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Ultrafine strontium barium niobate (Sr0.3Ba0.7Nb2O6, SBN30) powders were prepared by urea method starting from a precursor solution constituting of Sr (NO3)2, Ba (NO3)2, NbF5, urea and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as surfactant. Their structural behavior and morphology were examined by means of X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the SBN30 powders crystallized to a pure tetragonal phase at annealing temperatures as low as 750 °C. The average particle size of SBN powders subjected to 750 °C was of the order of 150–300 nm. With increasing calcination temperature,however, the average particle size of the calcined powders increased. The SBN30 ceramic prepared from urea method can be sintered at temperature as low as 1,225 °C. The transition temperature from the ferroelectric phase to the paraelectric phase and the relative dielectric permittivity of the SBN30 powder were less than the corresponding values of the bulk ceramic. The permittivity and loss tangent (tan δ) at room temperature (1 kHz) was found to be 930 and below 0.025.  相似文献   

Nanophase of Ga2O3 has potentially important applications in photocatalysis. We report the synthesis of nanophase of the metastable γ- and stable β-Ga2O3 and demonstrate that it is possible to prepare a continuously varying mixture starting from the pure metastable γ- to the pure β-phase. This is achieved by employing a facile and reliable combustion route, using urea as a fuel. Typical grain sizes, as estimated from XRD studies, are about 3 nm. Given the importance of surface chemistry for potential applications, thermogravimetric coupled with mass spectrometry is used in conjunction with FTIR to elucidate the chemistry of the adsorbed surface layer. Studies on the γ-Ga2O3 phase indicate the occurrence of weight loss of 8.1% in multiple steps. Evolved gas analysis and FTIR studies show presence of physisorbed H2O molecules and chemisorbed –(OH) ions bonded to active surface states and accounts predominantly for the observed weight loss.  相似文献   

Electrical properties of Ba 2CrMo0.8W0.2O6 double perovskite were investigated using admittance spectroscopy technique. According to impedance analysis, the material was modeled by an electrical equivalent circuit. Such analysis proves the presence of relaxation phenomenon in the compound. We also found that ac conductivity follows the Jonscher universal power law. Conduction process is found to be dominated by the thermally activated small polaron (SPH). The activation energy values, inferred from dc conductivity and from the temperature dependence of relaxation time, are closed to each other. Such result indicates that conduction process and relaxation phenomenon are related to the same defect.  相似文献   

Epitaxial Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST)/LaNiO3 (LNO) heterostructures were fabricated on LAO (100) substrates using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Their structural properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The θ–2θ scans showed single crystalline BST and LNO layers with a (100) orientations perpendicular to the substrate plane. Phi scans (ϕ) on the (220) plane of BST layer indicated that the films have two in-plane orientations with respect to the substrate. The atomic force microscope (AFM) surface morphologies showed a smooth and crack-free surface with the average grain size of 55 nm and the root-mean-square (RMS) of 4.53 nm for BST films. Capacitance–voltage curves are measured. From the capacitance, a dielectric constant of 762, tunabilty of 82.81% and loss tangent of 0.032 are obtained. The current–voltage curve shows that the leakage current is 2.41 × 10−7 A/cm2 under an applied voltage of 2 V.  相似文献   

The microwave dielectric properties of Ba2MgWO6 ceramics were investigated with a view to the use of such ceramics in mobile communication. Ba2MgWO6 ceramics were prepared using the conventional solid-state method with various sintering temperatures. Dielectric constants (? r ) of 16.8–18.2 and unloaded quality factor (Q u  × f) of 7000–118,200 GHz were obtained at sintering temperatures in the range 1450–1650 °C for 2 h. A maximum apparent density of 6.76 g/cm3 was obtained for Ba2MgWO6 ceramic, sintered at 1650 °C for 2 h. A dielectric constant (? r ) of 18.4, an unloaded quality factor (Q u  × f) of 118,200 GHz, and a temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τ f ) of ?34 ppm/°C were obtained when Ba2MgWO6 ceramics were sintered at 1650 °C for 2 h.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in the conductivity of Ba0.72K0.28Fe2As2 single crystal are studied systematically by resistance measurements as a function of temperature and magnetic field. A clear Maki?Thompson and Aslamakov?Larkin (MT–AL) two- to three-dimensional (2D–3D) crossover is found on the excess conductivity (Δσ) curves as the temperature approaches the superconducting critical temperature, T c. 3D fluctuations in superconductivity are realized near T c that are well fitted to experimental data by the 3D Aslamazov–Larkin theory. The Maki–Thompson model shows a 2D conductivity fluctuation above the 2D-3D temperature transition, T 0, which depends on magnetic field. Results show that the 2D-3D dimensional crossover moves to lower temperature with increasing magnetic field. The values of the transition temperature and the crossover in the reduced temperature, ln(ε 0), as functions of magnetic field were used to determine the coherence length and the lifetime, τ φ , of the fluctuational pairs at the temperature of 35 K. Analysis of the Ba0.72K0.28Fe2As2 single crystal gives a value of 3.76 × 10??12 s for the τ φ in the absence of magnetic field and it decreases to 2.4 × 10??12 s in magnetic field of 13 T.  相似文献   

