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目前,市场上已可小量买到廉价的1微米栅砷化镓肖特基势垒场效应晶体管V244,这种封装好的器件在8千兆赫下增益为11分贝,噪声系数为4分贝。研制工作已基本完成,最近已提交生产部门生产。特别是研制出一种X波段应用的低接触电阻、低寄生参数的新型带线管壳,以及在 相似文献
魏荣治 《固体电子学研究与进展》1983,(2)
<正>为了满足整机应用要求,南京固体器件研究所正在研制一种X-波段固体电压控制振荡器(称简VCO)所需的微波砷化镓场效应振荡管.这种器件与通常放大用的GaAs MESFET存在如下一些差异:1.宽带VCO不但要求器件具有远高于所需振荡频率的微波性能,以实现在宽带覆盖范围 相似文献
本文介绍 X 波段砷化镓功率场效应晶体管(FET)的测量结果。这些器件是用简单的平面工艺制作的。多个单元并联的器件在9千兆赫下,输出功率大于1瓦,增益大于4分贝。4分贝增益下,最大输出功率在9千兆赫下为1.78瓦,在8千兆赫下为2.5瓦。8千兆赫下,器件功率附加效率为46%。 相似文献
最近,硅双极型晶体管在4千兆赫下输出功率可达5瓦。当前,由富士通研究所研制成功的,1974年在IEDM上发表过的大功率GaAsF-ET达到了8千兆赫下输出1.6瓦,10千兆赫下输出0.7瓦。这是最先突破X波段1瓦的三端固体器件。 1970年以后,小信号低噪声放大用GaAsFET获得了发展。以此为前提,人们想,用GaAs能不能制作大功率FET,成了1972年IMS(国际微波技术会议)上讨论的议题。但是,由于GaAs的热导率小,加上制造方法不成熟,真心实意要搞的人是极少的。那时,富士通已生产2千兆赫5瓦的硅双极型高频大功率晶体管(网状发射极),因而对硅双极管、硅场效应管、砷化镓双极管、砷化镓场效应晶体管、固体行波器件等 相似文献
本文叙述了用砷化镓肖特基势垒栅场效应晶体管设计两级宽带X波段放大器。扼要地说明了放大器和内部器件的性能。放大器在6.5~12千兆赫频率范围有9.5±1分贝的增益。输入和输出的电压驻波比不超过2.5:1。所述实际宽带匹配网络使放大器总的噪声系数减到最小,并在整个设计带宽内保持恒定的增益,同时计算了寄生、损耗和不均匀电容的影响。 相似文献
一、引言近年来GaAs工艺有了很大的进展,目前已能制造栅长小于1微米的GaAs肖特基势垒场效应晶体管(MESFET)。这种器件的最高振荡频率要比双极晶体管高得多。本文只对中描述的MESFET的特性进行简单的讨论,并对低温下MESFET的噪声特性给予评价。其目的是为了证明,GaAs MESVET非常适合于X和Ku波段的宽带运用。利用测得的器件的散射参数,宽带放大器已用比较简便的互作用计算机程序完成了设计。这种计算表明,用简单的匹配网络可得到具有较大带宽的MESFET放大器。除了此最佳的微波双极晶体管有更好的噪声和增益特性之外, 相似文献
本报告中所用符号的定义 S.F.M. 扫描电子显微镜(以下简称扫描电镜) 直流参数 I_(DSS)——饱和漏电流;源接地,在5伏漏偏压下常规测量。 g_m——跨导;漏电流随栅偏压的变化。 V_p——夹断电压;将漏电流减小到10微安所需的栅压。 V_(f1),V_(f2)——分别为0.1毫安和1毫安电流时的栅二极管正向电压。 BV_(RGS)——反偏压栅二极管击穿电压;将源和漏短路在一起,在10微 相似文献
提出了砷化镓金属-半导体场效应晶体管(GaAs MESFET)混频器的信号特性的理论分析和实验证明。描述了估计某些混频器参数的实验技术。在X波段下,对砷化镓MESFET混频器进行的实验表明:它有良好的噪声性能,并可得到大的动态范围以及变频增益。在7.8千兆赫下测得变频增益大于6分贝。在8千兆赫下,平衡的MESFET混频器的噪声系数低至7.4分贝,输出三阶互调截止点为+18分贝毫瓦。 相似文献
在12~20千兆赫的频率范围内研究了肖特基势垒栅砷化镓场效应晶体管。最大有用功率增益的测量表明,在这个范围内,器件具有比预期更高的增益。用带线技术制成了输出功率为4毫瓦的17千兆赫振荡器和功率增益为16分贝的四级14.9千兆赫放大器。 相似文献
本文介绍了反馈型介质振荡器,给出了介质谐振器尺寸的计算方法.该振荡器在8GHz下,温度范围-40~+70℃,频率稳定度为0.6ppm/℃,输出功率16~30mW,在+55℃下连续工作8 小时,频率漂移小于50kHz,推频系数小于10kHz/V,在偏离载频100kHz的FM噪声为-110dBc/Hz.该振荡器在无人值守中继系统中作上下变频器的本振源,使用良好.这类振荡器在10.7GHz下,温度范围-40~+55℃,频率稳定度0.6ppm/℃,输出功率大于5mW. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1979,27(5):391-394
GaAs FET oscillators with flip-chip mounted devices in a novel common-drain configuration are described. It is shown how common-drain oscillators can achieve low thermal resistance while at the same time minimizing parasitics. It is also shown that broad-band negative resistances can be generated without external feedback elements. This paper also reports experimental results where output powers of 390 mW with 22-percent efficiency at 8.5 GHz and 230 mW with 26-percent efficiency at 11.7 GHz have been demonstrated. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1979,27(7):629-632
Injection-locked oscillators (ILO's) using GaAs FET's are described experimentally and theoretically, showing that a wider locking range can be obtained with transmission-type ILO's than with reffection-type, assuming Q/sub ext/, to the load to be the same in each case. Frequency-stabilized FET oscillators are discused in terms of the advantages gained by terminating the gate port by a 50-Omega load. Functioning as a self-oscillating mixer, the circuit showed a 9.5-dB (DSB) noise figure. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1981,29(4):293-304
A systematic procedure is described for designing fixed-frequency and voltage-tuned GaAs FET oscillators for optimum large-signal performance. The approach is based on the use of a large-signal FET model for de-embedding dominant device nonlinearities, leading to a method which is both accurate and simple to apply. The viability of the technique is demonstrated with a 17-GHz fixed-frequency oscillator and a 7.4 to 13.1-GHz varactor-tuned oscillator. Design considerations as well measured performance characteristics are discussed in detail. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1979,27(5):386-391
