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Abstract. Using the notion of modular decomposition we extend the class of graphs on which both the treewidth and the minimum fill-in can be solved in polynomial time. We show that if C is a class of graphs that are modularly decomposable into graphs that have a polynomial number of minimal separators, or graphs formed by adding a matching between two cliques, then both the treewidth and the minimum fill-in on C can be solved in polynomial time. For the graphs that are modular decomposable into cycles we give algorithms that use respectively O(n) and O(n 3 ) time for treewidth and minimum fill-in.  相似文献   

目的 场景文本识别(scene text recognition,STR)是计算机视觉中的一个热门研究领域。最近,基于多头自注意力机制的视觉Transformer (vision Transformer,ViT)模型被提出用于STR,以实现精度、速度和计算负载的平衡。然而,没有机制可以保证不同的自注意力头确实捕捉到多样性的特征,这将导致使用多头自注意力机制的ViT模型在多样性极强的场景文本识别任务中表现不佳。针对这个问题,提出了一种新颖的正交约束来显式增强多个自注意力头之间的多样性,提高多头自注意力对不同子空间信息的捕获能力,在保证速度和计算效率的同时进一步提高网络的精度。方法 首先提出了针对不同自注意力头上Q (query)、K (key)和V (value)特征的正交约束,这可以使不同的自注意力头能够关注到不同的查询子空间、键子空间、值子空间的特征,关注不同子空间的特征可以显式地使不同的自注意力头捕捉到更具差异的特征。还提出了针对不同自注意力头上QKV 特征线性变换权重的正交约束,这将为Q、K和V特征的学习提供正交权重空间的解决方案,并在网络训练中带来隐式正则化的效果。结果 实验在7个数据集上与基准方法进行比较,在规则数据集Street View Text (SVT)上精度提高了0.5%;在不规则数据集CUTE80 (CT)上精度提高了1.1%;在7个公共数据集上的整体精度提升了0.5%。结论 提出的即插即用的正交约束能够提高多头自注意力机制在STR任务中的特征捕获能力,使ViT模型在STR任务上的识别精度得到提高。本文代码已公开: https://github.com/lexiaoyuan/XViTSTR。  相似文献   

The improvement of producing skeletons that preserve the significant geometric features of patterns is of great importance. One of feasible approaches is to develop a method embedded in a known parallel algorithm to produce bias-reduced skeletons since a bias skeleton usually degrades the preservation of significant geometric features of patterns. From our observations, bias skeletons always appear in the junction of lines which form an angle less than or near equal to 90°. In this paper, thehidden deletable pixel(HDP) which influences the speed of deleting the boundary pixels on a concave side is newly defined. Based on the comparable performance of our pseudo 1-subcycle parallel thinning algorithm (CH), a reduced form of larger support (twoL-pixel vectors, which is not the form ofk×ksupport) operated by an intermediate vector analysis about the deleted pixels in each thinning iteration is developed for HDP detection to obtain bias-reduced skeletons, which can be purchased by a reasonable computation cost. HDP restoration and parallel implementation are further considered to formulate an improved algorithm (CYS), where the connectivity preservation is guaranteed by the use ofCH's operators and HDP restoration. A set of synthetic images are used to quantify the skeleton from the geometry viewpoint and investigate the skeleton variations of using different (L)s. Based on the analyzing results, 3 ≤L≤ 9 are suggested for the current algorithm ofCYS.CYSis evaluated in comparison with two small support algorithms (AFP3andCH) and one larger support algorithm (VRCT) using the same patterns. Performances are reported by the number of iterations (NI), CPU time (TC), and number of unmatched pixels (Nunmatchfor bias-reduced measure). Results show that on the measure ofTC,CYSis approximately 2 to 3 times slower than the others, while on the measure ofNI, the four algorithms have approximately identical performance. On the measure ofNunmatch,CYSis approximately 2 to 3 times less than the others. One-pixel boundary noise is also considered for exploring the noise immunity. The results suggest that the noise immunity ofCYSandCHis identical and is better than that ofAFP3. As a result, the better bias-reduced skeletons produced byCYSmay be purchased by a reasonable computation cost.  相似文献   

