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本研究在作者提出的吸附—解吸平衡关系的基础上,建立了一个全新的考虑吸湿效应的多孔介质冷冻干燥数学模型。模型用有限差分法进行求解,并带有一个移动边界,以模拟介电材料辅助的微波冷冻干燥过程。介电材料选用碳化硅(SiC),原料液为脱脂奶。模拟结果表明:介电材料能够有效强化微波冷冻干燥过程。在典型操作条件下,介电材料辅助的微波冷冻干燥所用的时间比普通微波冷冻干燥减少33.1%。当料液中固体含量较低或者固体产品的损耗因子较小时,介电材料对微波加热的效果不明显。基于冰饱和度、温度和水蒸气浓度的分布,本文分析了干燥过程中的传质传热机理,并对干燥速率控制因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

For the investigation of the drying process of a pharmaceutical fermentation waste and for determining specific heat and mass transfer coefficients an agitated contact-convective heated dryer was constructed. This dryer is also suitable for drying of other granular solids with high moisture content. Hence we investigated the drying of a by-product from bio-ethanol production, as well. The pilot-plant agitated dryer makes possible continuous measurement and data-acquisition. Data-acquisition of heated wall temperature, inlet and outlet air temperatures and humidity, mass reduction of the material makes possible the determination of transfer coefficients by the heat and mass balance of the dryer. The measured heat and mass transfer coefficients serve as proper input parameters for the simulation calculations.  相似文献   

廖传华  黄振仁 《化学世界》2004,45(5):239-243,238
多孔介质是大量干燥过程的主体,由于实际多孔介质干燥过程的复杂性,建立通用的干燥过程传热传质模型十分困难。通过分析喷雾干燥过程中高初始含湿多孔介质与干燥介质之间的传热传质机理以及各因素对传热传质的影响,根据马歇尔方程探讨了干燥介质与料雾之间的水蒸汽分压差在干燥过程中的变化情况,反映了多孔湿介质在喷雾干燥操作中的传热传质过程的几种特性,为确定实际生产中喷雾干燥器的操作条件指明了新的出路。  相似文献   

Nonuniformities in porous materials can play a significant role in the convective and diffusive transport of fluid, heat, and mass. This study provides experimental results and corresponding numerical simulation results. The experiments report continuous data in transient test runs with measurements of temperature and velocity at distributed locations in the domain immediately downstream of the porous materials. An increasing degree of nonuniformity was found to produce a lower drying rate as well as an earlier onset of falling rate drying. The numerical model provides results of the effects of different nonhomogeneities such as distributed holes or distributed regions of varying permeability and moisture content. Comparisons between numerical and experimental test results indicate general agreement with differences with regard to details of the drying curve features. This provides a tool for studying the role of nonuniformity in fluid flow and heat and mass transfer in porous media.  相似文献   

Through-air drying is commonly used in the drying of high-quality tissue and towel products. A representative elementary volume method was used to model the fluid flow and heat and mass transfer during through drying in heterogeneous porous biobased materials such as tissue and towel products. Results of flow both upstream and downstream of a modeled porous sheet allowed visualization of the effects of mixing at the top and bottom of the porous medium. The effect of initial nonuniformity on fluid flow and convective heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous porous media was studied. The effect of material nonhomogeneity and associated transport properties on moisture content of the porous material as a function of drying time was studied. Modeling results indicate that for the first time it is possible to simulate the effect of nonuniformity on fluid flow and convective heat and mass transfer in porous media during through-air drying of paper. Moisture and structural nonuniformity contributing to nonuniformity in air flow might contribute significantly to drying nonuniformity. Depending on the moisture regimes and degree of saturation of the convective medium, heat and mass transfer coefficients may have varying effects on the overall drying.  相似文献   

A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   


A finite difference scheme for solving the problem of natural transport of heat, mass, momentum and species concentration along vertical porous plates is presented. Several drying related problems are numerically solved, by including a gas-injection boundary condition directly into the governing equations. The effect of variable physical properties is investigated by means of direct comparison against experimental data obtained through holographic interferometry. The relative importance of wall diffusive and convective fluxes is examined. Sherwood and Nusselt numbers can be accurately obtained by means of the proposed techniques.  相似文献   


