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The volcanic stratigraphy for the Ahuachapán-Chipilapa geothermal field is defined on the basis of the magnetostratigraphic results on 156 oriented samples from 33 sites. The magnetostratigraphic sequence shows that the major volcanism associated with the Concepción de Ataco caldera and the Cuyanausul volcano took place during the middle Brunhes chron (Quaternary). Pre-caldera activity of small centers such as Empalizada and Apaneca in the southern sector of the field occurred during the early Brunhes (0.77±0.07 Ma). Basaltic-andesitec activity associated with the Cuyanausul volcano took place earlier, i.e. during the Matuyama chron, possibly around 1.3±0.15 and 1.7±0.3 Ma.The local igneous basement is composed of Late Miocene-Pliocene andesites, ignimbrites and volcano-sedimentary deposits. Normal polarities and a K---Ar date of 7.37±0.73 Ma indicate that the volcanic activity in the study area extends beyond the Gauss chron. The polarity of some of the units in the post-caldera sequence and in the Concepción de Ataco and Cuyanausul sequences suggests that they may have recorded short polarity subchrons.  相似文献   

The northern discharge areas of the Ahuachapán, and Chipilapa geothermal fields can be subdivided into four different zones based on their structural position, and the isotopic and chemical composition of their waters. In general, the contribution of geothermal waters from these two fields was estimated to be less than 10%. Elevation effects are of little importance, whereas a slight trend towards higher isotopic values with increasing water temperatures may exist.The NNW-SSE-trending Escalante and Agua Caliente faults represent lateral groundwater barriers, and provide vertical conduits for the ascending geothermal waters. The western discharge areas seem to be more influenced by the Ahuachapán, geothermal field, whereas those to the east are more influenced by the Chipilapa field.Groundwaters in the Northern Plain are mainly from shallow northward-flowing aquifers. These waters show temperature effects, mixing with geothermal waters and are affected by the geology of the area. However, none of these factors alone can explain the isotopic variations observed in the waters of the northern discharge areas.  相似文献   

The volcano Chichontepeque (San Vicente) is one of the nine recent volcanoes making up the El Salvador sector of the WNW-ESE-trending active Central American volcanic belt. Thermal activity is at present reduced to a few thermal springs and fumaroles. The most important manifestations (Agua Agria and Los Infernillos Ciegos) are boiling springs and fumaroles located on the northern slope of the volcano (850 m a.s.l.) along two radial faults. The chloride acid waters of the Los Infernillos area are partly fed by a deep hydrothermal aquifer (crossed at 1100–1300 m by a geothermal exploration well), which finds a preferential path to the surface through the radial fault system. C02 is the most important gas (>90%) of the Los Infernillos Ciegos and Agua Agria fumaroles. Part of the Los Infernillos gases may also come from a deeper, hotter source, given their high HCl/Stot. ratio and their more reducing conditions. The application of geothermometric and geobarometric methods to the gases and thermal waters suggests that both thermal areas are linked to the identified 1100–1300 m reservoir, whose temperature (250°C), lateral extension and chemical composition, as resulting from this study, are of interest for industrial development.  相似文献   

In El Salvador, Central America, active deformation takes the form of a major dextral strike-slip fault system, the El Salvador Fault Zone, resulting from the oblique subduction of the Cocos Plate. The fault system is laterally discontinuous, being subdivided into different major en-echelon segments that partially overlap to form pull-apart structures. Volcanic activity is spatially confined to the fault segments and absent in the intervening pull-apart basins; no significant temporal gap exists in the erupted products, at least during the Plio-Quaternary. Detailed analyses within the geothermal fields of Berlín and Ahuachapán have revealed important volcano-structural and petrologic differences between the two areas. In the Berlín area active deformation is controlled by the regional transcurrent stress field, resulting in the development of systems of right-lateral E–W-trending strike-slip faults. Conversely, the structural setting of the Ahuachapán area is more complex, reflecting an interaction among different stress fields. Berlín products exhibit a marked geochemical and isotopic homogeneity indicating the presence of a single magmatic system. At Ahuachapán, on the other hand, the rocks display significant variations in both Sr isotopes and the LILE/HFSE ratios: this area is characterized by multiple volcanic centres, fed by different magma batches that reach the surface without reciprocal interactions in shallow reservoirs. Thus, the characteristics of the volcanic products at Berlín and Ahuachapán reflect their different tectonic settings, with important implications for geothermal investigations.  相似文献   