Circus is a new notation that may be used to specify both data and behavioural aspects of a system, and has an associated refinement calculus. In this work, we present rules to translate Circus programs to Java programs that use JCSP, a library that implements Communicating Sequential Processes constructs. These rules can be used as a complement to the Circus algebraic refinement technique, or as a guideline for implementation. They are a link between the results on refinement in the context of Circus and a practical programming language in current use. The rules can also be used as the basis for a tool that mechanises the translation. Although a few case studies are already available in the literature, the industrial fire control system, whose refinement and implementation is discussed in this paper, is, as far as we know, the largest case study on the Circus refinement strategy.  相似文献   

Summary A binary operation on the class of trees is defined that generates a set B of finite trees form a trivial tree (one node) and B contains for every finite tree G exactly one element isomorphic to G. The binary operation defines an algebraic structure on B, and as a consequence the finite tree types are characterized as an initial algebra in the same way as the natural numbers are characterized as an initial algebra by the Peano-Lawvere axiom [2]. Simple and primitive recursion are defined and some applications of the initial algebra characterization are given.  相似文献   

Abstract. We show that the counting classes AWPP and APP [FFKL], [L] are more robust than previously thought. Our results identify a sufficient condition for a language to be low for PP, and we show that this condition is at least as weak as other previously studied criteria. We extend a result of K?bler et al. by proving that all sparse co-C = P languages are in APP, and are thus PP-low. Our results also imply that AWPP ⊂eq APP, and thus APP contains many other established subclasses of PP-low, thereby reducing several different lowness results to membership in APP. We also show that AWPP and APP are Σ 0 2 -definable classes. Some of our results are reminiscent of amplifying certainty in probabilistic computation.  相似文献   

We present the R 2 D 2 redundancy detector. R 2 D 2 identifies redundant code fragments in large software systems written in Lisp. For each pair of code fragments, R 2 D 2 uses a combination of techniques ranging from syntax-based analysis to semantics-based analysis, that detects positive and negative evidences regarding the redundancy of the analyzed code fragments. These evidences are combined according to a well-defined model and sufficiently redundant fragments are reported to the user. R 2 D 2 explores several techniques and heuristics to operate within reasonable time and space bounds and is designed to be extensible.  相似文献   

We consider the following general problem modeling load balancing in a variety of distributed settings. Given an arbitrary undirected connected graph G=(V,E) and a weight distribution w 0 on the nodes, determine a schedule to move weights across edges in each step so as to (approximately) balance the weights on the nodes. We focus on diffusive schedules for this problem. All previously studied diffusive schedules can be modeled as w t+1 = M w t where w t is the weight distribution after t steps and M is a doubly stochastic matrix. We call these the first-order schedules. First-order schedules, although widely used in practice, are often slow. In this paper we introduce a new direction in diffusive schedules by considering schedules that are modeled as: w 1 =M w 0 ;w t+1 =β M w t + (1-β) w t-1 for some appropriate β; we call these the second-order schedules. In the idealized setting of weights being real numbers, we adopt known results to show that β can be chosen so that the second-order schedule involves significantly fewer steps than the first-order method for approximate load balancing. In the realistic setting when the weights are positive integers, we simulate the idealized schedules by maintaining I Owe You units on the edges. Extensive experiments with simulated data and real-life data from JOSTLE, a mesh-partitioning software, show that the resultant realistic schedule is close to the idealized schedule, and it again involves fewer steps than the first-order schedules for approximate load balancing. Our main result is therefore a fast algorithm for coarse load balancing that can be used in a variety of applications. Received October 1996, and in final form January 1998.  相似文献   

