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粘土矿物与风化作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

粘土矿物与斜坡失稳   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
作为微米级材料,粘土矿物的单晶尺寸及特殊晶体结构使其集合体-粘土呈现低渗透性、分散-凝絮性及粘滞性等重要工程特性。除沉积岩斜坡含粘土矿物外,76%以上的斜坡岩石造岩矿物还可形成次生粘土矿物。粘土矿物广泛分布于原生沉积岩、三大岩类风化带及第四系松散堆积物构成的斜坡中。泥屑岩因含粘土矿物而易于失稳,且水稳定性差。次生粘土矿物的形成将引起源矿物、矿物集合体及岩块的强度与变形特性的显著变化,诱发岩石向松散介质转化。宏观结构面是粘土矿物最主要的形成和聚集场所,结构面及其内侧一定范围内不同成因粘土矿物的淀积将导致结构面及岩体强度的衰减。粘土矿物是滑坡滑带的常见矿物组分;粘土滑带可以在滑体与滑床之间起到润滑作用。滑带中粘土矿物的含量越多,其润滑效应越显著。粘土型滑带还具有隔水边界之功效,可将滑体与周围介质隔离,使之成为独立水文地质单元,提高坡体拦截、吸收渗入水的能力及斜坡稳定对降雨过程的敏感度。粘土矿物可以促进斜坡时效变形,甚至成为斜坡破坏的关键因素,对斜坡演化及失稳的贡献是显著的。  相似文献   

水华的频频发生给环境,经济,生态造成巨大的经济损失,严重影响了人们的生活,天然粘土安全无毒,来源丰富低廉,是人们研究的热点,通过改性粘土除藻技术能够有效地去除水体中的藻类,因此,如何改性粘土,提高除藻率引起各学者的关注。本文综述了目前除藻的方法以及有机改性粘土除藻的研究,指出了有机改性粘土除藻存在的问题以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

用煤矸石代页岩作水泥混合材   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省七里岗水泥厂现有两条窑外解生产线,年产水泥60万吨,产品主要有普硅42.5R、52.5R和复合42.5水泥,水泥用混合材页岩从外地购买成本较高。为降低水泥生产成本,我们用煤矸石代替页岩作混合材,收到了很好的效果。  相似文献   

四川广安地区侏罗系粘土矿物类型主要为绿泥石、高岭石、伊蒙混层和伊利石;同一口井随着深度的增加,伊利石、绿泥石含量增加,伊蒙混层中的蒙脱石混层比降低。粘土矿物特征与储集层物性的相关性分析认为:伊蒙混层含量、伊利石含量均与储集层孔渗性能呈负相关,绿泥石与高岭石含量与储集层孔渗性呈正相关;通过对伊蒙混层中蒙脱石的混层比的计算,大多数为有序混层,说明该区凉高山组处于生油高峰期,这与岩石中TOC(%)介于0.8与1.3,Ro(%)介于0.7与1.2相吻合。  相似文献   

粘土矿物化学分析+光资料的定量计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

随着国民经济的发展和人们生活的改善,对颜料的需求量越来越大,尤其是无机颜料,广泛地用于涂料、塑料、造纸、陶瓷、橡胶、水泥等工业部门。我国无机颜料年递增率为13.15%。1982年的产量为21.8043万t,1986年为38.4922万t,增长53.6%。预计1993年为65.4万t左右。 在无机颜料中,许多颜料对人体是有害的,例如铅铬黄(PbCrO_4),内含积累性中毒的铅离  相似文献   

水玻璃与粘土矿物之间表面反应的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
为深刻认识水玻璃加固粘土地层的机理,用水玻璃溶液与粘土作用,测定粘土作用前后的X射线衍射、红外光谱和X射线光电子能谱。实验表明,在80℃用50g/L的水玻璃溶液浸泡6h后烘干的粘土,其整体化学构成的变化很小,以至用红外光谱法测不出来;用X射线衍射和X射线光电子能谱法,测出粘土颗粒表面与水玻璃发生了化学反应,这种反应可能增加粘土颗粒之间的胶结力。  相似文献   

