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在眼科显微手术中,传统的术中成像方式由于缺少深度信息,限制了内部结构和手术器械的可视化。光学相干层析成像技术(OCT)是一种非接触式断层成像技术,由于其能提供深度信息、非侵入、成像快、分辨率高等优点,被广泛应用于眼科手术的术中导航。典型的OCT设备可分为手持OCT和显微镜集成OCT。本文简要介绍了时域OCT和频域OCT的原理和发展,回顾了OCT眼科手术导航设备的发展历程,并对各个类别中有代表性的OCT系统进行了介绍,对其成像原理、性能、优缺点等进行了描述和对比,最后对该技术在眼科手术中的应用做出了总结和展望。 相似文献
目的:探究X线数字断层融合技术应用于泌尿系结石定位诊断中的效果和价值。方法:选取接受治疗的66例泌尿系结石患者,并以不同诊断方式将其分为参照组和实验组。结果:通过分析,实验组数据明显优于参照组。结论:与非增强螺旋CT检查相比,X线数字断层融合技术应用于泌尿系结石定位诊断中的优势更加明显,其检查图像质量更优,同时能明显提高诊断准确率以及阳性检出率,有利于泌尿系结石定位诊断。 相似文献
目的研究基于全画面检测系统图像的定位辅助标记及其选用原则。方法制作四色油墨的渐变印刷样条,用分光密度计测试密度值,然后扫描输出RGB值,研究不同颜色辅助标记在不同密度值下,对CCD图像传感器RGB响应值的影响规律,并推导出图像定位边界特征显著性描述的相关公式。结果黄色、青色、品红色油墨分别与CCD相机的蓝色、红色、绿色响应呈良好的补色关系,黑色油墨与CCD相机的蓝色、红色、绿色响应呈良好的中性关系;补色通道上的标记响应与主体图像的响应反差较大,其定位边界显著性更突出。结论一般情况下,选择与主色调呈补色关系的单色油墨作为定位辅助标记,当主色调较难分辨时,可考虑使用较为通用的黑色标记。 相似文献
邹宇 《中国新技术新产品》2022,(8):46-48
在国内外图像处理技术领域,双目视觉技术属于重点研究问题。由于传统的单目视觉技术存在较多局限,例如如果使用同一个相机拍摄某个物体会出现细节丢失等问题,导致目标定位的准确率大幅降低。因此,双目视觉技术在目标定位领域属于不可或缺的关键技术。该文基于以上问题,提出了双目视觉定位控制系统的构建方案,并阅读了海量图像处理技术的相关文献,提出了一种算法改进模型,以实现对目标物体的三维定位功能。 相似文献
G形臂X射线成像系统(以下简称"G形臂")集移动性G形臂与X线成像系统于一身,是一种基于X射线成像系统的新医疗设备技术,填补了国内同类产品空白,顺应我国战略新兴产业发展方向。G形臂相较于传统C形臂X射线成像系统,因其独特的设计、工艺、创新,应用于手术,具有精度高、风险相对低、手术时间短、出血少、麻醉需求量少、感染发生机率较低等优点,具有不可比拟的临床优势。 相似文献
《Thin solid films》1999,337(1-2):213-221
The replacement of the radiographic film in medical imaging is a major issue. It requires an ∼40 cm wide detector to cover all examinations, an equivalent noise level of 1-5 X-ray quanta per pixel, and spatial resolution in the range of a few hundred microns. The need for entirely electronic imaging equipment has fostered the development of many X-ray detectors, most of them based on an array of amorphous silicon pixels, which is the only technology able to achieve such large areas. Essentially two concepts have been implemented: intermediate conversion of X-rays to light by a scintillator, detected by an array of light sensitive pixels, comprising a photodiode and a switching device, either a TFT or a diode conversion into electron hole pairs in a photoconductor, collected by an array of electrodes and switches. In both cases, charge amplifiers read the generated charges line by line. Scintillator and photoconductor based systems are now close to production. They achieve better image quality than the classic filmscreen combination, at lower X-ray doses and with a much broader dynamic range. Dynamic imaging up to 30 frames/s has been demonstrated. The technical challenges at the level of the a-Si array are the number of acceptable defects, the on/off ratio of the switches, the quantum efficiency of the photodiodes, the memory effects associated with traps in a-Si. Of course, long-term reliability is a major concern for medical components. 相似文献
Guanwu Jiang Minzhou Luo Keqiang Bai 《International journal of imaging systems and technology》2019,29(2):180-190
Percutaneous image-guided interventions are increasing in number in clinical practice because they are minimally invasive. Needle positioning placement is crucial and highly dependent on the physician's skills and experience, it is often the longest part of the intervention. Medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery are hotspots in the field of robotics and medicine, changing the essence of traditional surgery using a combination of robotic, image processing, and computer technologies. The present paper aimed to study the auxiliary puncture