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At high-energy particle accelerators, area monitoring needs to be performed in a wide range of neutron energies. In principle, neutrons occur from thermal energies up to the energy of the accelerated ions, which is for the present GSI (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung) accelerator facility approximately 1-2 GeV per nucleon. There are no passive dosemeters available, which are designed for the use at high-energy accelerators. At GSI, a neutron dosemeter was developed, which is suitable for the measurement of high-energy neutron radiation by the insertion of a lead layer around Thermoluminescence (TL) detection elements (pairs of TL 600/700) at the centre of the dosemeter. The design of the sphere was derived from the construction of the extended range rem-counters for the measurement of ambient dose equivalent H(10). In this work, the dosemeter fluence response was measured in the quasi-monoenergetic neutron fields of the accelerator facility of the PTB in Braunschweig and in the thermal neutron field of the GKSS research reactor FRG-1 in Geesthacht. For the accelerator measurements, the reactions (7)Li(p,n)(7)Be, (3)H(p,n)(3)He and (2)H(d,n)(3)He were used to produce neutron fields with energy peaks between 144 keV and 19 MeV. The measured fluence responses are 27% too low for thermal energies and show an agreement with approximately 14% for the accelerator produced neutron fields related to the computed fluence responses (MCNP, FLUKA calculations). The measured as well as the computed fluence responses of the dosemeter are compared with the corresponding conversion coefficients.  相似文献   

Because silicon is a major constituent of concrete and soil, neutron and gamma ray information on silicon is important for reactor shielding and criticality safety calculations. Therefore, much effort was put into the ENDF/B-VI evaluation for the three stable isotopes of silicon. The neutron capture cross section of natural silicon was recently measured at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) in the energy range 1-700 keV. Using the ENDF/B-VI evaluation for initial values, a new evaluation of the resonance parameters was performed by adding the results of the ORELA capture measurements to the experimental database. The computer code SAMMY was used for the analysis of the experimental data; the new version of SAMMY allows accurate calculations of the self-shielding and multiple scattering effects in the capture measurements. The accuracy of the radiative capture widths of the resonances was improved by this analysis. Accurate values of the s-, p- and d-wave neutron strength functions were also obtained. Although the resonance capture component of the present evaluation is 2-3 times smaller than that in ENDF/B-VI, the total capture cross section is much larger, at least for energies >250 keV, because the direct capture component contributes values of the same order of magnitude as the resonance component. The direct component was not taken into account in the ENDF/B-VI evaluation and was calculated for the first time in the present evaluation.  相似文献   

Quasi-monoenergetic reference neutron beams in the energy range between 20 and 100 MeV have been produced and characterized with a proton recoil telescope, a scintillation spectrometer, a 238U fission chamber and a Bonner sphere spectrometer. The beams are well suited for the calibration of detectors used in neutron spectrometry. A new method is described which reduces the correction for the contribution from low-energy neutrons present in the beams.  相似文献   

Alanine response to low-energy protons was studied with alanine dosemeters of 2 mm thickness, irradiated with proton beams of energy in the 1.6-6.1 MeV range. The detector's range-averaged relative effectiveness to 60Co radiation ranged from 0.61 to 0.65. For fluence values up to 5 x 10(10) protons x cm(-2), the alanine response was linear.  相似文献   

Superheated drop detectors are currently used for personal and environmental dosimetry and their characteristics such as response to neutrons and temperature dependency are well known. A new bubble counter based on the superheated drop technology has been developed by Framework Scientific. However, the response of this detector with the lead shell is not clear especially above several tens of MeV. In this study, the response has been measured with quasi-monoenergetic and monoenergetic neutron sources with and without a lead shell. The experimental results were compared with the results of the Monte Carlo calculations using the 'Event Generator Mode' in the PHITS code with the JENDL-HE/2007 data library to clarify the response of this detector with a lead shell in the entire energy range.  相似文献   

The associated particle technique (APT) has been used with neutrons from D(d, n)3He and T(d, n)4He reactions to measure the absolute neutron detection efficiency of a stilbene detector (3.81 cm diameter, 1.27 cm thick) in the energy range 2–20 MeV as a function of the light collection threshold. The measurements have been carried out using thin TiT and home made self-supporting deuterated polyethylene targets. The APT facility of the INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, the efficiency measurements and their comparison with both analytical and Monte Carlo (SANREMO code) calculations are described. The good agreement between the experimental data and the SANREMO code predictions allows extension of the efficiency evaluation throughout the whole energy range 2–20 MeV with an uncertainty of 5–10%. The experimental uncertainty in efficiency values is about 2%.  相似文献   

A multiple liquid scintillator system for measuring the energy spectrum of a neutron beam in the range 15–150 MeV is described. Two or more slabs of NE213 scintillator (13×13×7 cm3) are stacked behind one-another and only events in which a neutron interacts in the upstream scintillator are analysed. The system is designed to minimise the escape of forward recoil protons from the detecting media. Test measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of the detector response to quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams of energies 62.5 and 97.5 MeV are presented.  相似文献   