Transmission-type injection-locked oscillators equipped with both signal-input and power-output ports are studied. A comparison with traditional reflection-type injection-locked oscillators, in which a signal is injected into the output port of the oscillator, is presented theoretically. It is shown that the Iocking range of transmission types always differs from the reflection type by a factor of G/sub s// G/sub p/ where G/sub s/ represents the maximum stable gain of the two-port oscillator and G/sub p/ represents the square root of the output power ratio of the two ports. Experiments on common-source injection-locked oscillators using GaAs FET chips are described and show that, with transmission types, a 1.8 times wider Iocking range can be obtained than with reflection types. Furthermore, investigation of FM noise for both types of injection revealed lower off-carrier FM noise for transmission types than reflection types, even though the Iocking gain of the transmission types was kept the same as that of reflection types. Thus overall features of transmission-type injection locking were found to be advantageous for FM signal amplification even though there is a minimal power loss at the signal input port. 相似文献
袁克勤 《固体电子学研究与进展》1981,(2)
本文介绍了一种宽带FET VCO的S参数设计理论和方法.根据这一理论和方法,用我所的低噪声小功率FET和电调变容管,研制成了X波段变容营调谐的GaAs FBT混合集成VCO.在8GHz频段内,获得500MHz的电调范围,在整个电调范围内,输出功率大于10mW,功率起伏小于0.5dB,直流转换效率大于10%,噪声性能与普通速调管相当,而且体积小,重量轻,成本低. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1975,23(8):661-667
The circuit construction and design of an X-band oscillator with a GaAs Schottky-gate FET have been studied. The oscillation characteristics including stability and noise performance have been examined in order to clarify the position of a GaAs FET as a microwave solid-state oscillator device. The experiments have revealed that 1) the GaAs FET simultaneously possesses the most desirable features of both Gunn and IMPATT oscillators, i.e., low bias voltage operation and fairly high efficiency, and 2) it is situated between Gunn and GaAs IMPATT oscillators with respect to noise properties. The results indicate that the GaAs FET oscillator will soon be joining the family of microwave solid-state oscillators as a promising new member. 相似文献
本文对介质谐振器稳频GaAs FET谐波振荡器进行了研究;分析了场效应管中的非线性源产生二次谐波分量的情况,利用两种不同类型的场效应管设计制作了两个介质谐振器稳频场效应管谐波振荡器,在22GHz和18GHz分别得到了5.4mW和305mW的二次谐波功率。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1983,83(4):358-361
A dielectric resonator may be placed at the input of an active two-port device (FET or microwave transistor) yielding a stable frequency source. For this input configuration, a large signal design is presented. The method is simple, and power output prevision is also reached. The practical results obtained with an X-band medium-power oscillator are presented. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1979,27(1):8-14
Design techniques that have been succcessfully used on the development of X-band GaAs FET YIG-tuned oscillators are presented. The design procedure results in the maximization of the oscillator bandwidth. Small-signal device characterization is utilized and accurately predicts the oscillator bandwidths. Spurious oscillation conditions are discussed, and design techniques are prescribed for eliminating spurious oscillations in both the active circuit and resonator. The operation of an experimental oscillator verifies the design procedure. 相似文献