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Flow behaviors of particles in a two-dimensional spouted bed with a porous draft plates are studied using a fluid dynamic computation with kinetic-frictional stresses models. Gas flow through the porous draft tube is simulated by Brinkman-Darcy-Forchheimer formulation. The distributions of concentration and velocities of particles are predicted. Simulated results predict the solid circulation rate and gas flux rate measured in the spouted bed with a porous draft tube (Ishikura et al., 2003). The solid circulation rate in the spouted bed with a porous draft tube is larger than that with a non-porous draft tube. The predicted bed pressure drop with the porous draft tube is high in comparison to the spouted bed with non-porous draft tube. The effect of the porosity of the porous draft tube on distributions of gas flux rate through the annulus and solid circulation rate are discussed.  相似文献   

A spouted bed with an impermeable draft tube was employed to obtain fundamental data of binary mixtures of glass beads for both the operating conditions and the design factors. These data were compared with those for the coarser particle system only. From this view point, minimum spouting velocity, pressure drop, hold-up of solid particles within a draft tube, upward gas flow rate within the annulus and solids circulation rate were determined by changing the total gas flow rate and mass fraction of finer particles as operating parameters and by changing distance of entrainment zone and draft tube diameter as geometric parameters.  相似文献   

A cylindrical gas-liquid-solid spouted bed, driven exclusively by gas flow, has been developed with a high potential for use in biochemical processes, such as a biological wastewater treatment. A plexiglass column with a 152 mm inner diameter was used in combination with a 53 mm inner diameter plexiglass draft tube. Three particle types were studied with densities ranging from 1044 kg/m3-1485 kg/m3 and average particle sizes ranging from 0.7-2.5 mm. Four flow regimes were observed when increasing the gas velocity, including fixed bed, semispouted bed, full spouted bed, and internal circulating fluidized bed. The transition gas velocities between those regimes were experimentally measured and termed as minimum spouting velocity, full spouting velocity, and minimum circulating velocity, respectively. A measurement of the downward particle flux in the annulus was used to identify the minimum spouting velocity, while the particle velocity and dense phase retraction in the annulus were monitored for the full spouting and minimum circulating velocities. All regime transition velocities increased with more dense particles and longer draft tubes. The minimum spouting velocity and full spouting velocity were not affected when varying the nozzle-tube gap, while the minimum circulating velocity increased with longer nozzle-tube gaps. Experiments without a draft tube were carried, though the spouting stability was significantly reduced without the draft tube.  相似文献   

The distribution of flow between the annulus and the draft tube sections in a liquid phase spout-fluid bed with a draft tube was studied in a flat-based semi-circular column of diameter equipped with a semi-circular draft tube of diameter at superficial fluid velocities well above the minimum fluidization velocity. The particles used were glass spheres of diameter, and the spouting medium was tap water. A sodium chloride solution was injected into the reactor and the response recorded to determine the flow distribution between the draft tube and the annulus sections. The responses of the tracer injections prove that part of the flow originating from the annulus inlet leaks into the draft tube when any amount of annulus inlet flow is present. This finding makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the entrance region below a draft tube which has been modeled as a spout-fluid bed where fluid enters the annulus region based on the pressure distribution at the spout-annulus interface while the flow is in the radial direction from the spout into the annulus. This work shows that there is cross flow in the entrance region resulting in fluid exchange between the streams originating from the spouting inlet nozzle and the annulus inlet flow.The amount of leakage is found to increase with increasing inlet flow rates. An empirical correlation is developed to predict the fraction of the leakage of the annulus inlet flow. The superficial fluid velocity through the draft tube is found to vary linearly with the total flow rate through the bed under the experimental conditions studied. The pressure distributions in the entrance region favor the leakage of fluid from the annulus inlet flow into the draft tube.  相似文献   

Two dimensional Darcy and Ergun models are used to describe the hydrodynamics within the annulus of a spouted bed equipped with a draft tube. Experimental pressure and stream function data for water spouting are shown to be in good agreement with theoretical predictions. Verification of a general spout-annulus interfacial boundary condition is also established and it is shown that the entry region below the draft tube functions as a classical spouted bed. In addition, an experimental procedure for determining the location of the spout-annulus interface is presented. Fluid residence time distributions are calculated for a few cases of practical interest.  相似文献   

