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OBJECTIVE: The aim was to examine the effects of alterations in intracellular pH and inorganic phosphate concentration (known to influence myofilament kinetics and to change rapidly during hypoxia) on cell contraction, relaxation, and the Ca2+ transient in normoxic and hypoxic myocytes. METHODS: Single adult rat ventricular myocytes were electrically stimulated (0.2 Hz) and cell length (photodiode array), intracellular Ca2+ (indo-1 fluorescence), or intracellular pH (SNARF-1 fluorescence) measured. Hypoxia was induced in a special open chamber in which a laminar layer of argon prevented the back diffusion of atmospheric oxygen. RESULTS: Electrically stimulated contraction was preserved during exposure to hypoxia. At reoxygenation 10 minutes later the time from the stimulus to the peak of contraction (TPK) increased by 30(SEM 9)% and the time from the peak of contraction to 50% recovery of cell length (RT50) increased by 59(13)% relative to prehypoxic values (n = 8). These changes were not accompanied by a change in the kinetics of the Ca2+ transient. pHi fell from a baseline of 7.33(0.04) to 7.25(0.03) during hypoxia and then overshot to 7.44(0.03) at reoxygenation (n = 5). Since an intracellular alkalosis can slow myofilament relaxation, proton extrusion routes were blocked to examine posthypoxic relaxation in the absence of an alkalosis. Despite inhibition of the pHi overshoot, posthypoxic relaxation remained impaired. Intracellular inorganic phosphate levels were manipulated in two protocols (2-deoxyglucose to "trap" phosphate and Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane to buffer phosphate) and both TPK and RT50 increased in normoxic cells. Having established that these two interventions, which would be expected to decrease intracellular inorganic phosphate, result in a slowing of relaxation, myocytes were first phosphate loaded (exposed to 5.0 mM phosphate) and then made hypoxic and reoxygenated after 10 min to blunt the expected fall in phosphate accompanying reoxygenation. This led to a reduction in the slowing of contraction and relaxation following reoxygenation [TPK increased by 7(5)% and RT50 by 17(9)%, n = 8; p < 0.05 v cells studied in control buffer]. CONCLUSIONS: Impaired posthypoxic relaxation is not the result of changes in pHi but is attenuated by phosphate loading of cells and may be due to a rapid decrease in intracellular phosphate accompanying the resynthesis of high energy phosphates at reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Various strategies to improve the therapeutic index of anticancer agents aim at inducing, by stimulation of aerobic glycolysis, temporary pH differences between malignant and normal tissues which can be exploited to activate cytotoxic agents selectively in tumors. We have investigated whether the pH reduction induced by glucose, the "drug" commonly used to increase lactic acid production in malignant tissues, can be augmented by pharmacological manipulation of tumor cell glycolysis. At normal plasma glucose concentration (6 +/- 1 mM), inorganic phosphate, a modifier of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase activity, had no effect on pH in two transplanted rat tumors and a human tumor xenograft line (average pH, 6.80; range, 6.65-6.95). When plasma glucose concentration was raised to 30 +/- 3 mM by i.v. infusion of glucose, inorganic phosphate reduced the pH in those tumors which exhibited only a moderate pH response to glucose per se (mean pH, 6.60) to an average value of 6.20 (range, 6.05-6.35). In the same setting, insulin, continuously infused at dose rates up to 600 milliunits/kg body weight/min, did not result in acidification of tumor tissue exceeding that induced by glucose alone. However, the H+ ion activity in both transplanted rat tumors and human tumor xenografts was increased by m-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiration. For example, at normoglycemia, MIBG reduced the mean pH in a human mesothelioma xenograft from 6.90 to 6.70. This pH value was further reduced to 6.20 by simultaneous low-dose i.v. glucose infusion (plasma glucose concentration, 14 +/- 3 mM). The acidosis induced by inorganic phosphate and MIBG was tumor specific. Normal tissues of tumor-bearing hosts were only marginally sensitive to hyperphosphatemia or MIBG administration. These results indicate that the known stimulatory effect of exogenous glucose on lactic acid production in malignant tumors in vivo can be further accentuated or, as in the case of MIBG, partially replaced by pharmacological manipulation of aerobic glycolysis using clinically established drugs.