Systematic petrological studies were performed at 10-m intervals along the 2700-m-deep Ch-A well. Results show mineralogical variations that define four zones which, in turn, represent different thermal zones. The shallowest zone (Zone l) is characterized by the presence of chalcedony + zeolites + amorphous silica + saponite + montmorillonite + minor amounts of pyrite and calcite; Zone 2 by chlorite + quartz + smectite + zeolites; Zone 3by chlorite + quartz + calcite + epidote + abundant pyrite and hematite + mixed-layeredillite-smectite + chalcopyrite; andZone4 byepidote + clinozoisite + gypsum + sericite + mixed-layered chlorite-illitesmectite + anyhdrite. Fluid inclusion analyses performed at 100-m intervals indicate that a low-to-moderate salinity fluid with ice-melting temperatures of -0.7 to -2.2°C was involved in the hydrothermal alteration of the rocks. At shallow depths, positive values of + 1.6°C were found, which probably indicate an increase in volatile components. Minimum homogenization temperatures gradually increased with depth. They range from 110°C at very shallow depths (153 m) to 244°C at total depth (2700 m); however, peak or maximum temperatures of 265–286°C are found at various depths between 1400 and 2500 m. Bottom-hole fluid inclusion temperatures agree well with static temperatures derived from the Homer (1951) and the Ascencio et al. (1994) methods. Comparisons at other depths show that, in general, Homer temperatures are the lowest and that fluid inclusion temperatures are the highest, except at about 1200 m depth where the Ascencio et al. (1994) method gives the largest values. It is believed that well Ch-A encountered a mineral paragenesis that does not correspond with present thermodynamic conditions of the reservoir and that the geothermal system has undergone natural cooling.  相似文献   

Fluid and heat discharge rates of thermal springs of El Chichón volcano were measured using the chloride inventory method. Four of the five known groups of hot springs discharge near-neutral Na–Ca–Cl–SO4 waters with a similar composition (Cl ∼ 1500–2000 mg kg−1 and Cl/SO4 ∼ 3) and temperatures in the 50–74 °C range. The other group discharges acidic (pH 2.2–2.7) Na–Cl water of high salinity (>15 g/L). All five groups are located on the volcano slopes, 2–3 km in a straight line from the bottom of the volcano crater. They are in the upper parts of canyons where thermal waters mix with surface meteoric waters and form thermal streams. All these streams flow into the Río Magdalena, which is the only drainage of all thermal waters coming from the volcano. The total Cl and SO4 discharges measured in the Río Magdalena downstream from its junction with all the thermal streams are very close to the sum of the transported Cl and SO4 by each of these streams, indicating that the infiltration through the river bed is low. The net discharge rate of hydrothermal Cl measured for all thermal springs is about 468 g s−1, which corresponds to 234 kg s−1 of hot water with Cl = 2000 mg kg−1. Together with earlier calculations of the hydrothermal steam output from the volcano crater, the total natural heat output from El Chichón is estimated to be about 160 MWt. Such a high and concentrated discharge of thermal waters from a hydrothermal system is not common and may indicate the high geothermal potential of the system. For the deep water temperatures in the 200–250 °C range (based on geothermometry), and a mass flow rate of 234 kg s−1, the total heat being discharged by the upflowing hot waters may be 175–210 MWt.  相似文献   

The Ahuachapán geothermal field (AGF) is located in north western El Salvador. To date, 53 wells (20 producers and 8 injectors) have been drilled in the Ahuachapán geothermal field and the adjacent Chipilapa area. Over the past 33 years, 550 Mtonnes have been extracted from the reservoir, and the reservoir pressure has declined by more than 15 bars. By 1985, the large pressure drawdown due to over-exploitation of the resource reduced the power generation capacity to only 45 MWe. Several activities were carried out in the period 1997–2005 as part of “stabilization” and “optimization” projects to increase the electric energy generation to 85 MWe, with a total mass extraction of 850 kg/s.  相似文献   