The distribution of flow between the annulus and the draft tube sections of a liquid spout-fluid bed with a draft tube was analyzed in the presence of air flow through the annulus using a tracer response technique.The responses of the tracer injections prove that part of the flow originating from the annulus liquid inlet leaks into the draft tube when any amount of annulus liquid inlet flow is present and this annulus leakage increases when air flow is introduced into the annulus. This finding extends the recently acquired knowledge about the annulus leakage and cross flow in the entrance region below the draft tube in liquid spout-fluid beds to three phase spout-fluid beds with a draft tube where the annulus is aerated.The experimental system studied consisted of a semi-circular column of 80 mm diameter equipped with a semi-circular draft tube of 20 mm diameter. Liquid and air flows coexisted in the annulus. The liquid velocities were well above the minimum fluidization velocity and the particles were glass beads of 3 mm diameter.Experimentally determined values of the superficial annulus and draft tube liquid velocities from the tracer response analyses together with the experimental draft tube pressure gradients were used as input into Grbavcic et al.'s [Z.B. Grbavcic, R.V. Garic, D.V. Vukovic, Dz.E. Hadzismajlovic, H. Littman III, M.H. Morgan, S.Dj. Jovanovic, Hydrodynamic modeling of vertical liquid-solids flow. Powder Technol. 72, (1992)183-191] variational model for vertical non-accelerating liquid-solids flow to calculate the draft tube voidage and the particle mass flux assuming an air free draft tube. Results indicate that annulus aeration lowers the particle mass flux in this particular column geometry.  相似文献   

The vector form of the Ergun equation was used to numerically predict gas phase streamlines, residence time distributions, chemical conversions and pressure drops in the annulus of a side-outlet spouted bed with an internal draft tube. By varying the position of the side-outlet, it was demonstrated that there exists an optimum location for this outlet at which conversion is a maximum and which shows a greatly improved gas phase residence time distribution in the annulus compared with a conventional spouted bed unit.  相似文献   

通过对循环喷动流化床顶部封闭空间气体射流及气固运动的理论分析 ,得出了循环喷动流化床中颗粒出循环管后抛射高度的计算方法 ,所得计算结果与实测结果误差小于 8% ,为循环喷动流化床的设计提供理论依据  相似文献   

The flow in the annulus of a water spouted bed of glass particles (275 to 774 μm) was studied experimentally in a cylindrical half-column 50.8 mm in diameter. An axisymmetric model, which assumes Darcy flow in the annulus and uses the experimental spout pressure distribution, predicts the flow and pressure fields in the annulus. The substantial differences between this flowfield and that for coarse particle beds that are observed are caused by differences in the normalized interfacial pressure profile. The model predicts that both the fluid velocity and the normalized fluid velocity at the top of the annulus decrease as the particle size and bed height are reduced. Particles are observed to enter the spout primarily near the spout inlet in agreement with predictions of the axial spout voidage distribution. The residence time distribution of the fluid in the annulus is relatively broad and the measured residence times are about 25% higher than those calculated.  相似文献   

The maximum spoutable bed heights of systems of fine glass spheres spouted with air are studied in flat based semi circular columns of 80 and 152.4 mm diameters using particles with average diameters ranging from 0.3 to 1.3 mm. New correlations are proposed to predict the maximum spoutable bed heights of air spouted fine particle systems. It is concluded that the influence of the column diameter on the maximum spoutable bed height is significantly decreased compared to coarse particle systems and that it further varies with particle size within the fine particle spouting regime. Data reported in the literature agree with the proposed correlations.  相似文献   

循环喷动流化床固体循环速率的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究操作条件对固体循环速率的影响 ,提出了新型的固体循环速率的双阀控制理论模型 ,基于循环喷动流化床中颗粒循环推动力的分析 ,得出了预测循环喷动流化床中固体循环速率最大值的方法  相似文献   

The fluid flow pattern and solids circulation rate in a liquid phase spout-fluid bed with a draft tube were studied in a semi-circular column 196 mm in diameter equipped with a semi-circular draft tube 34.5 mm in diameter using water and spherical glass particles 1.20, 1.94 and 2.98 mm in diameter. Both the solids circulation rate and fluid distribution between the draft tube and the annulus are influenced by the location of the draft tube, the relative magnitude of the inlet spouting and annulus flowrates, and the total fluid flowrate entering the bed. A one-dimensional steady state model of vertical non-accelerating liquid-solids flow predicts the solids mass flux in the draft tube with a mean deviation of 12.3% when experimental values of the axial pressure gradients in the draft tube and annulus are specified. A simple correlation for the fountain height is also presented.  相似文献   