procedure using a robot based on optical positioning technology that can be used to mark points in puncturing operation. Binocular camera is used for image acquisition, and Zhang's calibration method is used to establish the binocular camera model. In addition, the circular markers are identified by the least square method detection circle, and the coordinate information of the markers in three-dimensional space is solved by using the visual depth information of binocular phases. This paper studies the verification of the three-dimensional bone model of the human body, which lays a foundation for the application of the assistant puncture robot. 相似文献
为了预测重组竹制品在实际使用中的寿命,基于X射线计算机断层扫描技术(X-ray computed tomography technology,X-CT),采用标准BS EN 1087-1:1995作为重组竹湿热耦合老化条件,以其CT值和老化分析指标的数学模型评估重组竹湿热耦合老化后结构强度的损失。结果表明:重组竹老化后密度、内胶合强度和CT值均小于老化前,且老化前后差异显著。随老化时间增加,其密度、内胶合强度和CT值的损失均增加,且变化趋势基本一致,在1~2 h阶段变化较大,在2.5~4.5 h阶段变化较平缓,在老化4.5 h时达到峰值;将CT值差值与密度差值拟合为线性模型,模型相关系数R2=0.9270,验证模型R2=0.9438。CT值差值与内胶合强度差值拟合为Allometric模型,模型相关系数R2=0.9488,验证模型R2=0.9439;竹材自身的植物学特征及重组竹压制工艺造成了试验数据离散及老化前后离散程度发生改变。可通过改善重组竹制备工艺提高其内部均匀性及降低老化前后离散程度变化,以提高模型预测精度。 相似文献
本文结合机器人控制和轮式抛光技术的优点,开展了轮式技术研究。运用数值仿真模拟其抛光加工,论证了轮式抛光工具在精密元件抛光过程中的可行性;设计了可在机器人末端安装的轮式抛光工具,分析机器人轮式抛光控制逻辑和控制框架,建立基于轨迹和驻留时间的机器人抛光控制模型;开展机器人轮式抛光单点去除特性和环带去除特性性能测试实验,确定机器人轮式抛光工艺参数,实现样件表面整体自动研抛加工,面形误差由初始值PV:2.357λ,RMS:0.565λ,收敛到PV:1.431λ,RMS:0.242λ,初步达到预期的去除效果。研究表明,工业机器人轮式抛光方法是一种有效的表面抛光方法,在中高精度飞非球面元件的抛光中具有很大的潜力。 相似文献
针对目前尺寸检测技术的不足,在嵌入式技术的基础上,设计出了一种可视化、便携、人机交互性良好的零件尺寸检测系统。重点阐述了系统的总体结构和软硬件的实现方法,最后通过实验对系统的可靠性进行验证。采用ARM9处理器、嵌入式WinCE操作系统、通用的串口通信作为数据传输接口,在尺寸检测技术和质量控制理论的基础上实现数据的采集、存储、分析、处理。实验表明,该系统能够提高检测的精度和工作效率,可靠性高且操作便捷。 相似文献
De Stefano L. Moretti L. Lamberti A. Longo O. Rocchia M. Rossi A.M. Arcari P. Rendina I. 《Nanotechnology, IEEE Transactions on》2004,3(1):49-54
The sensing of chemicals and biochemical molecules using several porous silicon optical microsensors, based both on single-layer interferometers and resonant-cavity-enhanced microstructures, is reported. The operation of both families of sensors is based on the variation of the average refractive index of the porous silicon region, due to the interaction with chemical substances either in vapor or liquid state, which results in marked shifts of the device reflectivity spectra. The well established single-layer configuration has been used to test a new chemical approach based on Si-C bonds for covalent immobilization of biological molecules, as probe, in a stable way on the porous silicon surface. Preliminary results on complementary oligonucleotide recognition, based on this technique, are also presented and discussed. Porous silicon optical microcavities, based on multilayered resonating structures, have been used to detect chemical substances and, in particular, flammable and toxic organic solvents, and some hydrocarbons. The results put in evidence the high sensitivity, the reusability, and the low response time of the resonant-cavity-enhanced sensing technique. The possibility of operating at room temperature, of remote interrogation, and the absence of electrical contacts are further advantages characterizing the sensing technique. 相似文献
裁剪是TRIZ中一种有效解决问题的方法,其通过删除问题元件,重组系统有用功能进行产品创新设计,达到简化系统与优化产品的目的.为了启发和引导设计者在裁剪过程中有效地利用资源,在使用裁剪规则引导创新设计的基础上,以具有预测性和启发性的技术进化趋势作为知识源,综合分析进化趋势解题与裁剪规则引导功能重组的资源来源,构建了进化趋势与裁剪规则的映射关系,提出了基于裁剪规则的多层次进化趋势选择策略,利用进化趋势辅助功能重组,构建了基于进化趋势的裁剪方法过程模型.最后通过钢带铠装机裁剪实例验证了此方法的合理性. 相似文献