The Geysers-Clear Lake geothermal area encompasses a large dry-steam production area in The Geysers field and a documented high-temperature, high-pressure, water-dominated system in the area largely south of Clear Lake, which has not been developed. Both systems have been extensively studied with geophysical techniques, drilling, and geological mapping during the past 20 years. An updated view is presented of the geological/geophysical complexities of the crust in The Geysers-Clear Lake region in order to address key unanswered questions about the heat source and tectonics. Early geophysical interpretations used a gravity low centered in the area between Clear Lake and The Geysers to suggest that a large magma chamber existed at depths starting at about 7 km. This first-order assumption of a large magma chamber expressed in the gravity data was used as a guide in subsequent geophysical and geological interpretations. Drill-hole temperature evidence is strongly suggestive of a shallow, hot-intrusive body, but in this paper the complexities are documented of the geological and geophysical data sets that make it difficult to pinpoint the location of “magma” or hot, solidified intrusive material. Forward modeling, multidimensional inversions, and ideal body analysis of the gravity data, new electromagnetic sounding models, and arguments made from other geophysical data sets suggest that many of the geophysical anomalies have significant contributions from rock property and physical state variations in the upper 7 km and not from ”magma“ at greater depths. Regional tectonic and magmatic processes are analyzed to develop an updated scenario for pluton emplacement that differs substantially from earlier interpretations. In addition, a rationale is outlined for future exploration for geothermal resources in The Geysers-Clear Lake area.  相似文献   

In the active hydrothermal areas of Tengchong there is widespread evidence that hydrothermal minerals are deposited directly from the geothermal fluid or from water-rock interactions.X-ray powder diffraction, electron microprobe analyses and classical optical methods were used to identify these hydrothermal minerals. Sulfates (gypsum, alunite, alunogen, halotrichite, etc.), carbonates (calcite, trona, thermonatrite, etc.), clay minerals (kaolinite, illite-smectite mixed layer mineral, etc.) and silica minerals (opal, chalcedony, etc.) are the dominant phases. Native sulfur, pyrite, marcasite and aragonite are next in order of abundance. Some chabazite, analcime, pitchblende, coffinite, hematite, thenardite, rozenite, coquimbite, manganocalcite and rhodochrosite is also present.Although travertine and efflorescences, along with carbonates and simple sulfates, are widespread in the low-temperature hydrothermal areas, siliceous sinters and hydrothermal altered minerals, such as clay minerals, zeolites and efflorescences with complex sulfates containing Fe, Al, are only found in a few high-temperature hydrothermal areas, such as in the Hot Sea and the Ruidian hydrothermal areas.Most of the wall rock was intensely altered by geothermal fluid in the Hot Sea and Ruidian, zoning in the characteristic feature of the altered minerals within the Hot Sea.Pitchblende, coffinite, pyrite, marcasite and hematite, which are all of hydrothermal genesis, as well as the sulfate with Al and Fe, seem to be the result of water-rock interaction.  相似文献   

The Krafla and Námafjall high-temperature geothermal areas in N-Iceland have been exploited for steam production since the late and early 1970s, respectively. Power generation at Krafla was 30 MW until 1998, when it was increased to 60 MW. At Námafjall the steam has been utilized for operating a 3 MW back-pressure turbine unit, drying of diatomaceous earth and heating of fresh water for space heating. A total of 34 wells have been drilled at Krafla, of which 18 are producing at present. At Námafjall 12 wells have been drilled but only three are productive. The highest temperatures recorded downhole are 320 and 350 °C at Námafjall and Krafla, respectively. Geochemical monitoring in the two fields during the last 20–25 years has revealed decreases in the Cl concentrations in the water discharged from most of the wells that have been producing for more than 10 years. The cause is enhanced colder water recharge into the producing aquifers of these wells due to depressurization by fluid withdrawal from the geothermal reservoir. Such recharge is particularly pronounced in the central part of the Leirbotnar wellfield at Krafla but it is also extensive in the only producing well in the Hvíthólar wellfield. At Námafjall incursion of cold groundwater into the reservoir was particularly intense subsequent to the volcanic-rifting event in the area in 1977. Solute (quartz, Na/K, Na/K/Ca) geothermometry temperatures have decreased significantly in those wells where Cl concentrations have decreased but only to a limited extent in those wells which have remained constant in Cl. This indicates that the changes in the concentrations of the reactive components, on which these geothermometers are based, is largely the consequence of colder water recharge and not partial re-equilibration in the depressurization zone around wells where cooling of the fluid occurs in response to extensive boiling. Aqueous SO4 concentrations increase as Cl concentrations decrease. Except for the hottest wells, which are low in SO4, sulphate concentrations are controlled by anhydrite solubility. Increase in SO4 concentrations is a reflection of cooling as anhydrite has retrograde solubility with respect to temperature. H2S-temperatures are similar to the solute geothermometry temperatures for wells with a single feed. They are, on the other hand, higher, for wells with multiple feeds, if the feed zones have significantly different temperatures. H2-temperatures are anomalously high for most wells due to the presence of equilibrium steam in the producing aquifers. The equilibrium steam fraction amounts to 0–2.2% by wt. of the aquifer fluid (0–47% by volume). CO2 temperatures are anomalously high for some Krafla wells due to high flux of CO2 from the magma intruded into the roots of the geothermal system during the 1975–1984 volcanic-rifting episode. During the early phase of this episode the Leirbotnar wells were the ones most affected. The new magma gas flux has migrated eastwards with time. Today some wells in the Sudurhlídar wellfield are the ones most affected whereas the Leirbotnar wells have recovered partly or fully. The depth level of producing aquifers in individual wells at Krafla and Námafjall has been evaluated by combining data on temperature and pressure logging and geothermometry results. The majority of wells at Krafla receive fluid from a single aquifer, or from 2–3 aquifers having similar temperature. The same applies to two of the three productive wells at Námafjall.  相似文献   