研究了一种新型的半干法脱硫开孔导流管喷动床。在相同静床层高度下,研究了其最小喷动速度、最大喷动压降、喷动高度;在相同钙硫摩尔比、入口SO2质量浓度、进气温度、绝热饱和温差条件下,以消石灰为脱硫剂,研究了其脱硫性能。实验结果表明,与传统柱锥型喷动床相比,开孔导流管喷动床具有更好的流体力学性能和脱硫效率。实验条件下最适宜的操作条件为:钙硫摩尔比为0.9—2.5,进气温度为120—130℃,绝热饱和温差为10℃。  相似文献   

李国兵  李明  陈松  黄国强 《化工学报》2013,64(4):1176-1182
在内径为182 mm的喷动流化床中安装内径80 mm的导向管,以平均粒径为2.2 mm的尿素颗粒为物料,对喷动气旁路特性进行了实验研究,分别考察了夹带区高度、导向管长度、喷嘴内径、床层高度、喷动气速和流化气速对喷动气旁路分率的影响,结果表明随着喷动气速的增大,喷动气体旁路分率先增后减。导向管安装高度越高,气体旁路分率越大。床层高度增大喷动气体旁路分率略有降低。而喷嘴直径小于50 mm时气体旁路分率随喷嘴直径增大而提高,在大于50 mm时气体旁路分率随喷嘴直径增大维持不变。当气速较小时,导向管高度增大会引起气体旁路分率增大,引入少量流化气能有效地抑制喷动气旁路。  相似文献   

高凯歌  雷玉庄  李海念  周勇 《化工学报》2017,68(6):2290-2297
超细粉的流化性能与聚团尺寸密切相关。通过分析超细粉聚团在声场导向管喷流床中的形成过程,提出了高速射流的剪切作用和聚团间的碰撞作用是决定聚团尺寸的主要原因。在此基础上,结合聚团在射流剪切过程和聚团间碰撞过程中的力平衡分析,建立了声场导向管喷流床中聚团尺寸分布的预测模型;并运用这一模型成功预测了不同射流气速下,超细TiO2颗粒在声场导向管喷流床中的聚团平均直径和聚团尺寸分布。  相似文献   

导向管喷动床是较为常见的一种喷动床改进床型,通过阻断喷动区与环隙区气固接触来提高颗粒循环的规律性与稳定性。本文采用计算颗粒流体力学(CPFD)方法对于直径150mm的柱锥式导向管喷动床进行了数值模拟研究,考察了导向管直径对于喷动床内颗粒流动特性的影响,从环隙区死区分布、颗粒速度分布、固体循环量等方面分析了具有不同直径导向管喷动床的运行状态。结果表明,加入导向管在减少床内死区的同时也降低了运行时的固体循环量,对于本次采用的喷动床结构尺寸与运行参数,只有在导向管直径为40~60mm时才能保证床内具有良好喷动状态,综合考虑各因素,选用直径50~55mm的导向管最为合适。对于具有类似结构与运行条件的柱锥喷动床,导向管直径可考虑选为无导向管运行时喷动区直径的1.2~1.375倍。  相似文献   

Fluidisation is frequently accompanied by unwanted attrition of the bed material. This paper focuses on the mechanical aspects of fines creation by attrition in fluidised beds supported by multi-orifice distributor plates. The attrition rates of low-density porous glass particles were measured; these particles show abrasive wear behaviour rather than breakage. Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) was used to follow particle motion in three dimensions within the fluidised bed. For a single orifice distributor with background fluidisation, the attrition rate increased exponentially with increasing orifice gas velocity. For a multi-orifice distributor, however, attrition rates were roughly proportional to excess gas velocity, except near to a critical ratio of particle to orifice diameter; as this ratio approached 2, attrition was observed to increase by an order of magnitude. A method is proposed for estimating attrition rates from a combination of small-scale experimental results and theoretical calculations of distributor jet entrainment rates.  相似文献   

带导流管多层流化床流体力学特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多层流化床的应用范围受操作可调性和稳定性等因素限制。在改变传统筛板结构的基础上,研究了传统穿流板多层流化床和导流管多层流化床床层压降随表观气速和进料速率的变化规律,实验结果表明,导流管多层流化床不仅大幅减小了床层压降、提高了床体处理能力和可调范围,而且也改善了物料的流化质量。此外,当料层达到一定高度时,导流管多层流化床还具有喷动流化床的特性,同时导流管还具有溢流物料的作用,进一步加大了气固传质效率和床体处理能力。在流体力学分析的基础上,推导出导流管多层流化床床层压降的关联式,得到了床层压降随进气气速和进料速率的关系,与实验数据基本吻合。  相似文献   

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