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Writing and drawing produced by children 28-53 months old were compared. Israeli and Dutch preschoolers were asked to draw and write, to classify their products as drawing and writing, and to decide what they had drawn or written. Israeli and Dutch mothers classified the products. Scores on a scale for writing composed of graphic, "writing-like," and symbolic schemes showed improvement with age. Recognition of drawings as drawings preceded recognition of writings as writings. Scores on writing and drawing were substantially correlated, even with age partialed out, suggesting (a) that when children start drawing objects referentially, they write by drawing "print" and (b) that progress in object drawing involves progress in drawing print, so that their writing becomes more writing-like. Children unable to communicate meaning by writing spontaneously resort to drawing-like devices, indicating the primacy of drawing as a representational-communicative system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A dynamic interactive theory of person construal is proposed. It assumes that the perception of other people is accomplished by a dynamical system involving continuous interaction between social categories, stereotypes, high-level cognitive states, and the low-level processing of facial, vocal, and bodily cues. This system permits lower-level sensory perception and higher-order social cognition to dynamically coordinate across multiple interactive levels of processing to give rise to stable person construals. A recurrent connectionist model of this system is described, which accounts for major findings on (a) partial parallel activation and dynamic competition in categorization and stereotyping, (b) top-down influences of high-level cognitive states and stereotype activations on categorization, (c) bottom-up category interactions due to shared perceptual features, and (d) contextual and cross-modal effects on categorization. The system's probabilistic and continuously evolving activation states permit multiple construals to be flexibly active in parallel. These activation states are also able to be tightly yoked to ongoing changes in external perceptual cues and to ongoing changes in high-level cognitive states. The implications of a rapidly adaptive, dynamic, and interactive person construal system are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

传统的拉拔模具库配模过程存在过度依赖人工操作和经验、信息更新难度大、配模效率低等问题,本文设计和开发了一套面向企业模具库的智能化信息管理系统。此系统运用了先进的 Spring Boot、Vue 和Hibernate 技术框架,用户对 Vue 编写的前端界面进行操作,前端界面嵌入拉拔算法,后端 Spring Boot 架构实现信息接收请求并处理,处理值反馈到前端与用户交互,并通过 Hibernate 技术将模具信息封装、更新完保存到数据库。此外,通过外模和游芯管理模块、配模工作台模块、借模登记表和归还登记表四个主要模块实现以上架构设计。实践证明,该系统的界面友好、运行稳定,能有效提高拉拔模具库管理效率,保证了铜管生产质量。  相似文献   

The visual system rapidly extracts information about objects from the cluttered natural environment. In 5 experiments, the authors quantified the influence of orientation and semantics on the classification speed of objects in natural scenes, particularly with regard to object-context interactions. Natural scene photographs were presented in an object-discrimination task and pattern masked with various scene-to-mask stimulus-onset asynchronies (SOAs). Full psychometric functions and reaction times (RTs) were measured. The authors found that (a) rotating the full scenes increased threshold SOA at intermediate rotation angles but not for inversion; (b) rotating object or context degraded classification performance in a similar manner; (c) semantically congruent contexts had negligible facilitatory effects on object classification compared with meaningless baseline contexts with a matching contrast structure, but incongruent contexts severely degraded performance; (d) any object-context incongruence (orientation or semantic) increased RTs at longer SOAs, indicating dependent processing of object and context; and (e) facilitatory effects of context emerged only when the context shortly preceded the object. The authors conclude that the effects of natural scene context on object classification are primarily inhibitory and discuss possible reasons. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined patterns of facilitation under forward-masked priming conditions across 3 list contexts (Experiments 1-3) that varied with respect to properties of filler trials--(a) mixed (morphological, orthographic, semantic), (b) identity, and (c) semantic--but held the relatedness proportion constant (75%). Facilitation for targets that were related morphologically to their prime occurred regardless of filler context, but facilitation for semantically related pairs occurred only in the context of identity and semantic fillers. Facilitation was absent for orthographically similar prime-target pairs in all 3 filler contexts when matching numbers of orthographically similar word-word and word-nonword prime-target pairs rendered orthographic similarity uninformative with respect to lexicality of the target. Enhanced semantic and morphological facilitation in the context of identity and semantic relative to mixed fillers support a semantically attuned, as contrasted with a purely form-based, account of early morphological processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated qualitative and quantitative production of sentences produced by 113 writers