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基于瞬时无功功率理论的ip-iq谐波检测法,环节繁多且结构复杂,同时低通滤波器(low pass filter,LPF)的存在又影响了谐波检测的快速性。为了准确且快速检测出电网谐波电流,实现对电网的补偿,该文提出一种基于正弦幅值积分器(sinusoidal amplitude integrator,SAI)的全电流谐波检测法,该方法在ip-iq谐波检测法的基础上省去负载电流有功分量和无功分量的计算环节,利用SAI的正序基波提取结构替换原来检测法中的LPF,提取出正序基波电流经过运算得到谐波指令电流,从而对电网进行补偿。在平衡电网下对所提方法进行仿真与实验,验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
谐波污染的有效治理是电能质量控制的关键。基于有源电力滤波器可实现对谐波的跟踪及补偿的优点,电网中常采用有源电力滤波器实现谐波的治理,但有源电力滤波器谐波检测应用的传统ip-iq法存在检测精度低、速度慢的问题。正基于此,该文提出了一种融合二阶广义积分正交锁相环和卡尔曼滤波器的新型ip-iq谐波检测方法。以改进型二阶广义积分正交锁相环,提高相角检测准确度;以卡尔曼滤波器提升滤波跟踪实时性。通过理论推导结合仿真分析,结果表明该方法能实现谐波的有效补偿,从而提升谐波检测准确性。 相似文献
在三相三线制局部低压配电网中,易出现电流畸变和三相不平衡情况,对设备运行及配电网安全造成不利影响。在采用有源电力滤波器(APF)进行谐波与三相不平衡综合补偿时,因传统[ip-iq]法无法有效消除二倍频分量,故补偿效果不甚理想。该文基于传统[ip-iq]方法提出了一种改进[ip-iq]法,得出了低通滤波器参数与APF补偿电流的定量关系,并据此进行了APF主要参数的设计。仿真与实验结果证明采用改进[ip-iq]法时,谐波与不平衡补偿的效果与低通滤波器的截止频率无关,保持了良好的稳定性,且提高了系统的响应速度。 相似文献
牵引供电系统中大量非线性元件的使用,在系统中产生了大量的谐波与无功电流。采用有功电流分离法,分离出牵引变压器副边的基波有功电流,从而得到补偿电流,利用有源电力滤波器对其进行补偿,通过MATLAB仿真,说明了补偿方法的可行性。 相似文献
讨论了电力系统有源滤波器的特性及原理,并提出了一种检测谐波电流的方法,该方法不仅可以检测出谐波电流,还可以检测出负序电流及波动电流。并采用有源滤波器进行了仿真,结果表明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
基于瞬时无功功率理论,提出了一种适用于三相三线制和三相四线制电力系统谐波、负序以及无功电流的复合补偿策略。数值仿真结果表明,该复合补偿策略的投入使用,可使电力系统综合补偿装置运行在有源电力滤波器和静止无功发生器功能相结合的复合工作模式,从而实现具有不对称非线性负载的电力系统的谐波抑制、无功补偿以及负载不平衡抑制等综合控制任务。 相似文献
In this paper, the choice of power quality compensator is a DSTATCOM which constitutes a three phase four leg voltage source converter (VSC) with a DC capacitor. The control strategy proposed for the DSTATCOM is a neural network based one cycle control (OCC). This control strategy involves neural network block, digital circuits and linear elements, which eliminates the sensors required for sensing the load current and coupling inductor current in addition to the multiplier employed in the conventional method. The calculation of harmonic and reactive currents for the reference current generation is also eliminated, thus minimizing the complexity in the control strategy. The control strategy mitigates harmonic/reactive currents, ensures balanced and sinusoidal source current from the supply mains that are nearly in phase with the supply voltage, compensates neutral current, and maintains voltage across the capacitor under unbalanced source and load conditions. The performance of the DSTATCOM with the proposed artificial neural network (ANN) controllers is validated and investigated through simulations using Matlab software. The simulation results prove the efficacy of the proposed neural network based control strategy under varying source and load conditions. 相似文献
同塔双回线路共有六种相序布置方式,为选取最优相序,以皖电东送淮南—上海1000 kV特高压输变电工程为例,利用CDEGS软件包、MATLAB、EMTP程序,仿真计算了同塔双回线路各种导线排列方式下电场、磁场、无线电干扰、可闻噪声、自然功率、线路不平衡度和反击跳闸率。结果表明,相序布置对同塔双回线路的电磁环境、自然功率、线路不平衡度及耐雷性能等电气特性有一定的影响;线路的工频电场、自然功率和线路不平衡度是决定线路最优相序布置的关键因素。综合各种电气特性因素,得出了线路的最优相序布置——ABC/CBA;最后在最优相序布置下推算了1000 kV同塔双回线路跨域建筑物的安全距离。其计算方法与结果可供实际工程参考。 相似文献
This paper presents a control for a three phase five-level neutral clamped inverter (NPC) for grid connected PV system. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is capable of extracting maximum power from the PV array connected to each DC link voltage level. The MPPT algorithm is solved by fuzzy logic controller. The fuzzy MPPT is integrated with the inverter so that a DC–DC converter is not needed and the output shows accurate and fast response. A digital PI current control algorithm is used to remain the current injected into the grid sinusoidal and to achieve high dynamic performance with low total harmonic distortion (THD). The validity of the system is verified through MATLAB/Simulink and the results are compared with three phase three-level grid connected NPC inverter in terms of THD. 相似文献
Beycan Ibrahimoglu Deniz Uner Ayfer Veziroglu Fuat Karakaya Beycan Ibrahimoglu 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(29):15168-15180
Phase diagrams are an integral part of the estimation of material properties in the case of high temperature and pressure. The pressure-temperature (P-T) phase diagram is used to determine the state of aggregation (solid, liquid, gaseous) of a substance under given conditions. This article presents a method to reveal new states in the phase diagram, including the possibility of the plasma state. Using the empirical data of benzene, a critical pressure beyond solid-liquid equilibrium was estimated. It is highly probable that beyond these pressures, benzene may ionize and exhibit plasma behavior. The method proposed in this work for benzene could also be applied to create a comprehensive phase diagram of Hydrogen at certain pressure and temperature. Because the complex behavior of hydrogen, as well as the constant discovery of new varieties and the creation of many different phases of hydrogen makes it very difficult to construct a realistic phase diagram. 相似文献
Harun Özbay Selim Öncü Metin Kesler 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(28):17713-17722
In this paper, sliding mode control (SMC) – direct power controller (DPC) based active and reactive power controller for three-phase grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system is proposed. The proposed system consists of two main controllers: the DC/DC boost converter to track the possible maximum power from the PV panels and the grid-tied three-phase inverter. The Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is used to transfer the maximum power from the PV panels. Control of the active and reactive powers is performed using the SMC-DPC strategy without any rotating coordinate transformations or phase angle tracking of the grid voltage. In addition, extra current control cycles are not used to simplify the system design and to increase transient performance. The fixed switching frequency is obtained by using space vector modulation (SVM). The proposed system provides very good results both in transient and steady states with the simple algorithms of P&O and SMC-DPC methods. Moreover, the results are evaluated by comparing the SMC-DPC method developed for MPPT and the traditional PI control method. The proposed controller method is achieved with TMS320F28335 DSP processor and the system is experimentally tested for 12 kW PV generation systems. 相似文献