Ba0.9Sr0.1TiO3 powder was processed at 80°C by reacting Ti sol in aqueous solutions that contained BaCl2, SrCl2 and NaOH at atmospheric pressure. Well-crystallized, spherical, nanosizes powders were formed by this method. The powders were found to have a cubic structure, which was retained even after heating at 900°C. Sintering at 1400°C, led to the formation of a tetragonal structure with a secondary phase of Ba6Ti17O40. Abrupt grain growth was observed at 1400°C. The electrical response of the sample sintered at 1400°C has three electrically different regions. Each region of the sample is represented by different RC element. Element 1 (R 1 C 1) is the most resistive and its capacitance ishigh (0.5 nFcm−1) indicating a thin region, probably the grain boundary. Element 2 (R 2 C 2) shows a smaller resistance value compared to element 1. The capacitance value of element 2 is temperature-dependent and displays a Curie–Weiss behaviour, indicative of a ferroelectric material above T c. The lower capacitance of C 2 (15 pFcm−1) indicates that it is a much thicker region than element 1 and can be assigned as a ferroelectric bulk region. Element 3 is probably an electrode effect.  相似文献   

A multicomponent solid electrolyte of composition Ce0.8(Sm0.75Sr0.2Ba0.05)0.2O2 − δ has been synthesized by three different techniques: solid-state reaction, laser evaporation, and the glycine nitrate process. Its microstructure, sintering kinetics, and electrical properties have been studied in relation to the synthesis technique. Ceramics produced using laser evaporation consisted of submicron (0.2 μm) grains and offered the highest electrical conductivity: 27 × 10−3 S/cm at 873 K.  相似文献   

The effects of La/Sn co-substitution at A and B sites of Ba4Nd2Ti4Ta6O30 ceramics were investigated. With La/Sn co-substitution, the temperature coefficient was significantly improved to near zero, at the same time, dielectric constant reduced and dielectric loss increased. In particular, remarkable annealing effects on dielectric properties were observed for these modified ceramics. After annealing, dielectric constant considerably increased, and temperature coefficient shifted to more negative.  相似文献   

The fabrication of single-phase superconductors enabled promising advancements in a wide range of technological applications. Numerous parameters including processing temperature, thermal cycle, chemical composition, doping, and atmosphere will be carefully addressed and optimized. This paper investigates phase stability and compound formation of Y3Ba5Cu8Oy (Y-358) preform powders which were sintered at different temperatures. The precursor powder synthesized via chemical route and employing spontaneous combustion technique, respectively. The presence of Y-358 and YBa2Cu3O7-δ (Y-123) phases in composites sintered at different temperatures with varied phase fractions were further confirmed through Rietveld refinement. The formation of Y-123 phase is dominant in all samples and composite was sintered at 900 °C, which was exhibited higher as compared to Y-358 phase content. The decomposition of different phases present in the composites and reaction temperatures were investigated with simultaneous differential thermal and thermogravimetry analysis.  相似文献   

Empirical calculational approaches have been used to evaluate the enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, and melting point of iron(II) niobate and iron(II) tantalate and the coefficients A, B, and C in an equation for the temperature dependence of their heat capacity. The melting point of FeTa2O6 has been experimentally determined to be 1891 ± 5 K. The calculated heat capacity (C°p (298.15 K)) of iron tantalate and the Gibbs energies of formation of FeN2O6 and FeTa2O6 have been compared to previously reported data.  相似文献   

Oxides of the type, Ba3-xSrxZnNb2O9 (0 ≤x ≤3), were synthesized by the solid state route. Oxides calcined at 1000°C show single cubic phase for all the compositions. The cubic lattice parameter (a) decreases with increase in Sr concentration from 4.0938(2) forx = 0 to 4.0067(2) forx = 3. Scanning electron micrographs show maximum grain size for thex = 1 composition (∼ 2 μm) at 1200°C. Disks sintered at 1200°C show dielectric constant variation between 28 and 40 (at 500 kHz) for different values of x with the maximum dielectric constant atx = 1.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline sample of Ba3Sr2DyTi3V7O30 was prepared at 950°C using a high-temperature solid-state reaction technique. X-ray structural analysis indicated the formation of a single-phase orthorhombic structure with lattice parameters: a = 12·2719 (39) Å, b = 8·9715(39) Å and c = 19·7812(39) Å. Microstructural study showed densely packed uniform distribution of grains over the surface of the sample. The a.c. impedance plots were used as tools to analyse the electrical response of the sample as a function of frequency at different temperatures (30–500°C). These plots revealed the presence of grain boundary effect, from 200·C onwards. Complex impedance analysis showed non-Debye type of dielectric relaxation. The Nyquist plots showed the negative temperature coefficient of resistance character of Ba3Sr2DyTi3V7O30. A hopping mechanism of electrical transport processes in the system is evident from the modulus analysis. The activation energy of the compound (calculated both from loss and modulus spectrum) is the same, and hence the relaxation process may be attributed to the same type of charge carrier.  相似文献   

