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Tunable frequency selective surface using liquid substrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The passband of a convoluted slot array is switched in frequency by exchanging liquid substrates. In the example illustrated, liquid with εr ≃ 2.2 gives a 3 GHz frequency shift and a 16 dB change in the transmission coefficient at 17 GHz  相似文献   

针对传统波导滤波器设计中没有考虑耦合结构频率特性导致带宽设计较窄问题,提出了一种基于频变耦合结构的波导滤波器设计方法,该方法将耦合结构等效为一个频变的阻抗变换器,通过等效电路变换将变换器频变特性的影响转换为对谐振腔电抗斜率参数的影响。最后,通过一个宽带波导滤波器的设计实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

采用引入传输零点的方法设计了一款发卡式带通滤波器。该滤波器由5个发卡单元构成,中心频率为8.6GHz.。通过在第2和第4个发卡谐振器上并联微带开路线的方法引入传输零点,来实现更好的边带抑制。通过调节并联微带线的长度来控制传输零点的位置,实现对边带抑制效果的有效控制。  相似文献   

The implementation of an Intermediate Frequency (IF) filter in Digital Audio-VIsual Council (DAVIC) compliant modems is a particularly complex task. In previous works, we compared the performance of different designs (analog and digital) for the radio-frequency stage in a modem application. These designs have been evaluated for a particular case defined in the DAVIC recommendation. The design limits that were pointed out are mainly due, in the digital approach, to the high frequencies at which the IF stage must operate, and to the variation of the sampling frequency.

In this paper, we propose a digital implementation of the IF filter based on the decimation technique. The evaluation of the performance has been performed using the PTOLEMY software from the Berkeley University.  相似文献   

丁浩  陈新之 《中国激光》1992,19(5):327-332
本文分析选频滤波器负载外腔半导体激光器的调谐特性。从等效模型的受激条件出发,导出确定最大调谐范围的简单表达式,提出了计算在各种反馈强度下调谐曲线的方法,并解释近年来报道的有关实验结果。  相似文献   

在分析传统Salisbury吸波屏的工作原理的基础上,阐述了通过嵌入带损频率选择表面(lossy FSS)来提高吸波性能的可行性,并基于该方案设计了一款能够在3.5~18.5 GHz频率范围内(相对带宽为136%)有效吸波的超宽带吸波结构,这种带损频率选择表面被嵌入在高阻表面(377?/□)和反射面之间。分析了该结构中的附加电阻大小、FSS单元结构和几何尺寸等不同参数对吸波性能的影响,并通过理论分析、计算仿真和实物测量,证实了在厚度相同的情况下,通过加载带损FSS可以使传统Salisbury吸波屏提高约62%的相对带宽,对雷达吸波材料的研发具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Among the theory and design of oversampled nonuniform filter banks (NUFBs), most of the existing works only consider the cases with integer decimators, and up to now the issue with rational sampling factors has not been discussed yet. In this paper, we generalize the partial modulation technique to realize arbitrary rational frequency partitioning of oversampled NUFBs with highly desired linear-phase (LP) property. Further for the subbands with sampling factors violating the guard band restriction, a phase-modification scheme is derived to avoid uneliminable large aliasing and meanwhile preserving the LP characteristics of shifted analysis/synthesis filters. By using the proposed method, the design issue of LP oversampled NUFBs can be reduced to that of several prototypes, decreasing the design complexity largely. As illustrated by examples, the proposed algorithm is more general in terms of arbitrary rational decimation and thus has broad application prospects.  相似文献   

介绍一种在理论计算的基础上,采用ADS软件对射频滤波器进行优化及仿真的方法,重点阐述射频滤波器设计过程中的优化设计、器件仿真以及矩量法分析等相关内容。射频滤波器的测试结果表明其通带内波纹小于3dB,带内输入输出端口反射系数小于-20 dB,阻带衰减大于40 dB,相比于传统设计方法,此方法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对螺旋滤波器的结构及耦合方式,采用平行四腔的直线形交叉耦合结构,在非相邻的一腔和四腔间添加控制部件,从而引入传输零点以提高带外抑制.用Ansoft HFSS软件设计并制作了一款体积为150mmx60mmx70mm,中心频率为380MHz的螺旋滤波器.测试结果表明,该滤波器的带内回波损耗大于20 dB,插损小于2dB,...  相似文献   

Rings as elements for frequency selective surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arrays of simple rings on close packed square or triangular lattices are useful frequency selective surfaces for reflector antennas. Reflection bandwidths of about 26 per cent and transmission/reflection band ratios of 3:1 are readily attainable for angles of incidence of up to 45° at least. Experimental transmission coefficients are compared with the results of modal computations.  相似文献   

Arrays of concentric rings as frequency selective surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentric rings can be used as array elements in frequency selective surfaces. The transmission curves are more complex than those for simple rings, but provide more closely spaced reflection and transmission bands. In an example discussed here, a band centre frequency ratio of 1/1.3 is given by an array of compound elements with two concentric rings.  相似文献   

