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Many companies are shopping for commercial off-the-shelf software to avoid the high costs and lengthy development time associated with building their own systems. This article discusses how methods of total quality management (TQM) can be used to better integrate large-scale commercial software purchases.  相似文献   

提出一种通用的面向领域WEB服务的数据中心模型.利用语义集成、数据映射、数据仓库及其他数据集成技术,不仅完成分布式异构数据源的无缝数据集成,而且实现数据源与数据中心之间的数据共享和透明数据交换,为领域WEB服务提供统一数据服务.在"油气生产系统软件集成平台"中采用该模型,组建了中国石油油气井生产领域数据中心,构建一个面向油气井生产领域,集生产管理、设备管理、工作流程控制、优化设计、故障诊断、辅助决策等功能为一体的WEB服务平台,解决了海量、分布式异构数据源的有机集成和无缝共享问题.从而验证了该模型的正确性及可行性.  相似文献   


A few corporations and government agencies have begun applying artificial intelligence (AI) technology to business and logistical problems. If and when AI is incorporated into information processing systems, significant competitive opportunities may present themselves, but the return on an early AI investment can't be known yet. The six-stage model outlined in this article not only helps calculate the value of individual AI functions but also enables MIS management to anticipate AI's strategic potential.  相似文献   

在EAST_VCL应用系统中,构建了基于XML Web Services的数据服务中心,实现了多种类型的数据转换功能,并且组建了实验数据特征抽样、数据压缩等服务。实验证明,该服务中心不仅具有良好的可扩展性,而且有效地提高了EAST_VCL应用环境中数据传输性能,增强了应用的可访问性。  相似文献   

该文首先介绍GSM非结构化补充业务数据(USSD)的原理,然后介绍了非结构化补充业务数据中心(USSDC)的组网方式及对外接口,最后通过介绍USSDC的物理结构和逻辑结构,提出了USSDC的设计思路和实现方案。  相似文献   

随着国民经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平不断提高,对于数据的需求也随之增加,信息网规模在逐渐扩大,运行与管理的数据种类也变得更多、更复杂。基于此,根据全业务数据中心的数据治理现状梳理、能力评估、总体规划及策略提升,制定基于延伸源端的数据治理流程,并对数据进行集成治理,旨在提高数据的质量管理,以此为信息网提供科学、可靠的统计结果。  相似文献   

为减少Web服务注册中心的用户响应时间,根据UDDIV3规范在分布式环境下建立跨域服务注册中心系统。将系统分为域间和域内两层,域间使用基于订阅的方式进行数据异步复制,域内使用动态主从复制方式进行数据同步复制,并优化UDDI的数据结构。分析优化前后的数据量,对该系统和节点间完全复制的系统进行比较。实验结果表明,该系统能够有效地提高服务注册中心的性能。  相似文献   

IT-based Service Economy requires Service Markets to flourish for the trade of services. A market does not represent a simple buyer-seller relationship, rather it is the culmination point of a complex chain of stake-holders with a hierarchical integration of value along each point in the chain. To enable a Service Economy, Service Markets must be practically realized, which in turn requires an enabling infrastructure to support service value chains and service choreographies resulting from service composition scenarios. In such scenarios, services compose together hierarchically in a producer-consumer manner to form service supply-chains of added value. Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are defined at various levels in this hierarchy to ensure the expected quality of service for different stakeholders. Automation of service composition directly implies the aggregation of their corresponding SLAs.In this paper we elaborate on the requirements of hierarchical aggregation of SLAs corresponding to service choreographies leading to business models such as Business Value Networks. During the hierarchical aggregation of SLAs, certain SLA information pertaining to different stakeholders is meant to be restricted and can be only partially revealed to a subset of their business partners. We introduce the concept of SLA-Views to protect such privacy concerns. We then formalize the notion of SLA Choreography and define an aggregation model based on SLA-Views to enable the automation of hierarchical aggregation of Service Level Agreements. The aggregation model has been designed to comply with the WS-Agreement standard.  相似文献   

基于CWM的数据挖掘服务中心设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
跨平台的数据挖掘服务具有广阔前景。该文利用Web服务技术和公共数据仓库元数据模型(CWM),设计了一个具有平台无关性的数据挖掘服务中心,为决策支持分析员和技术人员之间架起一座桥梁,面向各种平台客户端和数据仓库环境,实现目前数据挖掘工具缺乏的通用性、灵活性和可重用性。文中介绍了系统架构设计以及关键内容如元数据、CWM、WEB服务技术等。  相似文献   

