of pregnancy did not result in adverse fetal outcome as is evident from normal fetal surveillance tests. We conclude that, when indicated, ECT during pregnancy improves maternal condition and does not adversely affect fetal well-being.  相似文献   

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is considered today as an affective and safe treatment, although some indications for its use are based more in the professional consensus than in the clinical research. As with any treatment, both therapeutic outcome and adverse effects can be expected to vary considerably across patients. It is incumbent upon the practitioner to be aware of factors that serve to influence the benefits and risks associated with this treatment modality. The author reviews current indications, and those factors that may be useful in response prediction, as well as, technical modifications of the ECT procedure itself.  相似文献   

Characterization of pediatric annular pancreas is provided by this analysis of 24 cases (22 neonates, 1 infant, 1 child). Salient observations include: (1) Presentation is affected by the degree of duodenal obstruction at birth and by coexistent anomalies. (2) Polyhydramnios usually accompanies complete high intestinal obstruction by annular pancreas. (3) Primary biliary interruption was not encountered and jaundice was not unusually prevalent. (4) There is a high incidence of associated anomalies. (5) Duodenal bypass by duodenoenterostomy was employed with excellent results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aneurysms of sinus of Valsalva are rare. Here, we analyze retrospectively patients operated on at our center during the last 20 years. PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred four cases of congential aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva were operated upon between January 1977 and April 1996. Only 12 aneurysms were unruptured. The majority (76.9%) arose from the right coronary sinus. The right ventricle was the most common chamber of rupture (58.6%). Ventricular septal defect was associated in 46 patients (44.2%), of which 28 (60.9%) were supracristal. Ventricular septal defect was more common in aneurysms arising from the right coronary sinus (91.3%). Aortic incompetence was found in 45 patients (43.3%). The defect was closed through the aortic root alone in 24 patients (23.1%) and through both the aortic root and the chamber of rupture in the remaining 80 patients. Six patients underwent aortic valve repair, and 21 an aortic valve replacement. RESULTS: There were two hospital deaths (1.92%). Morbidities were few. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 20 years (mean 8.2 +/- 1.1). There was one late noncardiac death, and in the majority, the long-term follow-up was uneventful. CONCLUSION: Surgery for aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva yields gratifying results, and it should be undertaken as soon as the condition is diagnosed.  相似文献   

The importance of group B streptococcus (GBS) as a cause of serious infectious disease among adults is not widely appreciated. In adults, the modes of acquisition and transmission are unknown. Since most hospital-based studies of GBS bacteremia in adults consist of small numbers of patients, the clinical spectrum of disease is not well described. Our retrospective study reviews the clinical features, antimicrobial therapy, and risk factors for mortality of 32 adult patients (18 women and 14 men) with GBS bacteremia and compares the proportion of isolates from the different beta-hemolytic streptococci sero-groups. We found that 39% of isolates from adult blood cultures were group B, a frequency nearly identical to that of group A streptococcal bacteremia. Most (66%) adult patients were more than 50 years old. Primary bacteremia was the most frequent clinical diagnosis, occurring in 7 (22%) of 32 patients. Nonhematologic cancer was the most frequently associated condition (25%). Nineteen percent of the patients had diabetes mellitus. The overall mortality rate was 31% and was significantly associated with increasing age. Our results are compared to those obtained by a review of all 5 previous comparable studies and demonstrate that GBS bacteremia is a serious infection in adults with increased mortality related to advancing age.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document the frequency of ovarian cyst formation in the prepubertal female and to report on the clinical implications of these cysts. METHODS: We evaluated cases from a retrospective chart review of prepubertal females with ovarian cysts. RESULTS: Over a 5-year period, 1818 ultrasound studies were completed in prepubertal females, from which 99 patients were identified as having ovarian cysts. The majority (82 of 99, 83%) were small, unilocular cysts averaging 2-3 mm in diameter. The incidence of these small cysts ranged at 2-5% in females between birth and age 8. Large ovarian cysts (ie, greater than 2 cm in diameter) are rare in young girls over age 2, with most occurring within the first year of life. Of the 17 large ovarian cysts, two presented with torsion and both were complex on ultrasound examination. Five (29%) of the large ovarian cysts were treated conservatively and demonstrated regression on follow-up; these were unilocular cysts. Although functioning cysts resulting in precocious pseudopuberty are expected to be rare, we identified five cases (5%) in our series. CONCLUSIONS: Small, unilocular ovarian cysts less than 1 cm in diameter are found in prepubertal females with a frequency of 2-5% and are clinically insignificant. Ovarian cysts greater than 2 cm are rare. Unilocular ovarian cysts less than 5 cm may be followed conservatively with ultrasound surveillance until regression, without a major risk of torsion. Ovarian cysts associated with precocious pseudopuberty are generally larger than 2 cm and may be recurrent.  相似文献   