A quasi-monoenergetic neutron field using the (7)Li(p,n)(7)Be reaction has been developed at the ring cyclotron facility at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University. Neutrons were generated from a 10-mm-thick Li target injected by 250, 350 and 392 MeV protons and neutrons produced at 0 degrees were extracted into the time-of-flight (TOF) room of 100-m length through the concrete collimator of 10 x 12 cm aperture and 150 cm thickness. The neutron energy spectra were measured by a 12.7-cm diam x 12.7-cm long NE213 organic liquid scintillator using the TOF method. The peak neutron fluence was 1.94 x 10(10), 1.07 x 10(10) and 1.50 x 10(10) n sr(-1) per muC of 250, 350 and 392 MeV protons, respectively. The neutron spectra generated from various thick (stopping length) targets of carbon, aluminium, iron and lead, bombarded by 250 and 350 MeV protons, were also measured with the TOF method. Although these measurements were performed to obtain thick target neutron yields, they are also used as a continuous energy neutron field. These neutron fields are very useful for characterising neutron detectors, measuring neutron cross sections, testing irradiation effects for various materials and performing neutron shielding experiments.  相似文献   

An experimental study was carried out on the neutron response functions of two neutron detector arrays consisting of 39 3He proportional counters with a polyethylene moderator for monoenergetic neutrons within the 0.39–1.54 MeV neutron energy range. Experimental data on the sensitivity of neutron counting to a change in neutron energy and the influence of the thickness of polyethylene moderator were obtained. The experimental efficiency curves were compared with the calculated response functions generated by a neutron transport code.  相似文献   

The Health Physics Measurements Group at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) has initiated a study of neutron reference fields at selected US Department of Energy (DOE) calibration facilities. To date, field characterisation has been completed at five facilities. These fields are traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) through either a primary calibration of the source emission rate or through the use of a secondary standard. However, neutron spectral variation is caused by factors such as room return, scatter from positioning tables and fixtures, source anisotropy and spectral degradation due to source rabbits and guide tubes. Perturbations from the ideal isotropic point source field may impact the accuracy of instrument calibrations. In particular, the thermal neutron component of the spectrum, while contributing only a small fraction of the conventionally true dose, can contribute a significant fraction of a dosemeter's response with the result that the calibration becomes facility-specific. A protocol has been developed to characterise neutron fields that relies primarily on spectral measurements with the Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) rotating neutron spectrometer (ROSPEC) and the LANL Bonner sphere spectrometer. The ROSPEC measurements were supplemented at several sites by the BTI Simple Scintillation Spectrometer probe, which is designed to extend the ROSPEC upper energy range from 5 to 15 MeV. In addition, measurements were performed with several rem meters and neutron dosemeters. Detailed simulations were performed using the LANL MCNPX Monte Carlo code to calculate the magnitude of source anisotropy and scatter factors.  相似文献   

The 4.4 MeV photon reference field described in ISO 4037 is produced by the (12)C(p,p')(12)C (E(x) = 4.4389 MeV) reaction using a thick elemental carbon target and a proton beam with an energy of 5.7 MeV. The relative abundance of the isotope (13)C in elemental carbon is 1.10%. Therefore, the 4.4 MeV photon field is contaminated by neutrons produced by the (13)C(p,n) (13)N reaction (Q = -3.003 MeV). The ambient dose equivalent H*(10) produced by these neutrons is of the same order of magnitude as the ambient dose equivalent produced by the 4.4 MeV photons. For the calibration of dosemeters, especially those also sensitive to neutrons, the spectral fluence distribution of these neutrons has to be known in detail. On the other hand, a mixed photon/neutron field is very useful for the calibration of tissue-equivalent proportional counters (TEPC), if this field combines a high-linear energy transfer (LET) component produced by low-energy neutrons and a low-LET component resulting from photons with about the same ambient dose equivalent and energies up to 7 MeV. Such a mixed field was produced at the PTB accelerator facility using a thin CaF(2) + (nat)C target and a 5.7 MeV proton beam.  相似文献   

A neutron spectrometer for the measurement of double-differential neutron-emission cross sections has been set up.An electron linac (GELINA) is used as a pulsed white neutron source. The energy of the incident neutrons is determined by the time-of-flight method. The secondary neutron spectra are determined by unfolding the pulse-height distributions observed in eight NE213-scintillators surrounding the sample.The measured spectra are normalised to the shape of the incident neutron flux measured with a 235U-fission chamber, and afterwards converted to absolute cross sections using as standard the carbon differential elastic scattering cross section below 2 MeV.  相似文献   