在硫铝酸盐基高水材料中引入了粘土矿物对其进行改性,通过正交实验讨论了原料配比、细度及粘土矿物掺量对硫铝酸盐基高水材料结构体强度的影响,并得出了最佳配比方案。结合X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等现代测试方法,对改性硫铝酸盐基高水材料的微观结构及性能进行了研究。结果表明,原料配比是影响高水材料结构体强度的主要因素,硫铝酸盐水泥熟料:石膏:石灰=1:0.4:0.15,外掺10%的膨润土,水化形成以钙矾石为主的结构体,28d抗压强度达到6.5MPa;外掺适量膨润土可以改善浆体的均匀性,减少泌水和分层现象,促进结构体的形成。改性后的高水材料,可用作一种优良的充填材料。  相似文献   

裂缝与页岩储层的成藏、油气产出和后期的压裂改造密切相关,裂缝的准确识别一直是其研究重点。常规测井对页岩储层的裂缝识别精度低,且没有形成定量的识别指标。本文以四川盆地涪陵页岩五峰组为目的层,以测井资料为基础,从岩石力学角度出发,构建了裂缝发育的常规评价系数;进一步引入模糊数学方法,将多个裂缝发育的常规评价系数有机结合,建立了五峰组裂缝发育评价的综合指标。研究显示涪陵平桥区块五峰组裂缝识别综合指数临界值为0.5,小于该值时五峰组裂缝发育程度相对较高,且该值越小,地层裂缝越发育。对比验证岩心资料以及电成像测井资料,结果表明该方法能够较准确地对涪陵页岩的裂缝进行识别且精度较高,满足工程的需要。  相似文献   

Estimation of energy output for small-scale wind power generators is the subject of this article. Monthly wind energy production is estimated using the Weibull-representative wind data for a total of 96 months, from 5 different locations in the world. The Weibull parameters are determined based on the wind distribution statistics calculated from the measured data, using the gamma function. The wind data in relative frequency format is obtained from these calculated Weibull parameters. The wind speed data in time-series format and the Weibull-representative wind speed data are used to calculate the wind energy output of a specific wind turbine. The monthly energy outputs calculated from the time-series and the Weibull-representative data are compared. It is shown that the Weibull-representative data estimate the wind energy output very accurately. The overall error in estimation of monthly energy outputs for the total 96 months is 2.79%.  相似文献   

近年来随着宏观经济增长趋缓、产业结构调整和市民生活水平提高,上海电网用电负荷特性呈现新的特点。通过对历史用电负荷及气温等数据进行分析,指出了上海电网用电负荷具有增长趋缓、负荷一气温灵敏度高、波动性强、尖峰负荷持续时间短、周期性明显和用电峰谷差加大等特性,提出了通过有效地需求侧管理改善用电负荷特性对优化电网运行具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, the wind speeds of Noupoort in the Western Cape region of South Africa are forecasted from the site climatological data using feed forward artificial neural network (ANN) with the back propagation training method. Different architectural designs are tested with different combinations of climatological data to obtain the most suitable ANN for predicting the wind speed of the site. The predicted wind speeds are compared with the actual measured wind speeds and the results are evaluated using mean absolute error (MAE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), root mean square error (RMSE) and correlation coefficient (R). Some of the key results show that combination of temperature, wind direction and time of the day (TEM?+?WD?+?T) could effectively predict wind speed of Noupoort. The forecasted wind speed shows a strong agreement with the measured wind speed with R, RMSE, MAPE and MAE of 0.96, 0.56, 6.64% and 0.44, respectively.  相似文献   

Simulating impacts of wind farms on local hydrometeorology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wind power is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world, most of the growth being in large wind farms that are often located on agricultural land near residential communities. This study explores the possible impacts of such wind farms on local hydrometeorology using a mesoscale model equipped with a rotor parameterization based on data from a commercial wind turbine. Results show that wind farms significantly affect near-surface air temperature and humidity as well as surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. The signs of the impacts, i.e., increase or decrease, depend on the static stability and total water mixing ratio lapse rates of the atmosphere. The magnitudes of these impacts are not only constrained by the hub-height wind speed but also depend to some extent on the size of the wind farms. Wind farms also affect the hydrometeorology of an area up to 18-23 km downwind. More work is required to conclusively estimate the length-scale of wind farm wakes. This study is one of the first few to provide realistic estimates of possible impacts of wind farms. The model developed and used in this study can help in assessing and addressing the environmental impacts of wind farms thereby ensuring the long-term sustainability of wind power.  相似文献   