Delphi: geometry-based connectivity prediction in triangle mesh compression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Delphi is a new geometry-guided predictive scheme for compressing the connectivity of triangle meshes. Both compression and decompression algorithms traverse the mesh using the EdgeBreaker state machine. However, instead of encoding the EdgeBreaker clers symbols that capture connectivity explicitly, they estimate the location of the unknown vertex, v , of the next triangle. If the predicted location lies sufficiently close to the nearest vertex, w , on the boundary of the previously traversed portion of the mesh, then Delphi estimates that v coincides with w . When the guess is correct, a single confirmation bit is encoded. Otherwise, additional bits are used to encode the rectification of that prediction. When v coincides with a previously visited vertex that is not adjacent to the parent triangle (EdgeBreaker S case), the offset, which identifies the vertex v , must be encoded, mimicking the cut-border machine compression proposed by Gumhold and Strasser. On models where 97% of Delphi predictions are correct, the connectivity is compressed down to 0.19 bits per triangle. Compression rates decrease with the frequency of wrong predictors, but remains below 1.50 bits per triangle for all models tested.  相似文献   

ContextModel-Driven Engineering provides a new landscape for dealing with traceability in software development.ObjectiveOur goal is to analyze the current state of the art in traceability management in the context of Model-Driven Engineering.MethodWe use the systematic literature review based on the guidelines proposed by Kitchenham. We propose five research questions and six quality assessments.ResultsOf the 157 relevant studies identified, 29 have been considered primary studies. These studies have resulted in 17 proposals.ConclusionThe evaluation shows that the most addressed operations are storage, CRUD and visualization, while the most immature operations are exchange and analysis traceability information.  相似文献   

Context:Successful software development and management depends not only on the technologies, methods and processes employed but also on the judgments and decisions of the humans involved. These, in turn, are affected by the basic views and attitudes of the individual engineers.Objective:The objective of this paper is to establish if these views and attitudes can be linked to the personalities of software engineers.Methods:We summarize the literature on personality and software engineering and then describe an empirical study on 47 professional engineers in ten different Swedish software development companies. The study evaluated the personalities of these engineers via the IPIP 50-item five-factor personality test and prompted them on their attitudes towards and basic views on their professional activities.Results:We present extensive statistical analyses of their responses to show that there are multiple, significant associations between personality factors and software engineering attitudes. The tested individuals are more homogeneous in personality than a larger sample of individuals from the general population.Conclusion:Taken together, the methodology and personality test we propose and the associated statistical analyses can help find and quantify relations between complex factors in software engineering projects in both research and practice.  相似文献   

Given a parametric polynomial family p(s; Q) := {n k=0 ak (q)sk : q ] Q}, Q R m , the robust root locus of p(s; Q) is defined as the two-dimensional zero set p,Q := {s ] C:p(s; q) = 0 for some q ] Q}. In this paper we are concerned with the problem of generating robust root loci for the parametric polynomial family p(s; E) whose polynomial coefficients depend polynomially on elements of the parameter vector q ] E which lies in an m-dimensional ellipsoid E. More precisely, we present a computational technique for testing the zero inclusion/exclusion of the value set p(z; E) for a fixed point z in C, and then apply an integer-labelled pivoting procedure to generate the boundary of each subregion of the robust root locus p,E . The proposed zero inclusion/exclusion test algorithm is based on using some simple sufficient conditions for the zero inclusion and exclusion of the value set p(z,E) and subdividing the domain E iteratively. Furthermore, an interval method is incorporated in the algorithm to speed up the process of zero inclusion/exclusion test by reducing the number of zero inclusion test operations. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for the generation of robust root locus, an example is provided.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to a study of stability questions for linear infinite-dimensional discrete-time and continuous-time systems. The concepts of power stability and l p Instability for a linear discrete-time system x k+1 = Ax k (where x k ε X, X is a Banach space, A is linear and bounded) are introduced and studied. Relationships between these concepts and the inequality r(A) < 1, where r(A) denotes the spectral radius of A, are also given. The discrete-time results are used for a simple derivation of some well-known properties of exponentially stable and Lp-stable linear continuous-time systems described by [xdot](t) = Ax(t) (A generates here a strongly continuous semigroup of linear and bounded operators on X). Some remarks on norms related to stable systems are also included.  相似文献   