aged 10–13 yrs for justifying points of views. Eight different production contexts were constructed from the modalities of 3 factors (familiarity with the topic, acceptance of the to be defended thesis and consensual opinion), such as they appear for example in sentences like "eating candies is good because …" or "going on a trip is not good, because …". Results show that from 10 yrs of age children were able to justify whichever point of view and its opposite by referring to specific information which are largely shared. However, the number and the nature of the arguments varied as a function of contexts. Children write more arguments when they have to defend a view which conforms a consensual opinion, and they diversify their arguments by supporting points of views which do not conform a consensual perspective. The lack of practice with the activity constitutes in both cases a favorable condition. Within the framework of developing aids for school training and argumentative writing, findings show that it is possible to use with non-expert writers either contexts which favor quantitative production or contexts which bring to a qualitative diversification of arguments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Each relationship has its own personality. Almost immediately after a social interaction begins, verbal and nonverbal behaviors become synchronized. Even in asocial contexts, individuals tend to produce utterances that match the grammatical structure of sentences they have recently heard or read. Three projects explore language style matching (LSM) in everyday writing tasks and professional writing. LSM is the relative use of 9 function word categories (e.g., articles, personal pronouns) between any 2 texts. In the first project, 2 samples totaling 1,744 college students answered 4 essay questions written in very different styles. Students automatically matched the language style of the target questions. Overall, the LSM metric was internally consistent and reliable across writing tasks. Women, participants of higher socioeconomic status, and students who earned higher test grades matched with targets more than others did. In the second project, 74 participants completed cliffhanger excerpts from popular fiction. Judges' ratings of excerpt–response similarity were related to content matching but not function word matching, as indexed by LSM. Further, participants were not able to intentionally increase style or content matching. In the final project, an archival study tracked the professional writing and personal correspondence of 3 pairs of famous writers across their relationships. Language matching in poetry and letters reflected fluctuations in the relationships of 3 couples: Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning, and Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. Implications for using LSM as an implicit marker of social engagement and influence are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Listening to relatively intense tones at one frequency and weak tones at another makes the latter relatively louder. The auditory system's relative response to low-frequency (f?) and high-frequency (f?) tones depends on the separation between f? and f?. When f? and f? differ little, loudness matches change little with shifts in mean sound pressure levels (SPLs) at each frequency; but when f? and f? differ more, matches change markedly, showing how the auditory system "recalibrates" its responses to f? and f?. The magnitude of recalibration and its frequency bandwidth also depend to a modest degree on the range of SPLs, their mean level, and the experimental paradigm. The representation of loudness reflects the processing and recalibration of multidimensional peripheral inputs within a higher level, context-sensitive (adaptation-like) mechanism. Other perceptual modalities show evidence of analogous mechanisms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore in a Taiwanese sample the factor structure of an aphasia test battery composed of parts of several standardized aphasia tests. A secondary goal was to assess effects of normal aging on the obtained factors. The sample was 120 healthy Taiwanese adults, ranging in age from 30 to 78 years. Principal-components analysis of the aphasia test battery revealed 5 factors: verbal comprehension, effortful writing, word production, automatized writing, and visuomotor coordination skills. Because the latter 2 factors have common psychological features, they can be combined and reinterpreted as a factor on the mechanics of writing. Further data analysis with factor scores shows that aging unfavorably influences verbal comprehension, effortful writing processing, and word production functions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments demonstrated that children and adults, when asked to represent vision schematically, have a bias to draw arrows pointing away from the eye and toward a visual referent, avoiding the response of drawing arrows to indicate visual input. The outward bias was stronger than in previous studies involving other responses and means of representation. In the present study, the outward bias was also more evident when participants were asked to draw rather than choose, in writing, between visual input and output. Conditions designed to counteract the drawing bias had weak effects, at best. The results (a) point to a possible explanation for extramission interpretations of vision, (b) generally indicate that different means of representing a scientific process can influence beliefs, and (c) have significance for education. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Theories of perceptual transparency have typically been developed within the context of a physical model that generates the percept of transparency (F. Metelli's episcotister model, 1974b). Here 2 fundamental questions are investigated: (a) When does the visual system initiate the percept of one surface seen through another? (b) How does it assign surface properties to a transparent layer? Results reveal systematic deviations from the predictions of Metelli's model, both for initiating image decomposition into multiple surfaces and for assigning surface attributes. Specifically, results demonstrate that the visual system uses Michelson contrast as a critical image variable to initiate percepts of transparency and to assign transmittance to transparent surfaces. Findings are discussed in relation to previous theories of transparency, lightness, brightness, and contrast-contrast. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How does context affect basic processes of sensory integration and the implicit psychophysical scales that underlie those processes? Five experiments examined how stimulus range and response regression determine characteristics of (1) psychophysical scales for loudness and (2) 3 kinds of intensity summation (binaural loudness summation, summation of loudness between tones widely spaced in frequency, and temporal loudness summation). Context affected the overt loudness scales in that smaller power-function exponents characterized larger vs smaller range of stimulation and characterized magnitude estimation vs magnitude production. More important, however, context simultaneously affected the degree of loudness integration as measured in terms of matching stimulus levels. Thus, stimulus range and scaling procedure influence not only overt response scales but measures of underlying intensity processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Despite substantial progress in the development and identification of psychosocial evidence-based treatments (EBTs) in mental health, there is minimal empirical guidance for selecting an optimal set of EBTs maximally applicable and generalizable to a chosen service sample. Relevance mapping is a proposed methodology that addresses this problem through structured comparison of client characteristics in a service sample to participant characteristics from studies of EBTs. Method: The authors demonstrate the feasibility of relevance mapping using data from 1,781 youths in a statewide mental health system and a study data set including 437 randomized clinical trials. Relevance mapping (a) reveals who is “coverable” by any EBT, under different definitions of matches between study participants and clients, and (b) identifies minimum sets of treatments needed to serve maximum numbers of clients, across different levels of analysis for defining treatment operations. Results: In the illustration sample, all problems targeted by the study data set review were fully coverable when matching only required clients to have the same problem as EBT study participants. At the other extreme, when matching also required age, gender, ethnicity, and setting, the percentage of noncoverable youths increased to 86% in this sample. Two minimal sets of only 8 EBTs were identified that, when added to the one EBT already in place in that system, covered 100% of coverable youths when matching required problem, age, and gender. Conclusions: This methodology offers promise for the empirically guided selection and coordination of EBTs, thereby addressing one aspect of the gap between knowledge and practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

随着多头拉连续退火铜细线加工方式的广泛应用,对生产稳定性提出了更高的要求。多头拉连续退火设备在生产过程中出现断线、氧化等问题时,将直接影响设备的生产效率,增加员工劳动强度。根据生产实际要求,一方面从拉丝模具、乳液、拉丝操作等方面分析断线原因,提出了解决断线的有效措施;另一方面从铜线氧化现象查找影响铜线线表的因素,并通过烧炖液的配比和维护、操作的日常规范等手段,提高了铜线的防氧化能力。  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of writing about the benefits of an interpersonal transgression on forgiveness. Participants (N = 304) were randomly assigned to one of three 20-min writing tasks in which they wrote about either (a) traumatic features of the most recent interpersonal transgression they had suffered, (b) personal benefits resulting from the transgression, or (c) a control topic that was unrelated to the transgression. Participants in the benefit-finding condition became more forgiving toward their transgressors than did those in the other 2 conditions, who did not differ from each other. In part, the benefit-finding condition appeared to facilitate forgiveness by encouraging participants to engage in cognitive processing as they wrote their essays. Results suggest that benefit finding may be a unique and useful addition to efforts to help people forgive interpersonal transgressions through structured interventions. The Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory-18-Item Version (TRIM-18) is appended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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