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the biomicroscopic, light microscopic, and electron microscopic effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) exposure on the outcome of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). METHODS: A total of 24 pigmented rabbits were used in the study. One eye of 16 rabbits received a 193-nm, 45-micron deep (-5.0 diopter) excimer laser PRK. Twenty-one days after PRK, eight of the laser-treated eyes were exposed to 100 mJ/cm2 UV-B (280-315 nm) UV radiation by placing the rabbits in a standard clinically used dermatologic chamber for 7 minutes. Eight PRK-treated rabbits received no further treatment. The remaining eight non-PRK-treated rabbits received 100 mJ/cm2 UV-B only to one eye. Subepithelial haze was assessed before and after UV irradiation. Corneal morphology was assessed 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks after UV-B exposure, using light microscopic and transmission electron microscopic (TEM) techniques. RESULTS: Untreated eyes exposed to 100 mJ/cm2 UV-B only exhibited photokeratitis for 2 days, but showed no haze and were normal histologically at all intervals. The PRK-treated UV-B irradiated eyes exhibited a significant increase of stromal haze compared to eyes receiving PRK alone. Histologically, the main difference between the UV-B irradiated and nonirradiated post-PRK eyes was the presence of anterior stromal extracellular vacuolization in the UV-B-exposed eyes. The vacuolated foci were confined to the PRK treatment area and showed increased keratocyte density and disorganization of normal collagen lamellae. TEM showed activated keratocytes containing abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi zones, and extracellular vacuoles filled with amorphous material. The haze and morphologic changes showed a tendency to incomplete resolution over the period of 16 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The UV-B exposure during post-PRK stromal healing exacerbates and prolongs the stromal healing response and is manifest biomicroscopically by augmentation of subepithelial haze. The findings suggest that excessive ocular UV-B exposure should be avoided during the period of post-PRK stromal repair and that UV-B may modulate the response of tissues to 193-nm excimer laser and perhaps other laser energy in general.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the mechanism (s) responsible for regulation of ammonia production and excretion in the rabbit. The normally low ammonia excretion rate during acute metabolic acidosis was stimulated acutely and increased approximately ninefold after infusion of sodium phosphate, but remained low if sodium sulphate or Tris was substituted for phosphate. Ammonia production was increased significantly by phosphate in rabbit renal cortex slices and in isolated renal cortex mitochondria. In isolated mitochondria, mersalyl, an inhibitor of both the phosphate/hydroxyl and phosphate/dicarboxylate mitochondrial carriers, inhibited the phosphate-induced stimulation, indicating that phosphate must enter the mitochondrion for stimulation. A malate/phosphate exchange seemed to be involved since N-ethylmaleimide, an inhibitor of the phosphate/hydroxyl exchange, did not inhibit phosphate-stimulated ammonia production, whereas there was inhibition by 2-n-butylmalonate, a competitive inhibitor of the dicarboxylate carrier. Phosphate itself was not essential since malonate stimulated ammoniagenesis in the absence of added phosphate. Similarly, citrate stimulated ammoniagenesis in isolated mitochondria in the absence of inorganic phosphate provided that it induced L-malate exit on the citrate transporter associated with inhibition of citrate oxidation by fluoroacetate. Similar results were also seen in mitochondria from rat renal cortex. A fall in mitochondrial alpha-ketoglutarate level resulted in an increase in ammonia production. This could be achieved directly with malonate or indirectly via L-malate exit. Simultaneous measurements of glutamate showed that the rate of ammonia production was reciprocally related to the glutamate content. We conclude that phosphate-induced stimulation of ammoniagenesis in the rabbit kidney is mediated by removal of glutamate, the feedback inhibitor of phosphate-dependent glutaminase. Glutamate removal is linked to phosphate-induced dicarboxylate exit across the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