Despite adjuvant chemotherapy the prognosis of patients with breast cancer and a high number of involved axillary lymph nodes is very poor. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow support in patients with seven or more involved axillary lymph nodes. Nineteen patients underwent four courses of standard adjuvant chemotherapy, followed by high-dose busulphan/cyclophosphamide chemotherapy with autologous bone marrow support. The median age was 41.4 years and the median number of involved lymph nodes 11. Mucositis WHO grade > or = 3 was observed in 15 patients and 18 patients suffered febrile neutropenia. Transplant-related mortality was encountered in two patients, due to hepatic veno-occlusive disease and sepsis complicated by multi-organ failure, respectively. After a median follow-up period of 1490 days (range 582-2024 days) from diagnosis, nine patients have relapsed and the overall event-free survival (EFS) is 42% (95% CI 19-65%). The median EFS is 487 days. High-dose treatment with BuCy2 in high-risk breast cancer patients is a toxic regimen and does not seem to improve disease-free survival.  相似文献   

In 1987, the University of Sherbrooke's school of medicine implemented a student-centred, problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum. The experience of the first 5 years is reviewed; program goals, the schedule of learning activities, the instructional format and assessment of student learning are described. The new program is more demanding of teachers and requires better faculty training in pedagogy. No new financial resources have been available. The preclinical reform has led to revision of the clerkship, where sessions on clinical reasoning are now based on the PBL philosophy. Student reactions to the program are reported. The Sherbrooke experience has demonstrated that it is both possible and feasible to shift from a traditional to a problem-based curriculum.  相似文献   

SETTING: Although the incidence of tuberculosis had been decreasing for many years, it has recently risen. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the changes in the pattern and distribution of intestinal tuberculosis and to alert surgeons to the importance of maintaining a high index of suspicion for this disease entity. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of 134 patients with intestinal tuberculosis discharged from the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei from 1965 to 1995. All records, bacteriological examinations and pathological specimens were reviewed and extracted onto a standard questionnaire. RESULTS: A decline in the case numbers of intestinal tuberculosis was noted after 1975. However, there seems to be a slight rise in case numbers since 1990. The average age of those patients after 1990 (64.8 years) is higher than those before 1990 (44.4 years). None of our patients had clinical signs of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Most patients (81.3%, 109/134) had not received a definite diagnosis until surgery. Active pulmonary tuberculosis was found in 37 patients (29.1%). CONCLUSION: The possible reasons for the rise in cases of intestinal tuberculosis in our patients may be linked to an increased life expectancy, the reappearance of some formerly 'silent' tuberculosis cases, and relapse in patients having received incomplete antituberculosis chemotherapy. Its insidious and non-specific clinical presentation makes the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis difficult. An increased index of suspicion and greater familiarity with the disease may shorten the time of diagnosis and may also prevent some unnecessary operations.  相似文献   