The Puyehue-Cordón Caulle area (40.5°S) hosts one of the largest active geothermal systems of Southern Chile, comprising two main thermal foci, Cordón Caulle and Puyehue. Cordón Caulle is a NW-trending volcanic depression dominated by fumaroles at the top (1500 m) and boiling springs at the northwest end (1000 m). In the latter, the alkaline-bicarbonate composition of the springs with low Mg (<0.06 mg/l) relative to the local meteoric waters (5 mg/l), low chloride (<60 mg/l), high silica (up to 400 mg/l) and δ18O–δD values close to the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL), in combination with the large outflow (100 l/s), suggest the existence of a secondary steam-heated aquifer overlying a main vapor-dominated system at Cordón Caulle. Subsurface temperatures of the secondary aquifer are estimated to be about 170–180 °C (corrected silica geothermometers). The Puyehue thermal area, on the other hand, includes Mg-rich hot springs discharging along stream valleys, with maximum temperatures of 65 °C and a δ18O–δD signature resembling the local meteoric composition, which suggests that the surface manifestations contain a reservoir component that is strongly diluted by meteoric waters. Topographic/hydrologic and chemical characteristics suggest that Cordón Caulle and Puyehue represent two separate upflows.  相似文献   

The gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses for crude oils from Kareem reservoir in the wells El Hamed-1, 3, and 5 are used to provide information on source organic matters input, depositional environment, and maturation level. Data include normal alkane and acyclic isoprenoids distribution, terpane, and sterane aliphatic biomarkers. Pristine/phytane (Pr/Ph), Pr/nC17, and Ph/nC18 ratios indicated mixed organic sources of organic matters (kerogen type II, III) dominantly (kerogen type III) with a less effect of biodegradation and mature stage of occurrence. The diasteranes/steranes ratio showed generally low ratios as in most marine carbonate sources, while algal-bacterial organic matter contribution for the oil samples suggested dependence on the predominance of C23 tricyclic terpane relative to the C19 tricyclic terpane, and the C25 tricyclic terpane greater than C24 tricyclic terpane. The gammacerane index indicated that a low-salinity environment of deposition for the initial organic matters existed in the analyzed samples.  相似文献   

A gravity survey of the Campidano geothermal fields and surrounding region was conducted in 1981. It covered an area of 1900 km2 and included 952 uniformly distributed stations. The Bouguer anomaly is generally negative within the Campidano graben, reaching −10 mgal in the central zone, whereas a positive Bouguer anomaly prevails outside the graben, exceeding 20 mgal in several areas. The gravity data were interpreted using spectral analysis and two-dimensional models, to determine the thickness of sediments and andesitic volcanics within the graben. The total thickness of these formations reaches 3000 m in the centre, but is reduced elsewhere, especially towards the sides of the graben. The thermal springs on both the eastern and western sides of the graben are associated with residual positive anomalies and are near very steep gradients in the Bouguer anomaly.  相似文献   