A-band and Z-line/I-band lattice spacings were measured by small-angle X-ray diffraction from relaxed and isometrically-contracting whole frog sartorius muscles with lattice spacings reduced or swollen by changing the osmolarity of the bathing solution. A-band spacing increased by approximately 3% upon isometric contraction at reduced lattice spacings (245-356 mOsm) and decreased by approximately 1% at swollen spacings (172 mOsm), similarly to the behaviour of skinned muscles upon changing from the relaxed state to rigor. The Z/I lattice underwent a significant lattice expansion (3-8%) upon isometric contraction at all osmolarities, in qualitative agreement (but quantitative disagreement) with results from electron microscopy on mammalian skeletal muscle. Lattice areas calculated for the Z/I and A-band lattices indicate a barrel-shaped sarcomere in the resting state, which may provide a partial explanation for how longitudinal forces produced in the A-band can produce a radial expansive force in the Z-line during contraction. The radial component of cross-bridge stiffness was calculated from the A-band data for contracting muscle, using a lattice stability model incorporating structural, osmotic and electrostatic forces. The calculations gave a radial cross-bridge stiffness during contraction of about 9 x 10(5) N m-2, and outward radial force per thick filament in normal Ringer's solution of 6 x 10(-9) N, corresponding to a radial force per cross-bridge of 10(-11) N.  相似文献   

Investigated the physiological effects of flotation (in a sensory isolation tank) on relaxation, using 28 18–35 yr old volunteers. After pretesting, Ss spent 10 45-min relaxation sessions in the tank with intervals ranging from 3 to 5 days. A control group of 14 age-matched Ss followed the same procedure in a control room. All Ss were told to rehearse relaxation techniques for a minimum of 25 min. Results indicate that the flotation condition significantly reduced blood pressure and increased subjective relaxation. It is suggested that such a relaxation program may be used to treat essential hypertension. The possibility of a cognitive physiological feedback loop is discussed, as is the neurophysiologic locus of effects of sensory deprivation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The behavior of cultured rat bone cells growing on modified polyethylene terephthalate (mPET), glass, and machinable ceramic substrates containing enstatite (MgO, SiO2) and glass (CaO-P2O5-Al2O3) was studied. Cell attachment was measured directly on the substrates using an image analysis system. Electron microscopy observations and the MTT test revealed that cells are able to spread and proliferate on the material surface, keeping a healthy ultrastructure on all materials tested in the present study. After having colonized the surface of the materials, as shown by immunocytochemistry, the cells synthesize an osteoid-like matrix composed of osteocalcin, type I collagen, and fibronectin fibrils. The titration of alkaline phosphatase activity showed that the cells grown on the ceramic exhibit a greater osteogenic activity than those grown on controls (glass and mPET). This osteogenic activity results in a mineralization of the extracellular matrix in cultures on ceramic or plastic whereas only few calcium phosphate crystallite traces were revealed by Von Kossa staining on glass. Enstatite constitutes, therefore, an environment compatible with in vitro bone cell life.  相似文献   

1. Simultaneous recordings of tension and [Ca2+]i during NANC-mediated relaxation were made in the rat anococcygeus muscle under various conditions. 2. In muscles precontracted with guanethidine, nitrergic stimulations at 2 Hz produced a rapid decrease in both the tension and [Ca2+]i. 3. The nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro-L-Arginine (NOLA, 100 mumol/L) completely abolished the decreases in the [Ca2+]i and force response of the NANC-mediated relaxation. 4. Noradrenergic-mediated contractions elicited by electrical field stimulation were potentiated by the addition of NOLA. In the absence of NOLA, the motor responses were larger in magnitude at 10 Hz stimulation than at 2 Hz. After NOLA, both the force response and the associated rise in [Ca2+]i were substantially increased in comparison to the control stimulations. Proportionately the potentiation of the 2 Hz response was of a far greater magnitude than that of the 10 Hz response. 5. The guanylate cyclase inhibitor methylene blue (10 mumol/L), partially inhibited the force and [Ca2+]i response of the NANC relaxation. 