Results from three experimental studies are reviewed in order to examine the relationship between the heat and mass transfer coefficients in the combined infrared and convective drying process. These results demonstrared that the heat  相似文献   

In this article, a two-stage convective drying strategy was presented for dehydration of flue-cured tobacco. In order to develop the multistage drying method of tobacco, two-stage drying as well as traditional single-stage drying of cut tobacco was experimentally evaluated and accurately simulated by proposed heat and mass transfer models. The experiments were performed in a dual fixed bed dryer. Different air temperature combinations of 120°C/90°C, 110°C/80°C, and 100°C/70°C were employed during two-stage drying. The drying rate and temperature variations of cut tobacco were investigated. The results showed that the average drying rates during two-stage drying were nearly 50% higher than those obtained from lower-temperature single-stage drying. On the other hand, the two-stage drying method, which used high air temperature for the early period and low temperature for the late period, could reduce the exposure of tobacco to high temperature due to the low final temperature of the dried sample. The temperature and moisture evolution of cut tobacco at different air temperature combinations were consistent with simulation results by developed heat and mass transfer models. This indicated that the models had a good prediction precision for two-stage drying of cut tobacco. The model predictions can be useful for the design of a feasible two-stage drying process for flue-cured tobacco.  相似文献   

Free heat and mass transfer during drying in a porous enclosure with free vents has been investigated numerically. Enclosed moist air interacts with the surrounding air through freely vented ports situated on both sides perpendicular to the heated wall. Air, heat, and moisture transport structures are visualized respectively by streamlines, heat lines, and mass lines. Effects of thermal Rayleigh number, Darcy number, vent location, and enclosure inclination on the convective heat/moisture transfer rate and volume flow rate across this enclosure are discussed. For each case, partially enclosed fluid flow undergoes different phases, increasing with buoyancy ratio; that is, heat transfer–driven flow, heat- and moisture-aided flow, and moisture transfer–dominated flow. Numerical results demonstrate that the convective heat and moisture transport patterns and transport rates greatly depend on thermal Rayleigh number, properties of porous medium, and enclosure inclination. Practices for enhancing heat and moisture transfer have been suggested for drying processes.  相似文献   

利用变时间步长的有限体积法对具有电介质核心多孔介质微波冷冻干燥的耦合热质传递过程进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明:在有电介质核的多孔介质内部存在着两个升华界面,该双升华界面模型成功地模拟了该干燥过程:合理的选用电介质核心可以大大缩短干燥时间,对于几个大小分别为1.0,1.5,2.0和2.5mm的电介质核,其单位体积所需干燥时间同无核相比分别减少了8%,19%,33%,48%:在相同的电场强度下,电介质核的损耗系数越大,所需干燥时间越短。  相似文献   

Impinging jets are widely used throughout various industries. The nozzle design used most frequently for jet impingement is the in-line jet. There have been many attempts at altering a jet's flow to increase its transport characteristics. The transport characteristics of two recently developed innovative and practical submerged impinging jets are described. Specifically, the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the Radial Jet Reattachment (RJR) nozzle and Self-Oscillating Jet Impinging Nozzle (SOJIN) are presented and cornoared lo the in-line iet nozzle. Both nozzles orovide high transport Coeficients. The RJR nozzle is for applications where'it is crucial to control the normal force on the imoinaement surface and those aoolications where space above the surface is to be minimized. The SOJIN offers an inexpensive modification to in-line nozzles in order to increase their transport properties. The SOJIN is exceptionally beneficial when standard in-line nozzles are required to work closer to the impingement surfaces than their optimal spacing.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work is to study the simultaneous heat and mass transfer between air and soybean seeds in a concurrent moving bed dryer, based on the application of a two-phase model to the drying process. The numerical solution of the model is obtained by using a computational code based on BDF methods (Backwards Differentials Formulas). The experimental data of air humidity and temperature and of seed moisture content and temperature at the dryer outlet are compared to the simulated values, showing a good agreement. This work also analyzes the effect of the main process variables (drying air temperature, air relative humidity, air velocity and solids flow rate) on the soybean seeds quality during drying. Empirical equations fitted to the experimental data are proposed for predicting the soybean seed quality (germination, vigor and fissures) as a function of the investigated variables.  相似文献   