Tokaanu–Waihi geothermal field is situated near the southern end of the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Neutral chloride thermal waters discharge at Tokaanu and Waihi in the north of the field on flat land between the andesite volcanoes Tihia and Kakaramea and the shore of Lake Taupo, while steam-heated thermal features occur at Hipaua on the northern flanks of Kakaramea. Electrical resistivity surveys have been made over the field using several different measurement techniques. In the north of the field where roads and tracks allow vehicle access, resistivity profiling using Schlumberger arrays with electrode spacings (AB/2) of 500 m and 1000 m show that Tokaanu, Waihi and Hipaua all lie within a continuous region of low apparent resistivity (5–20 Ωm) and are thus part of the same geothermal system. Along the eastern edge of the system there is a sharp transition to apparent resistivities greater than 100 Ωm in the cold surrounding region. Surveys on Lake Taupo using an equatorial bipole-bipole electrode array towed behind boats (spacing equivalent to AB/2=500 m) found that the low resistivity zone extends offshore by about 1 km. The steep, bush-clad, southern part of the field was surveyed with magnetotelluric (MT) resistivity measurements using both naturally occurring signals and the 50 Hz radiation from the power wires as sources. These measurements found low resistivities over the north-eastern slopes and around the summits of Tihia and Kakaramea, indicating thermal activity. However, the measurements were too widely spaced to allow the field boundary to be clearly delineated. Interpretation of the resistivity and other data suggests that the Tokaanu–Waihi thermal waters rise nearly vertically from a source deep beneath the elevated southwestern part of the field to the water table. These waters then flow north to discharge at the surface near Lake Taupo. Neighbouring geothermal systems, which occur at Tongariro about 18 km south of Tokaanu–Waihi, and at Motuoapa about 10 km to the northeast, are separated from the Tokaanu–Waihi field by high resistivity ground. This suggests that the thermal fluids discharging at the three fields do not have a common source, as has been suggested previously.  相似文献   

生态环境系统是一个复杂而脆弱的系统,随着全球气候变暖,生态环境灾害不断发生,为防止江西省重大生态环境灾害,了解江西省生态环境质量,从农田、湿地、森林和环境四个方面提出开展常规监测,并使用卫星遥感等3S技术对土地利用、河流水库、植被和水土流失等进行遥感监测,根据常规和遥感监测指标,提出了生态环境质量指数评价体系,按照代表性、全面性、综合性、简明性、方便性和适用性原则,选取生物丰度、植被覆盖、水网密度、土地退化和污染环境五个评价指数进行生态环境质量指数的计算,并确定了评价等级,评价结果显示江西省生态环境质量总的来说处于优良水平。  相似文献   

Chemical and light-stable isotope data are presented for water samples from the Raft River geothermal area and environs. On the basis of chemical character, as defined by a trilinear plot of per cent milliequivalents, and light-stable isotope data, the waters in the geothermal area can be divided into waters that have and have not mixed with cold water. The non-mixed waters have essentially a constant value of light-stable isotopes but show a large variation in chloride content. The variation of chloride composition is not the usual pattern for deep geothermal waters, where it is normally assumed that the deep water has a single chloride composition. Different mixed waters also have hot-water sources of varying chloride composition. Plots of chloride values on cross-sections show that water circulation patterns are confused, with non-mixed waters having different chloride concentrations located in close proximity. Three models can explain the characteristics of the deep geothermal water: (1) in addition to near-surface mixing of cold and hot water, there is deep mixing of two hot waters with the same enthalpy and isotopic composition but differing chloride concentrations to produce the range of chloride concentrations found in the deep geothermal water; (2) there is a single deep hot water, and the range of chloride concentrations is produced by the water passing through a zone of highly soluble materials (most likely in the sedimentary section above the basement) in which waters have different residence times or slightly different circulation paths; (3) the varying chloride concentrations in space have been caused by varying chloride concentrations in the deep feed water through time. Some of this older water has not been flushed from the system by the natural discharge. Although one model may seem more plausible than the others, the available data do not rule out any of them. Data for water samples from the Raft River and Jim Sage Mountains show that water from these areas is probably the source for the cold mixing water determined from end-members on mixing lines. Data for water samples in the Upper Raft River Valley show that the thermal anomaly found at Almo 1 is probably not related to the Raft River geothermal area. The water is different in type as shown by its placement on a trilinear plot, and the isotopes are different enough to show that it is probably a different water. Isotopic compositions of samples from a wide area around the Raft River geothermal system indicate that the likely source of the recharge water is the southern Albion Mountains and western Raft River Mountains. The recharge area is at one end of the Narrows zone, and the geothermal area is along the Narrows zone; thus it is likely that the Narrows zone defines the circulation path.  相似文献   