6. Following exposure of the muscles to the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase inhibitor, cyclopiazonic acid, (10 mumol/L) the responses to NANC stimulation were inhibited. The attenuated relaxation response displayed a bi-phasic timecourse and the Ca2+ change in comparison to that of the control was markedly smaller. In some cases, a relaxation was observed with no detectable change in the [Ca2+]i. 7. The results suggest that part of the relaxation response observed with NANC-mediated relaxation in the rat anococcygeus is dependent on Ca2+ sequestration into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. However, other Ca2+ lowering mechanisms and possible Ca2+ independent mechanisms may also contribute to the NANC relaxation response.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim was to determine the mechanisms, particularly bicarbonate dependent mechanisms, of intracellular pH (pHi) recovery from various acidoses in vascular smooth muscle and to explore the ATP dependency of the respective mechanisms. METHODS: Experiments were conducted in rat aortic smooth muscle cells grown in primary culture and synchronised in a non-growing state by serum deprivation. pHi was measured in cells loaded with the pH sensitive fluorescent dye, 2',7'-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). Chloride efflux was studied by determination of the rate of efflux of 36Cl over 5 min. Cells were ATP depleted by substitution of glucose in the medium by 2-deoxyglucose. Acidoses were induced by CO2 influx and NH3 efflux techniques. RESULTS: In the absence of HCO3-, the 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA) sensitive Na+/H+ exchange accounted for the recovery from intracellular acidosis. In the presence of HCO3- ions the response to respiratory acidosis (CO2 influx) was predominantly via activation of Na+/H+ exchange and an EIPA sensitive Na+ and HCO3- dependent mechanism. A 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2',2'-sulphonic acids (SITS) sensitive Na+ dependent Cl-/HCO3- mechanism which is also sensitive to EIPA makes a small contribution during severe intracellular acidosis. Under such conditions HCO3- dependent mechanisms contributed about 40% to the overall pHi regulating capacity of vascular smooth muscle cells. However, under conditions which deplete cellular ATP these pHi regulating mechanisms account for virtually all of theses cells' ability to regulate pHi. The inability of Na+/H+ exchange to participate in pHi recovery under these circumstances, reduces the ability of vascular smooth muscle cells to recover pHi by approximately 50-60%. Chloride efflux was approximately linear over 5 min and was increased by 36% in the presence of extracellular HCO3-. Efflux in the presence of HCO3- was inhibited similarly by both SITS and EIPA. CONCLUSIONS: At least three transporters contribute to recovery from acidosis in vascular smooth muscle: Na+/H+ exchange, an Na(+)-HCO3- cotransporter which is sensitive to EIPA, and an Na+ dependent HCO3-/Cl- exchange sensitive to both SITS and EIPA. The Na(+)-HCO3- cotransporter appears to be similar to that described in human vascular smooth muscle. When the Na+/H+ exchanger is attenuated by cellular ATP depletion, the alternative pathways, particularly the Na(+)-HCO3- cotransporter, ensure that substantial pHi regulatory capacity is maintained.  相似文献   

Recently a number of lower-affinity fluorescent Ca2+ indicators have become available with principal absorbance bands at visible wavelengths. This article evaluates these indicators, as well as two shorter wavelength indicators, mag-fura-5 and mag-indo-1, for their suitability as rapid Ca2+ indicators in frog skeletal muscle fibers. With three lower-affinity tricarboxylate indicators (mag-fura-5, mag-indo-1, and magnesium orange), the change in fluorescence in response to an action potential (delta F) appeared to track the myoplasmic Ca2+ transient (delta[Ca2+]) without delay. With three lower-affinity tetracarboxylate indicators (BTC, calcium-orange-5N, and calcium-green-5N) and one tricarboxylate indicator (magnesium green), delta F responded to delta[Ca2+] with a small delay. Unfortunately, with the tetracarboxylate indicators, other problems were detected that appear to limit their usefulness as reliable Ca2+ indicators. Surprisingly, delta F from mag-fura-red, another tricarboxylate indicator, was biphasic (with 480 nm excitation), a feature that also greatly limits its usefulness. With several of the indicators, estimates were obtained for the myoplasmic value of KD, Ca (the indicator's dissociation constant for Ca2+) and found to be elevated severalfold in comparison with the value measured in a simple salt solution. These and other problems related to the quantitative use of Ca2+ indicators in the intracellular environment are evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