Impinging jets are widely used throughout various industries. The nozzle design used most frequently for jet impingement is the in-line jet. There have been many attempts at altering a jet's flow to increase its transport characteristics. The transport characteristics of two recently developed innovative and practical submerged impinging jets are described. Specifically, the heat and mass transfer characteristics of the Radial Jet Reattachment (RJR) nozzle and Self-Oscillating Jet Impinging Nozzle (SOJIN) are presented and cornoared lo the in-line iet nozzle. Both nozzles orovide high transport Coeficients. The RJR nozzle is for applications where'it is crucial to control the normal force on the imoinaement surface and those aoolications where space above the surface is to be minimized. The SOJIN offers an inexpensive modification to in-line nozzles in order to increase their transport properties. The SOJIN is exceptionally beneficial when standard in-line nozzles are required to work closer to the impingement surfaces than their optimal spacing.  相似文献   

Luikov's system of partial differential equations for heat, mass and pressure transfer war applied to describe the drying process in a capillary porous body. A two dimensional finite element model were formulated to solve the system of equations. The simulated results agreed  相似文献   


Luikov's system of partial differential equations for heat, mass and pressure transfer war applied to describe the drying process in a capillary porous body. A two dimensional finite element model were formulated to solve the system of equations. The simulated results agreed  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present a self-consistent mathematical model describing the heat and mass transfer phenomena during the convective drying both in the constant and in the falling drying rate periods. This general model is developed on the basis of the theory of mixtures and the thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The boundary conditions are formulated and the numerical algorithm enabling calculation of the temperature and the drying curves in the two mentioned periods of drying is constructed. In this paper much effort is devoted to the experimental validation of the model. The convective drying of a cylindrical sample made of kaolin was examined both experimentally and numerically for comparison and the distribution of temperature and the drying curves were determined. A very good agreement of the experimental and theoretical results is stated.  相似文献   

干燥涉及众多生产领域,卷烟加工过程中存在干燥环节,滚筒烘丝机是用于干燥烟丝的主要设备。在滚筒烘丝机内,烟丝与周围环境进行热质交换,不同的运行控制条件,将直接影响烟丝的品质。由于干燥过程受众多因素的影响,至今烟草加工企业对烘丝机内部烟丝的传热传质特性缺乏深层次的认识,不利于烟丝品质的提高。针对上述背景,本文基于传热传质学、流体力学、多相流动等相关理论,通过计算机数值模拟方法,建立并求解滚筒内的传热传质数学模型,获得不同操作条件下烟丝温度、含水率变化的详细信息,并将所得结果与实际生产数据相验证。研究结果表明,烟丝与气流逆流流动条件下,干燥过程存在三个阶段:预热段、恒速段、降速段,烟丝含水率先升后降,烟丝温度经历先升高、后降低、再升高的过程;顺流流动条件下,干燥过程存在两个阶段:预热段与恒速段,烟丝含水率沿程单调下降,烟丝温度在预热段急剧上升,在恒速段平缓上升。  相似文献   

S. Pang 《Drying Technology》2013,31(3-4):859-871

Comlations are derived relating the heat-transfer coefficient to the mass- transfer coefficient in kiln drying of timber boards by using the Chilton-Colbum analogy. Existing experimental data for the mass-transfer coefficient of naphthalene vapour in the airstream at low temperature are convened to coefficients under commercial timber drying conditions. The calculated results from this analysis are compared with the values employed by wood drying modellers in their models and it appears that the external transfer coefficients used by the drying mcdellers are generally below the values calculated from the laboratoly data.  相似文献   

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