Two new A6B5O18 type cation-deficient perovskites Ba5LnTi2Nb3O18 (Ln = La, Nd) were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction route. The phase and structure of the ceramics were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Both compounds crystallize in the trigonal system. Ba5LaTi2Nb3O18 has a dielectric constant of 56.6, a high quality factors (Qu × f > 16,700 at 4.3331 GHz), and a relatively large temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (f) + 142 ppm°C–1 at room temperature; Ba5NdTi2Nb3O18 has a higher dielectric constant of 47.3 with high quality factors Qu × f > 15,000 at 4.6830 GHz, and f + 128 ppm°C–1.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 nanosized powders have been prepared using a wet chemical coprecipitation method of synthesis. The products were ignited in nitrogen at different temperatures in order to examine thermal evolution of precursors. Powders that were fired at an above 850°C for two hours have almost a single-phase structure. Some intermediate phases have been found at low temperatures. Powder X-ray diffraction linewith measurements show an average particle size in the order of 40 nm for samples annealed in 600–1000°C. It is suggested that the samples annealed at these temperatures were both simultaneously paramagnetic and ferromagnetic in nature. The advantages of this method are the low temperature involve in the sample preparation and the use of a non-reducing atmosphere.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of sintered Eu0.7Sm0.3Ba2Cu3O7?δ were investigated both in dc and ac magnetic fields. The dc response reflects the interplay between the rare earth ion paramagnetic and the superconducting charge carrier subsystems, respectively. The harmonic susceptibilities exhibit special features: the second harmonic is anomalously high and the third harmonic in zero dc-field has reversed temperature dependence with respect to the theoretical models. The magnetic relaxation at low fields is monotonous and occurs as a two-stage relaxation, each stage obeying logarithmical time dependence with different rates. At high fields, the relaxation is nonmonotonous with a peak at intermediate time suggesting a temporary re-entrance of irreversibility when the flux-line density increases in the center of the sample because of the redistribution of the vortices toward that region.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of sodium oleate on synthesis of Bi2WO6/Bi2O3 loaded reduced graphene oxide photocatalyst was studied. The as-prepared composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV–visible diffuse reflectance and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The results suggested that addition of sodium oleate not only promoted synthesis of Bi2O3, but also enhanced the reduction of GO to graphene. When the amount of sodium oleate was 4 mol (Bi:SO?=?1:1), Bi2WO6/Bi2O3@RGO to the best visible-light photocatalytic activity can be synthesized by a facile one-step solvothermal process without further reduction reaction. Hence, it indicated that sodium oleate could affect the synthesis of the as-prepared composites and the photocatalytic activity for degradation of RhB. This study did provide not only a facile method to synthesize Bi2WO6/Bi2O3@RGO, but also a method to reduce graphene oxide to graphene.  相似文献   

The Ba3(VO4)2–x wt% Co2O3 (x?=?0.5–5) ceramics were prepared by the solid state reaction method in order to reduce the sintering temperature. The effects of the Co2O3 additions on the phase composition, microstructures, sintering characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of Ba3(VO4)2 ceramics are investigated by an X-ray diffractometer, a scanning electron microscope and a network analyzer. As a result, the Q?×?f value of 54,000 GH, the ε r of 14.6 and the τf value of +58.5 ppm/°C were obtained in the sample of the Ba3(VO4)2–3 wt% Co2O3 ceramic sintered at the temperature of 925 °C, which is capable to co-fire with electrode metal of high conductivity such as Ag (961 °C). Moreover, the Q?×?f values of the sample with Co2O3 higher than that of 3 wt% additions decreased because of the formation of Ba2V2O7 phase.  相似文献   

Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 dielectric thin films doped by Cr(0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 mol%) (BSTC) were prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. The structure and morphology of the BSTC thin films were studied by atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The effect of Cr doping on the dielectric properties of BST thin films were analyzed. The results show that the dielectric loss of Cr doping BST thin films is lower than that undoped, and the tunability increased with Cr doping. The thin film doped with 5 mol% Cr has the best dielectric properties. The tunability, loss and figure of merit (FOM) at 1 MHz were 38.9%, 0.0183, and 21.3, respectively.  相似文献   

Polyaniline (PANI)/CoFe2O4/Ba3Co2Fe24O41 composite was prepared by an in-situ polymerization method. The phase structure, morphology and magnetic properties of the as-prepared PANI/CoFe2O4/Ba3Co2Fe24O41 composite were characterized by XRD, FT-IR, SEM, TEM, and VSM, respectively. The microwave absorption properties of the composite were investigated by using a vector network analyzer in the 2–18 GHz frequency range. The results show that the maximum reflection loss value of the PANI/CoFe2O4/Ba3Co2Fe24O41 composite reaches ?30.5 dB at 10.5 GHz with a thickness of 3 mm and the bandwidth of reflection loss below ?10 dB reaches up to 1.2 GHz. The excellent microwave absorption properties of the as-prepared PANI/CoFe2O4/Ba3Co2Fe24O41 composite due to the enhanced impedance match between dielectric loss and magnetic loss.  相似文献   

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