Proton beams are of growing interest for radiation therapy due to their special physical and radiobiological properties. Microdosimetric characteristics of proton beams have strong influence on the relative biological effectiveness for each biological system. This study focused on the microdosimetric characteristics of monoenergetic protons from 50 keV to 200 MeV. Monte Carlo techniques were used to simulate track segments of protons in water. Dose mean lineal energies were derived to characterise proton beams with changing kinetic energy and changing radiation qualities at various depths and within spread-out Bragg peaks of clinic interests.  相似文献   

A method for the dissemination of units from a standard neutron source with energy 14 MeV by means of activated detectors made of fluoroplastic and aluminum according to the reactions 19F(n, 2n)18F and 27Al(n, α)24Na is described.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a neutron detector with boron trifluoride proportional tubes embedded in a polyethylene moderator was simulated with a Monte Carlo program. A moderator structure where the detector had uniform sensitivity for neutrons from 2 to 14 MeV was determined by simulation. A counter was built based on the simulation results. The counter's efficiencies were calibrated with an Am–Be source and an accelerator that served as a D–D and D–T neutron source. Experimental neutron efficiencies of these sources are approximately uniform. The simulated model was validated by the consistent results between the calculated and experimental data.  相似文献   

The experimental characterization of the neutron fields produced as parasitic effect in medical accelerators is assuming an increased importance for either the patient protection or the facility design aspects. Medical accelerators are diverse in terms of particle type (electrons or hadrons) and energy, but the radiation fields around them have in common (provided that a given threshold energy is reached) the presence of neutrons with energy span over several orders of magnitude. Due to the large variability of neutron energy, field or dosimetry measurements in these workplaces are very complex, and in general, cannot be performed with ready-to-use commercial instruments.In spite of its poor energy resolution, the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS) is the only instrument able to simultaneously determine all spectral components in such workplaces. The energy range of this instrument is limited to E<20 MeV if only polyethylene spheres are used, but can be extended to hundreds of MeV by including metal-loaded spheres (extended range BSS, indicated with ERBSS).With the aim of providing useful data to the scientific community involved in neutron measurements at hadron therapy facilities, an ERBSS experiment was carried out at the Centro di AdroTerapia e Applicazioni Nucleari Avanzate (CATANA) of INFN—LNS (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud), where a proton beam routinely used for ophthalmic cancer treatments is available. The 62 MeV beam was directed towards a PMMA phantom, simulating the patient, and two neutron measurement points were established at 0° and 90° with respect to the beam-line. Here the ERBSS of UAB (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona—Grup de Física de les Radiacions) and INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare—Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati) were exposed to characterize the “forward” and “sideward” proton-induced neutron fields. The use of two ERBSS characterized by different set of spheres, central detectors, and independently established and calibrated, is important for guaranteeing the robustness of the measured spectra and estimating their overall uncertainties.  相似文献   

Rotating Spectrometer (ROSPEC) is a neutron spectrometer designed to measure neutron energy distributions, and provide accurate neutron dosimetry. It is a completely self-contained unit and measures neutron energy via recoiling protons in gas proportional counters. Each of the four original gas counters is dedicated to a particular neutron energy range dictated by sensitivity to gamma rays at the low energy end of the spectrum and by proton collisions with the counter walls at the high energy end. Introduced originally in 1992, ROSPEC has a proven operational record with a program of continued upgrades. The operating range of the original ROSPEC spans 50 keV-4.5 MeV. The range of the ROSPEC has now been extended down to include epithermal and thermal neutrons by adding two 2 in. (3)He counters. Also, an optional simple scintillation spectrometer was designed to extend the upper limit of ROSPEC up to 18 MeV.  相似文献   

In current radiotherapy, neutrons are produced in a photonuclear reaction when incident photon energy is higher than the threshold. In the present study, a method of discriminating the neutron component was investigated using an imaging plate (IP) in the neutron-gamma-ray mixed field. Two types of IP were used: a conventional IP for beta- and gamma rays, and an IP doped with Gd for detecting neutrons. IPs were irradiated in the mixed field, and the photo-stimulated luminescence (PSL) intensity of the thermal neutron component was discriminated using an expression proposed herein. The PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was proportional to thermal neutron fluence. When additional irradiation of photons was added to constant neutron irradiation, the PSL intensity of the thermal neutron component was not affected. The uncertainty of PSL intensities was approximately 11.4 %. This method provides a simple and effective means of discriminating the neutron component in a mixed field.  相似文献   

The photon contribution to ambient dose equivalent in several wide-spectrum reference neutrons fields of the Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety were measured using a Geiger-Müller counter. For the investigated fields, the ratio of photon to neutron ambient dose equivalent ranged between 0.03 and 0.20. The results show that the Geiger-Müller tube is a versatile instrument for dosimetry in mixed photon-neutron fields if sufficient information for the calculation of corrections is available.  相似文献   

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