Peptic ulcer disease is overrepresented among smokers; they also heal slowly and relapse frequently. Data are accumulating that smoking is detrimental to gastroduodenal mucosal cytoprotection. This study was designed to assess acute effects of high-dose intragastric nicotine, as it has been shown that nicotine is accumulated in gastric juice when smoking. Seven healthy smokers were given nicotine base (6 mg) as tablets, which yielded very high intragastric concentrations and plasma levels comparable to those seen when smoking. In addition to nicotine analysis, concentration levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), phospholipase A2 (PLA2), and phospholipid classes were measured before and after nicotine administration. Nicotine inhibited PGE2 levels by 27-81%, whereas PLA2 and total phospholipids were unaffected. Lysolecithin, a degradation product of the main constituent of gastric surfactant, ie, phosphatidylcholine, tended to increase, but this was not reflected in intragastric phosphatidylcholine levels. In conclusion, nicotine acutely inhibits PGE2 and may thus impair mucosal cytoprotection. The present findings do not imply a central role of surface-active phospholipids with respect to nicotine and gastric cytoprotection, but the chronic effects of nicotine remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to predict and estimate the PO2 and T-dependent molal solubility, (caq)I, of oxygen in aqueous solutions containing an inorganic solute, I. It is based on the concept that (caq)I may be obtained by multiplying the thermodynamics-based PO2 and T-dependent equation for the molal solubility of oxygen in pure water, caq, by a factor (φ-factor) that is <1 and which is functionally dependent only upon the molal concentration, CI, of I. The CI-dependent φ-functions of 21 different I's have been determined from an analysis of published solubility data. Subsequently, the (caq)I/PO2 ratios for several solutions, containing single and multiple I, were predicted for a wide range of T by combining the corresponding φ-function with the thermodynamics-based equation for pure water. The predicted ratios were compared with available published data relating to effects of T. Satisfactory agreement was found between the predicted and experimental behavior, thereby validating the general principles of the model. It is anticipated that the model will be provide a foundation for predicting and estimating oxygen solubility under widely different hydrometallurgy leaching conditions, ranging from bio-leaching processes to oxygen pressure leaching.  相似文献   

The conformational stability (delta G) of muscle acylphosphatase, a small alpha/beta globular protein, has been determined as a function of temperature, urea concentration, and pH. A combination of thermally induced and urea-induced unfolding, monitored by far-UV circular dichroism, was used to define the conformational stability over a wide range of temperature. Through analysis of all these data, the heat capacity change upon unfolding (delta Cp) could be estimated, allowing the determination of the temperature dependence of the main thermodynamic functions (delta G, delta H, delta S). Thermal unfolding in the presence of urea made it possible to extend such thermodynamic analysis to examine these parameters as a function of urea concentration. The results indicate that acylphosphatase is a relatively unstable protein with a delta G(H2O) of 22 +/- 1 kJ mol-1 at pH 7 and 25 degrees C. The midpoints of both thermal and chemical denaturation are also relatively low. Urea denaturation curves over the pH range 2-12 have allowed the pH dependence of delta G to be determined and indicate that the maximum stability of the protein occurs near pH 5.5. While the dependence of delta G on urea (the m value) does not vary with temperature, a significant increase has been found at low pH values, suggesting that the overall dimensions of the unfolded state are significantly affected by the number of charges within the polypeptide chain. The comparison of these data with those from other small proteins indicates that the pattern of conformational stability is defined by individual sequences and not by the overall structural fold.  相似文献   

