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28年前有一部叫做“孙悟空奇遇小丁丁”的国产动画片,不知道现在还有多少人能够记起。故事以小丁丁用一把象征科学技术的金钥匙,与手持金箍棒的孙悟空进行PK而展开。在整个故事快要结束的时候,孙悟空为了显示自己的本领,变出了一棵硕大的桃树,树上所结出的桃子令人垂涎欲滴。但小丁丁则用金钥匙瞬间培育出一颗神奇的果树,大到香蕉、菠萝,小到樱桃、葡萄,  相似文献   

CPC 《电脑迷》2012,(5):71
《海盗宝藏3》是由17Vee体感游戏平台在新年推出的一款IOS横版闯关大作。故事采取触屏操作,以四名海盗发现了一个锁了很多把锁的宝箱和一张宝箱钥匙地点分布地图为开端,讲述了海盗们横跨四季,穿越昼夜的惊险冒险故事。玩家在顺利闯关的同时,还需要找到地图中所有的钥匙,才能打开宝箱。海盗们的冒险故事从此开始。  相似文献   

旅行是不少人壹爱的休闲娱乐方式,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,在外旅行的人也越来越多。在移动互联时代,随着智能手机的普及,出门旅行时在手机上安装一款旅行APP成了出发之前必做的一件事,即便是说走就走的旅行也是如此。可是,说走就走的旅行通常是独自上路,一个人虽然无拘无束,但难免有些孤独寂寞,到哪里去找同路的小伙伴呢?一款名叫《行者》的APR以及它背后的团队可以帮你找。  相似文献   

专家简介刘良华:男,1968年1月出生,湖北洪湖人。华南师范大学教科院博士、副教授。主要研究领域为“教育哲学”、“教育研究方法”。近年来致力于基础教育改革研究,倡导“教育叙事研究”。出版学术专著三部:《校本行动研究》、《校本教学研究》、《有效教学论》。发表文章60余篇。  相似文献   

A formal approach is presented for proving temporal properties of dynamic systems. Its main advantage is that it can be used to prove properties of hybrid systems, i.e. those whose state contains both discrete and continuous parameters. In contrast, most current temporal reasoning techniques are restricted either to purely discrete systems or to purely continuous systems. Our approach is based upon a new modeling technique called DMOD. A DMOD model of a system defines the causality relation between events in the system, using definite clauses, i.e. logic programs. Thereby, the problem of reasoning about hybrid systems is reduced to one of reasoning about the behavior of definite clauses. As these possess a simple proof theory, reasoning is substantially simplified.  相似文献   

逆向工程在汽车产品设计中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先介绍了知识反求技术以及在汽车工业中的应用,然后介绍了在汽车设计过程中采用逆向工程必须的硬件和软件条件。阐述了逆向工程在汽车产品设计中实施的步骤和必须注意的问题。  相似文献   

Nowadays ??live?? content, such as weblog, wikipedia, and news, is ubiquitous in the Internet. Providing users with relevant content in a timely manner becomes a challenging problem. Differing from Web search technologies and RSS feeds/reader applications, this paper envisions a personalized full-text content filtering and dissemination system in a highly distributed environment such as a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) based Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network. Users subscribe to their interested content by specifying input keywords and thresholds as filters. Then, content is disseminated to those users having interest in it. In the literature, full-text document publishing in DHTs has suffered for a long time from the high cost of forwarding a document to home nodes of all distinct terms. It is aggravated by the fact that a document contains a large number of distinct terms (typically tens or thousands of terms per document). In this paper, we propose a set of novel techniques to overcome such a high forwarding cost by carefully selecting a very small number of meaningful terms (or key features) among candidate terms inside each document. Next, to reduce the average hop count per forwarding, we further prune irrelevant documents during the forwarding path. Experiments based on two real query logs and two real data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution.  相似文献   

Hypothetical reasoning about actions is the activity of preevaluating the effect of performing actions in a changing domain; this reasoning underlies applications of knowledge representation, such as planning and explanation generation. Action effects are often specified in the language of situation calculus, introduced by McCarthy and Hayes in 1969. More recently, the event calculus has been defined to describe actual actions, i.e., those that have occurred in the past, and their effects on the domain. Altough the two formalisms share the basic ontology of atomic actions and fluents, situation calculus cannot represent actual actions while event calculus cannot represent hypotethical actions. In this article, the language and the axioms of event calculus are extended to allow representing and reasoning about hypothetical actions, performed either at the present time or in the past, altough counterfactuals are not supported. Both event calculus and its extension are defined as logic programs so that theories are readily adaptable for Prolog query interpretation. For a reasonably large class of theories and queries, Prolog interpretation is shown to be sound and complete w.r.t. the main semantics for logic programs.  相似文献   

从拥挤的交通中走出来,向高耸的写字楼跑进去,许多的电话们所熟悉的生活.也是一座钢筋铁骨的城市里每一天都在上演的情景剧,让每一个灵魂受困于办公室的小格子当中。  相似文献   

基于Elman型回归神经网络的空燃配比优化控制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
良好的空燃配比是提高燃烧效率、实现最佳燃 烧的重要保证.本文针对如何获得最佳空燃配比这一许多企业尚未解决的难题,提出了一种 基于Elman型回归神经网络的空燃配比优化控制方案.该方案应用某一加热炉的燃烧控制中 ,取得了良好的控制效果,具有较高的推广价值.  相似文献   

在这个昙花一现的设计界内.真正意义上的优雅值得一说。来自东京的泷泽直己(Naoki Takizawa)以品牌设计师的身份在三宅一生(Issey Miyake)旗下工作了数十年.最近创建了自己的品牌。他26年前加盟三宅一生设计事务所.1993年接手负责三宅生男装.并与七年后掌舵设计女装。和三宅一生一起共事.泷泽直己耳濡目染了三宅一生式的设计.技巧性地利用高级布料,  相似文献   

一种可越过管内凹形障碍的双驱动多轮移动载体的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文在轮式和履带式管内行走机构的基础上,提出了一种新的管内行走机构,它利用两个电机分别驱动均布在机架上的与管内壁用弹簧力封闭的两组6个行进轮,从周向来看,3组驱动轮分别均布在3组平行四边形机构上,巧妙的把轮式和履带式管内行走机构结合在一起,使机构具有很好的越障能力.该机构紧凑,驱动效率高,工作可靠,尤其适用于管内壁有内凹障碍的管内环境.  相似文献   

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