The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine has been extensively studied and is now an established therapy for the treatment of depressive disorders. Paroxetine has demonstrated efficacy in major depression in both young and elderly patients, with an improved tolerability profile over conventional antidepressants. Paroxetine is effective across a continuum of anxiety and depressive disorders, including severe depression, depression with anxiety, comorbid depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The first agent of its class licensed for use in panic disorder, paroxetine has been shown to be effective in reducing the number of panic attacks and preventing relapse. A worldwide clinical database has established that paroxetine has a benign adverse event profile. Paroxetine therefore offers an effective and well tolerated treatment for a broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Enterococcal bacteremia is being increasingly reported. Although there have been a number of recent studies of enterococcal bacteremia in adults, there are few studies involving children. We carried out a prospective study to determine the epidemiologic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of such bacteremia in children. METHODS: Clinical and microbiologic data were recorded prospectively for all episodes of enterococcal bacteremia occurring during a 3-year period between January 1, 1995, and December 31, 1997. RESULTS: Seventy-five episodes of enterococcal bacteremia occurring in children at our institution during a 3-year period were prospectively analyzed. Serious underlying disease was present in 67 (89.3%) episodes, and in 48 (64.%) episodes patients had received antibiotics during the 2 weeks preceding enterococcal bacteremia. Forty-seven (62.7%) episodes were nosocomial in origin and 26 (34.7%) were polymicrobial. Fifty (66.7%) episodes occurred in children 1 year old or less. A source of bacteremia was identified in 33 (44%) episodes, intravascular device being the most common identifiable source. Of the 73 isolates identified to species level, there were 36 Enterococcus faecium, 36 Enterococcus faecalis and one Enterococcus avium. In 60 (80%) episodes appropriate anti-enterococcal therapy was given. The overall mortality rate was 7.5%. Four clinical patterns of infection were identified: self-limited bacteremia, 16.0%; low grade sepsis with a favorable outcome after specific therapy, 65.3%; severe and prolonged infection associated with a high mortality rate, 14.7%; and fulminant neonatal sepsis in previously healthy babies, 4.0%. CONCLUSION: Enterococcal bacteremia in children comprises a heterogeneous group. Bacteremias that are mild and self-limited and respond promptly to antibiotic therapy appear to be more common in children.  相似文献   

Updated data are presented that span 43 cycles of use of norgestrel 0.030 mg as a lower-dose combination oral contraceptive. Active participation by 1,633 women in 20,312 treatment cycles has resulted in a use-effectiveness rate of 0.13 per 100 woman-years. Satisfactory cycle control, minimal menstrual irregularities and a low incidence of side effects produced high acceptability among users. No drug toxicity was demonstrated. The incidence of discontinuance for medical reasons was low.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Therapy for childhood lymphoblastic leukemia has evolved during the past three decades, but key questions about what are the least toxic, most effective forms of treatment remain unanswered because of the lack of comprehensive follow-up information. METHODS: To assess long-term outcome in the series of clinical trials conducted at St. Jude Hospital, we compared the results of treatment typical of four eras: exploratory combination chemotherapy (era 1, 1962 to 1966; 91 patients), regimens for the control of meningeal leukemia (era 2, 1967 to 1979; 825 patients), limited intensification of therapy (era 3, 1979 to 1983; 428 patients), and extended intensification of therapy (era 4, 1984 to 1988; 358 patients). ("Intensification" refers to strategies of systemic chemotherapy that are more aggressive than conventional ones.) The major end points were survival and event-free survival; we also calculated the relative risk of treatment failure and the rate of relapse or death after treatment ended (post-treatment failure rate). RESULTS: The probability of event-free survival improved significantly in each successive era (P < 0.001 by the log-rank test), reaching 71 percent in era 4. There was a decrease of approximately 50 percent in the risk of treatment failure from one era to the next in each subgroup of patients defined according to different combinations of the leukocyte count, race, age, and sex. Leukemia appeared to be eradicated in patients who remained in complete remission for three years or more after treatment in era 4. The incidence of death due to nonleukemic causes remained 4 to 6 percent despite the trend toward more intensive treatment. An estimated 765 patients (45 percent) are long-term survivors; most of them (80 percent) have no health problems related to leukemia or its treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The development and successful application of preventive therapy for meningeal leukemia, followed by the intensification of systemic chemotherapy, has progressively improved the rate of cure of childhood lymphoblastic leukemia, with relatively few adverse sequelae.  相似文献   

The records of 82 patients with vascular trauma, treated at the Departments of General Surgery of the Sahlgren's Hospital, G?teborg, between 1969-1978 were revised. Nine patients were female and 73 male. The most common type of trauma was stab wounds. The overall mortality was 10.9%, all being patients with major vascular trauma and/or multiple injuries. Fourteen cases were due to iatrogenic lesions. Of the remaining 68 patients, minor vessels were traumatized in 40 cases, and treated with ligation. In 28 patients some kind of reconstructive procedure was attempted, 23 of these patients survived. All reconstructive procedures in surviving patients were successful. In comparison with international experience, vascular trauma in Sweden seems to be very uncommon.  相似文献   

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