采用低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)技术及SIR结构,设计制作了一种新型LTCC带通滤波器,采用ADS和HFSS软件进行三维建模和电磁场优化仿真及测试。结果表明:该滤波器中心频率为2.46 GHz左右,3 dB带宽为2.28~2.71 GHz,带外抑制≥25 dB(偏离中心频率±500 MHz),外形尺寸为3.20 mm×1.61 mm×1.03 mm。  相似文献   

Self-routing frequency division multiple access (SR-FDMA) network with ASK coherent detection and dual ring topology is proposed. The router, which employs the optical ring filter, is used as a means for selecting the desired channel carrier and at the same time as a bypass of the other channel carriers. The channel capacity and the carrier-to-noise ratio are investigated with the consideration of cross talk and power budget penalty. We find that there exists an optimum coupling coefficient of the transceiver coupler and a trade-off in selecting channel number and data rate. The results show that the router with gain can suppress the cross talk, compensate the power budget penalty, and largely increase the channel number. Therefore, with this router, a self-routing, high-density FDMA network is feasible  相似文献   

Werner  D.H. Lee  D. 《Electronics letters》2000,36(6):487-488
A technique is proposed for the design of multiband frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) that is based on the use of fractal screen elements. The authors demonstrate the design methodology by exploiting the self-similarity of the crossbar fractal to implement a tri-band FSS. Another benefit of this design approach, in addition to its multiband performance, is that the frequency response of both the TE and TM modes are exactly the same, owing to the symmetry in the tree-like fractal structure of the screen elements. Dielectric loading effects have been considered for practical implementation of designs with coverage exceeding two bands. Finally, it is noted that the locations of the individual bands can be controlled by the scaling or similarity factor used in the construction of the fractal screen elements  相似文献   

利用四分之一波长的多模谐振器(MMR),通过输入输出端共用短路过孔的方式,对高阻抗线进行部分弯折,分别设计了中心频率为2.4,3.5,5.2 GHz的单频滤波器。发现三款微带滤波器具有相同的高阻抗线和低阻抗线宽度,在此基础上,采用内嵌的方式设计了一款WLAN频段(2.4,5.2 GHz)的双频滤波器和一款中心频率为2.2,3.6,5.5 GHz的三频段滤波器。三频滤波器的尺寸为11 mm×9 mm,满足小型化的要求。利用HFSS12软件设计并仿真。结果表明,双频段和三频段滤波器的S11和S21参数均达到标准,可适用于无线通信系统。  相似文献   

使用频率选择滤波方法在频域设计反馈控制器,对每个干扰频率,仅需调节两个实系数。从频率选择滤波器输出误差信号中抽取不同的频率分量,用随机撮动方法调节控制器系数,在系统运行过程中不需次级声学路径估计。仿真结果表明,文中提出的控制方法对次级声学路经的突变具有鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Eriksson  S. 《Electronics letters》1985,21(11):484-485
Realisation of a switched-capacitor filter circuit with decimation of the input sampling frequency is proposed. The circuit, which is compensated for the influence of parasitic capacitances, is useful as an input stage of an SC filter. It can also be used for the realisation of an integrator, based on Simpson's rule.  相似文献   

为克服集总元件滤波器在高频下产生的寄生效应,基于ADS(Advanced Design System)软件设计一款适用于LTE(Long Term Evolution)2.6 GHz中国移动频段的微带线带通滤波器,详尽描述滤波器的参数配置、原理图仿真及优化、PCB(Printed Circuit Board)版图仿真及优化等。测试结果表明,此滤波器带内插入损耗小(<2 d B)、矩形系数低,满足设计要求。  相似文献   

A new asymmetric defected ground structure (DGS) consisting of two square headed slots connected with a rectangular slot transversely under a microstrip line is proposed. In the frequency characteristics of its unit cell, an attenuation zero is observed close to the attenuation pole. The DGS unit is represented by Cauer's T-network, modeled by a third order elliptical lowpass filter and finally equivalent L-C parameters are extracted. Several studies have been accomplished on the influence of the geometric modification of the filter on its characteristics. Better transition sharpness, lower passband insertion loss and broader stopband are observed, compared to popular dumbbell DGSs due to its additional attenuation zero. The two-cell configuration of this DGS produces a three-pole lowpass filter having wide and deep stopband at low cutoff frequency. This is applied under the input and output feed lines of a parallel-coupled bandpass filter for suppressing harmonic frequencies. A lowpass filter is realized using cascaded investigated DGS and dumbbell DGS under a microstrip line.  相似文献   

采用硅基AlN薄膜作为压电衬底,利用改进的δ函数模型对变迹加权圆形IDT结构进行建模仿真,根据仿真结果设计SAW带通滤波器版图,并在实验室制作了中心频率为300 MHz,带内插损8 dB的SAW带通滤波器样品。测试结果表明,其仿真结果与试验结果一致性较好。  相似文献   

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