One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is getting their diverse applications, often built on different platforms, to work together when necessary. To accomplish this, companies must implement effective application integration flexibly, quickly, and easily. Businesses initially turned to manual integration and then enterprise application integration (EAI) but subsequently have focused on service-oriented architectures. To leverage SOAs' benefits effectively, companies are beginning to use an approach known as the enterprise service bus, offered by a growing number of large and small vendors. ESB is the middleware glue that holds an SOA together and enables communication between Web-based enterprise applications. However, ESB also faces challenges, such as implementation costs and complex migration and management  相似文献   

SIG框架下的空间数据中心注册服务设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中主要研究SIG框架下的空间数据中心注册服务,用Java语言实现空间数据中心信息的注册。注册信息以XML格式发送给服务器,服务器采用SAX解析器实时完成XML的解析,并将解析结果存储在服务器数据库中,为实现SIG框架下的空间数据中心注册提出了一种新思路。  相似文献   

越来越多的行业开始利用云以降低成本提高生产力,支撑多样化的服务对数据中心的网络性能提出了更高的要求,如何高负载下优先保证各项服务的质量变得至关重要,云服务提供商同时也关注如何提高数据中心的网络资源利用率并降低能耗。结合上述问题,提出一种基于服务满足度对非服务网络流进行调度的方法。引入服务满足度这一概念,评估网络状态能否满足服务需要,然后依据网络流所支撑的不同服务将其分类,网络负载激增时基于服务满足度调整非用户服务依赖的网络流,降低网络负载缓解拥塞。仿真结果表明,主动避让方法在网络高负载时能优先保证服务的质量,同时提高网络性能。  相似文献   

Service level agreements (SLAs) are formal negotiated agreements that enable IT organizations and their customers to collaboratively identify, discuss, and manage IT service expectations. Despite their potential, however, not all SLAs are successful. Based on experiences with numerous companies, the author argues that a tendency to “overcomplexify” is a major cause for SLA efforts to fail.  相似文献   

作为基础网络资源的一部分,数据中心因为其高效性、规模效应、高处理性能等,得到目前各行业的广泛认可,数据中心的快速发展也为新的业务和模式的运行提供了可能性。但数据集中之后的信息安全问题也日益突显出来并更受到关注。本文将主要从网络的角度来分析数据中心的安全问题,按照威胁类型的不同分成4类,并对不同的安全威胁提出基于相应网络技术的解决方案,以此来加强数据中心的安全建设。  相似文献   

利用Web服务技术和数据交换技术实现BtoBi电子商务应用系统,阐述面向领域的BtoBiWeb服务和数据交换中心系统的工作原理及有关技术问题和解决方案。  相似文献   

The cost of power and its associated delivery are becoming significant factors in the total expenditure of large-scale data centers. Numerous techniques have been proposed to address the energy efficiency issue in cloud systems. Recently, some efforts have been made to decentralize the cloud via distributing data centers in diverse geographical positions, at different scales. In this paper, we elaborate on the energy effectiveness of service provisioning on different cloud architectures, from a mega-data center to a nano data center, which provides the extreme decentralization in terms of cloud architecture, as well as P2P-clouds or community network clouds. We study the energy consumption through an analytical and simulation framework for video streaming and MapReduce applications.  相似文献   

Programming and Computer Software - Data center is the most effective way of providing computational resources to a large number of users. The software-defined model is a modern approach to the...  相似文献   

在线水文或陆面过程模型服务可以为广泛的网络用户提供数据分析、预报预警和决策支持等功能。随着科学数据共享环境发展的日趋成熟,如何便捷地利用丰富的在线数据资源成为在线模型的新挑战。当前的在线模型服务研究对于复杂多样的模型数据和参数需求的标准化不足,且缺少与科学数据中心的紧密协作。建立了一个模型服务器、数据服务器、客户端三方紧密协作的在线模型服务方案。结合一般性工作流程,基于标准化的服务接口来构建在线的水文和陆面过程模型和数据服务,重点介绍了在线服务架构、主要接口及实现的关键技术,包括模型数据和参数的传递和格式转换、数据服务器数据查询的实现和模拟结果的返回。这套方案充分利用了模型服务器的计算优势和科学数据中心的资源,可以被复制和扩展到其他类似应用。  相似文献   

在新的应用模式下,传统层次结构数据中心网络在规模、带宽、扩展性和成本方面存在诸多不足.为了适应新型应用的需求,数据中心网络需要在低成本的前提下,满足高扩展性、低配置开销、健壮性和节能的要求.首先,概述了传统数据中心网络体系结构及其不足,并指出了新的需求;其次,将现有方案划分为两类,即以网络为中心和以服务器为中心的方案;然后,对两类方案中的代表性结构进行了详细的综述和对比分析;最后指出了数据中心网络未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

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