The effects of phosphate and acylphosphonate phosphate transporter inhibitors were investigated on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3)-induced Ca2+ release from cerebellar microsomes. Although neither changing the phosphate concentration nor adding phosphate transporter inhibitors affected the percentage (extent) of InsP3-induced Ca2+ release, they did, however, affect the transient kinetics of this process. InsP3-induced Ca2+ release is biphasic in nature, arising from two populations of InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores which either release Ca2+ in a fast or slow fashion. Altering phosphate concentration or adding phosphate transporter inhibitors appeared to affect only the fast phase component. We therefore suggest that these observations could be explained by the possibility that phosphate transporters only reside in the fast releasing InsP3-sensitive Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about how substance abuse treatment facilitates positive outcomes. This study examined the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of action of affiliation with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) after treatment. Patients (N?=?100) in intensive 12-step substance abuse treatment were assessed during treatment and at 1- and 6-month follow-ups. Results indicated that increased affiliation with AA predicted better outcomes. The effects of AA affiliation were mediated by a set of common change factors. Affiliation with AA after treatment was related to maintenance of self-efficacy and motivation, as well as to increased active coping efforts. These processes, in turn, were significant predictors of outcome. Findings help to illustrate the value of embedding a test of explanatory models in an evaluation study. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We prepared large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) with three different stratum corneum lipid compositions: constant amounts of ceramides (55 wt %) and fatty acids (15%) with varying amounts of cholesterol sulfate (0-15%) and cholesterol (15-30%). One of the compositions served as a model for normal stratum corneum, while the second one served as a model for recessive X-linked ichthyosis stratum corneum. The third composition consisted of no cholesterol sulfate. Intervesicle lipid interactions in these LUVs were monitored by fluorescence methods for content leakage, and contents mixing at pH 9, in the absence and presence of Ca2+, and at pH 6. Since the content leakage and contents mixing assays were originally developed for phospholipid vesicles, we characterized the probe binding and the probe quenching properties for stratum corneum LUV systems, and modified the assays slightly accordingly. The time-dependent fluorescence intensity changes in the probe-containing LUVs at pH 9 and 6 and in response to the addition of calcium were monitored. Our results demonstrated that all three types of LUVs were relatively stable at pH 9. Addition of Ca2+ or decreasing the pH to 6 activated intervesicle lipid mixing followed by vesicle fusion and lysis. We found that the LUVs with no cholesterol sulfate and 30% cholesterol exhibited a more extensive Ca2+- or low-pH-activated intervesicle lipid interaction than LUVs with either 5% cholesterol sulfate and 25% cholesterol or 15% cholesterol sulfate and 15% cholesterol. These results suggest that fusogenic agents such as Ca2+ and H+ act to neutralize the fatty acids in the lipid bilayer of stratum corneum vesicles. The inclusion of 5-15% cholesterol sulfate helps to prevent the collapse of fused vesicles into other structures.  相似文献   

On the internal or parietal surface of the left ventricle in man and in mammals are two papillary muscles, which are almost identical and well developed. In man, these muscles are known as the m. papillaris parietalis anterior sinister and the m. papillaris parietalis posterior dexter, in mammals, the m. papillaris parietalis cranialis sinister and caudalis dexter, or, in shorter form, mm. papillaris parietalis sinister et dexter. In the right ventricle in man, there are two papillary parietal muscles: the mm. papillares anteriores et posteriores. On the septum of this ventricle there is, as in mammals, a muscle called the m. papillaris septalis medialis seu subarteriosus. Beside it are one or several smaller muscles, varying from one individual to another: the mm. papillares septales accessorii seu parvi. In the right ventricle of the mammalian heart is found, in addition to the m. parietalis septalis subarteriosus, already mentioned, a m. papillaris caudalis, more or less well developed in some species and, in the majority of mammals, the m. papillaris septalis cranials, which is always well developed. In certain mammals, there is, in rare cases, a m. papillaris septomarginalis seu parietalis. It may be said, in conclusion, that, in a large number of mammals, there is, on the internal surface of the external wall of the right ventricle, a reasonably well developed m. papillaris parietalis.  相似文献   

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