Analysis of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks (as equivalent CO2) was performed in the Castilla y León region, Spain. Data from the second and third Spanish Forest Inventories (1996 and 2006) were used. Total aboveground biomass was calculated using allometric biomass equations and biomass expansion factors (BEF), the first method giving higher values. Forests of Castilla y León stored 77,051,308 Mg of biomass, with a mean of 8.18 Mg ha−1, in 1996 and 135,531,737 Mg of biomass, with a mean of 14.4 Mg ha−1, in 2006. The total equivalent CO2 in this region’s forests increased 9,608,824 Mg year−1 between 1996 and 2006. In relation to the Kyoto Protocol, the Castilla y León forests have sequestered 3 million tons of CO2 per year, which represents 6.4% of the total regional emission of CO2. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based method was also used to assess the geographic distribution of residual forest biomass for bio-energy in the region. The forest statistics data on area of each species were used. The fraction of vegetation cover, land slope and protected areas were also considered. The residual forest biomass in Castilla y León was 1,464,991 Mg year−1, or 1.90% of the total aboveground biomass in 1996. The residual forest biomass was concentrated in specific zones of the Castilla y León region, suitable for the location of industries that utilize biomass as energy source. The energy potential of the residual forest biomass in the Castilla y León region is 7350 million MJ per year.  相似文献   

The Cerro Pando geothermal area in Chiriqui Province is situated just to the south of the continental divide in western Panama. Three groups of thermal springs are associated with lineations in a complex of late Tertiary and Quaternary extrusives. Spring temperatures reach maximum values of 66°C at Los Pozos, 67°C at Cotito and 41°C at Catalina; flow-rates are low, ranging up to 1.5 l/s. However, total heat output is estimated at around 7 MW from calculations incorporating measured spring discharges with river-bed discharges inferred from stream conductivity anomalies. In all cases the spring hydrochemistries become of a more dominantly Na-Cl character as mineralization increases; the highest salinities are found in samples from test boreholes in which 4500 mg/l Cl has been measured. 18O/16O and 2H/1H data for all thermal springs are roughly colinear, plotting on the δ-diagram with a slope around 3.6 and intersecting the meteoric water line within the compositional range of local surface water. Moreover, δ18O data are found to correlate with Cl concentrations, although separate linear trends represent the Los Pozos/Cotito and the Catalina groups of springs. These data are interpreted as indicating that deep thermal ground water feeds the thermal spring systems, with differing isotopic compositions and/or salinities in the Los Pozos/Cotito and Catalina groups. These end-member compositions have evolved by sub-surface steam loss, possibly without any δ 14O shift due to water - rock exchange. The observed spring compositions are all mixtures between the deep thermal and shallow cool end-member ground waters. The importance of resolving mixing relationships before applying geothermometric calculations is illustrated.  相似文献   

Geothermal waters from the Tertiary aquifers located at 1000–3000 m beneath Xi’an city, Shaanxi Province, China, show unique isotopic composition as compared to local groundwaters from shallower Quaternary aquifers. Positive oxygen shifts of as much as 8‰ VSMOW are observed, while the corresponding δ2H values remain essentially constant at about −80‰ VSMOW, which is significantly different from those of waters in the Quaternary aquifers with a mean δ2H value of −60‰ VSMOW. The strong 18O shift is a result of isotope exchange between geothermal water and carbonate minerals such as calcite over a residence time of several thousand years up to 30,000 years, based on 14C dating. A comparison of the isotopic composition of geothermal waters with neighbouring groundwater units on both sides of the Guanzhong Basin indicates that the geothermal reservoirs are recharged by rain that falls on the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains, south of the Xi’an geothermal field, but not from the North Mountains to the north of the field. Based on chemical geothermometers the highest temperature estimated for the Tertiary aquifers of the Xi’an area is around 130 °C.  相似文献   

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