The solar chimney power plant (SCPP) is a simple solar thermal power plant that is capable of converting solar energy into thermal energy in the solar collector. In the second stage, the generated thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy in the chimney and ultimately into electric energy using a combination of a wind turbine and a generator. The numerical simulations were performed for the geometry of the prototype in Manzanares, Spain. Using computational ?uid dynamics (CFD) techniques; we have simulated a two-dimensional axisymmetric model of a SCPP with the RNG k-ε turbulence. In this model, the discrete ordinates (DO) radiation model was implemented to solve the radiative transfer equation, using a two-band radiation model. The main objective of this work is to explore dynamic control over plant power output. We have presented a technique to control the power output of the solar chimney power plant, in order to deliver power according to specified demand patterns. In order to present this, the reference plant model was modified to include a secondary and tertiary collector roof under the existing main collector. In terms of base load electricity generation, the inclusion of a secondary and tertiary collector roof produces good control over plant output.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) flow and its interactions with wind turbines and wind farms is critical for optimizing the design (turbine siting) of wind energy projects. Large-eddy simulation (LES) can potentially provide the kind of high-resolution spatial and temporal information needed to maximize wind energy production and minimize fatigue loads in wind farms. However, the accuracy of LESs of ABL flow with wind turbines hinges on our ability to parameterize subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulent fluxes as well as turbine-induced forces. This paper focuses on recent research efforts to develop and validate an LES framework for wind energy applications. SGS fluxes are parameterized using tuning-free Lagrangian scale-dependent dynamic models. These models optimize the local value of the model coefficients based on the dynamics of the resolved scales. The turbine-induced forces (e.g., thrust, lift and drag) are parameterized using two types of models: actuator-disk models that distribute the force loading over the rotor disk, and actuator-line models that distribute the forces along lines that follow the position of the blades. Simulation results are compared to wind-tunnel measurements collected with hot-wire anemometry in the wake of a miniature three-blade wind turbine placed in a boundary layer flow. In general, the characteristics of the turbine wakes simulated with the proposed LES framework are in good agreement with the measurements in the far-wake region. Near the turbine, up to about five rotor diameters downwind, the best performance is obtained with turbine models that induce wake-flow rotation and account for the non-uniformity of the turbine-induced forces. Finally, the LES framework is used to simulate atmospheric boundary-layer flow through an operational wind farm.  相似文献   

介绍了上海及周边沿海地区风力发电的开发现状,阐述了风力发电机基础的一般受力特点和基础形式,对风机基础勘察进行了总结和讨论,提出了一些看法,以使勘察工作满足规范要求,更好地为工程建设服务。  相似文献   

张杰 《山西建筑》2015,(9):37-39
以某气浮结构平台为研究对象,通过MOSES对某风电基础在不同波高下、不同吃水和不同航速下风电结构的运动响应及波浪力进行了研究分析,得到了各种荷载下对拖航系统影响的变化规律。  相似文献   

季彤天 《山西建筑》2010,36(35):143-144
介绍了国家电网公司上海世博会企业馆幕墙特点,具体从幕墙的安全、节能、环保、舒适、美观等方面进行了论述,从而使幕墙设计更加完善、合理,进一步推广该类型幕墙的广泛应用。  相似文献   

为了研究上海地区近地台风与季风湍流特性的差异,基于高度10、20、30、40m处上海浦东风工程实测基地获得的风速风向数据,对台风“梅花”与季风作用下浦东地区近地湍流特性进行了对比分析。结果表明:台风“梅花”和季风作用下近地湍流度和阵风因子均随平均风速的增大而减小,不同的是前者变化速率随平均风速的增大而减小,而后者变化速率基本不变;相同高度处季风作用下各向湍流度和阵风因子均大于台风“梅花”作用下的结果,并给出了湍流度和阵风因子剖面的经验表达式;季风和台风影响下自相关系数均随迟滞时间的增大而逐渐减小,且高度越高衰减速率越慢,在相同高度处台风下的衰减速率明显比季风的大。  相似文献   

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