We study the classification problem that arises when two variables—one continuous (x), one discrete (s)—evolve jointly in time. We suppose that the vector x traces out a smooth multidimensional curve, to each point of which the variable s attaches a discrete label. The trace of s thus partitions the curve into different segments whose boundaries occur where s changes value. We consider how to learn the mapping between the trace of x and the trace of s from examples of segmented curves. Our approach is to model the conditional random process that generates segments of constant s along the curve of x. We suppose that the variable s evolves stochastically as a function of the arc length traversed by x. Since arc length does not depend on the rate at which a curve is traversed, this gives rise to a family of Markov processes whose predictions are invariant to nonlinear warpings (or reparameterizations) of time. We show how to estimate the parameters of these models—known as Markov processes on curves (MPCs)—from labeled and unlabeled data. We then apply these models to two problems in automatic speech recognition, where x are acoustic feature trajectories and s are phonetic alignments.  相似文献   

Background:Virtual Machine (VM) consolidation is an effective technique to improve resource utilization and reduce energy footprint in cloud data centers. It can be implemented in a centralized or a distributed fashion. Distributed VM consolidation approaches are currently gaining popularity because they are often more scalable than their centralized counterparts and they avoid a single point of failure.Objective:To present a comprehensive, unbiased overview of the state-of-the-art on distributed VM consolidation approaches.Method:A Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) of the existing distributed VM consolidation approaches.Results:19 papers on distributed VM consolidation categorized in a variety of ways. The results show that the existing distributed VM consolidation approaches use four types of algorithms, optimize a number of different objectives, and are often evaluated with experiments involving simulations.Conclusion:There is currently an increasing amount of interest on developing and evaluating novel distributed VM consolidation approaches. A number of research gaps exist where the focus of future research may be directed.  相似文献   

We apply techniques from complexity theory to a model of biological cellular membranes known as membrane systems or P-systems. Like Boolean circuits, membrane systems are defined as uniform families of computational devices. To date, polynomial time uniformity has been the accepted uniformity notion for membrane systems. Here, we introduce the idea of using AC 0-uniformity and investigate the computational power of membrane systems under these tighter conditions. It turns out that the computational power of some systems is lowered from P to NL when using AC 0-semi-uniformity, so we argue that this is a more reasonable uniformity notion for these systems as well as others. Interestingly, other P-semi-uniform systems that are known to be lower-bounded by P are shown to retain their P lower-bound under the new tighter semi-uniformity condition. Similarly, a number of membrane systems that are known to solve PSPACE-complete problems retain their computational power under tighter uniformity conditions.  相似文献   

Some necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positive definite solution of the nonlinear matrix equation X+A*X A=Q (0<α≤1) are given. By the way an iterative method is presented. Furthermore, the convergence and error estimation of the iterative algorithm are derived. The illustrative numerical examples due to Peng are worked out.  相似文献   


Suppose LC 1 and LC 2 are two machine learning classes each based on a criterion of success. Suppose, for every machine which learns a class of functions according to the LC 2 criterion of success, there is a machine which learns this class according to the LC 2 criterion. In the case where the converse does not hold LC, is said to be separated from LC 2. It is shown that for many such separated learning classes from the literature a much stronger separation holds: (?𝒞∈LC 1) (?𝒞' ∈LC 2 - LC 1(( [' ?𝒞] It is also shown that there is a pair of separated learning classes from the literature for which the stronger separation above does not hold. A philosophical heuristic toward the design of artificially intelligent learning programs is presented with each strong separation result.  相似文献   

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